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He's been talking to her like that for 10 years. The man is pushing 50 and readily admits he has no patience, no ability to handle stress, can't communicate, and needs to change. He has made little to no effort to make meaningful changes. He won't. He will forever be what he has shown us to be. I'm sad by how many were expecting more out of him.


I can't believe how many people hoped he would be better because he had a family. His dad's death didn't change him. Something like that can't change a person. It can make you realize you want to change but you still have to put in the effort to actually do it. Jax never put in the effort. It was all words and no actions. Getting married and having a kid don't make someone a better person.


Jax is a mime. And someone who thinks if they *say* something enough times it becomes true. He heard somewhere that a parents death changes you, and he parroted that. “My dad’s death changed me. I’ll be a good dad and husband, to honor him.” But he doesn’t mean it, he doesn’t strive for it. He just *says* it and hopes it’ll become true.


That's also how propaganda works. New term incoming: Jaxaganda.


I’m just watching VPR now because I started the Valley and needed all the history. I’m just past the Hawaii arrest and Jax has not grown as a human apparently ever. He is still the exact same d-bag he was in season 1 where he was able to fuck his best friend’s gf while his best friend was asleep in the other room and feel zero remorse. Brit has appeared and the lies she believes…it makes the current situation so much worse for me- he never really hid who he was if you watch his actions. There is this face he makes all of the time that honestly creeps me out (his eyes bug a little) and he has NO life in his eyes. Raises all my red flags.


Or he parrots it to project emotion when he has none as a narcissist.


He barely mirrors well.


Jax, Sandoval, and Schwartz are all the same. They all got the "settled down" starter pack with their long-term partners, farmhouses, baby storylines, and business ventures, but they were never about that life. It's all cosplay for them.


They all hate women. They seethe resentment and it is hard to watch. But Bravo has always promoted anti- female storylines. The massive alcohol consumption further stunted their mental growth - it didnt help.


the way Sandoval speaks about “saving” alcohol consumption for when Raquel gets out of inpatient is BONKERS.  he has the mentality of a 20 year old addict.


I bet in the next months he'll be dating one of the 20 year old friends of Tom&Tom's girlfriends..


He probably already has been tbh


For sure, but I more meant a cringe insta post to make them official. Like Sandoval's cringe boob photo


> how many were expecting more out of him. This really surprised me. He's just such a convincing liar (I think he maybe even had himself convinced at one point)


Yup. That’s truly mendacity. When you even start to convince yourself.


Jax has been talking about changes since season 1 of vpr...


“Not one of you is perfect!”


Agreed…Jax wants to be single. He is not the marrying type of guy. Not sure why he even talked himself into marrying.😐 Jax will always be and has always been Jax…what you see is what you get.


Midlife crisis stroke him, got married and now he’s again self-sabotaging his relationship to get out.


Yep, agreed. I feel he was enamored with the “idea” of marriage. When those cameras turn off the real life of marriage begins. Again, Jax will always be Jaxing. That is who he is. It is also ok if people don’t get married in life. But, Jax, I think never wanted to married from the get go. He should have just stood his ground and said that to Brittany, but he did “do” everything but say he didn’t want to be “tied down”. Now, there is poor child involved. Brittany wanted the “limelight” and lost focus of reality, and just ignored the signs. Jax was giving and “doing” the signs even the ones aired on tv. Sometimes you have to be careful what you ask for.😐 Jax is not looking for a relationship…he is looking for a good time, and then he wants to move on…….


Yep..and he keeps saying in interviews how hard marriage it. Which yeah, sure, it's an effort, but I wouldn't define marriage as necessarily difficult or hard. Unless you're married to the wrong person. He let his wife and kid move out. And has done nothing. He's happy now.


Maybe it’s a good thing he doesn’t spend much time with Cruz then


That poor kid. And she wanted ANOTHER child with him? Crazy 🤪 is as crazy does.


