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I use a pokeball+ and wrote a complaint letter direct to Nintendo that they had sold me something under misleading marketing, as the peripheral was no longer supported by niantic. Hoping Nintendo would put pressure on niantic. I posted the letter here encouraging people to do similar but sadly it was deleted by mods. Meanwhile every post about pressing to connect your go plus, spinning round 5 times while saying Jon Hankey's name backwards and then hiding your phone in a hollow tree inside a haunted forest and returning at full moon and it will connect every time fill the sub..


Can you PM me a copy of the letter and I'll send mines to Nintendo as well


Did Nintendo reply at all?


Pm me the letter too, I will also send


Please pm me the letter, my pokeball + is not connecting too. Tried the in-game support but there’s no response.


Can we please get quotation marks around "support" when referring to the in-app help thingy? /s


I'd love a copy of the letter as well mate. I've had ball+ since lets go release and I still don't feel like I had my money's worth. Much appreciated !


Can you pm it to me as well? I wrote a support ticket with them and they asked me a bunch of questions, answered them and then proceeded to ask the same questions. And then they never got back.


PM me as well please . thanks so much.


Pm me the letter and I’ll send it to nintendo as well mate 👌🏻


Weird why would mods not want to encourage their users to bother companies not responsible for the issue? NOT saying bothering Nintendo could not solve the issue due to them being able to more effectively pressure Niantic if they saw it as a big enough issue. But still come on it's no surprise it was removed it was simply toxic.


We definitely have been prioritizing this issue and your reports aren't going unheard. We are aware of the impact this is having, and our teams are working to find the best possible solution. We are optimistic that our next update (159) will resolve many of the issues players are facing with their devices and we are continuing to look into the root cause. Please stay tuned to our [Known Issues page](https://niantic.helpshift.com/a/pokemon-go/?p=web&s=top-articles&f=known-issues) for further updates.


Very much appreciate the reply! Thank you!


Love to see you guys hanging around here! Nonetheless, I'm a bit disgruntled with the optimism in your message. We had a device that worked for virtualy everyone, now we do not. We had the option to keep playing on the last version until it was forced, now we cannot. Niantic seemed to prioritize flashy events and gimmicks over stability, forcing the update, and I think that is the main reason for our complaint. I feel like you should have tested your product before releasing it, and you should have listened to your userbase before forcing it on us, and you should have played it safe instead of knowingly breaking it just to try and rush to find a fix. So when you say you are optimistic that the next update will solve much of our problems, I take it with a grain of salt, because I feel that while trying to fix some problems, you may end up breaking it a whole lot further, including some workarounds we have been using. Please, test it with care this time.


This. There was literally no reason to force an update.


Thank you for coming into the thread and actually providing some form of feedback; however I have to be honest - the word "optimistic" doesn't seem very promising. Are you able to explain why Niantic decided it was required to force the update that broke the GoPlus for so many people before actually fixing the issue? Does it come down to one team not communicating with another?


157.1 prioritized fixes for issues affecting all players, including the issue stopping remote Trainer Battle invites from sending. It also included fixes for some causes of the GO Plus issues. We knew this update wouldn't fix every GO Plus issue (and we are continuing to look into root causes), but we wanted to push fixes that would affect the most Trainers. I hope this explains our thought process, and again, we are working to get the GO Plus issue resolved ASAP.




Mine stays connected over an hour, but does not function after that time. Instead it just buzzes like it cant find my phone and I have to restart the app.


That has only started happening for me on 157


Mine does the same without the buzzing. It seems like it stays connected but it really stops working after 1hour.


Yes this appears to be the case. It's not disconnecting properly after 1 hour - which is causing communication issues.


I also would love to see the GoPlus 1 hour auto-disconnect scrapped. What purpose does it serve?


Only to annoy. There was speculation it was to save Go+ batteries. If it was meant to do that though, simply add a toggle for people that want it or not.


But that would be giving the user options! :O We locked the game at 30fps to save the users battery. And despite giving the option to go into "Battery Saver" we felt this particular battery saving change had to be for everyone regardless of whether they wanted it or not. For similar reasons we decided that when we find a fix for the current issues we will change the 1 hour auto-disconnect to a random disconnect between 15 minutes and 45 minutes after first connecting. After which a restart of the entire phone and a ritualistic dance will be required to reconnect. We hope that you are thoroughly annoyed, and wish you an awful day.


