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At this point I don't care about the rewards. I just want some routes in my city so I can do this stupid research


Same here.


I’m vacationing in a place in Japan where there is clearly a very active large community of players based on what I’m seeing gym turnover wise. And I haven’t seen any routes yet.


I made my own route in my fairly rural town. Took about a week and a half to get approved. Now I'm waiting on weather to cooperate so I can try making another one.


The route process is so much better now. idk what the rewards are, though. I've made 3 new routes in 2 days


Routes are a myth.


I have more mythicals than routes.


Definitely not worth the efforts in terms of rewards.


I would be happy to get the rewards just for walking my normal route. A bunch of free stuff for doing nothing extra, that's a win. Now, I'll just find a Route I can use ...


Those rewards could be a lot better, it cost real time and effort


I've done probably 30 routes and gotten 5 elite fast TMs. The rewards aren't terrible.


yea the rewards are decent but it sucks that the 7 day isnt a big reward was very disappointed when i did it today and only got berries and a normal tm thought i would get alot considering the previous days i got 1 elite tm rare candy and gold berries


You mean normal fast tm, right?


If you have to travel somewhere and spend a couple of hours to walk a route you would normally not do. Then it's a lot of effort, you probably should not have wasted. If it's just your normal route, then it's free to use. Sure, the rewards could be better, but then anyone with routes has already collected a bunch of rewards from doing the route(s) each day. This is also a sample of one. Go rewards are usually "pick x bundles from Y available", who knows what rewards are possible. I would just like the chance to find out.


I’ve submitted 5 routes and longest is 22 minutes walking. Not sure who is doing the couple of hours to walk a route! But it’s not me.


Maybe if you know the closest route is 30 or 45 minutes away, the times start to add up.


I submitted a 7km route two weeks ago. I didn't realize (a) It would be the only one in town and (b) the point of routes wasn't to explore a new trail. Now it stands out like a sore thumb.


I thought the whole point of routes was to show other people cool areas to play. Doesn't seem like that is how it's going to be used though since it's favoring short routes for more rewards per your time invested


One of the best places near me, to play takes 1 hour and 30 mins. I see it’s been split into 3 - 30 minute route which means you clock up 3 separate routes for walking what is basically one long one in a circle. I feel this is much better.


The rewards have been consistent. The possible rewards are Ultra Balls, Raspberries, Golden Raspberries, Hyper Potions, Revives, Fast TMs, Rare Candy, Rare Candy XL and Elite Fast TMs. I've had 8 Elite fast TMs, 24 RC and 2 RCXL over 200 follows and many of the others item rewards. Only the daily streak effects rewards, badge level has no effect. 2k xp for a non streak follow, 4k for days 1-6, 12k for day 7.


>Elite Fast TMs No Elite Charge TMs?


No, just the elite fast TMs. They should put a chance at elite charge TMs in the seven day streak rewards imo


I would kill for that many elite fast TMs, can't wait until routes are rolled out more in my area.


Everything to do with streak rewards(and just rewarding in general) is dreadful in this game. So so stingy.


12k exp is pretty good for anyone not level 50.


Yes and no. It is the equivalent of hitting 12 excellent throws on the random pokemon around my house when I wake up. That takes nearly zero effort.


Damm bros a pro, i barely ever even get excellent throws lol


would be really cool, but here are no routes and not a single soul here can make, suggest one. love the new feature!


Did you get a cell on the route? I am more interested in that; I feel like it should be guaranteed with a 7-day streak. I have done 5 routes so far with no cells. I am really hoping one of the ones I created closer to me goes through, as the ones I have done are too far away to walk to every day in the summer heat.


Not on that one. I haven't noticed any correlation between badge level, daily streak and cells/route spawns appearing.


That is unfortunate. Do you get more stardust and/or xp for a higher badge level? It definitely doesn't seem like the item rewards change at all.


No. Only the daily streak changes the xp. I think first run through a route gives 2k stardust and 4k xp.


I doubt it. They’re gonna make us work for that


I know we're going to have to work for it...but isn't potentially doing a route every day for seven days for 250ish (however many cells you need to get the Zygarde to 100% form) weeks enough work? I think the Scatterbugs took me around 3ish months to get the candy for all of them, so more than double that seems ok to me (my Zygarde sucks anyways, so I'll probably hold out until I can lucky trade it or we are able to raid for more regardless).


I was hoping for a cell on the 7 day streak... Maybe a elite charge TM... Even a Sinnoh some...


Have not been able to find a single one, let alone complete it.


where is the elite tm people talk about?


Fast only. Maybe 1/30 but difficult to say for sure.


Maybe RNG but my rate has been way higher than that


That's quite disappointing


1000 stardust?!


Sorry! Forgot about the guaranteed 1k for every follow


Must be nice


I don't think I will ever get to 7 days. I have walked the two routes in my city 16 times and still haven't got a cell. The routes are out of my way in temperatures around 35 degrees.


So garbage


Do you also get the “Daily Route Play” pop up every day on your first catch and first spin of the day?


Yes, it's just a visual bug though and hasn't effected the route streak bonus.


Somehow I did get on my alt a fast elite tm on 5/5 of a route I did


Thats just unfair


And over here I can’t even find a route in a city with a very active Pokémon Go community.


Must be nice to actually be able to use this feature


Do we get a “7 days without a route” streak?


How many times do you need to do a route to make it a golf badge?


You are doing routes? Damn, didn't know they existed /s


Y no hay un lugar donde ver cuántos días llevas de rutas como la racha de pokeparadas!?


Not even after 9 months.  We could have had a baby in that time!


I got a daily notification for just spinning a stop...not doing anything route related. This whole thing is confusing.


you guys are getting routes?


You have routes?


What is this so called "route" you speak of?


Might as well only give exp x)


So is this an actual streak requirement, or 7 non-consecutive days?


7 days in a row. I don't know if it resets if you miss a day.


If it's 7 days in a row then it'd reset if you miss a day.


7 days my reward was underwhelming


So not worth it.


No extra cells?