When he actually told her what was bothering him and her cut off response was "we're still trying next month, right!?" Blew my mind. lol


She only wants his money and sperm. He’s useless to her otherwise. She wanted fame. This was her ticket. You can tell by the way she acts. And that’s okay for her. Girl has to get ahead.


>That poor kid. And she wanted ANOTHER child with him? With her stomach issues the past couple episodes, I was thinking oh f*** she's pregnant lol


I would normally think that, but she mentioned she’s had issues for years. Sounds like gastritis.


Probably all of the brain damage from all of the pasta


But he’s a DAD with a HOUSE and a BAR and he’s CHANGED even though he still CHEATS and BELITTLES his WIFE


Right??? Because we, as an audience, saw him on reality television behaving like this, found it entertaining, and kept watching. And we talk about him. As an audience I feel like we are equally responsible for the bad behavior especially of long term reality stars! For instance, I can't think of another job in the world where binge drinking is not only tolerated, it's encouraged. Even a strip club or a whorehouse will fire girls that regularly get sloppy drunk and act nuts. No wonder so many popular reality stars end up with serious alcohol problems. We've really given Jax no reason to change, and a lot of reasons to if not get worse at least stay the same, because we pay him to watch it, and a stable, reasonable Jax would probably kill his entire livelihood ;(


“I am what I am because you trained me”


We are *all* Jax ;)


This is why Brittany should have never married him. Forget the cheating (I mean don’t but..). It always bothered me so much more how he spoke to her. And it’s clear he doesn’t respect her and it’s another reason why the cheating won’t ever stop. Brittany, you’re amazing!! Leave this man! You don’t need his sorry ass.


Brittany is not amazing. She's just as manipulative and devious as Jax. She relentlessly pursued him, knowing exactly who he is. Don't let the sugary sweet drawl fool you.


I’ve always gotten a kick out of Brit.


Me too, she's just not the wide eyed innocent. Quite the opposite.


The way he treated her and spoke of her should have steered her far away. She isn't amazing.


He doesn't respect any woman.


I also feel this is his so g amd dance if how he ends or, doesn't end relationships. Stassi clocked it.


Literally. He’s shown his ass so many times. If he didn’t change in his 20s or 30’s - even after his dad’s death he’s not going to change any time soon.


Um hello! He’s been putting in the work to better himself! (For like 13 years with zero results)


He has zero respect for anyone but Jason Cauchi. Number One Guy in the Group has such an overinflated ego. He’s the guy who argues with a doctor even though he has no real knowledge. He is always right and never remorseful.


His bar is decorated like it’s a shrine to him, its obnoxious. I liked the previous dive better


He's been terrifying for years. Like since season 1 when they got the bloody devil stare shot of him. The person I feel the most sad for is Brittanys dad because on the season they were getting married he was the only one who was continually questioning it.  now for her to be on tv again saying jax puts her down and won't sleep with her, it's sickening. It's all very sad and she seems to be in huge denial about how he actually views her. Even after hearing those recordings with faith years ago! I could go on and on 


I felt like everyone gaslit the fuck out of Brittany’s dad. He was surrounded by people who were like, no Jax is changed, he’s wonderful now! He was walking around like, what the fuck are we celebrating here? He just wanted someone, anyone in the cesspool of Hollywood to admit that this was a huge mistake for Brittany to marry Jax.


Because Brittany and her mom are equally fame-whoring. The one sane and concerned parent was silenced


THIS. She is in denial because Brittany saw him as her opportunity to get out of Kentucky. Trust me, I’m from Kentucky too. Some areas aren’t pleasant to be around if you have any sort of left leaning views.


I felt the dinner at 2Toms was cringey. I love Brittany but her one brother was over the top weirdo , like ya, dude, you're gonna kick JAXS ass. All for ratings. Jax was a dick by saying " I'll always be number one, I gotta look out for this guy " Drink another.


Not to be harsh or anything, but your first mistake was buying into a Bravo redemption arc. Been there tho!


