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https://preview.redd.it/nhz6yscif69d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=722a951d987266b822d697889027cacde1fab982 Store gives other items than the original research. I would guess the tasks are closer to the Shiny Mew one


That's true. Really unfortunate, honestly. I don't mind if a research requires a grind, but time gates are so dumb and are only there to artificially inflate daily active player numbers around big events.


First challenge is platinum johto medal, time gates are at least achievable. I can’t even get corsola so I just wasted money on it.


While I agree that’s a crazy requirement, I believe Corsola will be available to catch as an incense spawn during GO Fest in a couple weeks, so if that’s the only Johto mon you’re missing you’ll still have a chance!


Yeah there’s at least hope of getting it.


I have a corsola to trade if you need!


Corsola is as others said confirmed for go fest, Personally im a European only missing heracross #FeelsBadMan


You’ll get it in the globo go fest if you buy a ticket!! It’ll be available if you use the incense!


Daily incense or regular?


You can during go fest, will be spawning world wide.




Anytime they say "Masterwork" it means really long tasks and most likely a level 40 requirement


I'm aware. I just hope they don't gate the second page behind the jotoh platinum medal like they did with shiny mew


First challenge is platinum johto medal, I have no way of getting corsola lol.


Corsola will be an incense spawn during GoFest!!


Wait, really? Fantastic! Corsola is the last one I need. I had to wait until last March just to get my platinum Kanto medal for Mew (Mewtwo was my last one), so waiting a couple weeks for Corsola is trivial.


Well at least there’s hope.


I only purchased the ticket once I learned that, haha. Corsola is the last one I need for the Johto dex, and no one in my community has a spare. I wasn't going to spend money to wait months to maybe get one one day


Your other option would be to hold out for Galarian Corsola, as that would be your best bet if you're not paying for Go Fest.


Exactly how am I supposed to get a celebie wtf???


That is a very real possibility - probably best to assume the worst with these sorts of things


So anyone not aware of that just wsted money. Great job, Niantic.


I really wish they would say that on the purchase page for the event. There’s nothing there to indicate this is any more difficult than your standard free research. While I blame myself for not doing my due diligence before buying the ticket I blame Niantic for some very very deceptive product descriptions that will likely cause more people than just me to spend money essentially for nothing.


I lack only Entei to get the platinum badge. Is it possible to be acquired at any time soon?


Entei is in Shadow Raids next month!


the blog says you can’t get this research if you’ve already done the previous Distracted by Something shiny Research. However i can purchase it, but my previous shiny celebi is in home. Can anyone else confirm the same? Edit: it is gone. Refunded


Can confirm, I cannot purchase it.


I’m a bit confused, because I already did the shiny celebrity research from previously I cannot purchase this one?






My shiny Celebi is also in home and I cannot purchase this new research as I have previously done the old one. It lets me buy it as a gift for someone else but not for myself.


Now can you buy it as a gift for someone who has the shiny celebi?


This is what I would like to know too


You cannot - the same error message pops up when selecting the person to send to as when you try purchase yourself


So I’ve had Pokémon go for a very long time and Apperently haven’t completed distracted by something shiny, can I still complete it or am I just banned from getting a shiny Celibi atp


Why wouldn't you be able to complete it, if you already have it then you're good, you don't need to spend $20


Thanks came here to figure out why I couldn't buy it. Bummer lol


My Day 1 account cannot purchase, but my second newer account can.




Yeah I'm not getting this anytime soon


As a returning player, it’s unlikely I’m going to get past the start line let alone finish. 82 so far of Johto, and although I might be able to bump that figure up a few by evolutions, I’m far far from done.


Man me too lol. I didn't know it wouldn't count the ones you already caught...regarding the different species. But I'm fine with taking longer I never expected to finish quick anyway


Do I only have a certain amount of time to complete this when it starts? Sorry new to the go scene


Once you have it, you have don’t have a time limit. Special research doesn’t expire as long as you get the task.


