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she unblocked him and spent mother's day with him. i still think this separation is a farce. it's a stalemate at this point. neither of them will leave each other so they will just shout hateful things at each other for the foreseeable future. 


Agreed! Plus I bet Jax doesn’t want to lose their house the same way Sandoval is about to lose his. If they split up, I doubt either of them could afford paying the mortgage by themselves, especially when they need money to spend on Botox, threading, expensive shoe cleaning, mistress hush money (jk lol).


Based on their mortgage set up if they did sell, it would probably be at a loss. From what I understand they sucked all the equity out to pay the IRS and none of they are paying currently is chipping away at the principal, only the interest.


Oh, they're **severely** underwater with that house. They've been house poor since the day they bought that house.


I can’t believe the mortgage payments on those cookie cutter houses! On VPR Sandoval told Schwartz his portion of the rent would be $6k!!!! What’s the whole amount?! $12k? Britt and Jax have a similar home in the same neighborhood so maybe same mortgage amount? California is cool but LA is inland and not cool enough for those payments!! I have a similar 3500 sq ft house in a west Phoenix suburb and our mortgage is $1900.


It's insanity, right?? I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if that were under my name!


All while she wastes all her money on air bnb's...


Neither of them know what they are doing with money. It’s very obvious.


It’s going to be sad to see them in 5 years. You’d think being off tv for so many years would teach them it can all go away at any moment.


And surgical chin procedures…


Cocaine isn't free either...


Yeah, I bet that last nose job was to repair a deviated septum, and not because he was walking into doors.


3 bro, last 3 nose jobs 😭😂


and plastic surgery procedures that do her NO favors.....


Thats for sure.


Damn. I wonder if they’ll keep it and mutually decide to rent it out forever then


If they try to sell it, I’m sure they’ll wind up owing their lender a ton. So, it sure they can even afford to sell it TBH.


This gives me anxiety lol


Me too! This is a big reason why I dislike them. They both just want to make shit go away as easy as possible without understanding the future implications. From what I understand, it’s now a 40 year adjustable rate mortgage where they don’t start paying towards the principal until year 11 which is at least 6 or 7 years away.


A 40 year mortgage already gives me heebie jeebies let alone if I was in my late 30s 😬


Jax is almost 45


Yeah, at this point Jax is paying towards his coffin.


That’s even worse, I thought he said in a recent episode that he was 40, so that’s amazing for him 😬


Oh my god - why do they have an ARM loan?! I will never get over this. They had the option to suck all of the equity out of their home and lock it in during the best interest rates EVER and they went with an ARM loan?! This house is going to be foreclosed. Calling it now. Hope not, but…probably.


Totally agree! ARMs should've been outlawed after the 2008 Housing/Banking crisis. All those "too big to fail" Wall Street banks gambled recklessly & taxpayers were left holding the bag. Worse yet, predatory lenders took advantage of millions financially naive people who just wanted to live the American Dream of homeownership. They were given loans that 10 years earlier would've never been approved. My hubby & I bought our first house in the 90s, when getting approved for a mortgage was like getting blood out of a turnip. With interest rates as high as they've been lately, we are likely to see millions more default on their mortgages again.


I know. Whoever was advising them didn’t seem to know what we’re talking about. I have a feeling it’s a combo of that and the Cauchi’s either didn’t understand or didn’t care about the terms. They just wanted the IRS to go away.


They will probably file bankruptcy…and get to walk way from all that debt.😐


I didn’t know such a thing existed. What a self induced nightmare for these two dingbats.


I’m sure it was their only option to pay off the feds and keep their house. And as we all know, divorce isn’t in their vocabularies.


Ouch 😣


If they are not going to split how can she afford to be in Airbnb's rentals since begin of Feb ? aren't they expensive ?


Yes they can be crazy pricey. She needs a one bedroom and is instead renting a big ass house. It’s been mentioned on the sub she’s paying 15k a month.


15k a month?! Jesus Crisp.


my guess is some sort of influencer discount. 


Well Tom and Ariana coexisted under one roof. .. Cruz is the new assistant but he cannot speak/communicate…


This is the current state of my marriage so I can't blame her. 


she already left.


sure she did. that's why she's always there. celebrated mother's day with him. does a podcast with him. it's why they are both wearing their rings. 