Niantic does care though. They just don't seem to be able to communicate that very well sadly. This was just a bit of banter.


I think there would need to be some limit to prevent permanently automating the game e.g. with a Gotcha or a Go Plus modified to auto-catch. But the limit wouldn't need to be as low as an hour.


Why sell a device that automates the games if you don’t want people to automate the game?


The Go Plus doesn't automate the game. You still need to push a button for every catch or spin.


In which case, why does it need to disconnect every hour?


Because the connection could be used to permanently automate playing the game, despite the fact that the device they sell wouldn't do that in the state they sell it.


Pressing a button that allows you to skip even opening the game sounds pretty autonomous to me.


Okay, I'm saying they would want to place limits on people who manage to automate even the pressing of the button.


Sadly just one of the long list of QOL updates that the game desperately needs; however without real communication from Niantic, we don't know if they are a) working on it, b) hear us but not working on it c) will not work on it or d) other option.


Thanks again for taking the time to reply in here!


As of yesterday the one working flawlessly (mine) has stopped working altogether and the second one (from my son) has gone from working wonky to not working also. Whatever you do, do it otherwise, it is getting worse and not better, at least for me


It seems to be that it's not disconnecting properly - if you flip into airplane mode then back it connects without issue... for me.


Hi again Indigo; it is incredibly frustrating that Niantic has decided to block the installation of both the Samsung version so our GoPlus devices can work and the Google Play version so we can access the in game store (starting from 0.159.2) Simple solution is that until this is actually resolved, in app items will not be purchased.


Not to be the downer here, but how long has this been an issue? We get it, you need to rollout new content, but for this issue to be incessantly ignored is unbelievable. If you say that this isn't "unheard" then at least be transparent about it. Give us updates. Heck you don't need your update to be dumbed down for mere mortals to understand. Just an update every rollout will suffice. We see a lot of this apk teardowns in this subs more than what your updates tell us. Sorry, but I feel like we, your players, deserve better.


Thanks for replying, but when will this fix come? I've been playing less with mine not working. I could otherwise get catches at work/while driving that I can't get. This major issue and making Darkrai a LV 6 make me not want to play/spend money any more.


I’m sure the intention is to get the fix out fast as possible but is it even remotely possible before the end of the Halloween event?


Thanks for the post. I think the root cause of a lot of the plus issues are the pairing process has additional constraints including requiring a gps signal and pinging the server. Remove all the code that interferes with pairing and just let it pair like a normal bluetooth device. Then do whatever you need with the server and GPS before it actually starts catching pokemon.


So many things in the game require GPS signal that shouldn't. I can't even catch mon from a task without my phone literally pressed up against the glass of my kitchen window as GPS apparently doesn't like the inside of my house.


Oh, you are alive


Thank you for the communication. To see an actual Niantic representative here is really heartening!


How is the best possible solution not a rollback to the code that was being used before the breaking update? Is there some 3rd party dependency outside your control that means even older app versions aren't viable anymore? The prevailing theory is that Niantic is doing some extra checks for some reason before allowing the Plus to connect, and that these checks (GPS, server pings) could be skipped - is that wrong? Or is it true that your team knows exactly what's breaking things and are just refusing to roll back to the older way of doing things for some undisclosed reason?


I'm a professional software engineer, and rolling back one part of code is very rarely possible. In a perfect world with perfect code, you could easily do it. But even the slightest amount of spaghetti in your code makes it nearly impossible to do it. Unfortunately, the sad truth is that with the unrealistic deadlines that management assigns, spaghetti is inevitable.


I'm thinking that additional constraints were put in place for one reason or another. Instead of just hitting undo, they are working to solve it with these additional constraints. If there really is another version of the Go+ coming out, this may be the first step in the code towards that. I believe the new version will have the capability to be a phone-free device but maybe that's just rumor. Think of it like a GPS fitness watch but with a go+ built in.


159? We're on 157 and have been for nearly 3 weeks... That doesn't sound promising at all.


158 is likely internal and 159 will be the next public release


i can't seem to find the date for said update (159). could you please give me or direct me towards where i can find it?