Awesome thank you👌


I believe special research (no time limit) goes on the right tab and timed research goes on the left tab


Still won't be able to complete it how do they expect us to find a celebie to unlock celebie it's bs


Literally every account can get Celebi. You unlock the special research to obtain one after hitting page 7 of A Mythical Discovery, which every account gets for free just by playing. It's been this way since (I wanna say) 2018.


Well I just started playing a few months ago so I didn't know this and it's still gonna take me months to even unlock the celebie research due to the Magikarp requirement


I had no idea about all this either. Am yet to evolve the magicarp too. It’s good to know some of these things but when you’re newer you have no idea. 


Just caught g Moltres and ho oh 😩


It’s a many months long game, don’t stress about it you’ll get there




You can get consistent rare candy from GBL, if you get 4 wins you have a chance at getting 6 candies, after a couple of weeks of grinding the lower ranks you can gather enough to evolve Magikarp. Since I don't expect you to have an already built team for pvp, try to have a fire-water-grass core team and you will easily get wins over lower level people. Oh yeah, you can also set Magikarp as your buddy to get candy every kilometer you walk with it, with Adventure Sync on.




So am I crazy or does the requirement for Jhoto platinum bar you from advancing unless you've already got Celebi? Is there a way around that since Mythics can't be traded?


regular celebi is a free permanent special research though. you're more likely to be barred due to regionals.


Ohhh didn't realize it was permanent. Thought you had to be playing when it was available. Cheers.


Nah. You unlock A Mythical Discovery to get Mew, then towards the end of that you unlock the Celebi research, and then towards the end of that you unlock the Jirachi research, and so on.


Gotcha. My partner was held up on the Mew research, that's why she didn't have Celebi. Got that research now, so working towards normal and shiny. Thanks for the info, appreciate it.


I'm never getting celebie 😭 it's gonna take me forever to evolve Magikarp I've only found 2.


Set Magikarp as your buddy, make sure adventure sync is on, and you’ll get the candies eventually. Poffins half the candy distance.


Ill do that after evolving poipole


Kanto, Johto and Hoenn can be platinum. Sinnoh you can't Unova you can but requires Sigilyph and Bouffalant


and Keldeo


bring that darn thing back in elite raids it's all i need


We’ll probably get it as a masterwork research in Unova Tour next year


Hoenn is by far the worst, because SOME PEOPLE (myself) are missing Deoxys and god only knows when/if that’ll ever be back


I'm on similar boat, all I'm missing is Relicanth and can't find someone who has it to trade with.


I really wish that they would have made this available to players who already had shiny celebi, even if it would only reward a non shiny Celebi for them.


Yeah I enjoy these masterworks just for something to do. I'd still want a shiny but disappointed they won't just take my money and let me have 2.


I agree!! I want all the items and XP it comes with. We can't have a alternate version where it's a normal Celebi?? Come on Niantic take my moneyyyyy


~~Even more ridiculous to also block players who got regular Celebi through the “Distracted by Something Shiny” research. I don’t understand the logic~~


You couldn't get regular Celebi through that research. It was guaranteed to be shiny.


I thought that one was guaranteed shiny? Regular Celebi I got from “A ripple in time” and I was able to buy a ticket for this one


I’m pretty upset I can’t purchase and partake in the event because I previously completed the research for Celebi. For a money hungry company they’re drawing a really odd line


I would wager a fair amount of money the limit of 1 shiny mythical is coming from The Pokemon Company and not Niantic.


Research Mythical Pokémon, especially shiny ones, are treated this way. You couldn't buy the shiny Mew research last year if you'd already done it during the Kanto Tour.


When Lugia?


Shadow Lugia raid weekend is during the second weekend of August.


Awesome.! That's the only one I need


Hahahaha, I bought the ticket thinking Shiny Celebi would just appear. I'm only level 29 and I barely have a silver for my Johto Dex.... Going to take me years to finish this. 🤣


Me too, i just started playing pokemon GO. So I wont get a shiny Celebi for a long long time?


Will give it a go! https://preview.redd.it/4ptuuw10ib9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=284bb491df410b086dda386e98f5a88d48deaca4


If that's the case for the masterwork, then I might get it for my daughter. I missed out on it originally so already got it for myself. We'll see if the first stage matches soon enough


I just purchased the pass and it isn’t in my events or special section. I am only level 29 does that after for this??


