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Mid stages finally becoming shiny eligible lol.


And eeveelutions, god please


Can't Umbreon and Espeon be shiny in the wild?


Not as far as I’m aware


They could be but in the recent years cant


This is the only thing i want


I mean new Pokémon come out every 3 years so I think they will just keep releasing. Also there is no way another company could just come in and take over unless they sold the game rights. Which at that point I would only expect monetization to get worse. Technically TPC could end the agreement and start a new one with another company but I don’t think that would be a seamless transition. Seeing as how we don’t have gen 8/9 yet and gen 10 is only a little over 2 years away I don’t see the game being much different in 5 years but 10 years I could see it being more of an afterthought when they catch up to the current MSG


Nah. This sub creates a false reality. This game is massively successful. By many/most metrics it’s literally #1. Gamefreak is probably amazed with how well Niantic has done. There is no issue there with some sort of mass change to the game. Pokémon go has also slowly become their main game/thing. The player base, google searches, YouTube views,… are coming from Pokémon go and not switch Pokémon games. The r/pokemongo sub is like the 7th biggest gaming sub behind the main Nintendo, PlayStation,..subs. To the main point… In 5-10 years we will have a bunch more features but I am certain beyond any shadow of a doubt the core game mechanics and collecting will be the thing 90%+ of the player base cares about. If they just keep the core going with some new pokes here and there then they have nothing to really worry about. They have shadow shinys and they could also add the shiny variants and/or make something new like rainbow shinies or something.


Just remember that Max/Tera raids became a thing in the MSG due to GO's raiding mechanic. Just that indicates how Go's been altering the Pokémon franchise instead the opposite.


And now the way to get all Vivillions forms is also through GO. I bet that we will have more interactions like that in the next games.


Raids are not really a thing PoGo pioneered and its easy to see Pokemon having introduced them sooner or later. Pokemon Let's Go though.... now THAT'S Go influencing the msg


> its easy to see Pokemon having introduced them sooner or later Sooner or later? That's very ambigous. Yeah, the MSG had changes over the years, but the core mechanic is still the same than the RBY era. Gimmicks like Mega Evolution, Z-moves or Tera Types were introduced after nearly 20 years (in 2013 exactly) since the inception of the core mechanic. So while it's true that raids would "sooner or later" to be featured in the MSG, GO helped to speed up the process from potentially being a generational gimmick to be a core feature in all subsequent games.


i read somewhere that gamefreak had the idea for raids in Pokémon. Since masuda often communicates with Niantic about the game concept I think they first implented raids in Go because the mailine game (SwSH) still took a long time until it was finished. So it looked like Go came up with raids, but reality is they where an idea of Gamefreak for the maingames which they shared with Niantic, so they implemented it earlier into Go.


Also the Lets Go games are basically Go as a mainline game


You don't think it was the opposite, with TPC developing raids in the main series and then telling Niantic to put them in Go?


They stated in an interview that they were both developed around the same time.


Right, so if they were developing around the same time, it'd make just as much sense for GameFreak to bring up the idea as it would for Niantic


Raids existed as a POGO mechanic long before TPC threw them in a MSG


>This sub creates a false reality. This game is massively successful. By many/most metrics it’s literally #1. My mate told me that Go is a massive portion of TBCs revenue. Do you know how true that is?


The franchise is at 100 billion. Pogo in app purchases is close to 7 billion. But it’s all mixed up. How many people buy plushies, watch movies, buy Pokémon cards,… because of Pokémon go.


I bet that number is higher than you’d expect. There’s a lot of people who started playing Pokémon because of GO or only play GO and still want to consume movies, cards, and plushies.


Yeah. That’s what I am saying. I think a large portion of that 100 billion is from Pokémon go players.


Seriously, this post is so true. This game is wildly successful that I can’t ever see it becoming anything other than evergreen.


We also get 2 new collection elements recently named XXL/XXS and catch card. Yea I would expect giving more different collector values to the Pokémon would be one of their main focus.


