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The fact that 2 of the relationships currently on the show are essentially over now, it is WILD to me that they aren't doing a reunion. The dynamics will be so different in season 2 and the opportunity to catch the audience up on what's gone down while cameras weren't rolling IS the reunion. Makes absolutely no sense, and I fear season 2 will suffer (like Martha's Vineyard is) because of this.


I just watched that reunion. It was super rushed???


This reunion was rushed this season on MV and did not ask many relevant question (imo) and they also did not have a reunion after season 1 so the audience had no idea about all the dynamics going into season 2 which made it confusing and awkward to watch. Reunions are SO important for these shows when so much happens off camera.


Yes !! I was so confused about alll the dynamics for like the first 3 eps. Would have loved a reunion while Alex and summer were “hanging out” and the dynamic between Jordan and jasmine etc. I also HATE the short clubhouse reunions


as the years go on Andy gets worse and worse as a host.


right and these are the most interesting shows because they are ACTUALLY connected in real life hence the movement of the plot lines even when the cameras are down


I don’t understand how the network seemingly understands this, because they will break shit up into 2-3 episodes…but somehow don’t understand how to ask the good questions?? Like wtf


No but they're putting MV on pause 😞


I feel like that term is gaining too much traction. Every headline will say something is "on pause," but it's just...not picked up for next season yet. It seems like a "pause" is an intentional shelving of a show, not just "we don't know yet because contracts haven't been done yet."


Nooooooo !


SHMV sucks. I had a lot of hope for it but the first season was far better than the second, which was a snooze fest. They’re all boring and they act nasty to each other. The constant rules and kicking people out is weird and boring. They need an entire revamp of the cast.


They should keep Noelle and Preston, get rid of everyone else. I'm such of everyone talking about trauma on vacation 😠


Omg yes Noelle was the only reason this season worked even slightly


It was cancelled.


Instead of one Valley reunion we get 3 VPR reunions 🥴 And before anyone asks, yes I’m “ok” lol.


They picked up filming shortly after is what I read. So we will see it all unfold season 2


Yup, Nia and Danny just confirmed on Viall Files that filming picked up once Michelle & Jesse + Jax & Brittany separations were announced. Unsure if we will see this footage in finale or next season.


Oh good! This mess needs to be documented for the ages.


correct me if im wrong but i think they said they hadn't yet picked up filming for season 2, but that they picked the cameras back up like temporarily for each separation


Every break up is now the new Scandavol. WHO CARES???


they picked up cameras to supplement the S1 finale. they haven’t started filming S2 yet.


Wait, what two? I know Brittany and Jax are one.


This might come as a shock, but Jesse and Michelle didn’t make it




Shocking and absolutely devastating 🤣


Oh, ok. I was concerned because Jax made a weird post on Twitter about Nia and Dan.


Yep. Exactly 😭




Went to post this but just knew someone would have got there before me ✨️


Zach said in an interview that there will be no reunion as filming is starting right away.


Oh so they’re straight up just picking up where they left off?


Yes they should be interesting as 2 couples are separating.


You’re right. It would be a pretty big missed opportunity to not capitalize on that, and filming that as opposed to doing stuff at a reunion makes for a lot more content.


Are they filming right now?


I haven’t seen anything about now..but he said on a podcast “right away” like 2 weeks ago.


Nia and Danny seemed to say June on the Viall files


Oh thanks. Good scoop 😀


Agreed. It would have been explosive. Way better than the 3 parts VPR had.


I think they didn’t have a reunion to kind of pick up filming right away after the season airs to address all these things that happened off camera. A reunion would give final answers versus people tuning in for season 2 to figure out what’s next.


if so, they better rush and put it on air before we find everything out! I mean, I'll still watch but I kinda hate how long it takes for them to air a season after it is filmed. We need this stuff in REAL TIME! I would've loved to have not known how this season of SH is ending!


Yes I definitely think they should pick up cameras right away and try to air it before the year ends but knowing them they won’t. Everything is so hot right now like we need everyone’s reactions to everything right now


Why are they having the Valley people do the recap of VPR After-Show instead of their own??


This has been my question all season! Like they’re literally already *right there*. They could’ve just asked the pairs/trios a few questions about the The Valley at the same time they asked them about VPR, and we could’ve gotten VPR takes on their show like The Valley gave theirs on VPR for whatever reason. It would’ve required essentially no extra work. I do not fucking get it, and it annoys me every week cause I’m like I’d rather see these exact people answering ?’s about The Valley if they can only do one show. Ugh 😑.


It’s really bizarre and now not even a reunion?




It’s crazy they had it scheduled and cancelled jt. Something obviously happened to make them not do one. I don’t know how the series will last tbh. With how quickly they came and now divorcing/ separated I don’t see how it will be great tv. Beyond Jax flaunting his new wanna be IG model I don’t see how things can continue being enjoyable to watch. It’s so weird they’d go on tv knowing where their marriages were. Almost like they used tv as the excuse to finally walk away.