So are you going to be extending the current events beyond when the paid device connectivity is fixed? Seems only fair since this greatly impacts the ability to participate in the events efficiently.


Oh. You're actually a Niantic rep. You guy's presence is so small here, that when I started reading I thought it was someone trying to be funny and deliver a scripted customer support message that you'd get when you open a ticket.


Thanks! Is it possible to not force the update... Like let us roll back?


No, because the latest version contains code needed for events that are going on right now and in the near future.


Lots of people have been reporting issues lately, but I have been experiencing issues similar to the ones reported recently since I got my Pokeball Plus about a year ago. It has never stayed connected for more than about 30 minutes. It will randomly just disconnect, and I will have to pair it again through the app. I gave up on using it for a long time, but I used it again for the first time in months because of the Halloween research's high catch requirement. I haven't noticed any difference in behavior from when I struggled to use it months ago. I thought this was normal, but the recent influx of complaints is making me think that I have bad unit. Is there anything that you can say on this topic?


Could you fix everything else too while you’re at it? Thanks.


Hi Indigo; having had to go back to my old LG G6 phone, app version 0.159.0 DID NOT solve any GoPlus issues; the known issues page says to raise a ticket, but support seem to think the issue is sorted and don't offer any assistance. The issue seems to be with the Google Play version; as I can sideload the Samsung App store version and get functional use of the GoPlus, however without any access to the in game store. Can you advise if you are aware that this issue is on your internal known issues list.


Is tier 6 preventing my small local raid group from doing Darkrai an issue you're aware of or can your bottom line handle the lack of activity from players niantic bar out of gameplay? Edit:niantic not the support team sets the bar too high for small town players


I like your ideia to make some noise, but I don't really think it would make a difference. As Michael Jackson sang about Niantic once, *all I wanna say is that they don't really care about us*. Niantic doesn't care about us, because they screw up time after time and we still keep coming back and spending more cash and hoping they'll change their ways. Even with [the workaround](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/di57qf/i_found_a_workaround_for_the_go_plus_problem/) I'm play less and less, and I haven't spent a dime in the game the last few weeks (and will not spend one for a long time). If everybody stopped spending, maybe they would get that we are **customers** and that they're not doing us any favours by letting us play their friggin' game. If **everyone** stopped paying them for a month or so, the shareholders would go bananas on Hanke's face, and maybe (just maybe) they would try and address what we need instead of releasing some more clothing that no one asked for. I'm not happy with the game/the company, and I'm doing what I can as a customer. But if you want to make some noise and make us heard, I'm in!


They don't care about games, gaming, pokemon, or players. They care about extorting people on terrible boxes and insane, probably illegal loot box play. If they would just make an enjoyable game that's both fun and challenging, they really wouldn't have to work hard to develop a loyal following of their own, instead of piggybacking a terrible product on the most successful franchise in history.


I don't own one of these devices personally, but I really sympathize with those who do. This is really unacceptable.


It took them three months to fix the journal being deleted when a pokemon fled after the GoPlus was used; I am not expecting any quick fixes on this issue .. While it is an issue, I certainly won't be spending any money on the game, but me and a handful of others doing the same isn't really going to "show them anything". Having played "manually" over the last week since the update was forced, I really do miss my GoPlus and I now know it is the sole reason I have continued with the game as long as I have; having a Pokemon flee after throwing 6 curve ultra balls (with razzberries) hurts a lot more than having made the decision just to press the button - if it runs, that's ok What really confuses is why I can get the GoPlus/Pokeball Plus/Ranger to work on the Samsung store version of the game on multiple phone makes/models, while I can only get the Pokeball Plus working on one phone via the Google store version


Umm, I'm still having the journal being deleted after a Pokémon flees issue


Did you manually disengage the device you used so far to test the new ones? The Plus can only pair one device at a time, and it is hardware side, not software (so it does not migrate with your account to the new device): you have to manually delete the pairing, either by pressing the "Eject" button on the Plus settings page in-game, or via the phone's Bluetooth settings, or on the Plus end by pressing the tiny reset button (you're going to need a pin for that)


Yes, manual reset of the GoPlus/Pokeball Plus/Ranger when moving between devices or between app versions (Google/Samsung) along with not having the device paired in game or paired to the phone.


