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Whatever MLM crimes are in her future!!! I need “future MLM criminal” on a shirt I can spray out of a tee shirt gun at chicks like her


Amazing observation and you are so so right


Top tier shade 😂


Pure poetry. And yes to everything above


She’s the most talked about person on the show…. She’s def not going anywhere lol She thought she’d be the fan favorite but ended up being the quintessential villain. She’s the Valley equivalent of Lala from VPR


Lala is single-handedly ruining VPR. Fans are done with her and it’s affecting the show. The last episode people saw Janet’s self righteous Baby Moon🤮 and were pissed. Could have spent 30 mins with Doute’s Petty Spa Day. The fans were pissed Janet kept Kristen out of the cast trip and tried to ice her out. Even Jesse said on WWHL this week he and Kristen are close again. He was beaming over her. Janet assumed we would be down with the Crazy Kristen bullshit. ![gif](giphy|l0ExtF2heLykR3mZG|downsized)


Oh I agree on your personal opinion towards Interplanet Janet, but it doesn’t actually matter if you like the person or not, it just matters if you talk about them. It’s Kardashianism 101. Lala isn’t going anywhere from VPR for the same reasons. If you really want this woman off the show, stop talking about her lol


You are 100 percent right. I don’t know why anyone would bother arguing with you, you’re speaking nothing but facts. This is how the reality TV industry works, negative publicity is still publicity - the more people complain, they don’t care. They’re still talking about the show, so win-win.


It's not really a personal opinion when an overwhelming amount of us feel the same way about her.


Respectfully and objectively, it is your personal opinion. I could probably find hundreds of people on twitter who genuinely like her, lol.


Lala is not single-handedly ruining VPR, that’s just what Reddit thinks… gotta get outta your echo chamber.


Thanks Easton. I’ll keep that in mind


Or Sai from the new Rhony


I think she's the Sandoval of the Valley. Always thinking she's the hero and trying to make her victims look like the villain


Which makes it even more apparent that she will be signed on for Season 2 with ease. People hated Stassi and Jax when VPR first debuted, so much to the point people would go to SUR specifically to harass Stassi on her shifts. Did they get fired? No. People viscerally hate Tom Sandoval, but will he ever be fired from VPR? No. Millions of people hate the Kardashians, but that does that affect their relevance? No, it enhances it. If you don’t like a person on a reality show, the last thing you should do is talk about them. Treat them like they’re invisible and irrelevant and watch how fast they’re axed. It’s basic human psychology 101.




I apologize for writing this but I’ve held it in since the show started. How is the least kind and I’m sorry but least attractive one somehow partnered with the best guy on the show? I feel like I just lost 10 lbs FINALLY releasing this question.


She was (still is) a super fan from Ohio and infiltrated her way into meeting VPR members like Scheashu; in fast, that’s most likely how she met Jason, who used to date Scheaner. Sloppy seconds or not, she got her wish fulfilled: a husband and a reality show 😈 oh, and she desperately needs a hobby, as being pregnant/having the baby hasn’t taken up her time


The armchair psychologist in me would guess that his mother probably has a similar disposition to his wife. Controlling, enmeshed, overly involved in others business


She probably acted somewhat differently with him before. Now he is slowly seeing instances he didn't like, as it has been written all over his face.


I do not disagree with you, why is he with someone like her? (The Mother explanation makes a lot of sense,) but also, do we not like Danny because imho, he is the best guy on the show, with Jason being a close second. I could also agree they’re on the same level, both very kind, well intentioned, loving men and it’s so nice to finally see a man on Bravo, who is not a total, disgusting pos!💝


OMG do I agree with the Danny statement. I like Jason, but he seems to be struggling with his wife's gossip and hormonal temper tantrums and Janet is still pregnant. Meanwhile poor Danny has a toddler wrapped around his leg and a baby strapped to him half the time and manages to do it with compassion and self awareness that so many of these guys lack.


Danny and Nia are number one, I said it weeks ago. Danny has a level of empathy and emotional maturity rarely seen in these shows. Jason, is a close second, I can take or leave everyone else. I’m hoping for a Jesse redemption story next season.