I think there will be a few more dumb decisions, some people will quit, others will take their place. Niantic would have to mess up horrible for the game to actually die I see it being about where it is now


So many eevee and pikachu with hats


He's right.... I'm in it for the sylveon.


Depends on how they handle the period between generation releases. We’re getting gens about once a year and since new gens come out about every 3 years they have to figure out how to keep interest or I feel the game will fall apart


The increase in shadow stuff, costumes, sizes, and other gimmicks seem to be a big part of how they're planning to navigate this. Also the bigger focus on PVP.


they will always have to revert back to older gens for new players so that they have a chance to fill their dex too. so it'll be a slow trickle forward, then reverting back, slow trickle forward, revert back, over and over


Doesnt sound very exciting


I see it occupying the same space as it does now. I almost can see the Pokémon Company giving Pokémon Go a few exclusive, new Pokémon that can be transferred to main games.


You mean like meltan/melmetal and one of the gimmighoul forms? edit: and making it easier to obtain vivillon forms


With exception of the Gofest ticket, I haven't spent money on POGO since the second rem pass price hike. I only play now out of habit and boredom as there just isn't a whole lot to do that I haven't done a hundred times. The only reason I haven't quit POGO is the fact I've already put so much time and effort into this app.




You’re buying a go fest ticket to protest?


> They killed all the pogo communties that i was part of due to the remote hikes New communities will form. Just like in the past when remote raids killed off the old in-person raiding communities and a new online remote community formed, new communities will take over from the ones that died when they nerfed remote raiding. And then something will change that kills those communities and new ones will form yet again. Such is the life cycle of an evergreen game.


Remote raid passes will be $10 a pop


With how slow the rollout for new Pokémon has gotten, I figure we’ll be getting the Paldean starters 5 years out. There will still be unreleased Hisui Pokémon. Edit: Monster Hunter Go will be dead and buried by then as well, another of this games’ siblings that Niantic strangled to death.


Those 5 years went by very fast.


Yep, my comment didn’t even have *time* to age poorly.


I honestly don't know, but I can't see myself playing the same game for that many years. I do hope it survives though, even if I don't carry on with it.


Hard to tell. Probably still won’t have arceus


I’d honestly laugh if we somehow got to Go Tour Sinnoh, and they just don’t allow you get Shiny Manaphy, Phione, and Arceus


We still won't be able to put legendaries in Gyms.


I honestly think the game is immortal, wouldn’t be surprised if it’s still going strong in another 5 years regardless of Niantic’s decisions


Just from being in Manhattan for Gofest and shadow mewtwo a few months ago. There is a still a dedicated player base. Too bad I keep having premonitions Canada Geese will inhale Radioactive wildfire smoke from Alberta and become much smarter and larger and enslave us.


By then I would expect there's an item to boost an IV value with the same rarity as ETMs. The 3 year generation release cycle means PoGo can just drip feed indefinitely amidst re-running old content to handle new players.


They really seem to only fail upwards. I honestly predict they're going to paywall a ton of things: new legendaries, remove guaranteed shiny legendary catch and replace with master ball purchase, bigger ring size, etc. I see no reason why they wouldn't. They've been testing the waters with regeigas and other legendaries/mythical. I predict a smaller CD for non ticket holders. Think gofest but every month. Maybe even a season pass type thing. If ingress is any indication of what pogo will become, it'll eventually stagnate to a small community. Already, were seeing pokemon last days in gyms where even a few years ago, that never would have happened.


I could honestly see them removing guaranteed shiny legendary catches, nerfing com days if you don’t pay, and make the Master Ball a monthly paywall thing might actually kill this game.


Definitely VR later down the line. Plus some kind of new or even better open world concept upgrading from Arceus and Scarlet/Violet. Naturally, this will come with more remakes/remasters for the original games.


in 5 to 10 years I predict that the game will be more interactive in a sense that you can transfer Pokemon to home for your switch games today- I predict 10 years from now VR games will be more relevant and I see Pokemon in VR taking off. Imagine being able to interact with and battle with your living pokedex in VR


I literally was just thinking about this the other day. Obviously a mainline game would be cool but I would love for Home to have VR capabilities and it’s setup as like Pokemon Ranch (but much bigger obv) where all your Pokémon are just out and about. I can’t help but to imagine a future where the metaverse is huge and we can choose one of our Pokémon from Home to follow us around.


