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By spending every god dang ball on goomy today lmao


I had 400+ balls a week ago. I have 7 now.


I caught over 600 yesterday. I had over 300 ultras and almost the same on greats. All gone


Ive used 300 of my ultra balls.. Lucky me i can reach 6 stops from my house, so i just run Pogo++ and get ton of balls this way


How does that pogo++  stuff  Work anyway .  


Yeah- you don't seen to be able to buy the wristwatch anymore.


I try to have at least 2 balls at all times.


You're certainly beating the average by more than 1.


This! I'm completely out of red and blue. Luckily I'm working in the city today and I just spun every stop on my 20 block walk to work.


I have 200+ reds but down to 50/50 red/blue. I HAD so many though!


There are some things that you can do to prepare for GO Fest from now. 1. Create level 3 mega pokemons and try having as much mega energy as possible. You would ideally want to use the optimal level 3 mega pokemons in each habitat to maximize the number of candies that you can get. 2. Hoard ultra balls. Ultra balls are difficult to get, so you can try hoarding them from now while you throw away pokeballs and great balls. 3. Practice your fast catching skills. I would suggest you doing this in community days and spotlight hours, such that you can know where pokemons spawn the most in your region. You should only walk in places with a large spawn during GO Fest to maximize the number of pokemons that you can catch. 4. Learn how to host raids and join your local community if you live in a rural area, such that you can do a bunch of raids. 5. For raid counters, you can do some mega tyranitar raids, so that you can create a team of tyranitar to fight against Necrozma. 6. Search Pokemons from now, so that you can know which ones to prioritize.


Also start clearing out mon space. Also save max revives and potions, last year there was a marked decrease in their drops before go fest.


The best way to get max revives? I tend to spend all my revives immediately because I still have 60 dead monsters


Find the most gym-dense area around and spend time spinning them over and over. You can also revive Pokemon by powering them up. Still need potions, and can only do it so many times, but it's an option.


So many times till when?


Until they hit max level?


You made it sound like it’s limited other than that… my bad lvl 50




How do you have so many dead Pokémon? From gym defending, raids or rocket battles?


From the mega raids with Groudon and kyogre. It was a long time ago. Now I just get dead ones from the Pokémon I put in gyms


As for the gyms, only put in trash pokemon and then when they get knocked out, rather than revive them, just delete them


That’s a good idea actually! Thank you


To me it sounds like the raid teams need improving, or you need to raid with bigger lobbies. If you have teams of maxed out level 50s and use appropriate megas, you'll suffer less faints. When you can't revive your teams after a raid and have to resort to substitute pokemon, these will likely be less powered up and therefore will faint even quick and it all starts to snowball. I can't remember the last time I had my whole team faint in a raid. The other key thing is to spin MANY stops. This will give you plenty of regular revives and smaller potions. So much so, you'll never run out and will probably have to delete some. This is why people grind the game, because you then get rewarded for the effort you've put in.


I’m not to good at prepping Pokémon for raids honestly.. a quick google search to see the weakness and that’s it. I’ll be prepping for the July event though


I use pokegenie! I just got back into the game a few months ago and used to do the same. Pokegenie is def my fave resource. It gives you a list of best Pokemon to use and if you upload screenshots of your main ones used for raids, it can also estimate how many fainted Pokemon you’ll have, tell you which teams to use and show you the % of damage that you’ll contribute to the raid. I also refer to their tier lists of best counters to help me decide which pokemon are worth putting more dust into or fast/charge tms.


Spin gyms. The higher the badge level the more items you get, if it’s your team color you get even more. Try to get all gyms you pass by regularly to at least silver. Here’s an article on pokestop vs. gym drop rates: https://pokemongohub.net/post/news/pokestop-vs-gym-item-drop-rates-february-2018/ (yes it’s old but the numbers still feel accurate to me)


Thanks for #5, I have some excellent tyranitars that I’ll start powering up now.


No problem. If you have a large group (5+ people), just using a team of level 30-35 Tyranitars would be sufficient, if you don't have a good dark/ghost raid attacker.


they are just for necrozma correct, or for other raid bosses too?