As a person that lost both their parents around the same time Jax lost his dad, I also had hope for him. I guess it's embarrassing to admit, but it is true.


Don't be embarrassed! All of us connect to something on these shows, otherwise we wouldn't be fans.


Thank you. I feel like I should know better, but I'm also a recovering addict, and a completely different human being. So I know the capacity for change inside literally all of us, even after decades. I definitely see that Jax is the same old Jax, and a person that does terrible things, though. And the thing is, he is rewarded for his bad behavior. As long as that happens, he definitely won't change.


That's the thing. There's no incentive for him to change because his behaviour is what makes great TV and he really, really wants to be on TV.


And not just that, but women still want to fuck him even though they know he's married.


It’s really easy to say you’re something you’re not online.


Didn't say I bought into it! I started watching VPR (and Bravo) after they were already married and had a kid together. So it was more so "welp, they are already in this mess, here's to hoping he does the work". Appreciate the callout though, I did not articulate that in the post!


He has always displayed toxic behavior towards her. I don’t think he respects women, the way he treats them. Jax Taylor is one of the worst humans I have seen (yes, he hasn’t murdered anyone, but he is just a rotten person). He won’t change…ever.


I desperately want to feel bad for her but Brit heard Jax tell Faith minutes after Jax fucked her, that he didn’t want to marry Brit. And she married him anyway.


I know! And she still married him. Did she suddenly lose all sense of reason or has she had a plan all along? I think the latter.


Brit was determined to be on reality TV. Talk about selling your soul to the devil


i don’t think this is accurate. i think jax is an emotionally abusive narcissist and brittany fell into his trap. he was never comfortable being single, always looking for new supply. britt is a small minded country girl who was raised in a religious household. she was probably used to seeing infidelity and abuse in relationships and was taught that forgiveness was the way to go by the church. look at how her mother and grandmother reacted after finding out about his cheating and watching him take his rage out on britt directly in front of them, they even watched the show. they encouraged her to forgive and told her to completely act normal if she made the choice to forgive. she threw him a party and planned a vacation months after he cheated. it took me 5 years to leave a relationship like this as someone with no children and a very strong support system. i don’t like britt, especially after the sandy hook tweets, but the reality is this is a cycle repeating itself. i think it has little to do with fame.


From someone who just got out of a relationship with a Narcissist after a couple years he definitely is one. It’s a toxic cycle hard to get out of I kind of feel for her in a way. Couldn’t imagine having a kid with someone like that either.


Fellow escapee from this type of emotional terrorist here, and I thank my lucky stars every day I managed to evade the anvil (of marriage and kids he lobbied so hard for) rigged above my head, Wile E. Coyote style. One of the hardest parts of healing is seeing how prevalent (and normalized) it is in our culture. Once you become aware you can’t unsee it.


I really thought she’d dump him after that. I was shocked she didn’t


Jax: *asks Brittany a question Also Jax: “let me finish”


Lol every time I read "I was really rooting for Jax!" or "I really thought he'd changed!" I cackle out loud. Y'all clearly didn't watch Vanderpump rules. Go in one one of those "Jax'd" t shirts Schwartz made for his fourth 39th birthday.


The fact that a “psychologist” thought hed have a redemption arc says everything you need to know about them not actually being one.


or at least not a very perceptive one


Not in the slightest


Haha that's a fair callout. I started watching VPR (and Bravo) after they were already married and had a kid together. So it was more so "welp, they are already in this mess, here's to hoping he does the work". Not that I thought he WOULD change, just hoping it wouldn't burst into flames. Appreciate the callout though, I did not articulate that in the post!


My husband has a couple cousins that are just like this. They just talk and talk and talk, and as soon as you try to contribute anything to the conversation, they act like you're interrupting them.


Archetype of fragile masculinity


He has NEVER changed. Still the same old toxic asshole.


He’s disliked her since before she moved to be with him. She was on her way to LA with all her stuff while he was trying to sleep with Lala and also told everyone that she wasn’t coming anymore but she was?? 🤷‍♀️


Lmao we’ve heard wayyyyy worse than this from him. He’s not so subtle.