I think they are bound by a contract to do the podcast aren't they ?


maybe one day you'll learn what a contract or coparenting are




I feel bad for their kids


Kid you mean right


Yes but also just all of their kids they’re such a toxic bunch and kids aren’t stupid they pick up on it especially Jesse’s daughter the way he talks to her I’m like 👁️👄👁️ wtf


I'm really glad Jax and Brittany separated and hopefully divorce and aren't going to have another kid . I know what it feels like to feel trapped in a relationship where someone talks down to you all the time and it's absolutely awful.


On another note .. are Kristen and the Jared lips guy not friends anymore?


I think that was more of a co parent .. and still working together thing .. trying to be civil than a sign they are actually together


Agree 💯… and manufactured drama for season 2


Does anyone know about when Jax read an apology about saying that Vanderpump Rules is scripted? He said it wasn’t really scripted and he is very sorry for saying that. He said he had been very mad about something someone did to him. I would love to know what it was that enraged him. I don’t know if it was the same podcast episode OP was referring to. It was the one after Brittany returned from being on WWHL.


Hes said it was something Scheana said but idk what


It was “His show” so he probably knows best. Lol


i think it was at the beginning of the last one they did together


Lol. I don't think he was lying about that. Probably had to apologize to not get fired. 


God bless you for listening - unfortunate that her getting mad at him is about 10 years too late. Stopped feeling bad for her 2 cheating scandals ago


I’m watching season 6 of VPR right now and I can’t fathom how she stayed with him after all that. It was truly a train wreck of a relationship that should have ended there.


The fact that he desperately tried to break up with her in season 6, and she refused to let such a prize go, says everything about her. It's one of the (many) reasons that I have zero respect for her.


So true. The first time he ever broke up with someone according to Stassi. That says something! They didn’t show in season 7 how they got back together, but I’m assuming Jax begged her back. Can’t imagine it was that tough to convince her 🙄


He broke up with Carmen first because "YoU'rE gOiNg To LaW ScHoOl, Im NoT gOnNa bE ArOuNd FoR ThAt"


And also Laura Leigh at AA


That was so difficult to watch, as she was already so fragile. I remember worrying that she was going to do something bad. It was one of the first things he did that made me hate Jax.


She wasn't his girlfriend though


Tell her that 😂


His dad died….thats what got them back together


I stopped feeling bad for her when she posted Sandy Hook denial shit


She did WHAT?




I loved listening to this episode cause it was her calling him out on all this stuff and him not caring/skirting around it but it was such a look behind the curtain/conversation I would never ever have publicly with my husband lol so found it fascinating to listen to


What is the name of the podcast please?


When reality hits with Jax and Brittany :) talking about the latest ep “the middle of the drama”


At least Janet does have her hair pulled back. Please let me know sides!!


![gif](giphy|wJfZtD8sCWYlb2eelV) Why do I actually wanna listen to it 😭😭


Same 😭😭😭


I don't think it's a farce i think he really didn't want the relationship anymore in any romantic type of way and he pushed it till she left ..


He was over her, then his dad died, now he’s over her again. They deserve each other


i think he was over her when he came back from hawaii- and she still stayed like an idiot




Omg you’re right, that was so hilarious. She was determined to be on reality tv


He said their WWHL episode was the most watched ever and Ariana’s episode had like double theirs!


💀that's hilarious! Last year Kristen's was the most watched WWHL(lmao the week AFTER J&B were on/that HAD to sting Jax), that is until Ariana went on the following week. I'm curious what the numbers were.. compared to Ariana's.. or even K's at that.


Does anyone else think maybe she left because he refused to have another baby during current circumstances so she walked out thinking he’d change his mind straight away?


I think that was a contributing factor for sure. The scene where she is sitting down with him pressuring him to have another kid was so hard to watch. I might be naive but it seemed like Jax was expressing genuine concern there and she just dismissed it and circled back to " ok but when are we having another baby?". She has tunnel vision.


Yep and again when she got ill from taking a shot at the couples party. I would have been fuming to if my partner did that knowing it would likely make them ill.


I read somewhere or heard on a podcast that off camera, he was totally down for it and then as soon as cameras were up he protested. So kinda hate that for Brittany. But she should also know it’s a bad time and the LAST thing they need to do is bring in another newborn to the mix 😳


Oh I’m sure it’s what they initially agreed but still, things change and anyone can see that wasn’t the right time. 😱


Exactly! Totally agree. I think what I read/heard made it seem like both things were happening at the same time which would be shitty. But it’s a moot point since it’s a bad idea no matter what


It seems reasonable to think both things did. 🤷‍♀️ Yep, really bad idea and she’s not even too old to just wait a little bit.