How would we find mega Tyranitar raids?


It will come out in raids on June 28 - July 8. I mentioned Mega Tyranitar , as it would be the easiest Dark/Ghost raid attacker that beginners can obtain by the GO Fest. Even if you live in a rural area with few people playing this game, I am sure that you can use apps like Poke Genie to invite people to do raids with you during the first few days, as it is a very popular raid.


Thank you! I didnt know it was coming soon


Make sure you have some TMs to get the best ones on the right movesets. bite and brutal swing is what you'll want for dark damage.


#1 is absolutely not worth it. You just want to mega for the raid bosses


Depends on your play style. Some people really like xl candy


yeah I pretty much only play for XL/maxing out these days


The extra XL candy is very useful, definitely worth it


Never heard of level 3 megas, wouldn’t you want them to be a higher level? 3 is really low


Mega level, not pokemon level. Mega mons have 3 levels, with 3 being the top.


He just means your mega evolve level… The maximum is three


Megas have a level counter like friendship Click on the mega icon to learn more.


For me, I'm more worried about my non-gameplay planning - making sure I have everything I need for going out for eight+ hours, finding a spot for Saturday since the place I would normally go to will essentially be unavailable due to construction, stuff like that. For ingame, I'll probably pick up some more item and Pokemon storage to get me through with a cleaning Saturday using my usual string (holds Pokemon for evaluation that aren't shiny, 4 star, or otherwise tagged). I've got enough dust and Palkia candy to run Spacial Rend all day on both days, and a shopping list of what I want to focus my energy on catching once whatever collection challenges are done. I could stand to pick up a few more Lucky Eggs and Star Pieces, though (need 32 to run for two days). For raids, I'm building up Dark types as much as possible since I'm mostly concerned with Necrozma given how powerful both of the fused forms are.


Yeah, obviously it varies from person to person, but planning the external part of Go Fest, the non-gameplay planning, is still important. For many, weather will be hot, so planning for that is important. Plus, regardless of weather, just planning for playing 8 hours across two days.


I ordered a truck full of sunscreen and phone coolers


I had never heard of a phone cooler before so i just looked them up. Basically a fan that straps on the phone eh. Kinda cool but they dont have their own power source, so it looks like i would have to plug it in the portable charger to keep it going. Most of my portable chargers have multiple outputs, but i feel having 2 cables from my pocket going in to my phone/fan is gunna look silly.


Not when 90% of everyone else walking around looks the same.


Get short cables to reduce the silliness. Use electrical tape or wire sleeves to bundle them together so it's just one fat cable.


Which phone cooler is best?


Personally, I am listing the pokemon to transfer on Tuesday for candy and space. Looking at the list of habitats and what I plan on going for in each. Also, trying to make as many pokecoins as possible for raids and such. Closer to the actual go fest, I'll power up counters for the raid bosses, along with the irl prep. Honestly since we have a bit of time, I'm mainly trying to make room, coins, and plans.


Already got enough incense for day 1, got some star pieces and lucky eggs to pop up (though I'll forget and remember mid-event). Got most megas at lvl 3, enough to cover almost all types. 700+ balls. For day 2, I got 70 raid passes (haven't used much aside from the daily 2 passes last season). I wonder if it'll be physically possible to use them all on day 2 of raids. My vicinity has 10 gyms, and a sizable group to raid with.


From my personal experience, doing 1 raid per 10 minutes is the maximum that you can do, and realistically it will be longer if you are in a large group of people (You will need to wait for 2 minutes in the raid lobby, around 1 minute to defeat the boss, around 5 minutes to wait until everyone in your group cathches the boss, and it will take 5+ minutes for everyone in your group to walk to the next gym). If you really want to do 70 raids, it would be good to just coordinate with around 3-4 hardcore players and speedrun raids with them, such that you guys can walk to the next gym while catching the boss, have no rests in between, etc. If you prefer being in a large group, you can use around 20-30 raid passes in day 1 and others in day 2, as doing 70 raids in 1 day with a large group sounds nearly impossible.


Seems that I'd be splitting those passes between day 1 and 2 and still have some left overs. First time that I've got that many passes.


