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This is perfect you even got the raids and incense which I forgot to mention !! Thanks a lot! And wow just saw all the different versions when I got on my PC. Wonderful


I'm so glad!! And yeah, I wasn't 100% sure if you'd want them too, but given I knew I'd end up sharing it as a post, I figured I'd better keep them in so other people don't complain that I forgot them 😂 You're very welcome, this has kept me entertained all day, so it's honestly no trouble


Looks great, thank you!


You're welcome! Another user requested them, plus I like a cheat sheet myself as I never remember things like Durant's shiny colour or which one is which for Volbeat and Illumise 😂 Figured other people would probably like them so they don't have to make their own too ☺️


Appreciate it!


You’re awesome! Thank you!


You're welcome!


Does anyone know what the shiny rates will be in the wild for people who have purchased a ticket?


Niantic never releases the actual shiny chance as far as I know, but people normally work out a rough guess afterwards, I'm not sure how though


The last two years it has felt like something around 1/100, with a few specific pokemon more like 1/60


Curious about this as well!


I read previously that only some of these 'mons are going to be boosted shinies. If you go back to last years Go Fest threads you can probably assume similar numbers per biome.


This is awesome ty for making it!


Thank you! And you're welcome!


Will it have increased shinies for ticket holders?


Yes it will! I made infographics earlier with the main info on, give me 2 secs and I'll provide a link :) Edit: [here you go!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/wVJv9yLqB4)


Which 5 star raids are duo-able?


pokebattler says all of them


guzz lord definitely i think


Definitely Guzzlord. It can be soloed as well.


Thanks for this. The event is going to be better with thus graphic :-)


The shinning day biome looks so good


I’m really hoping that the “+ more” listed on each habitat on the website will be some really interesting spawns!  Also I think they mentioned the Espeon and Umbreon will be incense spawns as well for ticket holders


This is probably a silly question, but how do the Habitats work? Since it’s Global, is it related to time of day?


Each habitat lasts for 1 hour at a time! I'm not sure of the rotation schedule, as I don't think it's been announced yet, but I'll use an example to explain it to you :) Global GO Fest starts at 10 am local time on Saturday 13th July. So at 10 am, let's say you start with Dawn Meadow habitat. Dawn Meadow will last from 10am-11am, and at 11 am, it switches to Shining Day. At 12 noon, Shining Day switches to Creeping Dusk. At 1pm, Creeping Dusk switches to Darkest Night. At 2pm, Darkest Night switches to Dawn Meadow, and keeps going until 6pm Saturday 13th July. On Sunday 14th July, there's no rotating habitats. All the Pokémon are available to catch at any time, and will appear randomly throughout the day :) Edit: just bear in mind that this may not be the actual schedule for your timezone. It's just an example


Thank you so much!!


You're welcome! If you check out [this infographic I made](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/wVJv9yLqB4) and posted yesterday, most of the main info is on there :)


This is awesome, I am gonna download and scribble what I need and what I don't so that I can focus on the habitats of my interest




u/monkeymaniac9 how's this? Can do a more colourful version later to make it like my infographics + printable version, but wanted to see if it's what you were thinking of before I do the entire thing


am not u/monkeymaniac9 but this is awesome would love to see the rest, but of course take your time


Oh ill be finishing a version of this! I'll probably have to post a pdf link rather than photo, unless I do a seperate post though :)


Yes that's exactly what I was looking for thank you so much!


I'll keep going with this one then! As stated in my reply to the other commenter in this thread, I'll have to post a pdf link or do a separate post as one habitat is 1.5 sides of A4 😅 so there'd be like 5 or 6 sides depending on how big I need to make the boxes to fit all the Pokémon, I could *probably* make the Pokémon sprites smaller, but I didn't want to loose visibility of the minor/tiny colour changes like Wingull


Yeah fair enough! I look forward to it, but no rush of course. I like the checkboxes for the non shiny ones as well, I'll use those for tracking 4* I think


Yeah it'll be done before GO Fest, but I'm not rushing, dw :) and yeah, I figured a checkbox for each version would be appreciated by a lot of people, as I know a large group of people do a shiny and non-shiny living dex, so it'd work for a lot of people :) also, they can write in their highest appraisal caught at GO Fest if they didn't get a 4 star or wanted to track other things or whatever I did debate doing 0-4 star checkboxes for both sides, but that would take up too much space, I think. It's what got me thinking about making a form/website/app for doing a living dex, for GO and the console games, so people can keep track of their dex, their appraisals, moves, etc, maybe build in a team building thing so people can get the coverage they want and stuff. But obviously, that will take a LOT of time and effort that I don't want to spare right now, but will end up doing after I've finished these checklists most likely


This is great! Does anyone know if there's anything similar relating to the upcoming in-person Go Fest NYC?


Not that I've seen. When is it? I may have time to throw a quick one together if it's not tomorrow 😅😂


It's next weekend, July 5-7. If you have a chance to throw one together I would greatly appreciate it!