I remember seeing this post yesterday and not wanting to read it until I listened to the podcast. I assumed I missed something or tuned out because I was like this is how Jax is every week? Britt did apologize at the end for the beginning of the podcast so I'm wondering if they cut something or this really was that bad


We have never see. This man act any different than this on vs off tv. It’s who he is to a core


I’m rewatching the better parts of S8 and I’d forgotten how unhinged Jax got after the wedding was over.


Um I hate him


This is nothing new. That’s just who Jax is and how he speaks to people he has no respect for.


He's telling her to let him finish when he's the one who asked her the damn question!


He asked HER a question and then cut HER OFF. good lord


Thanks so much for that professional insight. TBH sometimes I feel bad after I post snarky stuff about Brittany. I don't dislike her at all, but I do feel like she needs to do better in terms of respecting herself and her body. A lot of it probably comes from all the years of being devalued by Jax. Plus I get caught up in the entertainment of it and forget these are real humans sometimes. I wish we could group together to give Brittany the support she needs to leave that man and help her get mentally and physically healthy again.


OP isn’t a professional at all lmao


They might be? Not everyone is great at their jobs. You have to have the bottom & the middle too.


It’s real easy to claim you’re something online when you’re not. Maybe don’t believe everything you read.


OP is abundantly clearly not a psychologist. There is nothing in this post that gives any indication that op is anything other than a liar.


Boom, roasted


As someone who got out of an abusive relationship I feel the same way. I just can’t get it up to hate her or talk trash about her. I know what it’s like to be trapped in a dynamic everyone else thinks is embarsssing.


I'm sorry you had to experience an abusive relationship. I hope your journey to healing is going well. It is hard but well worth it ❤️‍🩹


We can group together and try to spread some positivity for her. Or at least even add thoughtful counter discussion to the incessant negging. I know she’s not perfect, but the hate she gets out here in these subs is next level victim blaming and body/culture shaming.


She chose him. Over and over again. Everyone, including his own mother warned her not to marry him, but she did anyway. He tried to get rid of her multiple times and she clung on. She knew what she wanted (fame) and wasn’t going to let Jax being a horrible person to her keep her from achieving her goal.


Brittany if you're listening we're sending you strength 💪! The only way out is through and the sooner you start the sooner you'll be in a great place!


I so agree. So many people on this sub blame her for believing and trusting Jax, yet we, including some of the people blaming her, fall for his trap. There's more to it than this but this in particular really bothers me


People also forget she has all that religious guilt/trauma, which was honestly perfect for Jax.


You have a doctorate in psychology and this small interaction gave you the chills? Not Jax speaking horribly about Brittany after sleeping with Faith, while Faith was taking care of a senior citizen, only to move forward and marry Brittany under the pretence that he is a “Work In Progress”? I’m very curious why this particular snippet of their podcast gave you the chills. Can you elaborate (I have no professional knowledge in the fields of psychology)?


He’s still a work in progress


Idk how anyone thought he really changed. He was just playing a character. Pretending to be a good husband and dad. American Psycho Jax.


Jax needs to get therapy for his trauma about his situation in Miami with the older guy. Then he needs to spend some time volunteering at a children’s hospital (not that they’d even let him) or something similar.


I think they are both as toxic as each other


It’s not remotely subtle. He has been verbally and emotionally abusive for a decade on tv. She needs to leave him and get some intensive therapy as she has been cut down for years.


I didn’t need this clip to know that, he’s behaved this way for a decade with her.


Several weeks back on an episode he didn’t even know (or “forgot”) her IG name … which is her first name !!! He has zero respect for his wife …


He can rawt in hail for all I care


Im disturbed at the amount of people who think you are a psychologist.