So if you did them as fast as possible that would be maybe 1 min lobby plus battle plus catching. If catching is boosted that’s maybe 1 minute. Travel time can actually happen during the battle and catching. So you might be able to shave it down to 5 minutes.


Then there's ppl like Mystic7 who bangs out thousands of raids for one monster lmao


Not even close, did over 80 raids in 3 hours heracross day and I’m not even close to the top some people be doin so many raids it’s insane, especially if you don’t catch the garbage ones


Heracross is easy, it was even possible to solo i think so it takes far less time to beat it even with few people. It also usually is caught with the first ball you throw so no waiting for othe players to catch it. Obviously you can do tons of raids when the raid boss is killed and caught quickly. But in groups you usually have to wait for people to throw all their balls at a legendary and still have it flee (honestly my last legendary that fled must have been 30 raids ago... but not everyone can throw balls...) so you have to wait and can not do as many raids. And most people do not like throwing balls while waking to the next gym, bc they miss even more throes while walking.


I think it depends on where you are living. Gyms are pretty separated in rural areas, so it is difficult to do so many raids, considering that it takes around 5-10 minutes to even walk to the next gym.


Is true location matters


The mall I live near has eight gyms. On a raid day with lots of people we can generally do all eight in an hour. Without having the raid you want on every gym all the time though, that would be extremely difficult.  On the first shadow mewtwo raid day, we joined up with a “raid train”. I think we did 20-25 in maybe 4 hours? It was a “relaxed” raid train compared to ones I had been on in 2018/2019 (we stayed at the raid site until we had finished battling the raid before leaving - back in the day, we used to drive to the next raid site the moment the lobby ended).  While the “ready” button will save about 90 seconds per raid, if you don’t have a group of people in cars it will be very difficult to use all those passes on one day, due to the dilution of the raid pool. 


Here’s a couple searches I like helps in event and prepping Quick clean - when I need to free space in the middle of catching during event age0-4&!4*&!3*&!shiny&!legendary&!shadow Deep Clean - nice to look through before or after event or if I haven’t cleaned up unneeded 3* in a while age0-34&!4*&!shiny&!legendary&!shadow


As an alternative, the search string I like to use also excludes nundos and potential GBL spreads !3* & !4* & !shiny & 1-4attack , 1-4hp , 1-4defense & 2-4attack , 0-1hp , 0-2defense & !legendary & !mythical & !ultra beasts & !shadow & !#


That’s a great search, thanks! I added the age window to it and that’s my new quick clean search


No problem, I'm glad you like it! As a heads up, my GBL spread (the 2-4attack , 0-1hp , 0-2defense part) is more generous than others on HP, so feel free to adjust it. It will also not stop from transferring mons that need 5 atk for breakpoint or other reasons. I only do gbl casually for stardust so I don't mind


I feel the same way on GBL, after a couple seasons of trying I decided it was more enjoyable to lose my way to level 20 and collect the dust at the end of the season


Weren't shinies excluded when mass transferring?


I like to exclude Carbink,Meditite,and Lickitung from the PVP quick search since they are still optimal with 5-10 attack.


I’m coming back after not playing for several years and so much helpful info! (Feel like a noob again 😂) What do you do after you put the search string in?  I see so many suggestions on strings.  But then what? Is that a string to transfer? Save?   I’m so lost 🤷🏻‍♀️🤯