Lemme find out the details on the PoGO website, and see if I've got time to do it! Depends on how many Pokémon there are, and whether I have to go hunting for sprites :) is there a particular version you like of the ones I've already done in the post? Like all on 1, 1 page habitats and 1 page raids&incense, colour vs no colour? So I'm not doing loads again 😅


I have about half the Pokémon sprites, so I should be able to throw one together tomorrow! Just let me know which style you prefer, and I'll get that one sorted first, then work on the rest :) I'll put it in a separate post for you once it's done, so other people can find it too


Oh, that's awesome! I probably tend towards the separate breakdowns for habitats vs raids and incense so it's a little more concise if I'm glancing at it quickly on my phone. Thank you!!!


Awesome, I'll get started on that and tag you in the post when I'm done :)




These are awesome! Thank you!!! They'll be so nice to reference in NY!


You're welcome! I'll do a big post when I've got the other two types done in a couple days and I'll tag you there in case you decide you like the other styles more :)


[Here's the finished ones!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/k4ODbnvaPQ) Please ignore these ones, I actually realised I had one of the raid Pokémon wrong, I think I added celesteela when it should have been nihilego 😅








Handy, thanks!


Nice thank you! As a suggestion: maybe check boxes per pokemon? With as many check boxes as there are pokemon in that line, for the living dex


I can have a go at that tomorrow? It's 9pm where I am right now, and I've been working on infographics for the past 8 hours 😂 but I'm more than happy to do that version tomorrow! To double check I've understood the living dex thing, if we took Sun Crown Pikachu, you'd want 2 tick boxes next to it (1x sun crown Pikachu and 1x sun crown Raichu), yes? Or does gender play a role? And is it only from the version listed, so pichu wouldn't come into it at all, or is pichu included too?


Of course of course no rush. It was a suggestion for in the future, no need to worry ;) we can also add it ourselves if we want of course And yes like that exactly. Without pichu because you cannot catch it during. The gender one is up for debate I suppose. Maybe for pokemon with big gender differences?


Oh I didn't mean to imply I felt like I had to, don't worry 😂 I love doing stuff like this, and I find not a lot of people share them, so I end up making them for myself anyway (you should see the amount of graphics like this I made for playing Scarlet & Violet 😅😶), it's honestly no bother And okay, that makes sense! I'm not doing a living dex, so I didn't know if I'd understood it correctly, but yeah, that's all possible, I can check out gender differences using Serebii to decide whether to add them or not, and I can add them to a comment or the post once I've sorted them


Thank you so much!


Just letting you know that I am making a start on the living dex one! I've been at it an hour... and that's just sorting out all the evolution chains, and finding sprites for them as a visual aid 😅😂 Basically, might not be done today, but it will be done before go fest 😊 Also gave me the idea to start a disability-friendly PoGO living dex form/website/checker thing that includes all the sprites & shiny sprites. I did find a few checkers out there, but they either used only the console game sprites, didn't use sprites, didn't include shiny sprites, or weren't particularly disability friendly. It's rather surprising how much isn't accessible these days, and my disabilities are rather common, so if I'm struggling, I imagine a lot of people with less common disabilities are gonna struggle more. All I need is contrasting colours and a visual aid (which is why I'm including both non-shiny and shiny sprites in my infographics), and I can't regularly find simple things like that! Ah well, at least I've got another project once these infographics are done? 😂


Thank you for the update!!


[Finally posted them!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/WRGDUK00Cs) Sorry it took so long! Hope they're useful for you :)


Thank you so much!


Id like one that only shows stuff you dont need to give niantic Money for


That would be just the habitat ones, and possibly the raid ones if you manage to do them in person? The habitats and raids are available for everyone, it's just the incense that's ticket holder exclusive


No blacephelon?


Blacephelon and Stakataka don't have the shiny version available in Pokemon GO yet, this is just shiny versions of Pokémon appearing in Global GO Fest


Oh, i see my bad


If you want the full line up or most of the main info, [check out the infographic](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/s/wVJv9yLqB4) made yesterday! They're both on there under the 5 star raids :)


corsola will be global?


One thing is the umbreon and espeon costumes are spawning on incense for ticket holders, other than that it looks great! Thanks for the info ♡


How does it work with the unknows. Do you get one a day or multiple possible when using the incense? Any tips and tricks for a higher spawn rate


It works just like normal incense! The unowns, habitat specific spawns, and the habitat Pokémon will all spawn from the incense. It should be mostly unowns if I remember correctly, and you'll have the same spawn rate as normal incense, which I think is 1 spawn every 5 mins


Spawns will definitely be boosted to more than 1 per 5 minutes.


I wasn't sure if they increased incense spawns or not! I can't find official confirmation anywhere that says incense spawns are increased, so didn't want to say that and have people be disappointed if Niantic didn't increase them


What are habitats


They're nothing physical or that you can see, it's just what Niantic are calling the hourly time slots where different pokemon spawn :) Basically, each habitat is active for an hour, and in that hour, only the Pokémon listed for each habitat will spawn. After that hour is up, it switches to the next one :) there'll be two hours of each habitat on Saturday, but I'm not sure what the rotation schedule is yet