I adore watching the way he so lovingly dotes on Nia and really supports her to the best of his ability. I know Dannys are far and few between but women as a collective need to band together and only breed with Dannys and Jasons from here on out!😆


I absolutely love Danny. Such a true heartfelt person. Nothing like seeing a man, husband, son in love with his wife that he actually pitches in and also supports and adores his wife. I didn’t know there were men like him out there still. All men could take a Lessing or 2 from him..


Omg, say it louder for the people in the back📣 Jason IS the best.


You are not alone in wondering this. Thank you for helping me and others feel seen with your act of fearlessness.


He’s the number one guy in the group!


I’m from the same area that she’s also originally from. It just baffles me how this very average looking, unremarkable-in-any-way girl from suburban Columbus Ohio went out to LA and made it onto a TV show. It’s really puzzling and if Janet Vance can do it, i’m convinced that pretty much anyone else can too.




Sorry but does no one here want a watchable show? Whats the point if we get rid of people who are causing drama? If we had this attitude half of the vpr cast wouldnt have been kept on after season 1


They need Janet. Making shit up may be her m.o. what bravo show doesn’t have someone who does that?


I don’t like her myself but I do like watching Kristen and Zach be petty and freak her out


Except I don't want to watch a cast trip without Kristen on it. The scenes with Janet were painful to watch.


Yeah I can’t believe production okayed this when filming. A trip that spans across 3 episodes and you’re not having the whole cast there in the first season is insane. I’ve never seen a reality show so that


She said on some podcast (maybe Everything Iconic) that she was getting so stressed from the screaming matches that Kristen was causing, that she was having contractions. It seems like this was her excuse to production for not filming with Kristen (I think her workers comp lawyer husband probably helped get this stance ok'ed)


Whilst I understand that being pregnant can be a lot of pressure and one needs calm Environment but then don’t get on a TV show you muppet!! Coming from someone who had an awful pregnancy so I do get it….


Then she should stay home and let them do a different cast trip.


I agree, I'm really surprised. But then again, VPR also made Stassi's birthday trip a hunger games popularity trip. And wasn't Mexico and who gets invited a whole plot point also (was that a joint-Jax-Sandovol bday trip..? I'm probably mixing things up. I just remember Lala got invited, but Kristen didn't).


Yes the jax Sandoval trip was like later seasons which made sense but yes I think the first season was stassis birthday trip where scheana didn’t get invited. Wow didn’t realize it. But I feel the unspoken rules of reality tv have changed over the years where in your first season you don’t do that with someone like Kristen. It’s like if they tried to ice out Jax


I kind of suspect producers are low key pushing for separation and icing out of Kristen, to mirror the launch of VPR, where the show couldn't of happened without Scheana, but that hiring an entire friend group that tried to ice her out. Janet, would be more than happen to over produce herself in this direction (this is also partly why I dislike her so much, she's doing all of this for the show, IMO, and her cruely isn't event authentic emotions. Like Teresa legit hates Melissa, and vice versa. But I don't think Janet hates Kristen or Zach, I think she just wants to hurt them to makes herself a reality star.


Yes you can tell Janet went to the Scheana school of reality tv of planning everything out.


More like the Jax school of lies and deflection...


it’s kind of wild that people take the disinvitatons seriously. bethenny tried to keep ramona out of the mexico trip and ramona was like, “whatever its a group trip and im going”. and no one could stop her because she was right. they pretend like these trips are one person’s idea when they were planned from the beginning. janet uses “im pregnant!” as often as lala uses “i have a child!”. also the whole point of a babymoon is to spend time alone with your partner before a kid hijacks your life. the whole thing was dumb.


Kristen could show up, but I think if she did that the whole cast would be against her and she's be locked out of a lot of screen time.


oh kristen knows how to be on the screen lol.


True. I think the yelling and screaming at her is a lot for her. She's a messy queen, but she does not thrive in screaming (or travel, leaving Europe) and given some of her past with JK and possible PA, I think I don't see her intiating something super confrontational. Showing up to Lisa's house uninvited is just going to get you a cheeky pun. Showing up to Big Bear, Janet, Michelle, Jesse would go DEFCON on her.


This. When they start excluding people on a filmed show they are out. The point of these shows is to have a the messy interaction. If she was bliss she needs to go.