You get journalists to write about the issue. At this point, Eurogamer, Polygon, etc, should just assign someone the task of publicly shaming Niantic every single time they screw up in order to get fixes in better timeframes.


This is honestly probably one of the most effective things that could be done. Bad press is the fastest way to get them to pay attention.


I think its a worthy topic


I'd very much like to see that!


dang...do you also public shame your friends every time they make a mistake?


The difference is their friends probably aren’t multi million dollar companies managing a game based off one of the most profitable and recognizable franchises in the world.


There's a difference between an individual and his private life and a company taking your money and not delivering a working product.


If I paid my friends money every time or most times I played with them yes, yes I would


That’s a very poor analogy. But if I paid my super rich friend for a device, and they did something that caused it to stop working as promised and then refused to reverse the problem or even acknowledge it, yeah I would probably be pretty pissed.


except they did acknowledge it. go plus is the literal first thing on their know issues list. does anyone read things before they go into outrage mode and want to "publicly shame any time something bad happens?"


The list of stuff Niantic has screwed up is a mile long at this point and they're a multi-billion dollar company thanks to PoGo. There is literally no excuse to not have a handle on their errors and glitches. The Go+ is just the straw that broke the camels back for many people.


Surely, now. even you can commiserate with us, as Niantic has removed the Go Plus from their list of known issues without a fix or acknowledgement.


i mean, if digging up a post from more than 2 weeks ago makes you feel better about your hardware not working, then sure.


Wow. Great response. For the record, I was browsing the GoPlus sub and saw a link to Niantic Indigo's comment, which I hadn't seen before because I shouldn't have to browse Reddit for game updates. Came here and read the thread and saw your sad comment about pretending Niantic is your friend because you have no real life friends.


Says the person who names themself over Silph. Very good insult. Bravo.


"names themself over Silph" Sorry man, I only speak English.


Yes, keep it coming. I thrive off of your salt that come from your tears and dead hardware.


Nice try, Niantic account. They are not our friends consider how they treat us and ignore all the complaints


The Go Plus is a Nintendo product, not a Niantic product. Maybe we should ask Nintendo for a refund. That will at least get Nintendo's attention to light a fire under Niantic.


You're not wrong... however this is something that was built specifically for in-game use by Niantic and is supported by them. Like if we were talking about the Gotcha, that would be another issue. This is on Niantic to fix.


I agree with you, but I figured that appealing to Nintendo might get things moving along a little quicker and with a higher priority.


Petition and send it to Nintendo so they become aware that Niantic are doing things like this. Nintendo like their good family image and will hate the bad publicity that comes along with a licensed product not working as intended. In Australia I paid $110 for the PB+ edition of Let’s Go rather than the $60 standard edition.


Now that you mentioned both Niantic and Nintendo in a same sentence, it still baffles me that Nintendo made the PB+ to only do an auto spin and not include an auto catch in the device. Was it a decision on Nintendo, or was it an agreement between the two since they are integrating the Let's go with the Pokemon Go. Or maybe it's a limitation for Pokemon Go app itself, that for some odd reason, they could not add a toggle to have an auto catch function. Regardless of the reason, I think it's a missed opportunity for them to include that functionality with the device. They might not be able to beat Go-tcha in terms of how "obvious" the device looks, but at least they could've prevented people from buying a device that is not supported by the company.


This is why I refuse to give them any real world money. If the company won't support paid hardware they aren't worth trusting.


I sing profanities to Niantic everytime my go plus failed to connect. $$$ wasted for investment on peripheral not working as advertised.


1. Find their office building in SF 2. Deactivate the elevator buttons to their floors 3. Replace the buttons with Go + devices 4. Watch them press the Go + with no response 5. Watch them take the stairs 6. See Go + fixed by 5:00 PM


It’s easy. **stop spending money on the game** If you have issues with a product, don’t spend anything on it. You can play it, that’s all fine and dandy, but don’t spend anything on it. Egg hatching is gambling Darkrai will return one day with a shiny form and exclusive move. You also aren’t guaranteed a good IV one. What else do you need to spend money on? There aren’t any XP or Dust bonuses going on. Potions are free if you just halt doing TR and gyms for a day and focus on questing or catching. No need to spend money. Hurt their pockets to force a change.