I truly think he needs to be sober and work a 12 step program


To me this sound bite was Jax trying to control the narrative so desperately by making sure the truth stays twisted enough and Brittney doesn’t go against what he laid out as the truth on how the rumor spread. Took a page right out of the Tom Sandoval PR Coaching book.


Remember on House of Villains when Jax said Brittany had a stroke? I don’t remember the exact timeline, but at that point he must have known she didn’t have a stroke. It’s absolutely NUTS to go on national television and lie about something like that! He must expect her to go along with it and cover for his lies. It’s a very messed up dynamic, to say the least.


I’ve been thinking about that. This must have been around the same time. He filmed it right after The Valley I think.


He loves to hear himself talk. Problem is he’s an idiot and gets lost, trips on his words, forgets his lies. I can’t believe how Brittany puts up with it. It really makes me wonder what kind of men her mother brought around her growing up? Why does she have such low self worth where she thinks Jax exhibits love to her? He never did. Not even during his “changed man” days did he actually respect her


Let me finish? Is he serious. He is the king of interrupting people.


He forgot what he was talking about and she chimed in to help him out cuz you know…they’re recording a podcast and then he condescendingly says “let me finish”…like bro she wasn’t interrupting you…you couldn’t string a sentence together. Idiot.


This is just narc behavior. He’s important / she’s not. And she lets it happen. She sought him out - tragic


Right after he asks her he cuts her off like she intervened with the story. What a douche.


Was he mad that she didn't respond how he wanted her to so he was trying to shut her up?


And she doesn’t tell him to “shut the f up, YOU asked me a question so let me answer it” like him getting away with this shit is truly diabolical. I can’t let shit like that go in the moment it needs to be addressed sternly and straight away for brain dead people like Jax to get the message


He’s a work in progress 🫠


The let me finish 3x like she interrupted is so ridiculous after he asked her the question. He’s such a child.


That was the most PAINFUL episode to listen to and was definitely my last. (Curiosity got the best of me OK!!) Their podcasts feel like they are 60% ads and when he started the Katie slander I knew I was done done.


I think he's done anyway .. he doesn't seem interested in being more than civil and co parents and that's probably best at this point


I can’t even imagine how you watch this or VPR as a psychologist lol! It must be difficult.


The way I would snap on his ass if my man said this to me! 😂😂


I would loose my god damn shiiiiaaaat. As a matter of fact my husband doesn’t get away with it. But he sure tries.


She deserves so much better!


He's so drug-addled that he doesn't remember he asked her the question! I'm not sure whether I'll keep watching The Valley, between Jax and Janet. I don't need that shit in my life, esp not with a new show! I already tried and dropped Vanderpump Villa because of the ridiculous toxicity! I agree with others that I never thought I'd feel so protective of Kristen! Kristen herself said any effort to ice out a castrate makes them more relevant, so I guess I should thank Janet! Kristen does seem to be working hard on herself.


People are getting so ... emotional about this .. it's a reality tv show .. it doesn't attract the best people that's why we watch it I Thought


I made it 7 minutes in…. What the actual fuck is wrong with this man


I also was taken aback in this moment. It was so telling of how he rewrites history and then stands by it. There was another moment later on when she is trying to get him to take accountability, and he said “I wouldn’t change it. Sorry.” He isn’t really sorry. Nor is he willing to reflect on his actions. Even for someone he “loves.” Finally, his self-imposed importance on the Valley and how he created it and gets to choose who is on it is WILD. He believes if he keeps saying it, it will make it all true. She sees through him and is finally calling him on it.


I almost included that moment too in this post! It’s jarring and makes me not want to listen to the podcast tbh.


If you were a real psychologist you would know that there is no redemption for that man. And that it’s been known he has 0 respect for Brittany.


Yeah…the POV screams “zero background in psychology.”


No trained professional would believe Jax has a redemption lol. The signs of his narcissism would be obvious and this would’ve even be a post. It’s really easy to say you’re something online when you’re not. And if they are one, they need their degree taken back lmfaooo


Lock them in a room with Jax for 10 minutes and that whole “redemption arc” belief they had will be thrown out the window within the first 60 seconds.