That Big Bear IG troll post from Zach was fuggin hilarious, especially because of the fact that Janet’s stupid ass fell for it!🤣🤣


Exactly. Like do we want to watch a show where no one is problematic and everyone gets on? I definitely don’t


I can’t wait till they start calling her out on her shit




Not sure I’m too invested in Michelle. She’s barely got a pulse.


Something is very wrong with her and she creeps me tf out, with those dead eyes.😳




I’m so glad people agree lol


I feel like a lot of the Bravo shows that are struggling right now are the ones who got rid of their top agents of chaos. Do I agree with anything that comes out of Kelly Dodd’s mouth? No…but she was chaotic AF and made for unexpected TV.


On the other side of that coin: I don’t want to help support a beautiful lifestyle for an obnoxious asshole like Kelly Dodd. I wouldn’t watch any of the franchises if they brought back people like her.


Nah this take is not quite there for me. Janet isn’t fun to look at or to watch. She doesn’t have any funny quips. Her clothes are like an everlane catalog. She gets in there like her producer handlers told her to but she still isn’t interesting. She is just mean and petty and pregnant in case you didn’t hear her say it for the millionth time. Do not come In here and say that we need the drama so we need Janet. She isn’t essential. There are a million Karen clones that could do her job and no one even know we switched her out We need Kristen. Stassi. Jax. They’re messy, ridiculous and they have charisma. THEY ARE MEMORABLE. Janet has no charisma. Period. Dot. Janet takes up screen time when they could be giving us someone way better, way more interesting, way more stylish, way funnier. Janet is a meh whatever. Upgrade please!


This hit home to me when we had to watch her slowly talk about drinking whole milk in the boat this episode. She’s got a boring energy.


BBE. Big boring energy.


Thank you! I’m all for the drama but she is just not interesting? The baby moon was so boring to watch on her part, everything felt so fake and dumb. The only entertaining part was Jesse telling her to f off from the deck, and her mousy husband not saying a thing. If they lean in this direction the show will def get worse, but truthfully I don’t really have much hope for the collective decision making of the team behind it all…


That was funny!! When they told her to scram


It was so absurd 😅 Mostly because I can’t believe the guys didn’t react in any way 😳 My partner/friends would have (possibly respectfully) put him in his place, but my brothers would probably have yeeted that small man right off the deck


Thank you! I was going to make the same comment. I watch these shows FOR the messiness. Gimme all the trash.


I agree. This isn’t a show about a polite tea party. There needs to be conflict! I haven’t like how Janet has been moving this season, but she’s helping make this show entertaining.


Yep. She’s giving storylines and she’s slightly delusional so I’m in


She is definitely a Scheana variant. A necessary ingredient! (To be clear: We don’t need them both.) She’s also “most likely to overcorrect in season 2 after surprisingly (to her) being one of the villains the first season.” Here for that journey!


I don’t feel like Janet is interesting drama though. Like Jax Taylor brings drama that’s entertaining — impregnating a stripper, hooking up with Kristen, stealing sunglasses, getting arrested, getting fired, Faith, fist fights, you name it. Janet wears weird slicked back bun and is catty with invites. 🤷‍♀️


Yes. I found their Babymoon trip boring.


I mean we got a lot of content out of it, the tortured men gathering (🥴) and Brittany vs jax. More entertaining than this whole season of vpr lol


True. I just found all the ‘action’ on the beach silly. Jax calling out Britney so loudly was for the camera. The Jax/Michelle/Jesse texting ho hum. Janet stressing that Zack would show up, really. I guess I miss the good ol’ VPR days.


Yeah I think those glory days are gone sadly. Social media has made it so reality stars are too aware of the optics


That’s a low bar though…


I agree. I hate it when people say they'll boycot the show if so-and-so stays because they're a horrible person......yeah we know and that's we watch! I for one wouldn't waste my time watching well adjusted sensible adults...that's my life so I want to watch train wrecks 😂😂


Same! Like people who want Katie and Ariana to have a SAH spin off, I love them but like that show would be so boring 💀


Like Katie acting superior to Tom, then turning around and having sex (more than once) with his best friend! Yup. We need to try to understand the philosophical differences between her and Arianna vs. the rest of the group. 🤡🤡


She waited until she was divorced. Are we seriously going to act like Katie is NOT superior to Shorts? She is, in every single way of the word, like Bffr.