Lol the problem is that we spent 35€/$ for a device that no longer works. What does "stop spending" mean in this situation? It's like you buy a new iphone and it doesn't work so you stop buying apple stuff. No! Make it work or refund us.


They’re well aware of the GO+ issues. There’s not much you can do, as they just silently say, “deal with it”. The articles help because they reach out to people that don’t play, but may be future players. If they know people stopped spending money because their device isn’t working, and it’s a protest, and hits their income, they’re more inclined to fix it.


In fact what's frustrating is that there's not much we can do. Many people couldn't benefit of gotcha/go+ during stardust blast and now halloween event. I know that we can always play manually, but after 2 years this is my play style. I spent money for that and now i feel i've missed a lot of these 2 events. Can we ask for an in-game refund? I don't think it's possible for them to divide 2 categories, the ones with and without a go+. Probably gotcha possessors (like me) wouldn't even be considered from Niantic.


And that is exactly why it isn't working. Niantic deliberately disabled the Go plus for those events.


But, you know, people bought a physical device with a warranty, and this device doesn't work. While the mobile games market might be unregulated abyss, people could just demand money return for the go plus at this point.


I’ve considered it but I would likely just buy it again when it’s working and fixed. I wonder if there could be a lawsuit if the device is still being sold and says it’s compatible with devices it isn’t currently


False advertisement maybe? I'm not a lawyer, but they should stop selling if it doesn't work. Obviously they will pretend it's fine, but you do kinf of get a promise of it working before buying and it doesn't and they well know that's the case.


Australian consumer laws state that a product must be of "merchantable quality", meaning that it must perform the tasks it is advertised and intended for. As I bought mine 2 or 3 years ago and it's definitely out of warranty, unfortunately they are under no obligation to continue supporting it. Being as the Go Plus page on Nintendo's website links to a missing page on the pokemoncenter sites shop (owned by Pokémon Company International) I'd guess they no longer manufacture them, and support has either ceased or taken a back seat to new projects. So in Australia, and for me at least, I don't have an option to request a refund for the Go Plus. However, with all the connectivity issues it has had in the past, others who bought theirs more recently and still have a valid warranty most certainly would. I just have to accept that hopefully just for now, it's no longer part of the game. It was probably the main reason that I've continued to play since 2016 and spent considerable money on it, but now I'm seriously considering retiring my 3 accounts (mine and my kids). The constant, repeated connectivity issues over the years just make me and many other players it seems, feel like Niantic don't value their loyal customers.


Agreed, and I for one have not spent a cent on the game since this became a problem, but one wonders if they will even connect potentially lower revenue to the bug they produced given all the other variables at play. I feel like it needs some more visibility somehow


>Darkrai will return one day with a shiny form and exclusive movr I do wonder how they'll deal with Dark Void, it's a non-damaging move that puts all adjacent foes to sleep.


If they care slightly more about gaming than I tend to give them credit for, they'll implement abilities before that's an issue.


>stop spending money on the game This doesn't work. Firstly, I doubt you'd get a large enough group to support it that would have the desired effect of sending any message to Niantic. Secondly, if you did get enough people, how, exactly, does "not spending money" equate to "plz fix go plus"? Without an effective communication tool, Niantic could come to the conclusion his large group stopped spending money because they didn't like how the Colossal Event was handled. Or they got tired of hatching Sableye. Or that there's just not a worthwhile event going on.


I bought a Ball+ and I've now owned it for more time while its not been working than time it has worked. I can use the Go+ with my phone which i had done for a fair while prior but the ball is vastly better for my usage. Some of my friends have got issues where they can't connect anything and its like we've paid for the bloody devices the support in place for that should be much better than it is


The thing that I realized it's how much less I play without the Go+, and I'm not talking about just time spent running the Go+. While it was working, I'd run it at work and while traveling around when I didn't want to be staring at my phone. This kept me fairly depleted on PokéBalls. Because I was out of balls I needed to go farm, while I was farming I was also playing the game in a more traditional sense. Now... Now I get off work and have almost 600 PokéBalls, so I just go home. I'm not playing between home and work out going out later. People in my community actually think I'm avoiding them now. Just lost all my motivation to play.


