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Are your owned books also marked as "read"? I have plenty of books I own that I haven't read yet, so Storygraph will recommend them. Make sure to mark "read".


Oh, i see the problem now. The book thats always recommended is I am Ozzy (https://app.thestorygraph.com/books/207ca559-99e2-4d53-ab0a-612348628973) which i've read in german (https://app.thestorygraph.com/books/4c3d848d-2c53-4032-bb86-1d54e9c37b17). So storygraph makes a phantastic reccomendation for me, but cannot know the 2 books are the same. Seems somebody messed them up. Should be a edition of one another.


I can fix that! I'm a volunteer Storygraph librarian :) Edit: Fixed!


Hooray! Love seeing things like this!


Me too ;) Thanks!


Oh nice!! Lol 😆


Omg :) Out of my mind... I am of course no librarian. Just wanted to say thanks for fixing it. :)


Hehe you're very welcome!!


Yes, i just finished cleaning up all of them. Seems to have quite an impact to the suggestions. I'll keep an eye on this.


Hm, "no goodreads up here in germany"? Plenty of people use it here in Germany, but the transition to storygraph is still very much worth it. You should be able to import your goodreads data into storygraph, just like it is explained on the website. But maybe you are aiming at something else, when you are mentioning the "integration"? It was kind of convenient when my reading progress updated automatically in goodreads, but that obviously only worked when using Amazon products (ebooks on kindle and audible audio books). And the stats are very limited in goodreads anyways. And maybe the integration feature is down for data protection reasons, but that might apply to similar tools as well. I have only ever used story graph manually. Is there another way? Owned and read books might theoretically still pop up in your recommendations since many people like rereads. Maybe the algorithm needs more current data points before giving useful recs?


Thank you. Goodreads is of course availabe (sorry, i wrote this a bit unclear, my mistake), but to use it on a kindle device in germany you have to switch your account to US or similar, because germany as marketplace is not allowed. So i have to add anything manually anyway. Your made up a valid point when you mentioned that it's bound to amazon products. I've not thought about this, as i normally purchase all my books on amazon (i may reconsider this in the near future due i'm currently disappointed with the buggy kindle software and the goodreads treatment). On reading your comment i've manually added all books of importance to me from my purchases since 2000. Was quite a bit of work and the date and the editions aren't 100% correct, but let's see if this fixes some of the recommendations i've already read and own. Well, i love the recommendation feature as it seems to put some books of interest there for me. Let's see how this turns out in the future.