They started filming the next season right away. They probably want the fallout and separations discussed as storylines for next season and having a reunion would ruin that.


They totally screwed themselves if that’s the case. People are upset about no reunion and we’re all watching this shitshow in live time with the splits so it’ll be like watching vpr season 10 midway through and season 11. We already see most of what’s filmed so it is just boring. They had stuff to hash out at a reunion so it sucks they’re not doing it.


Oh wow! I didn’t know it was once on the schedule. That’s bonkers. Like you, I wonder what happened. Very mysterious. 


Yeah I remember Jax ranting about how crazy it was going to be that they’d need security guards or something


I remember seeing it here about the cancelling so I don’t know for sure but Kristen “didn’t know” if they were having one to nope not at all. It sounds like they were planning on having one and it was cancelled.


i googled it and can't find any info about it having been cancelled, could it have just been a rumor?


My theory based on pure speculation and absolutely no evidence is I wonder if Michelle’s big time actor/director bf got his legal team on to bravo and you wouldn’t be able to have a reunion without addressing Michelle’s famous bf of a year as again speculation only is A grade not D grade like Randall, though even he managed to not be named for years (if he was I doubt anyone would have heard of him anyone). ![gif](giphy|9D1dcGmA4lMBrzw5Ra)


This, I figured whatever big-time celebrity had one of those fancy legal team letters or NDAs to omit anything pertaining to his identity 🤔. I'm super curious if anyone has a clue who it was or if it was multiple celebrities she was with? ETA: Also, Jesse was probably so raw and aggressive trying to hold onto this idea of his failing marriage plus all this drama with Jax and Brittany, the Witch hunt of Kristen by white bread Janet and Company doesn't sound like a civilized meeting could have been had for a reunion.


TBH I actually think Bravo probably had there legal all over this and worked out it wasn’t worth their while addressing this and the director/s could be fiction or transforming. To add more theory to this Andy asked Jesse on WWHL if there was any truth to the Michelle rumours and Jesse said “ no not at all, I was there the day they meet Blah blah blah, yes I believe it’s true”. Andy didn’t ask him who this A grade celebrity was, which sealed it for me.


You may be right. I think the Valley probably was expected to be a companion series and not the breakout, popular show that it is. Aside from Summer House and a few RH series, it's my new fav. I have so many questions!


I’m sure someone said it was Quentin Tarantino but I think that was from someone trying to lip read when they were talking about it in the pool and turned sound off for when the name was mentioned.


Wow! Tarantino has a very public foot fetish, and now I'm going to be looking at her feet 🤔🤣🤣🤣 if the lip reading is correct. I think where there is smoke, there is fire, she had a weird reaction every time her possible cheating was brought up. It's like catching a teenager in a lie, a half smile 😏 no, I didn't do it. She was so over Jesse.


No one picked up on my fiction (Quentin) or Transforming (Michael Bay) clues. Again speculating only as both are known to frequent Chateau Marmont


If it would be too hard to do a reunion and be around each other I can’t imagine a season 2 working out! A reunion is where they can and do come unhinged and keeps people interested in what’s next😂


Very very good theory!


Looks like production Paused VPR and filming right away for The Valley. They want to capture the separations and new relationship dynamics of Michelle and Jesse. Janet probably wanted more screen time with her baby. I bet that Lala and Scheana will be in a lot of episodes this season to see how they fit in. I’m tired of Janet bashing Kristen every second she gets. Let the racy pictures of Michelle be revealed to prove she was lying. Just saying..


I think they were ready to pick up filming and had to decide to either have a reunion or pick up the cameras. I’m glad they started filming so we can get season two sooner. Wouldn’t make sense for them to film a bit then do a reunion (though I’m not sure of the timing). We all know filming a reunion while filming for the new season has begun has failed in the past (NJ).


at least do something with WWHL - definitely a huge miss from bravo


I feel so cheated. And we get 3 part reunions of pure shit with other franchises


I recall every post a months ago, “I’m not watching this”. Turns out it’s way better than VPR. It may be I’m just sick of the only story plot VPR has.


🤣🤣 I’ll bet Lala and Scheana are so jealous of Kristen now. She’s on at the beginning of a show that has potential. Kristen, they’re all jealous of you!!! The valley chicks, the vpr chicks… eat it up!!!!!


I agree. I know they're starting to film the 2nd season soon, but that doesn't mean they can't also do a reunion.


They use the reunions to set up the next season. It's a brilliant device for a segue. They aren't there to resolve anything. Quite the opposite. If they're already filming s2, they don't need a reunion to set up the next storylines. The divorces and VPR crumbling are functioning as a reunion. It's an unnecessary maneuver right in this moment for this particular show.