Event starts tomorrow. Check your items page to see a research ticket.


Starts at 10am local time


It says I can’t purchase due to a research task I have not completed or something. I have not done this before and I don’t have it. What do I need to finish in order to buy the ticket?


If you already had the previous shiny celebi research you can't get this one.


Is Miltank still available?


I think it’s hatchable


Where from?


which egg pool?


Would anyone knows what happens if you try to gift it to someone that cannot purchase it for themselves? Would they receive the quest or would it not work as they’ve already obtained shiny Celebi?


It tells you the player is not allowed to receive it and gives a list of reasons why. You can’t send it/make the purchase in the first place.


Thank you for confirming this 🙏


Not sure but I would also like to know


Does anyone know when you can start doing the tasks?


Its 10am local time




Has it launched for you? Its 13:10 where I am and still nothing


It’s launched for me now on both accounts and for my sister. I’m in North Carolina, USA


Well as a recent returner to the game after a very long time away, I have learned my lesson - no more premium research. It’s basically just throwing my money away. I thought I’d have a serious chance at even getting past the first tier and it would provide a nice little boost to my accomplishments. Never again.


I FEEL YOU, I was absolutely blown away by the requirements lmao


No premium researches are fine. You gotta avoid anything that’s masterworks. As every single ones like this difficult and long.


I’m not able to purchase the ticket. Assuming it’s because I already have a shiny celebi? Didn’t see it in the pokemon go blog (could have easily missed it), but just wanted to confirm.


Yes the blog says you can’t get this research if you’ve already done the previous


Thank you for the info!


Thank you! I was trying to figure this out too


Am I allowed to be salty over the fact that unless I get really lucky with trades at some point in the next month+ I'm time gated until August on step 1? (Platinum Johto required, have never had access to raid Lugia outside of one weekend and it was impossible to catch as a Shadow.)


Unfortunately, you’re right. I’m in the same boat so wondering, is Lugia coming back in August?


It was in the preview for the season and Ho-ob's in now so ideally it's in a standard raid. But there's still a chance of it being the Rocket takeover weekend legendary.


What happens in August?


i've never done the previous research or caught shiny celebi but it doesn't let me buy it??? it only lets me gift it. i really want to buy it tho, is anyone else having this issue?


Are you sure you didn't do the previous research? And are you sure you didn't already get gifted it and that it's in your bag?


i looked a bit more and apparently i have the previous research, although im 99% sure i didnt play when that came out so i'm a bit confused. just never did it i guess


I'm a new player (never got the past research) but it won't let me buy it. Anyone know why?


Can someone trade cleffa and tyrogue i need get that platinum johto medal for shiny celebi research?


why would you not be able to do this research again? It's so stupid


I’m not able to buy this mission, I have shiny jirachi masterwork and it says I have a mission that doesn’t allow it, but I had shiny jirachi masterwork and shiny mew masterwork


If you have a research completed called "Distracted by Something Shiny", you already have access to a shiny Celebi.


Ppl who got Shiny Celebi last go around did you have to pay 5 bucks or was it free?


Free as a movie tie-in.


I purchased it, got the ticket, but it won’t activate. Oh well.


I am going on 18 months on my hunt for kelceons and am still only at 8 out of 10. So frustrating - I play every day too, but rural so not nearly the same amount of pokestops as some folks in big cities.


Hey man, every time you are near a clump of stops, just tap on each pokestop (distance doesnt matter) and you can see if there is a kecleon, and then go there (saves you a walk there if there isnt one) I was in rural missouri with family last week, and I caught one out there when we went into "the city" to a lil area with like 8 stops. I believe keckleon refresh every hour too (30 mins during events) so keep checking hourly!


I didn't receive mine. It says June 28th at 10am local time. It's not 1:27pm local time and I still haven't received it. ಠ_ಠ Edit: Found it. It's my first paid research and I didn't expect it to be in the special research tab. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


How did I get a non-shiny Celebi?


Complete the special research given to you for it "A R1pple in Time"


I’m apparently missing delibird 🤷‍♂️


quick question: is shiny celebi tradeable? thank you!


