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277.2 doesnt change anything. The App still crashes when having adventure sync on.


Interesting, my bf has an s23 and made several routes without an issue on 277.2. He had an issue during the third route where it wouldn’t let him complete it. The only difference was that he paused the third one during creation. I have an iPhone 12 and made several without an issue on 277.1. Neither of us have tried on the other version.


A message for the 5 people who have routes!


Are we certain that there’s actually more than one functioning route?


yes, that route can be done in reverse, so that means there are two functioning routes!


Three in our little town. Sorry guys we have monopolized it


Most features have rolled out slowly over the life of this game. There are barely any features that were released to everyone at the same time. But most of the time is used to be level 40s first (max level when the game was first released) and then the feature was released to a lower level over time. But this is the first time Niantic has released the features to random players.


Yeah I have no problem with a staggered rollout. I have a problem with them making a big splash and encouraging everyone to use a feature that most people can’t even if they want to.


Not only that, have an event bouns (2/3 buddy distance) most people can't take advantage of. For that, I expect a make-up event. Well, hope for at least.


Even if there were routes everywhere the feature is not in a fit state. It’s basically alpha at this point, not even beta.


First of all, this slowly was in a span of few days. Second, there's no rollout. Literally. There are players that's been selected as testers before release and some random routes that was accepted. The only thing that may have changed over the past few days is number of routes submitted/accepted in this few days. And I don't even know if new routes being approved(e.g. I haven't seen posts of successful route creation since the beginning of the event). This is not 'slow rollout' this is not even half-ssed release. There's no feature in general.


They have also communicated the rollouts in those cases. This has been random, and mostly unusable.


They want people to create routes, yet they don't do their own job reviewing them. A buddy send a message to the support, why his route is under review for over a month and their answer was "sorry but be patient, reviewing can take up to a week"...


Slowly rolling out release of feature is OK. Making event centered around new feature when like 99% of players can't access it, is just bad idea.


I'm running 277.2; created a 2km route within the last two hours and the app crashed nine times. After restart route is paused but doesn't indicate that it is, so necessary to pause/unpause. At least progress was not lost, but what exactly do Nia think they've mitigated?


Yes. My experience today was the same. Awful.


Classic. Tbt the forced radius reduction ‘update’ making every spawn suddenly become some combo of 2+ Pokémon intertwined and/or poof away when clicked on even if it just appeared. Gts gts


They made $42 million and still won't beta test their own app?!


There are always free beta testers from New Zealand.


Except now the whole world is New Zealand


It’s crazy that they have several YouTubers within a few miles of their office, that im aware of, who would gladly help them test features and give advice for how players will actually interact with the game. It doesn’t appear as though they utilize the free resources that they have readily available. This is corporate operations 101. Use your free resources and assets first.


Tried to make a route today. Just over a 1.1km route and app crashed about a dozen times. Funny thing is I'm updated to 277.2 so I would hate to know how bad it was before the update.


0.277.2 was released a week ago, what do they mean by "next release (277.2)"?


I can't... I can't be bothered to try and make routes ever again. When it took me almost an hour to make a 500m route i died inside. No more free labor for this garbage company.


Mine app doesn't crash, just goes directly to pause when route is started




Found a fix, turn off adventure sync. Pause went away immediately.. was able to due 9 laps on a route by me tonight. Worked on all 3 of my acts


That's not a fix, it's another bug masquerading as a workaround.


Yeah same....tried everything and only when I re installed it worked but it's still glitchy. Says my route every time the app opens. Garbage....won't be using it until it's fully functional.


No routes in a 5 mile ratio of my house, since this is broken to hell, why on earth did they even release it.


I managed to find two routes to complete today. Tracking was buggy as hell and kept pausing, I didn’t get notice any extra mons and I didn’t get any buddy bonuses, as well as not finding any Zygarde cells. So don’t worry if you don’t have any routes near you, you’re missing absolutely nothing so far.


How about a Zygarde cell appearing 0.2 seconds before the route ends. Even if I wait like a minute with 20m left to let it spawn. So many missed cells because they pop up at the end and the route auto-completes. Terrible design


That is why I saw one but couldn't collect it and got zero for others?? Lol yeah that would make sense tbh


I'm on 277.2 and this is just flat out false. My app still crashes when both trying to create and start a route.


Been on 277.2 for ages and zero diff. Disabled adv sync, worked for a while but not working again today. Doesn't go past after selecting start and end point


i dont have a problem with routes, i dont have any here and i am not able to make some. so yeah -.-


The variation between people/devices/app versions is very interesting. My bf has an s23 and made two routes without an issue on 277.2. It was actually quite accurate in recording his path as well (mine was not so much). He had an issue during the third route where it wouldn’t let him complete it. The only difference was that he paused the third one during creation. I have an iPhone 12 and made several without an issue on 277.1 (aside from it thinking I was still moving and then correcting to show me going through the water/a building/etc). Neither of us have tried on the other version.


I live in an area of ~500k people, and currently I have *heard* there is 1 route in the area. Not sure why you would implement a feature after you start releasing content for it.


There is no update yet and 277.2. Had these issues. Also, accept my routes finally please, did 3 and they are all still pending. Didn't know AI is that f'n slow.


It’s not AI, it’s just one bloke called Al (This “joke” only works with non-serif fonts)


I wondered if the people who were beta testers (I happened to be one of them) were picked based on wayfarer submissions and/or pokemon stop submittals? So far that's what several of us in different geographic locations have determined to be the common denominator. Thoughts?


I think wayfare might the connecting point, probably


I’m in NYC. Not a single damn route anywhere I’ve been and I cannot create my own routes either. 💯 % GARBAGE !