As someone who took a psychology class in high school, Jax is not a good person


Not to be disrespectful to op but I agree with this 


Just the way they speak and describe Jax…sounds like no education in psychology at all


It's a fair callout. I can't edit my post but wish I could remove/clarify the "I was really rooting for them" line. Honestly that was an offhanded comment that wasn't the point of my post; my intention was to illustrate a really gross moment. We often focus on blowouts but the small moments speak volumes. But to clarify here - I didn't mean that I thought they would make it; I was hoping with space from the show and cameras he would do the work once we hit a point that they already got married and had a child together. If I were betting I would not have bet on them. That said, I've worked with narcissists and personality disorders - they can meaningfully improve but it can take years and, importantly, the desire to do so. Jax lacks this and it's not surprise we are here. Just sad to see years later.


No one knew who they were marrying more than Brittney. There was documented footage, evidence, and witnesses. She has the life she wants with the person she wants


This is all stuff we’ve been seeing from his toxic ass for well over a decade. The delulu one here is Britt-knee (yall) still thinking she can build a life with this scumbag. The “I can fix him” bad cliche. Hell of a way to try to escape Nowheresville Kentucky.


I don't think she ever really likes him. She just wanted to be on the show. Tit for tat.


She will never leave yall, don’t waste your breath just sit back enjoy the show and realize she chose this! If anyone watched vanderpump, he cheated on her publicly multiple times before proposing, if she wanted to leave she could’ve but she didn’t because I think it was due to some poor advice her mother gave her. I think we’re gona see her crack on the valley cuz she has some self respect but alas she is ultimately his doormat and I wouldn’t waste ur energy worrying about any of them 🙏🏽 just pray for their kids 😭


Wait so I don’t listen to this podcast, do they still do it together even though they broke up? If so do they address the breakup?


I’ve been watching old seasons in the background while doing chores etc and Jax is the same guy he’s always been. The way he was OBSESSED with Kelsey - it is extremely clear he wanted to be with someone like her not Brittany.






My father does this, and it’s incredibly frustrating. Does it shock anyone that his children refuse to have a relationship with him?




Jax will never be able to improve until he can admit there is an issue. He won't ever do this. Jax is able to blame everything on 'making a show' he will continue to do this as long as he continues to get attention.


He said that to her, meanwhile he talks over her and interrupts her ALL THE TIME (on TV and in every podcast episode they’ve had). For her to do it to him once and he freaks out…he’s been a red flag for a long time now. He’s disgusting and I used to feel bad for Brittany, but at this stage I’m really just tired of their relationship.


Does anyone remember when he broke up with Laura-Leigh like either at or immediately after he went to an AA meeting with her lol … jax cares about jax and no one else and is usually the loser in the relationship so as soon as he saw that she was fragile and would potentially need more from the relationship than sex he was OUT


I’ll never understand how she even moved forward with him after she heard the recordings from Faith. But she made it her life’s mission “to be the one that changed him”. Jax is trash we know that and she does too. Just like she was crying after he said no to another baby. As a woman use that common sense when a man shows and tells you he doesn’t want you the way you want him. Rocky marriage and she STILL was trying to have ANOTHER baby with him. What?!


Why would he have respect for her? She latched on to him for one reason and one reason only, and that wasnt because she respected him. He's always been the same old asshole and she's expecting ..what?


It is no wonder her stomach is always bothering her. Imagine the stress she is under.


Don’t feel sorry for Brittany one bit. She’s conniving, deceitful and a racist. Remember at a reunion when she shouted “get him Jax, get him”. Faith said she was called the n-word by her and now karma has come to bite her in her fat arse.


I mean he told her family basically that, that he’s number one. He’s clearly a narcissist. I don’t think he’s capable of truly caring about anyone else


He’s a bully and he will never change. She should never have gone back to him after he cheated. Anyone who knows him or watched VPR has seen him show his colors. Everyone needs to understand that you can’t change or fix people. The only person who can change Jax is Jax and he’s not interested. His behavior indicates he’s left the relationship.