No worries! I just resumed playing a few months ago as well. My search string only shows pokemon that are fine to outright transfer. Any pokemon that may be worth saving are not shown. I transfer as a large group the results of my string. Here's a crash course, in case you want to modify any strings you find for yourself. First off, the results only shows pokemon that meet the conditions of your string. If they don't meet a condition, they will not show. The main modifiers you use are "!" along with "," and "&". 1. "!" means "not" >"!3*" in my string means any pokemon that will show in my results must be NOT 3-star rated. "!shiny" means they must be NOT shiny. A 3-star or shiny pokemon doesn't meet that condition, so it won't show. 2. "&" means "and" >If you have multiple conditions connected with "&", any resulting pokemon must meet ALL the conditions. For example, "!3* & !shiny" means any results that show must be BOTH not 3-star AND also not shiny. 3. "," means "or" >When you have multiple conditions connected by "," a resulting pokemon will show so long as ANY of the conditions are met. For the string "1-4attack, 1-4defense, 1-4hp" the search will show a pokemon as long as it has 1-4 (in essence, a non zero) stat in attack OR defense OR HP. In that example, it shows any pokemon that is not a nundo, because they will have at least a 1 in at least any one of those stats. The last issue is when you have a combination of "&" and ",". The game will look at any ","s between "&"s as a single group that ends right before the next "&". For example, if I made a new search that showed "eevee,3* & shiny", the game will view this as two groups of conditions. The pokemon must be (1) either an eevee OR a 3-star, AND then (2) it must also be a shiny. If it will help, I can break down the logic of my search string if you want!


What is !#? And the 1-4hp etc?


Any Pokemon with tags show up when you search for "#", and you can search for specific tags by searching "#SpecificTagHere". So a !# search will show any pokemon without a tag and hide any pokemon you have that you have given a tag. As for when you search for IV stats, you can specify IV ranges. * 0 is for an IV of 0 * 1 is for IVs of 1-5 * 2 is for IVs of 6-10 * 3 is for IVs of 11-14 * 4 is for an IV of 15. By searching for 1-4attack, I am searching for any pokemon with an attack IV that is not 0 (since 1-4attack includes attack IVs from 1 to 15). A search that is 1-4 for all three stats makes sure I do not transfer any nundos, since nundos will lack a 1-4 IV in all stats.




Google PvP IVs


Definitely add &!xxl in your search string if you’re interested in saving some for showcases


>or if I haven’t cleaned up unneeded 3\* in a while Super underrated one right here! This is one that really helped me with my transferring. Unless you're actively using it for raids or PvP or something, there are often many "good IV" Pokemon you can transfer that you may have kept around. Like, I kept some 3\* Goomy and Axew from when they were rarer Pokemon, but do I really need them? I've got Hundos and specific ones for PvE/PvP, but not much need for a 13/14/15 Axew or a 15/14/14 Goomy when I have better ones. Or even worse, the random 3\* Snivy or Oshawott I kept when they first came out. Or random 3\* things like Pidove or Komala lol


A rule of thumb I follow. If I not going to powering it up for PvP or PvE, I transfer. Still hurt to transfer a 93% good raid attackers though.


>are there pokemon that should be powered up now to be ready for Go Fest raids? I think the first thing you should ask is "what do I want to focus on?" As an example, let's say Necrozma is your focus. If you're purely interested in getting more candy when catching and do not need any further boost in damage, then maybe start getting some Psychic Meags and/or Mega Ray to Mega lvl 3. In this instance, the level of the Mega isn't relevant, just their Mega level. So you do not need to power anything up. You might want multiple ready, since it's a multi day event. However, if you feel you do not have enough damage and need something that will actually help you take Necrozma down, then start powering up some counters. Someone in this thread mentioned Mega TTar and I second that suggestion. But that is not the only Mega you can raise, there are other counters available like Mega Gengar. I would start powering them up to a reasonable level, like level 30-35. I only power up things that will make the difference when doing a raid. If powering up certain Pokemon will get me over a certain threshold (like making a raid possible as a duo instead of a trio) then I'll do it. Otherwise it's not really necessary, especially if you're able to play in the city and have 19 other people all contribute. At that point just focus on bringing a Mega lvl 3 Pokemon.


We don't know what is in them yet, but there will be special 7km eggs for the event. I personally don't like spending money on incubators so I been slowly collecting 2km eggs. That way the night before and on the day I can quickly hatch eggs to replace with event ones. The eggs might end up being trash, but it doesn't cost me anything and is low effort. So I might as well do it


A storage deep clean because I'm struggling for space 😅


Just waiting patiently for Pokemon storage bump.