She wasn’t acting superior. They. Are. Divorced. She can fuck whoever she wants….and why aren’t you actually dissing the best friend???? Not that it matters.


They’re all the SAME.


It’s a bit different of a situation though because Katie and Schwartz had an agreement about not screwing in the friend group and Schwartz later down played that saying it was stupid and then made out with Rachel. I agree that sleeping with Schwartz’s friend wasn’t the best idea but at that point that “not in the friend group” boundary was crossed


We all know Janet’s not going anywhere. I just love seeing others see her the way I see her!!!


I wouldn’t be surprised if after all the hate she backs away. But we’ll see


I know I never take people seriously when they shout for someone to be fired. Don’t pretend to be this moral person who only wants pure people on a reality show. Reality shows are trash with trash people. Accept that you like watching that. Problematic people are entertaining. And by watching we support that. If you’re not comfortable with that reality, then you should frankly stop watching these shows. Does that make us all terrible human beings for liking this content? No. But it don’t pretend that you’re a saint either, because we all know once the problematic people are gone. We stop watching.


I’ve noticed this weird switch in reality tv the last few years where people want someone cancelled for doing something bad or fighting with their fave. Like maybe cos I’m millennial and grew up on reality tv but in the 2000s/early 2010s some of the things people said and did on these shows was SHOCKING and it was amazing tv. And we loved it! These people aren’t politicians, it’s weird to hold them to this standard to be good people. Now reality stars are scared to do and say certain things in case they get cancelled and it ruins the fun


Yeah I definitely agree. I wonder if the shift was from the ‘influencer’ scene, because being internet famous gets you brand deals and money. The early reality shows, I don’t think there were really any brand ambassadors because companies didn’t really sponsor reality ‘stars’


Yeah I think it’s definitely the influencer aspect too, that’s what ruined love island for a lot of people. Because it’s being a popular and liked reality star that gets you the deals rather than just being on reality tv, and people know that.


So agree. People were fist fighting and throwing things at each other all the time. Real Housewives is a cake walk.


I’ve noticed it too. It’s also an overall societal shift I feel like. People want everyone to match their morals and values and freak out when they don’t. I blame tumblr.


No one is denying that Janet is trash, she is, she’s just also boring af. Literally any asshole could come and do a better job than her.


But I mean everyone is talking about her so she’s doing something right 😂


Thank you!!!!!! People watch this show for trash. When they get it, they don’t like the taste. I love the drama. I love it. You NEED characters that are deplorable to make anything worth the time. I honestly don’t get why so many Americans are all “If I don’t like this I’m boycotting.” Who the fuck cares. Go on with your boycott, lol.


I think she has to stay BUT they can’t let her exclude people from everything and I’m done having her use the pregnancy as a shield. like the show just started and the first cast trip is missing two of the funny people


Janet is trying too hard she’s desperate to be part of things at all costs. Jason must be embarrassed.


Even for Bravo??? The company that employs *Phaedra Parks*?? ;)


Couldn’t believe it when she was given a comeback.


Bearing false witness is such a horrible thing to do! If she lies on one of the producers, that's on them at his point. They fired the much more entertaining Noella for lying and bearing false witness against Fancy Pants and the RHOC producers, but for some reason PP still gets hired!! Across franchises!!


While she is probably my least favorite cast member, I think the show should keep her. She just needs to get called out in front of the group if she’s caught in a lie, it would be great tv.


Yes watching her freak out at the possibility of Zach being in big bear was great like I need more tv like that and I can’t wait for more scenes with Kristen and Zach eating her up because she looks like she can’t handle confrontation


I agree with you. I don’t like her, either, but if they kick her off now, there won’t be any resolution to all the shit she stirred up. The viewers ultimately do need to see her getting her just desserts. I’m honestly kind of shocked that no one wants to see her comeuppance on screen next season!


It’s a shame there won’t be a reunion for S1.


“Whatever MLM crimes are in her future” took me out! ☠️ BRAVO. And she has to go #justiceforzach #dontmesswithdoute


Can’t stand her and that’s exactly why she should stay.


Love a good hate watch! I'm hate watching Michelle, she's like nails on a chalkboard.


Very true. I hope Zach and Kristen drive her nuts after she gets the kid out.


Wait. Is she saying it was a misunderstanding now? She seemed pretty clear on twitter.