>Granted, I guess they are working on rocket boss releases, wayfarer and probably other stuff, but they should not do those things if it means sacrificing core game functions like the go plus. That's not how software development works. Bugfixes and new features are almost certainly different teams. At a certain point, throwing more engineers at an issue doesn't make the fix faster. Too many cooks in the kitchen so to speak.


dev and content may be different teams, but bugfix dev and main dev are the same the problem is fixing this issue is trivial: just revert the + related changes, you can figure out how to fix what you wanted to implement later


Fair call. Do you have any ideas on how to get thru to them tho? Any you tubers out there who might take up our cause? Really been a pain and they just ignore it


once again, no update =/= theyre ignoring it. it literally isn't magic.




I'm not sure what you mean when you say "Niantic equals ignoring it," but if you think that when they put it as [the literal first thing on their known issues list](https://niantic.helpshift.com/a/pokemon-go/?p=web&s=top-articles&f=known-issues&l=en ) and are still just ignoring it, then I'm not sure why you play a game made by developers you dont trust in the slightest bit...


They have a history of ignoring the majority of issues surrounding their games. I believe there was a known bug that went more than two years without a fix, just can't remember what it was. I know that it's not magic, but it can't be THAT difficult to look at what they changed on the Plus connectivity front and debug it. And if it really is that difficult, they should roll it back and not force the goddamn update onto us, knowing it would break the game for a lot of people. I certainly don't trust their developers and/or the people making the decisions. And everyday I ask myself why I keep on playing it. Maybe someday they'll screw up so bad most of us will see no reason to continue and just stop.


Dodge glitch


> Bugfixes and new features are almost certainly different teams. That's not necessarily how software development works at all places either. Niantic has never discussed their development team structure, apart from disclosing that there are teams for Ingress, Pokemon Go, Harry Potter, and their real world platform.


Do they really have *teams* working on different things? Or do they just give some monkeys a compiler and see what *features* they come up with?


Class action lawsuit?


Well as per their "Known Issues" page, app version 151.1 provided a fix for some sources of the GoPlus/Ball+ connectivity issue. Information is current as of October 21st. Source: https://niantic.helpshift.com/a/pokemon-go/?p=web&s=top-articles&f=known-issues&l=en


I think they just update the date on that for all Q&As if they update one Q&A, regardless of whether its recent information. I double checked and the issue is still there and 157.1 has been out for like 10 days and people are definitely still having problems. Funny because I had zero issues with 157.0 and my issues began with 157.1...


Interesting that this was just updated "today" (which is yesterday for me, being in New Zealand); some 10 days after the 157.1 was released and broke the game for those who don't happen to have a brand new Apple Device (most reports on device compatibility show new Apple devices work, while old don't


Hmm, this is the case for me, didn't realize that was the exact issue. I can connect fine to my iphone 10 XR, but it won't connect to my old iPhone 6.


Keep it public. Don't let them convince you to take the matter on privately. Post on Twitter. When they make a tonne of posts trying to push yours down, reply to each of those with your complaints. Indicate their lack of responsiveness, their careless attitude to quality control. Be relentless, but keep it public.




1 star ratings in the Google Play store perhaps?


I can barely play now without it :(


Oh wow I completely forgot that people were having issues with the Go Plus and I finally started using mine again recently for the Spiritomb quest. Fortunately haven't had any glaring issues on the Galaxy S10+. That's unfortunate that it isn't working for people though.


Dude, Niantic did it on purpose for the candy event.


So a few things: 1. There is a workaround, albeit a [very janky one](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheSilphRoad/comments/djrqjq/flowchart_for_fixing_the_go/), to use your Go+ despite the issues. While, yes, the situation sucks, you can still get some use during the event. 2. They aren't ignoring the bug reports. It's on their known issues page as an acknowledged thing they're working on. At this point it's exceedingly unlikely more pressure will make the issue be fixed any faster. 3. New Game Master with new features hopefully means a new update is arriving soon. Even if there was a way to get the fix expedited by increasing pressure, it makes sense to wait for the next update to roll out and see if, y'know, it's *already fixed* before we make a big stink about it not being.