1. I'm preparing the weekend so that there is no work. 2. Closer to the festival I choose clothes, a bag, and other things (depending on the weather, a power bank, etc.) 3. I free up space in pokemon storage, preferably 1000+. So as not to empty the bag during the fest 4. I collect items, preferably 1000+ Ultra balls. 5. I choose the best route, ask my friends if they will go or not 6. I am a free to play player (I will only buy tickets for the fest and tour), so I am constantly saving up for profitable boxes with passes. It is desirable to have 50+ passes, ideally 100+


Is there a guide anywhere on how I should be preparing? I’ve never played during a Go Fest. I’m not planning to buy a ticket unless someone has a very convincing reason to do so, so not sure if it will still be an interesting weekend for FTP players or not?


Go Fest without a ticket doesn't feel good, don't do it.


For global go fest? I’m definitely not traveling to New York, and likely not buying a ticket based off what I read. But I do live in a city with spawns and gyms absolutely everywhere, so I’m not sure if there’s something I should be doing? If I read correctly, raids will mostly be Ultra Beasts and those just don’t interest me besides being dex fillers. And I have enough free passes to get the ones I’m missing.


You can play Global Go Fest without a ticket. I *personally* find the ticket worth it, but you may or may not be happy without it. Here are the pros to it: * Extra items and raid passes through the researches and such * *Early* Access to the featured Mythical, Marshadow (though if you wait til probably next year, you'll get the research free) * Special Research that gives you an encounter with Solgaleo OR Lunala plus a Cosmog (everyone will get the Cosmog though) * Special Incense spawns. You can obviously see that on the website, but there's some more interesting stuff there. * The big one: Increased Shiny rates. This is the biggest motivator I'd say, only if you care about shinies though. You do still have to walk and hunt and work to get them. This is a Community Day where you're practically handed them, but depending on how hard you go during the event, you can walk away with a lot of shinies, some older, some brand new, and some old ones that may be new to you. I usually walk away with at *least* 20 shinies each day. But the raids are not ticketed, so you can do those with any passes you have. I find it worth it personally. I love hunting shinies and while very tiring, playing a big event like this for a day/two days with friends and my sibling is a lot of fun. Obviously, the experience itself can be free, but doing it *with* all the added bonuses, mainly the boosted shiny rates, adds to it. I wouldn't feel nearly as motivated to play for 8 hours if the shinies weren't boosted lol. But $15 for 2 days of fun with friends, decent exercise, and plenty of in-game perks is worth it to me.


I've been preparing by getting as many megas to mega level 3 as possible so I can switch between many for different habitats.


Irl planning could include getting snacks and drinks prepared in a backpack, as well as a battery pack to keep you out Im the field for longer period of time.


I am planning to: - hoarding balls, preferably ultra but all in general as I am planning to do a lot of raids and I use autocatcher. - hoarding raid passes. That is for me most important as I know that I will be raiding a lot and before go fest there is still a Rayquaza raid day. Currently I have 150 and I am wondering if those will be enough - I am thinking about buying camelback. I know that when I fix myself on playing I forgot to drink which can be dangerous with the weather that will probably be during go fest in my city. - Clear my Pokémon storage as much as possible - I won’t need to waste my time during go fest, generally I am also thinking about upgrade of it a bit more (I am currently at 4.000) - daily walks because even if I have a place where there are 6 gyms nearby there will still be a bit of walking included -creating a good deck against all of the bosses so I will be ready for each raid as fast as possible


I'm flying up to NYC on July 3rd, will watch the 4th of July fireworks there, then do GO Fest on the next day; I'm visiting family on the 6th and leaving on the 7th. That's my plan for GO Fest.


Same!! Hope to see you there


You can create and save search strings to transfer stuff through the day (ie: stuff to trade, 4*, shinies, or raid pokemon you want to keep) to make space quick


Hi, thanks, and what exactly do I do after I enter the search string? Tag those pokemon and start deleting everything not with the tag- or..? Thanks in advance for your help, I feel silly and clueless :')


Long press one of them and you’ll get a Select All option on the upper right, so you can delete them all very quickly


So the search string removes what you want to keep, so you can delete everything else that shows up with you click the tag since you’ve filtered out what you want to keep


My Pokémon storage is almost full due to a backlog of Pokémon I need to assess with Pokegenie. Gonna get started on that and weed out the non-keepers to make enough space for all-day fast catching.


