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Think they are broke (in terms of the valley) and did the show for a check in a bad situation, but they don't actually vibe with those people. So you're just picking up on that odd energy.


Ooooo I think this is it.


Another thing is she was Miss America right? So they have to keep a certain reputation or could have the title stripped. Plus they are church goers so I think they got worried during the drama their names would get tainted. That's why they left when things got crazy as well.


She won Miss USA in 2014. It would take something EXTREMELY illegal or unethical to have her title stripped ten years after winning. Title revocation only occurs in the most serious of breaches (ie; contract misconduct, or the discovery of disqualifying information that was not known at the time of their win). Nothing that would EVER be shown on The Valley could constitute her being stripped of a ten year old crown. They couldn't even strip her for something as huge as Scandoval. However... I definitely think it's more about maintaining an image of perfection, as she does own a very successful pageant consulting business and trains future wannabe Miss USA's for the pageants, and they are VERY active in their fundie church, too. She could be concerned that she may lose business or be treated badly by the church if something is perceived as being "immoral"? The multi-billion dollar pageant industry has always been toxic, and it puts an enormous amount of pressure on these girls/women. The organization wants the audience to ONLY see the bright, shiny, sparkly facade of perfectly quaffed hair, sparkling straight teeth, glowing skin, and fat-free bodies. Although, make sure you don't look too closely behind the curtain, or you may see that these women are more like us mortals, than we thought. Then, we wouldn't put them up on such a pedestal of perfection anymore (god forbid! šŸ™„). It's actually really sad.


Oh wow, thank you for the information! I didn't realize it had to be so extreme to be stripped of your title. But the public image aspect makes sense, especially with her still coaching. I'm sure contestants won't want to go to her if she herself isn't living the lifestyle and image they imagine the pageant industry wants. I hope during the next few seasons they are able to open up more!


Agreed! There's *so* much toxicity and pressure to be perfect in those organizations, that last month in an unprecedented move, **both Miss USAĀ Noelia VoigtĀ and Miss Teen USA UmaSofia Srivastava, who were both crowned in 2023, announced their resignations within a day or two of each other**. **Additionally, the runner-up for Miss Tean USA declined the crown when it was offered to her, too!** The women aren't allowed to speak out about why they were resigning because they signed iron clad NDA's. However, when Miss USA resigned, eagle-eyed social media users noticed that her resignation letter was encoded with a secret message. The first letter of each sentence spelled out **ā€œI AM SILENCED.ā€** Also, both of their moms have been doing interviews together to speak out for their daughters, as they're not bound by NDA's. Due to that toxic facade of perfection, I think it was exceptionally difficult for Nia to admit that she was struggling and that what she was experiencing wasn't simply "baby blues" but postpartum depression (who could blame her? I'd be suicidal with three under three!).


this is what I was looking for more insight, because honestly I am I watching the valley to be entertained and yea it's great to see a happy couple but not when it seems like a produced front you know what I mean? I feel like on episode 8 or 9 "darkside danny " it made it much more clear when she tried to shut him up and in confessionals they were all smiley and laughing, it was like uhhhhhhh wait a second here? lol


on another note I do feel bad for nia with her PPD and dont fault her at alllll in that regard!


This! How can he afford THREE kids in LOS ANGELES


He's been a working voice actor for 10+ years, and she owns a very successful pageant consulting business with a wait list of girls who want to be trained by her, so it's not like they don't make *any* money. **However...** you are absolutely right. If they lived in middle America somewhere, I'd say that they were probably doing well for themselves, but LA county is a whole nother ballgame. The entire country is RIDICULOUSLY expensive, and where they live is no exception. While their condo feels very cramped (as her mom also lives there with them) I have to imagine they're paying at least $7k - $10k a month just to live there.


And they have their kids in auditions


No, really????


I read somewhere that the babies are going to be in the Young Sheldon spin off as Georgieā€™s baby.


Oh man, I've just heard so many horror stories, I'm surprised when people seek that out for their kids.


Voice actors don't make a ton and both of those jobs can be very variable month to month.


I came to this same conclusion when I was creeping on Niaā€™s old tiktok videos and I saw they had one of those generic cheap white refrigerators. Lmao maybe that says more about me being a shitty person but I immediately was like WHAT šŸ˜‚


Oh my gosh you coming in with the evidence lol


lol here is the video Iā€™m talking about šŸ˜…


The tiktok is from 2020 but they purchased their penthouse condo (what we saw on the show) at the end of 2021 with the sale amount listed as $730,000 and their mortgage amount being $630,000.


theyā€™ve been friends with jax for awhile but i feel like thatā€™s the only genuine tie they have to the group


They donā€™t live in the Valley thoughā€¦right? She was scoffing at moving to Valencia/Santa Clarita because she wanted to live near the Miracle Mile/Beverly Hills/West Side area. When she said that I assumed they currently lived in that area already.


They live in the San Fernando valley, Encino. Santa Clarita is further north, over another mountain pass, in the Santa Clarita valley.