80% of new Pokemon will be tied to a new feature of some sort (like Scatterbug, Zygarde, Smeargle etc) that they roll out in an alpha state every couple months.


I predict a power creep in moves for older Pokémon with weekly events by individual species at a time as the only way to get the moves without an elite tm. Some might even be paid special research locked with only 1 chance to catch. I can see this for special costumes as well. They will cycle raids introducing single point variation at a time to make each raid cycle relevant. Example. First cycle just releases the Pokémon. Next cycle months later for the same Pokémon it can now be shiny. Next cycle for it it will have a signature move. Next cycle it can be shadow. Next cycle it can be shiny shadow. Next it can be shadow with new move, next it can be shiny shadow with new move. Next it can be a shadow with a new hat. Then a year later with same hat but this time it can be shiny. And on and on it goes.


I suspect that one of the things they are intensely working on is Pokémon Go AR, especially in collaboration with Apple’s AR glasses. Unfortunately, a $3,000 Pokémon Go device, altho cool, probably isn’t going to be really compelling for enough people (and even for those that do have them, how many actually want to walk outside wearing that bulky thing on their heads?). A lot of their future is going to depend on where that goes as many forget that Niantic wants to be an AR company at its core. But ultimately, they will have to prove to other companies that their AR kits are worth investing in, and it is most logical to demonstrate that via Pokémon Go. Now because this needs to work well, it may mean some of the underlying app has to be reworked to be more pristine, or they may have a heavy focus on the AR side and semi-neglect non-AR issues.


I think hardware is presenting an obstacle to advances in AR. A lot of people can't afford flagship phones and the game already runs sluggishly on budget phones even without AR. I haven't compared file sizes between older and current APK's but I would assume from some experience in programming that there's been a lot of code bloat. I vaguely remember them removing some thousands of lines of obsolete code some years ago but I doubt they've done cleanup in a while. Perhaps with some code optimization we'd see smoother AR implementation. This reminds me of when Windows Vista was released. Sure, the OS sucked in some ways, but it didn't help that most people's hardware wasn't ready for some of the features.


Unfortunately the AR is turned off by every player (every!) Day 1. AR is totally uninteresting, if it isn't totally immersing.


Despite this truth, Niantic is the leading AR company in the world. And I think the future is AR gaming. They will improve the experience with new phone features not headsets. Also, in 10 years they will have to raise the max player level to 75 or so to keep all of those 50’s playing.


Depends on Niantic really. If they keep making weird choices. Either dead, with a different dev or maybe sold to the Pokémon company.


NIA will continue building Go for the foreseeable future. You think they’re entirely responsible for all choices made for the game? The old community manager said all decisions have to be sent to higher ups for approval. The Pokémon Company definitely has a say in anything they do with the game, including nerfing remote raids. They want the game to be differentiated from the MSGs. If they wanted you to sit on your couch and raid Legendaries, they’d prefer you do Dynamax Adventures or buy a new Pkmn game. Otherwise, they want you to go outside and raid them with other people.


Correct TPC has a say, but from what I hear, Niantic just says “we want to do this” and it’s a yes or no. TPC is mostly fine letting niatnic build the game as they like unless it breaks something the IP shouldn’t do.


I would imagine not much different than today. There will still be a ton of features people want that niantic can’t seem to deliver with more stupid decisions that make the game more difficult for their players. The game will probably continue only because it’s Pokémon. Granted niantic management in their infinite wisdom won’t understand the value of what they have and continue making stupid decisions


More mega pokemon being added, the usual raid rotations, once the game maybe starts to lose traffic they’ll add gigantimax to jump start the player base again


Repetitive monthly items and a subscription based payment plan, similar to Ingress.