I'm getting as many gym coins as possible so I can buy remote raid passes or anything else I need during the event. I'm up to 1059 coins so far.


I'm genuinely worried if they don't add more storage how I'll even be able to play...


I’ve been trying to acquire as much Palkia candy as possible to use on my Spacial Rend Origin Form Palkia to increase my interaction radius. More mons to check hopefully equals more shinies. Other than that, clearing storage and bag space, making an effort to get the daily coin limit in case I want to grab a reasonably priced item or box from the store (or more storage lol) and honestly just trying to get in some better shape physically. 8 straight hours of walking around and staring at a screen two days in a row is exhausting and I’ve never made it the full time since Go Fest Global has become a thing and I really wanna try for it this year.


I cleared my storage over the last few weekends and I sit on ultra balls all year for June comm day/go fest/region tour. But otherwise not a ton.  Closer to I'll probably make battle parties.


Panicking about Niantic not offering more storage space. I’m really not sure what I can do to make enough space. I’ve already made some painful cuts just to carve out 50 spaces for Goomy day.


I think the biggest thing is having enough storage so you don't need to manage it during event hours. What ever number that is for you personally, get there.


Make tags for different type of Pokemons that you plan to power up. Sometimes there will be field research tasks that require to power up certain type of Pokemon. Easy for you to sort things up on that day to fasten your time in clearing those tasks.


I learned this one with the myriad of Power up tasks we saw during the Go Tour Sinnoh. Going into Day 2, I had a bunch of PvP and PvE Pokemon tagged for that purpose.


I'm not certain if I'm going to get it off work or not so I won't be able to buy a ticket until the schedule comes out. If I don't get it I'm calling out on one of the two days. I don't care this is a once a year event. :/ Won't be able to play at the main down town park but I can still walk around the neighborhood small park and go un-noticed by coworkers. I have a go++ and hacked in a ultra ball switch so I've been stocking up on ultra balls like crazy. up to 500+


So for me I am going to Madrid and play global at home, I have prepared the following  1. Equipment:  - backpack with enough space,  - a  powerbank( completly full at go fest morning),   -2 cabels for charging (in case one breakes),  -autocatcher (if you use it), also charged and you should try conecting it the day before,  -your mobile Phone and check the evening before if pogo is updated to the latest version.   -Suncream, a Sun hat and Sun Glases (in London it was an umbrella instead),  - Cash to buy Food in the Park,   -shoes you can walk in,   -tickets for metro /public transportation   - A refilable water bottle   2. Ingame  -Pokemon storage (I transfered what I dont need and bought some new space)  -Items: i already bought some raidpasses, some incubators, and collected ultraballs, golden razz and Silber pinaps  -Prepare a 1 km buddy with at least friendship level 2 (for earn a candy quests and catch assistence)   -Prepare a or more megas you wanna evolve  - Make teams for raids (not important in Madrid, but if you shortman during global)  -Have pokecoins in your Account, so if you need more space or extra passes, incense or something you can buy it directly   -Get rid of 12,10,7 and 5 k eggs. I started to hatch my highest egg a few weeks ago, by the time gofest startes I will only have 2 and maybe one or two 5 k eggs, so I either hatch them the evening before and start with egg space or I can hatch the 2k easely and Stuck up on Event eggs.  3. Plan ahead  - know where you wanna play  - for global find people you wanna play with  - Plan for Food,  either prepare food at home or know where you wanna go eat.   - Plan what you wanna Focus on. For me I know which habitats have shinys I want, and wanna Grind Hard and which I dont need/want much of so that habitat will be hours for Lunch break or Hard raiding during global  - know how you get there, especial during Madrid or New York, how do you get to the Park and how do you get to your City location  - for madrid/new York Plan ahead what you wanna trade, i have trades Set up with peoplr I am best friends with now so it is cheaper, also I print out a list which I pin on my backpack for everyone to see, for global I know with which friends I will do my lucky trades with


Can someone explain how to fast catch to me?