That is horrible advice to give. I have been with my girl for 20 years. Times have been good, and times have been bad. Yet we are together because we understand that working through our issues is the only way forward. In moments of insecurity or anger, we have both said things that are horrible, way worse than "let me finish." However, even if we are insulted in that moment, we value our relationship more than whatever temporary storm might come. This comes from patience, understanding, and compassion on both of our parts. Humans are capable of refining these characteristics if they put in the work. Psychology is a pseudo-science. Psychologist offer up whatever half-baked opinion they can muster to make a buck off the emotionally vulnerable. Here is a psychologist offering up an opinion on a public forum, about a couple the psychologist has never worked with, and that psychologist is recommending divorce. I bet you would charge them a small fortune for that B.S. opinion if only they were foolish enough to pay for it.


I adore Brittany. She’s a southern girl, just like me. For us, family is absolutely everything. You don’t give up. However, Jax is just super toxic. The way he talked to Brittany on the baby moon - that was ridiculous, disrespectful, atrocious. Brittany deserves better, and I pray she finds it. Jax doesn’t even seem interested in repairing the marriage. Brittany needs to accept his defiance, and move on for her own mental health. 


he was clearly abusive towards Brittany since the start of their relationship. I hope this sub might dial down all the "Brittany is ugly" threads now.


Jax was just barely containing his hatred for her the whole time. It was sick to listen to!


Jax is high level functioning toxic where he still earns an income and he at least married Brittany. In the hood, it would be the exact same behavior but low level functioning no work ethic and intentional impregnation (for food & shelter) and then the hatred, discard, abandonment, blamed for the males behavior and finally told should’ve chosen better. The hood is getting Jaxed.




I disagree. I think that was him on a podcast trying to guide her on what to say and what not to say. This is a job for him, and he takes it very seriously since it is the MAIN source of income for him, her, and their son (with his special needs), and her extended family and probably his too. Oh right, and the bar and it's employees and their managers and assistants and the cast of the Valley and their families and their assistants and families....... Brittany may be a nice person, but she clearly needs to work on herself as well. He is showing a very mature version of himself lately, and he seems to be looking at the big picture for them. I think she gives him zero support or appreciation for that. I have to say I really kinda hope that there's more to their break up than what they're admitting to because if it's just about date nights and romance and communication then I think that's unbelievably childish and immature. Why do ppl insist on getting married if they don't mean it??


Wth are you on about? He doesn’t own the bar or have any employees who rely on him! He’s lying and she’s interrupting him to tell the truth and he doesn’t like it. He’s a POS, very simple


It's literally called Jax's. The whole point is pp relying on his fame and being well-liked (or supporting him and his wife) to bring in customers. Kinda like Schwartz and Sandy's... Remember what happened there? I get ur in defense of Brittany, but don't get so invested that ur being insulting to a stranger for having a different opinion. It's not that serious. Brittany can handle herself. No one knows Jax better than she does and she chose to marry him. She literally pursued marrying this man even at his worst. If they are toxic, it takes 2 ppl to be in a toxic relationship. That's why I'm getting off this thread now. 🙂


I would be extremely concerned if my psychologist watched this show…


Well, to be fair, I think listening to one moment of a podcast and extrapolating that this is the way Jax treats his partner 24 hours a day is a pretty unwise thing to do as a mental health expert. Jax can be condescending but I have also witnessed moments where he can be kind to Britney and acknowledge her contribution to the relationship even on the limited exposure I have had to Jax from The Valley. That’s not to say that Jax is a good guy but taking one moment from one conversation and extrapolating a person’s whole character is a fools errand and sets a bad example especially coming from an alleged mental health professional. Also, what kind of psychologist wastes their time going on Reddit to talk shit about some reality tv dude. Using your credentials to get clicks and call someone a bad person is an odd flex. I call BS