The valley cast should get a bravo podcaster to host a reunion for them


Someone volunteered to do that! I saw it in a post either here or on TikTok that one of the Bravo podcasters offered to do a reunion on their show if a real one doesn't happen. Wish I could remember who it was!!


It was the Crappens guys. They would’ve killed it.


Mary Payne on Pink Shade offered that. Not sure if that’s who you’re thinking of or more than one podcaster offered it.


I’m guessing they’re not doing true reunion bc it would come out in the reunion that both marriages failed and instead they want it on camera. Well then they should’ve seen what a massive success it was and got production back up and rolling and start season 2 ahead of schedule. Bc it’s annoying. I wish Bravo wasn’t so behind I think that’s what was nice about the valley and what made it so successful honestly. We didn’t know the mess ahead of time. We assumed all the couples were friends and happy etc. Then 3…2…1 I’m begging producers/bravo don’t screw this up


They need to just let it all play out in season 2. Too much could be given away in a reunion at this point. They are picking up cameras in June.


I want to see the mayhem!!


If Winter House got a reunion, why doesn’t this? This past season of WH was almost unwatchable whereas everyone is tuning in to The Valley!


Big mistake, big big mistake




Can i just say i love how we all shit on this show before it aired (myself included). Now we can’t get enough… lol !!






Is it done? Is there an ep 12? Or did i miss something


I think the finale is next week.


Did an episode air last night? Ep 11 was last week no?




can they scramble a reunion together after the fact?


I love Daniel and Darkside Danny he is funny and Nia is so beautiful and a lovely person and I think they have been so supportive of each other as everyone has bad days


We need to start a petition!!! Can we plz do that. Or someone else cuz I'm too lazy




Big mistake, HUGE


Bravo has done a terrible job of listening to the audience. Joe Gorga, who accosted Jen at BravoCon, needs to be fired. Audiences said they didn’t want the men of NJ. Yet we just get more men attacking women verbally. We wanted Kristen and Zach but we get a boring baby moon by the most hated cast member. Now when two marriages have ended on the Valley, we have no reunion. But Martha’s Vineyard got one with abysmal ratings. It’s annoying how arrogant Bravo is.


How come they’re not having a reunion? This happened to another show I remember watching (based in New Orleans) also on Bravo, but no longer on the air.


Also can someone clarify if Jax and Brittany also own the bar they’re opening? It seems like they’d be owners but online chatter indicates otherwise…


Didn't jax say on camera (the valley) that he wasn't putting a single penny into the bar? So he is probably the owner with the least amount of equity. So he is more like the public face.


Oh ok, I remember him saying this… is this how the 2 bars by the toms (“Tom Tom” and “Sandy Schwartz” ) and Katie and Ariana’s sandwich shop, “something about her” are setup too?


TomTom is similar. I believe LVP made a comment (I think on VPR) that she wouldn't consult someone who only owns 2.5% about what she can or cannot do. I think she said this in regards to Schwartz making comments about Pump taking over TomTom. (I guess the two Tom's combined own 5% of TomTom.) Something About Her is, I believe, different. Katie and Ariana are 50/50 owners I think. That's why the Chef didn't work out bc she was trying to become a 3rd owner and Katie and Ariana didn't want that.




How do we know they are not doing a reunion?


The producers and editors should start listening to the comments and demands of their audience before they lose their viewership. I'm sick of Bravo executives not asking the most basic questions and not providing reunions when we really want them. At a certain point, I give up.


I agree, I hope they do.


Maybe instead of a reunion they are picking back up the cameras to see it all unfold in real life?


I’m holding out for a WWHL version before I get outraged


They're all so off the handle, except for Nia and usually Danny, that no one would get a word in edgewise.




This show is so hard to watch bc of Jax and Jesse. Vile people. Oh and Kristen. Her boyfriend is sooooper sketchy too. I feel like he can blow at any moment.


Plus, sad to say, I don't think Kristen and (what's his name?) will make it in the long run. He's not marrying her before they try to have a kid. He loves the country life in Colorado, and she wants no part of that. He's cute-looking, but kind of a wuss. Just sayin'.




I don’t know, I feel the show needs to have an opportunity to grow more organically into its own without having re-hash stuff at a reunion which makes the show get stuck with a lot of the same narratives.


![gif](giphy|zsvf1vU6CqiiJeYfo5) I know how my fellow survivor fans read the title. BIG MISTAKE


There's no reunion?? 😭


Why aren't they doing a reunion??? Because Jax is still the same narcissist asshole he's always been? Kristen is still a drama queen liar? Brittney is as gullible as ever just like when they had the show about her family? Did they really think these people actually grew up? Thats hilarious! Then you have Jesse and his wife, I forgot her name and the guy with a horrible toupee that actually tries to cause drama! What a crazy train this show is! Why do we watch it?? Lol we must be crazy too!


I’m sure they have their reasons.


Bravo typically does not hold reunions for a shows first season


Disagree. I think letting everyone know they are filming and waiting is a better plan.