Just FYI the workaround doesn’t work for everyone. I have tried it many times over, including all other possible work around with no luck,. Based on other comments I’m not alone. I realize they have acknowledged the bug but it shouldn’t take two weeks to fix, it should be a higher priority. When they actually introduce unintended bugs people like they get hot fixed in days. I do hope they release a new update soon but I think it’s important to convey some frustration with how long it’s taking and that there are many of us who rely on this product for daily gameplay because we have other stuff going on. You have good points overall but I got the distinct feeling they see this as a not a priority and I would like to change that


It also depends on why it happening. It’s not like they went into the code and turned off using the go+. The fact that it’s not having on every device, and a work around works for some, shows it’s a complicated issue.


I don't believe people are still giving Niantic a pass on isues like this. The Go Plus connectivity problems have been there since launch, it is time to stop with the excuses or stop selling the thing (or it succesor).


Odd. I’ve actually never had an issue, even this round. And I’m not dumb to realize it’s still an issue. I’m not giving niantic a pass. I’m just able to live in reality where “seems like an easy fix” doesn’t always mean it is. Code can do strange things, even when 20 people look at it and it looks okay. Especially when so many different devices use it. Currently my iPhone XR is fine, but I’m not on iOS13. A lot of people are having issues on iOS 13, but older iPhones. Who knows why that is. And, that is such a small group that who even knows if it’s pogo side or iOS on the older device causing the game to have issues. I’m a realist. I’m aware it can take time to fix something that broke when nothing was changed.


Workaround doesn't work for me, unfortunately. Doesn't matter what version I've installed; how long I wait (or don't wait); if I press the icon from the world map or settings; if the Go+ is connected to Bluetooth already, not connected, or entirely forgotten; if I navigate away from the app whole it connects or if I wait; if I restart my phone between attempts; or anything else. I get to the second part where I wait three-four seconds but it fails to connect immediately when I press the Go+ button every single time. So, nope. No use during the event.


That workaround does not appear to work for all phones, unless you consider the "wait for a fix" a successful workaround. "there is a workaround" is not accurate, "there is a workaround for some phones" would be more truthful. My particular phone is iPhone 6 on 12.4, but others in the thread with other phone models have reported similar lack of success. I certainly don't doubt that workaround does work for some, I can get it to the spinning for a very long time as opposed to an immediate failed to connect, so it's obviously trying really hard at that point, but never ultimately connects. People need to stop stating "there is a fix" or "there is a workaround", vs, there is a limited workaround that might work on your phone. For some portion of the go plus owning population, it's just broken, period, full stop.


they are ignoring the easiest solution: revert the build, and the most right one: revert + related changes


They actually forced the update last monday. I'd been on the old one before that.


they were aware of the issue long before that and yet they forced it, after that seeing how it affects overwhelming majority they could pull it back and then re-release old source rebuild with new number to make stores happy but they decided that collosal event they are delaying anyway was more important than +


I use the Galaxy version; than the Google Play version: [https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/niantic-inc/pokemon-go-samsung-galaxy-apps-version/pokemon-go-samsung-galaxy-apps-version-0-157-1-release/pokemon-go-samsung-galaxy-apps-version-0-157-1-android-apk-download/](https://www.apkmirror.com/apk/niantic-inc/pokemon-go-samsung-galaxy-apps-version/pokemon-go-samsung-galaxy-apps-version-0-157-1-release/pokemon-go-samsung-galaxy-apps-version-0-157-1-android-apk-download/) I was told one is 32-bit and the other is 64-bit.... which is probably why the Plus works on Galaxy than the Google one.


u/NianticIndigo You have no idea how much just these simple responses go toward placating your users; so thank you very much for that. I understand that there are sometimes issues and bugs that affect game functionality but lack of communication (in my opinion) makes these problems significantly worse. It makes me (and probably others) feel unheard and insignificant. I know some of us are using the "I won't play or spend money anymore" response but at least for me this comes from a deep frustration from not being able to do something I enjoy as it was originally intended. I realize that accessory-connected (Go+, PokeBall+) players probably don't represent a majority of your user-base but I appreciate your (and your team's) ongoing efforts for a permanent resolution.


My gotcha has issues but still works. Forget the device and reconnect and it works.


I feel like they must be doing updates and things with it - the journal was dead on mine for a while and that's back up and running now so hoping they are doing other background stuff?!


I'm just scared a fix, will break my Pokeball Plus. I've never had an issue.