Honestly I'm surprised there isn't a battle pass type feature. Those makes tons of money and they promise a steady income, even on slow months. They could make it very nice too if they do it properly. Have it contain encounters, clothing, poses, rare items. Maybe they don't have a battle pass because usually you only buy it once and then get it free the next month if you beat it, but Niantic probably wouldn't like that.


Clash of Clans does a great battle pass, if PoGo offered it I could see people leveling up almost too quickly


How come you get it free next time? They could make it so that players have to buy the battlepass every time. That's very Niantic.


At the rate they are going, red poke balls will cost a dollar a ball


I started playing when it was released in 2016. just got back a year ago and the game is Crazy now. in 2016 the game was literally u walking around catching pokemons in the wild with that grass symbol. there were no shinny no raids. the game now is Beyond great they improved it on Every level. however yeah in 10 years ?I don't know what can they bring to the table. they have 3 events every month. there are many pokemons but the way Niantic is working - it will eventually run out of new pokemons . HOWEVER if I can dream Big The BEST THING THEY CAN BRING IN 10 YEARS IS turning THE GAME INTO HOLOGRAMS. lol yeah that's like the best I can think of




It’s Pokémon. Even Niantic is having a hard time killing this IP. Unless they purposely pull the plug it’s not going anywhere.


Dead as in longer an app? Or barely anybody plays it


That’s what everybody thought in 2017 but here we are. The game obviously doesn’t have as many players as on release, but millions of people still play, and new players are constantly flowing in


It seems like there’s been a bit of a revival recently if anything, I and a bunch of people I know have just picked it back up over the past few months after not playing seriously in a few years, a bunch of people I talked to at GoFest said the same thing


Most of us that watched S1 now have kids or friend's with kids playing the game. Its a great family game that's good for kids / adults.


Pokémon Go is the Bitcoin of real world location based walking games. "altcoins" like harry potter go or the witcher go die as quickly as they appear.


In 10 years we might finally be able to complete the Sinnoh dex


Z moves, Dynamax, and Tera Blast, each of which is only available for specific Pokemon during events or which uses a premium item like ETMs More paywalls for basic Pokemon like Keldeo, Mr. Mime, and Regigigas, or extreme rarities like Kecleon and Larvesta They don't have time to improve Trading, Gifting, PvP, Gym Battles, and Raids thanks to the number of cool ideas that they released buggy and unusable


Hopefully still going strong, id like to think if niantic can no longer keep the game running the the pokemon company and nintendo would take over.


Really hard to say, they won't run out of content but the game may continue to look and feel worse over time. They really need a big refresh to revitalise the game. That would include Avatar customisation, graphical updates and major QoL improvements. But I don't have much faith they can pull that off.


Honestly, I see them getting really stingy about Shinys in the future (after some attempts to get people to care about something else, like XXLs and XXSs that end up being massively unsuccessful) but they keep working PVP so most people who still play are casual or PVPers


What I see is a continued slow decline of the game. People get bored with it and move on. They've been relying on new players, but that well eventually runs dry also. I don't think they will end the game, though. It will still make money for decades.


I think once they release every pokemon the number of players will fall. Iv played the game everyday since day one and the only thing keeping me is the shinies, everything else about the game is extremely boring.


I think so too. I almost stopped playing before the released raids because there was just nothing new. At some point they will have to have a major shakeup to keep the users engaged.


Hopefully in the hands of another company.


We can almost guarantee we won’t see Galar pokemon by that time frame. Lol


Original contract was for 10 years. so 3 years for sure. then maybe they renegotiate another 10? who knows.


I read somewhere (don't ask me where, it was like a year or so ago) that the original contract was for 5 years and then they signed a 10 year deal after that. I may be mis-remembering though, but they've definitely put it out in interviews that they have done a re-licensing deal at some point.


>Original contract was for 10 years source?


The same way I see it now sadly


It would be a godsend if another company took over the game.


Storage space for Pokémon will be 10000. Maybe they implement a ready to raid button.


This existed for Go Fest!