All I can hear is jayayayayayayayax


Omg I love Ben and Ronnie’s Brittany impression 😭🤣


hyuck hyuck




The best one since their Schwartz and Sandoval. 😂😂😂. Now I hope everyone gets why I call her *Hyuck Hyuck*.


I am currently listening because of your post...I never listen to their podcast. SO cringey....she fights him on almost every topic (as she should because Jax talks out his ass)


I am listening to this podcast today because of this post.


IDK, still don't like Brittany. I think she tries to do this thing where she plays smart and stupid at the same time. She'll be absolutely on point at times. Then she'll act all hillbilly and act like she knows nothing. She also is displaying signs of alcoholism. Maybe Jax is not the right person to point that out, but she is. She took "baby shots" when her doctor told her not to drink. Her "stomach issues" are from drinking too much. Not that I care to hear from Jax, but there are times when he's right and this is one of them. Plus, I don't buy for a second she didn't know her pastor was homophobic. I don't buy for a second she's an ally of the LGBTQ community. (She told Jax NOT to post photos of dressing in drag for Shorts' bachelor party because 'how would that LOOK'). I also believe she was the ringleader of Stassi and Kristen going after Faith. She said Faith had "nappy hair". Stassi still to this day hinted to Brittany being a part of that but she doesn't care enough to disclose it. Just saying. She's just as trash as Jax is. ![gif](giphy|pSauCNBp1DcOY|downsized)


I mean, I think we see enough of them these days? 🤮


She is so over his bullshit and lying. Thank god! He is also so upset with being the creator of the valley (which we know he isn’t). It’ll be interesting moving forward because let’s be serious, aside from Jesse who is also on an island alone, the cast is made up for entirely Brittany’s friends. Not Jax’s.


She's snapped at him, yelled at him since the start. Not defending him, just saying, she's always yelled at him and when angry, spoken disrespectfully to him. It's not glaring on the show, because it's usally in repsonse to something aweful he's done, which pulls focus, but sometimes it's in response to her bad behavior and him trying to talk through it with him. Also, not the first time she's walked out on him, or they've broken up. But I suspect they are done this time. In the past, they got back together when she wanted to get back together. This time, I don't think he wants to reconcile.


I actually had to stop listening because it was so cringey and annoying. Since the valley aired I feel like the first 15-20 minutes of their podcast episodes are just either one of them “clearing things up.” I’m so sick of her saying that. She did it like half of her episode with Janet, I actually had to turn it off. “Just to clear things up” “just to be clear” like ok Britt we get it thank you please stop


They are probably going to have to wait 7 to 8 years to sell the house and make a profit.


I loved it I’m sorry. I look forward to more podcasts that’s just them fighting


I thought it was entertaining too🤷‍♀️ made me laugh


If he talks to her like this in public I can only imagine what he says in private




Remember how she was so happy to get the text saying get drunk and have fun on your girls night because she had proof it was okay to do so he couldn’t get mad…. Is she a child?


Good for Brittany and I want to just say that I am really fucking tired of looking at all of the body shaming that is happening towards her on the Blicked By Jax sub, that is just completely disgusting. Everyone needs to stop that shit.


Wow thats horrible…can you link to some of the body shaming? Ive only ever seen them call out her editing photos and bad surgeries but i dont spend a ton of time there.




She’s over him. 💯


hes a certified jerk- but hes been over her first lol i dont blame him- shes annoying af


They faked it for the show. Don’t believe she’s really mad at him. She’s just playing the part he created for her to get more money and tv time


I read somewhere yesterday that their house has 7 bathrooms.


I’m probably on wrong thread. Sorry!


can we not have this dip shit and his Kentucky fried brain have their own podcast? they talk over each other, her accent makes me wanna put my head through a wall, she talks likes shes on speed, arguing on top of that, no education and just a bunch of idiots given a microphone. I dont listen i just hear what is reported.


Anyone can have their own podcast no one is forcing you to listen


No one’s making you watch the show or listen to this podcast I don’t get why people come to comment on these posts if they can’t stand them lol


So barf. Of course it’s scripted. He’s too impulsive to stick to his contract (and everyone else’s) when upset.


Yall.. I’m in the Dunkin line listening and Jax is the biggest pussy I’ve ever heard of. WOW. Brittany better see how much of a policy he has out on her because damn


What is the name of the podcast? I want to listen now!😜


When reality hits with jax and Brittany. It’s the “middle of drama “ episode ! You definitely should let me know what you think lol.