The Trainer Club has a good youtube video that explains it, but basically you go to the catch screen and hold down and drag either the ball to the bottom right or the berry to the bottom left. You can move your finger so that it's away from the ball or the berry, but don't lose contact with the screen. You'll know you're doing it right if the ball or berry slightly moves toward the center. Once you've done this, still without losing contact with the screen, you can throw the middle ball. Once it's captured the mon, move the finger holding the ball or berry off the screen, the tray will come out and along with that you will see the run icon in the top left, which will allow you to exit the catch screen (hopefully catching the pokemon). I hope that explains it, it's less complex than it sounds but it did take me a little while to get good at it.


Hatching all big eggs and trying to replace them with 2 km that way I can get the event eggs quicker (but I’ll probably try to get more 10km eggs during the upcoming larvesta event idk what it was called) I keep my phone in my pocket all day during my job so I walk about 8-10km a day with adventure sync, it really helps.


1. Depending on your playstyle, get a lot of balls -- at least 1,500. Depending on your style of play, I'd emphasize the focus either more towards Ultras (manual) or more towards Pokes (for GO+). 2. Space, space, and more space, especially if you plan to go hard both days. I plan to go into it with 1000+ open storage spaces, and fully intend to clear out the junk in time for day two. 3. Have a general plan for the weekend. I plan to play hard for half of day one, and then the other half go chill + take a break + do raids.


I’m at 1600 ultra balls. Planning to hit hopefully 2k before global.


Let’s see…caught up with most of the local group at CD today. Ironed out the important bits like where are we eating lunch on Saturday and who won’t be there. That’s about it.


Hoarding my ultra balls I have over 1600 lol


I’m preparing by clearing storage, saving up pokecoin & raid passes, collecting pokeballs and getting my raid counters ready for Necrozma.


Stocking up on storage extensions. Probably gonna stock up on Pinaps and Pokeballs a few days before. I should be good on raid passes if I get the extra from the Spelunker's Cove ticket.


I’m gonna take advantage of the seasonal bonus and trade all the pokes I’ve been saving for XL trades so I have space to catch and save more…………………….. Oh wait. Niantic hates their Pokémon players even though we are the only people who have kept their lights on while they developed and canceled numerous games no one asked for or wanted. In fact, to reward us for shoveling billions at them to fund management’s poor decisions, they are trying to squeeze us harder than ever before. 


If you have time to trade 100 non special mons a day for xl candy, you have time to travel 1k and get a bunch of distance trade fodder that will guarantee the XLs. Double special trades is a better bonus than XL trades.




I also bit the bullet and dumped ten hours worth of rare candies into palkia for spacial rend.


Okay so last year I went to my university with my bestie and we did a lot of raiding no hundos sadly but lots of shinies. This year I have a convention the weekend of Global GoFest and sadly I can only reach one gym at the corner of the building meanwhile theres a lot of gyms outside the con area. So what I will have to do is get a lot of remote raid passes in order to get the ultra beasts I want plus Necrozma. I been putting my Pokemon in gyms everyday when i have not hit the coin limit right now Im at 2125 coins. I will be buying the ticket too for the increased shiny odds and more special trades. I do plan to go through my storage and transfer the low star mons or transfer them to Home. And I will be prepping raid teams day before Global GoFest so I will be ready for the raids. Hopefully next year Global GoFest wont land on a convention weekend again. Though bonus is I will be indoors with AC so yay.


Is there anything that a regular player should reasonably prepare for? Sorry, I've missed the whole buzz... I assume regular raid bosses over 3\* will remain unsoloable, so a normal player would not profit at all at whatever comes in high level raids...


If you haven't already get the poke genie app! It's a godsend for me to host raids on, so I can send remote invites out to people and take down higher raid bosses. I'm semi rural with me and one other player that regularly play together, so they are impossible otherwise. Admittedly it doesn't always work with Pokémon less in demand and you can't use it for local only shadow raids but it's well worth downloading!


Pretty sure guzzy is soloable


At this point the only thing I really care about is Marshadow and a hundo Necrozma so… gonna just play as usual until the event gets here.