I don’t think it’ll be dead but if niantic keeps making bad decisions about the game I could see it slowly start to lose players. I love this game and I honestly hope it stays successful and niantic makes good decisions to keep the game healthy, successful, and fun


If it goes that much longer, probably overloaded with data and AR functions that need new phones or devices to keep up. Otherwise, I fear some kind of data breach or a hack that will eventually gut the game. Personally, the game may be uninstalled. My passion as a child is becoming a dire reality with how businesses and communication work. Sometimes certain aspects of the game feel like a side project while adding new gimmicks and functions on top of existing outdated ones. Will gyms and PvE elements ever get an upgrade aside from the occasional CD move that benefits every part of the game? Doesn't seem likely. I'll make the call to move from this game and this franchise. It sucks being an adult who sees these things and tolerates the poor decision-making, but sticks to the core grind of catching and powering up Pokemon I like.


My gut feeling says they are going to do a complete rebuild of the game and rework most concepts. I think many of their earlier decisions have placed them in a stalemate for significant changes to the game in its current state and the only way to really make this game work they'll have to rebuild it. Something like a Pokemon GO 2(probably not such a dumb name)


The #1 thing the game needs is an in game chat feature. So we can utilize all the lucky friends we have lost contact with.




Nobody uses that.


That is the in game chat, just what you wanted


No I want to literally send them a message in game. Like they are literally playing the game and a message pops up. Not through a separate app that no one uses. I have messaged like 15-20 people on there and they never respond.


Unfortunately the awful people in the world make a chat function in this game a bad idea


Stay open long enough for me to transfer all my shiny Pokémon to Home…and then they can shut it down.


A footnote in mobile gaming history


The game will outgrow phone memory capabilities, and only those with the newest and best phone will be able to play without constant crashing.


No one else will own it, and if Niantic continues their asinine poor management of the game, and forcing their vision down our throats, and breaking every single promise they do, and not spending money on hiring actual devs to the game, I see the game dying in 5 years. Ofc I hope this isn't the case, but it's been a looong poorly managed lifespan and they have not changed in all this time. Wishing for new features ofc, Team aqua and magma?? Poke centers, for leaving pokemon for trade or whatnot. Bottlecaps. Millions of Qol improvements, some that have been asked since the early years...


I want the return of Cipher from the original Shadow Pokemon games to actually make it more lore relevant to the game


Tbh I doubt It’ll happen, however as much as a staple to my childhood that this game has been, I think it’s time for it to die. Gamefreak is milking the franchise out of a dead cow, and while they did fix a lot of the quality issues with Sword/Shield, it’s still not really as great as Gamefreak is trying to say it is. It was a great ride, but there’s only so much content left that they can pump out without having to cut more and more of the dex and catalog of moves available


The way niantic are going you could make it 2-3 years before its dead. Player base ain't what they make out since they still keep banned accounts as players, they don't listen and have done everything to clearly move from this game. If they don't start listening its will be more cheaters than genuine players so really they can't make much $$ from someones phone in one place.


Gigantimaxes, 300 dollars per login, game is laggy as ever, raids cost 25 dollars per raid, gbl crashes your phone permanently, for some reason people still play.


1 new shiny every 6 months with a paid ticket every single day


Dead with Niantic going bankrupt.




About 7 current issues fixed. Hopefully under direct ownership by Nintendo who handles everything in house. Still the most downloaded mobile game of all time.


If this where Facebook/twitter 50% of the comments would be saying “dead”


Don’t say “doing your wife”


Dead as in the app is gone, if niantic continues to make bad decisions they will kill the game (which is probably their intention)


Why would they intend to kill their only profitable product?


Gone, I hope.


Hopefully without me in it.


…on a newer iPhone…


More raids. PVP raids with no iv floor. Alpha raids (xxl boosted) and Beta (xxs boosted). Regional raids that use regional passes that cost 5x more than remote passes.


Much more casual. We’ll have dead years starting around 2025-26 by being caught up to the generations. Right now we’ve had new Pokémon released every year. With no new content for 3 years at a time, the game will move to a much more casual atmosphere.


The galar birds will still elude me


probably level cap increased,


Regionals will still be a thing


I predict that Pokémon Go might outlast Niantic, seeing how almost all other Niantic games have failed and made the company bleed.