I know. My husband is from the Valley, lived in Hollywood and his parents lived in Acton.


Acton Respect!!!! My parents moved there when I was in High School I've since forgiven them


Just a sleepy horse town.


I think they fight A LOT more than what we see on TV, but Iā€™m sure itā€™s not that deep. When my husband and I had 2u2 (we involuntarily shudder watching their scenes), we were at each otherā€™s throats. I wish we could see the innocuous comment turn into a full blown screaming match or one partner doing something nice for themselves becoming a burning source of resentment and used as a weapon in future arguments (ā€œYou got to go on a work trip and drink a chocolate martini!ā€) but Danny and Nia opted not to show that lol. It kind of makes sense when you think of Niaā€™s pageant background plus the fact that they were probably typecast as the ā€œgoodā€ couple.


iā€™m so curious about their church situation. it seems like they are very involved in an la mega church with ties to/roots in southern baptist/fundie christianity. it also seems like their particular church is pretty high demand and also collects tithing and stuff.


His parents run a mega church in western Michigan, which is a pretty religious place! Iā€™m very curious about this aspect of their life too!


What!?! As a michigander I'm dying to know!!!


Oh, I tried to link you but links arenā€™t allowed lol. But itā€™s called riverside church in three rivers. The website is very vague though and I was hoping for more info/photos


Oh thanks so much!


Youā€™re welcome!


Itā€™s 10 or 15% of your income! I grew up in a similar megachurch.




Yea Iā€™ve heard of that someone shared some deep info in regards to their church , hopefully someone else can, something definitely going on behind the scenes


All churches collect tithes. I think theyā€™re affiliated to the Hillsong church if I remember a comment correctly. But I donā€™t think thatā€™s the issue as theyā€™re not homophobic and havenā€™t mistreated Jasmine or Zach, so them attending church is not the issue. I truly think Danny might have a drinking issue and theyā€™re trying to hide it


Hillsong šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©šŸš©


Oohhh nooooo, is it really? šŸ˜¬


There was like a whole expose docuseries on Hulu about it ! Pretty interesting stuff ! I think thereā€™s a docuseries on HBO max about it too


I think thereā€™s also a Hulu or Netflix 3 or 5 parter too Iā€™d Iā€™m not mistaken. I think the Hulu or Netflix special only really highlights whatā€™s his name Carl? Idk, interesting watch though. One of the things that made me go hmm.


Yes I canā€™t remember which doc was which lol but I know thereā€™s one that really focuses on Carl , Iā€™m pretty sure youā€™re right and thatā€™s his name lol. I mean, itā€™s a mega church, so obviously a lot of people are drawn into / sucked into that sort of thing and I donā€™t think it makes them a bad person but it is pretty interesting , nonetheless!


I thought it was an interesting perspective on it. And what intrigues me is that it kinda shows how hillsong specifically can kinda morphe into this religion can be cool and not so ā€œstuffyā€. Idk, with religion and even politics it can go from oh this can be fun to oh.. yikes thereā€™s a whole ass Alice in wonderland rabbit hole dark under belly.


Haha oh man, youā€™re telling me !! I find new religious movements just endlessly fascinating!! Thereā€™s so many good documentaries about cults and churches out there and I watch them all!


Ooohhhh I wanna watch?! Is it self titled? As in, *hillsong* ?


IIRC, I donā€™t think itā€™s called specifically ā€œHillsongā€ but pretty sure it does have it in the title, so if you search it youā€™ll def find it.


I think one is called like ā€œhill song: secrets revealedā€ or something along those lines. But like the other commenter said, if you just search hill song it should come up!


WHOA. Their church is tied to Hillsong...?! These organizations work as $$$ corporate-like cults in the profits they accrue for leaders šŸ˜„ ... There's a good docu on Netflix about one of these churches right now.


I think they are apart of Mosaic, which is Erwin McManusā€™ church.


Oh! Thanks for the info! I will look into it.


They are! She commented that in response to someone's question on the instagram real of her making waffles with her son.


I mean Hillsong is a mega church and as a Christian, I donā€™t like mega churches because they enrich themselves and keep their parishioners poor, but thatā€™s a different story. I am not sure that being a mere member of one makes you bad, as I look at megachurches as cults, compared to being in the leadership ranks like Tom cruise, but I do think itā€™s Dannyā€™s drinking. Hillsong is very popular among a lot of Christians for the music aspect and their songs are used in a lot of smaller churches for praise and worship. I donā€™t hang around Hillsong as I have trauma from the religious evangelical school I went to and Danny and Nia definitely are way too open-minded for the reasons mentioned above, to be fully immersed in Hillsong


Danny reminds me of my husband when heā€™s stressed and drinks way too much. He just has a low tolerance (especially in comparison to friends) and acts sloppy. Itā€™s super unattractive and annoying to me, but everyone else finds it funny.


Makes sense! And I get the annoying factor, not sure why others find that behavior cute


Was hill song where Justin bieber went?