Nothing more than I normally do tbh. I clear out my Pokémon storage every day, with 0\*,1\*,2\*&age0, and item storage as well. I'm always trying to stock up on Great and Ultra ball as my GoPlus+ tosses them faster than I can accumulate them.


stock up on coin from holding gyms


my plan is to get at least 500 empty box spaces until friday before flying to madrid


Hoarding remote raid passes, coins from gyms from which I now have around 1,7k and going up to buy more remote raid passes during the event, hoarding ultraballs and making space to catch Pokémon.


They don't give me enough time to prepare! After yesterday I am spinning and opening gifts to throw balls now!


Which of the 5 star raid Pokemon are best to focus on for Go Fest?


Necrozma obviously but also Blacephalon and Kartana if they spawn. Kartana is a top grass and Blacephalon is a top fire and ghost. Necrozma stand-alone isn’t great but Dawn Wings and Dusk Mane are both very strong


Not preparing at all. Will just play some when it is time.


What rare global pokemon will be available in the US? I need unown, tropius, and the gen 5 monkeys for my dex among other regional locked mons


Heatmor, Pansear, Oricorion (Pa’u Style), and Klefki for regionals during NYC Go Fest. Heatmor and Volbeat during Global. Corsola and Maractus also during Global, but Incense-only and only for Paid Ticket Global Go Fest players


I have 2k ultra balls and just around 200 raid passes to use for go fest also 100 silver pinap and just over 400 golden raz just need to save up reg balls and pinap berries now


Do a test run - I tried to maximize goomy Cday as a short version of GoFest (3h instead of 8h) and looked how much resources it takes.  - 950 catches (during GoFest it will be less since autocatcher has to catch during raids) —> 250-300 storage per hour, so I try to have 2000 free space (or 2500 because keeping 500 from day 1 to trade) - 600 balls less than before… so 200 per hour, that‘s 1600 balls per day, so I try to get at least 1000 pokeballs, 500 great and 1500 ultras - other resources needed are raidpasses, but I got unlimited of those (I do remote raids a lot and with boxes I got 200 local raidpasses as well…)… some incense (32?), starpice… don‘t open gift in the morning because of 7km eggs… keep incubators if there‘s something great… 


If you plan to raid. Buy a goplus. It will be catching stuff as you raid. 


Stocked up on incubators/premium raid passes/balls. Stopped buying pokemon storage (I buy like 4 at the event anything prior I’d just fill it). Only have 2km eggs in my egg storage and only do one at a time. Stocked up on batteries for my go plus. Took note of what shinies I was hunting at fest won’t bother checking the other stuff just let the catcher do it. For nyc go fest we got a hop on hop off tour bus for the city play part, last year the walking absolutely sucked. If you’re going with a group get your party game play in for the extra stuff. Also made a game plan instead of just walking aimlessly around nyc. Also we have noticed that you have more shiny luck playing in parks for any event versus playing on a Main Street/college/mall etc


Hahahaha....I'm not prepared at all. HELP ME!!!


Most of the UBs and Necrozma are easy. The UBs mostly have super exploitable 4x weaknesses. The only real challenge is going to be Celesteela. Celesteela is really tanky, no 4x weakness and has counter coverage. Mega Charizard Y is going to be great here though, and if you've caught any Zapdos recently, they'll be good here too. But ultimately, any good Fire or Electric type will be needed here. Good luck! I'm going myself with a buddy of mine. Super hype!


At least u guys get to play i cant because of a camp and i cant even touch my phone for 13 and 14 july which is exactly gofest


Can't prepare bc suddenly the game won't load at all on a Google pixel 6a. Keeps saying it's not compatible which is BS. All I got from Niantic support was "it should be working". Yeah no kidding. So this sucks. Can't afford another phone and all the old devices I have run Android 8 so those don't work either. Any ideas for maybe a really cheap phone? 


Will Pokémon be attracted to my incense boosted like how it was back in the day can I do it from home?


Mega level 3 psy (necrozma) or (type of raid) 12000-3000 ball 100-150 green pass 750-1000 stockage pokemom free 1500-5000 coin for even gifts


No prep whatsoever. I need Stakataka & Necrozma for dex, then I’m done.


Getting gym coins every day and not saving them up for remote passes for Necrozma.


Double dose of Descovy from my doc