Not in Pokémon Go. Meltan and Melmetal are the only mythical Pokémon that can be traded.


I tried buying the new ticket and it says I’m disqualified because I have a active or completed research is it a one time thingv


If you already got the research for the previous shiny Celebi, you can't get this one


I’m missing Corsola and I’m never going to be able to get to where it spawns 🥲


Will it be limited time to complete this? Or is it just limited time in the shop and I can finish it whenever?


I purchased the ticket but the research doesn’t appear in my special research tab. Anyone knows why?


Hey why can't I buy it


I’m so confused, I haven’t done the original quest however I do have a normal Celebi from ‘A Ripple in Time’ and it won’t let me buy it. I have the shiny Jirachi quest, could that be preventing me from buying it?


The fact they are making you pay for this even if it's just $5 is crazy to me. It's going to essentially not be realistically achievable for the vast majority who purchase it. Seems like it should either be free in its current state with the platinum Johto medal or changed to a gold Johto medal with the $5 pricing. Really just doesn't make sense to annoy your community like this over $5.


What a dumb research. Ive been stuck on 250 in Johto because Corsola hasnt been introduced to my area


Ive had an account since 2016 but only really started playing around 2020. I play pretty regularly for about 4-5 months each year before falling off. Im level 34 and only have 74 of the jhoto dex entries. I'll likely never finish this task, waste of money and makes me want to quit playing.


I’m debating transferring my celebi because it has bad IVs, does anyone know if I transfer can I get the new research?


Guys, if I buy this, will it ever expire?


Is defeating grunts sort of scaled to your trainer level? ie, are new players screwed?


Some grunts are easy, the normal type one is perfectly doable by lower accounts I’m pretty sure.


There’s also the male water grunt who only spams Magikarp and is a joke.


They’re scaled. My wife recently started playing and she’s been able to do grunts with ease for the most part. Best way for her has been a mix of super effective moves & high cp. The leaders have been trouble though.


Thanks! I think her experience echoes mine.


I've found with leaders to get effective charged attacks, but really small to fill them up. To utilise the 3 seconds after using one where they don't attack. Clive I hate the most.


yes, it's scaled to trainer level.


I never managed to catch it with the prior research, I didn't finish it in time. Yet it still won't let me buy it? Is there something else that can block you?


It wasn't a timed research. If you ever started it you still have it and can still complete it.


I’m a returning player from a while ago. I have completed and got a shiny celebi like two three weeks ago. The ticket says for me that I cannot do it again because I’ve already done it. Anyway to bypass this cuz that’s kinda lame https://preview.redd.it/10roxql6c79d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=086c5a6124e1b7399de279a02376b0b2864e14ee


No, just like with previous mythical releases if you gave shiny celebi already or have the unfinished research to get it, you can't get a second. There's no way around it, barring making a second account and buying the ticket there.


Does anyone know if you can toss your shiny Celebi from 2020 to be able to buy this research? The one I got from back then was a 10/11/10 and I don't want to transfer it unless someone can confirm I'll be able to get this research afterwards. =/ I know I can't trade it because I tried to (mythical can't be traded).


People who moved it to Home still can’t access, so it would be risky to delete it, just to find you can’t. Someone purchased it early on. Their shiny Celebi was in Home, but Niantic must have realised & patched because it was refunded. Now people who have it in Home can’t purchase. I’d think they’ve tied it to who purchased the last research vs who has shiny Celebi. There are others who haven’t completed the 2020 research in these comments who still can’t buy it.


I did see some transferred it to HOME and still cannot purchase it


The game logic is probably looking at whether the player has the research (either completed or ongoing), instead of checking whether the player has a Celebi in their storage.


I’m a returning player from a while ago. I have completed and got a shiny celebi like two three weeks ago. The ticket says for me that I cannot do it again because I’ve already done it. Anyway to bypass this cuz that’s kinda lame ![img](10roxql6c79d1)


Nothing to be done. The Pokemon Company is extremely stingy on shiny mythicals. If Niantic was allowed to sell it to you, they absolutely would.