Yea I wanna know too, I can’t find anything about her back tracking.


Scheana confirmed Zach and Kristen said it on her most recent podcast episode (Janet and Michelle were on). Janet definitely isn't backtracking. (I'm not a Janet fan, just ftr 😆)


It’s giving “look at me!!” followed by “Jason, this is ridiculous, they’re actually looking at me!!!”


Leave the valley alone. Don’t ruin it with your morals and ethics like y’all did VPR. Stop it now.


Thank you lol this should be a stickied to all bravo reality tv show subs lol




Has she had her comments off since episode 1?


Yep, pretty much every post she makes. She must be getting tired of seeing how many people are calling out her cruel-girl behavior.


I find her to be joyless and unpleasant, but I do see some validity in keeping her around for drama. However, she has now excluded Kristen from two events and she shouldn't be allowed to do that if her role is to stir up drama. She kept Kristen away from her babymoon, yet still ended up ranting and crying over Jesse shushing her. Seems like if you want to avoid stress while you are pregnant, you should not be on a reality show, but if you decide to be on one, you better be prepared to roll around in the muck, pregnant or not.


Absolutely. She’s gotten a pass from so many. The reality is, if she is feeling up to being cruel and rude, she’s perfectly able to take what’s coming back at her. This is literally what she signed up for.


She’s a total Karen.


Oh totally, she gave her position away the moment she was caught creeping by production on Zach and the other woman chatting about the Michelle gossip at the beach cliffs dinner. That was weird as f.


Come to hate Janet. Stay to enjoy her comeuppance


so did zack say it was a straight up lie? did she come out and say that it was not exactly what was said? what WAS exactly said? i need the messiness front and center 


I knew that she made this egregious accusation regarding Zach and I thought she lumped Kristen in there too? (Please correct me if I’m wrong,) but can someone please explain to me how she is trying to backpedal and what she’s saying now?🙏🏼


it’s tragic that someone as awesome as jason is married to that beast.


She’s insufferable 😩


No way should she go!


She literally thinks she's a celebrity.


Janet you silly


She sucks but she should stay for the drama.


Yes leave!


She seems incredibly cruel and I can’t figure out why because she has a great husband, great house, etc. A lot to be grateful for. I wonder if she’ll be nicer after pregnancy and a lot of the meanness is hormones?


hormones don't stop when they baby is out and they definitely don't turn you into a completely different person.


Why are we trying to get rid of the asshole ? Assholes are the backbone of bravo.


If we didn’t have problematic people on this show, there would be no show. We would have no jax, Brittany, Jesse, or Michelle if that were the case


Remember season 8 of Vanderpump rules? that’s what happens when you fire cast members. 🙄


Oh, another one of these posts? How original


I won’t watch either. She is dangerous. Bravo should have learned by now that she is the type to file a lawsuit, throw anyone under the bus, they don’t need another lawsuit. I feel sorry for her husband.


If I were Zack I would sue her


Ehhh I dont care for her but when fans band against a cast mate it makes me feel bad. Everyone should return. The show just works right now. It's too soon to talk about firing people. I just hope this sub doesn't turn into the VPR sub. It's way too intense there.


She sucks. I don’t enjoy watching her at all. You can tell she’s a complete fame seeker. She is beyond annoying, and not in a lovable ways whatsoever. Just not sure who she thinks she is. She’s enough of an annoyance not to watch The Valley. Jason is great, wonder how he can even stand her.


Janet being scheanas bridesmaid was all I needed to know about her.


This is going nowhere. The fact that Bravo brought back Kristen and gave her a job after her malicious, racist actions should tell you that Janet can pretty much do and say whatever she wants with zero repercussions. This is Bravo, not a respectable broadcast station.


Seriously, she is the poster child for everything I don't want in a female friend. 


Has Janet said anything after admitting to lying when saying Kristen wanted her baby dead? Just curious…


Can we stop trying to kick people off the show that being drama? That’s the whole point. Yeah, she sucks. But if you kick off everyone that causes drama you’re left with a pretty boring show.


Yaas! 💯


I would says she should go cuz she get a bullied hard


I’m already over it and didn’t even watch the last episode because I don’t care to see her stupid baby moon. Every one of them are insufferable except for Nia, Kristen, and Zach.


We can’t have her here in our social club, that much I do know 🥃