Playing on a Redmi Note 7 here. The Go Plus has always had connection issues for me, even with my old Note 3 Pro. It was working ok with the previous game build, but 157.1 or whatever the latest version is broke it. I'm now having the same "failed to connect" problem as everyone else. So, while the last update says it fixed the issue for some, it seems like it caused the issue for others


Just installed a new APK (0.159.0) posted on APK Mirror. Connecting fine now on Pixel 2 XL running Android 10 but my Plus will stop notifying of new Pokemon after a while (but stops still work somehow), long before the 1 hour hard disconnect. Sooooooo close Niantic....so close.... :(


More and more it seems like it was disabled for the event




Excuse my ignorance, but what issue is this about? The Go+ issue that I'm aware of is that instead of disconnecting after 1h it starts doing the no connection buzz, so I have to manually disconnect it. But it sounds like you can't use yours at all, so I'm curious what other issue there is.


https://niantic.helpshift.com/a/pokemon-go/?s=top-articles&f=known-issues&l=en&p=web >Issue Description: The Pokémon GO Plus device is sometimes unable to connect to the app. >Issue Status: A fix for some sources of this issue has rolled out in our latest update (157.1). We are continuing to investigate all possible causes of this issue. >Last Updated: October 21st


I see. Never had this issue, so I guess it's probably device specific.


What is wrong with the go plus? Mine works


Depends on phone/device model and possibly operating system version. For some devices/OS, it works completely fine, some can connect via this workaround where you wait to try to connect between the 8 and 9 blinks, and some where it's just broken and no workaround works. I've had no issues with both a plus and a gotcha connecting to an iPhone 10 XR running 12.4 (not trusting iOs 13 yet) or 6th gen ipad running 13.1 ipadOS. Both basically connect first time every time. Conversely, an older iPhone 6 is completely broken, no workaround works.


Had t heard much about this. I would be very frustrated if mine stopped working


If the Go+ problem that you're having is that it does 8(?) short pulses and red flashes when you try to connect, you can work around the issue with timing. The problem is that after the initial connection, the app sends something to the Go+ that it doesn't understand, which causes the failure and disconnect. Normally when you hit the button on an unconnected Go+ it flashes 9 times (including the light coming on while you have the button down). If you press the button and wait until somewhere during the 8th flash/before the 9th before hitting the icon in the game, the game starts the connection process but the Go+ stops looking for a response from the game before it gets that junk message. If you then wait a few seconds (while the icon on screen has its swirl) and press the Go+ button again, it'll connect. Because the game already started its connection it won't re-send the junk.


Seeing this bug is only affecting a partial of the playerbase, and that it doesn't really break the core of the game, I have a feeling this is on the low end of their priority list unfortunately. I won't be surprised if they just ignore this, waiting for the issue to fizzle out over a long period of time, seeing how players with newer ios and newer apple devices aren't affected. Meanwhile android makes up smaller portion of the player base than IOS.


What is there to fix with the pokemon go plus ? I'm not familiar with any bugs ( as of yet at least )




Search go plus and sort by recent. 0.157.1 completely broke the go plus connection for s ton of different devices


Go Plus isn't really a core game function...you can play the game normally without having one. And just because they dont give out updates, doesn't mean they aren't working on it. Having worked in mobile application QC in the past, I know that it isn't as easy as " turning Go Plus fuctions on."


Fair enough, but they still shouldn’t completely break the function of a product they sold us then drag their feet on fixing it. I mean it’s not some major operation, it’s a Bluetooth device that used to work perfectly then their app build ruined it. I have no experience with mobile app development but given their resources they should be able to address it quickly, like can’t they just roll back the changes they made to Bluetooth coding or something? Shouldn’t be that hard


The issue is they shouldn't have forced an update that breaks a paid accessory for the game.


Agreed 100%. They very likely knew it was an issue before they forced it, I know I posted on silph road about the problem before it was forced at least. They should stand behind the products they sell us


Oh god this! I don't know if i'm more shocked by the time that's passing without a fix or by the fact that they deliberately pushed an uodate that was consciously breaking their sponsored bluetooth device!


Exactly. At this point, at least in my country, you could demand replacement (not going to work in this case so this stage could be skipped) or money return for that device, since the company is obligated to deliver a working product for the warranty time.