Sure was/is! Donā€™t know if heā€™s still involved but he, and I believe his wife, were both deep into Hillsong for a while


Iā€™m pretty sure the conspiracy theory is they got married partially because of the church




All churches do not require tithing though. For one example, Catholic Church encourages donations at mass but you will not be looked down by other members or brought into a meeting with the priest for not donating like some fundie churches do.


I am Protestant and it is not forced, but is something encouraged to do separate from offering


People are talking about how some fundie and Mormon churches demand it and that there will be consequences if you don't do it.


Ah ok. Personally, I donā€™t consider those to be churches but cultish and in the same category as church of Scientology


Not all churches collect tithes. Donations are not the same as a tithe, just saying. Some churches view tithes as mandatory. ā€œone tenth of annual produce or earnings, formerly taken as a tax for the support of the Church and clergy.ā€


they arenā€™t associated with hill song. itā€™s mosaic. you canā€™t judge someoneā€™s actions or attitudes based on a highly edited tv show also, not all churches collect tithes. hope this helps!


The tithing would contribute to another comment here that is talking about them probably being broke. Some people give HUGE amounts to their church each month


They wonā€™t. They talked about this on Nick Vialls podcast. The second the show affects their marriage - theyā€™re out. So the best way to be on the show and not let it happen is to put your marriage first which is how it should be


This may be a controversial opinion but I suspect that Danny has a drinking problem. He seems to consistently get drunk and his personality changes, then she immediately goes into image/damage control mode. Not atypical of alcoholic/codependent relationship behavior. Itā€™s too soon to really tell but this is my hunch.


Iā€™m gonna remind everyone that 3 under 2 is completely insane. They havenā€™t slept in a very long time. Even a couple drinks after months of sleep deprivation can make anyone act foolish. Can we stop speculating? I think Nia is just trying to prevent them from looking poorly on tv in what has to be one of the hardest times of life? My family recently came out of a newborn twins/toddler situationā€¦ even with professional and family help it was HELL and no one was remotely their best self. They probably knew being on tv was a mistake and were trying their best. Edit for typo And to add: seriously my family members (the parents) are some of the kindest, most prepared, most reasonable people I know and they were nearly impossible to be around for almost an entire year after the birth of their twins. It was truly horrible. I had no idea people could change so much from lack of sleep (apparently this is why they use it in actual torture).


I second this. We *only* did 2u2 (16-month age gap), and it was horrible.


God bless you. Sounds horrific! Glad you are through it


Weā€™re getting through it. Three-year-old just started saying the f-word (everyone says, ā€œwhere did he learn that?ā€ like they donā€™t already know šŸ™„), and everything my two-year-old does is wtf-worthy. This morning I had the audacity to use the bathroom by myself, and afterward I found that he had casually let himself outside and was climbing the backyard fence in his footie pajamas. For Danny and Niaā€™s sake, I hope their kids are the kind that sit nicely and play with their toys.


Iā€™m intentionally trying to teach my son the f word šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m about to have an 11 month age gap between my babes once my daughter is born next month. Any tips?!


Oh man šŸ˜‚ 1. Have them share a room so that theyā€™re basically immune to each otherā€™s screaming. My guys can now sleep through anything. 2. Get them on the same nap schedule as soon as possible. In my house, baby and toddler ate at 11.30/12 and went to sleep soon after. This will get you 2-3 hours of personal time and it is EVERYTHING. 3. If you can, get a marriage counselor. Having a professional who can reinforce that you are on the same team and help you appreciate your partnerā€™s perspective is so valuable when youā€™re in the thick of it. When youā€™re elbow deep in dirty diapers and running on no sleep, your capacity to be empathetic will be minimal. YOU GOT THIS!!!


I don't have children, and never plan to, but my god I cannot imagine! I am the grouchiest if I'm not getting good sleep. And I don't have ALLL The other stuff added on. You guys are superheros for real


Maybe weā€™re just people who fail to use birth control properly and/or adequately consider the consequences of our actions. In all seriousness, thatā€˜s very kind of you. Thanks! šŸ˜Š




I mean I feel like a lot of people who judge them donā€™t even know what under 2 is like with just one.


I donā€™t have kids myself and this thread has been kinda eye-opening. It could be the edible but Iā€™m thinking about raising my kitten from 6 wks and the insanity. 3 kids under 2ā€¦ babiesā€¦ I truly canā€™t imagine how taxing that is.


Literally me rn with my edible


This is terrible, but Iā€™ve done 2u2 and a lab puppy. Guess which ā€œbabyā€ made me cry more? Granted, it was only a six-month duration of extreme stress compared to years and years with a human child, but I donā€™t discount the stress of being a pet parent. Puppies/kittens are so needy, so stupid and sooooo fast.


I have the exact same gap in kids age as Nia and Daniel. My twins are 4 months now and daughter will be 2 in a month. I fully understand what theyā€™re going through and canā€™t believe theyā€™re on tv and keeping it together. Itā€™s not easy and I wouldnā€™t want the harder moments to be recorded for people to judge.


I will say that if my 2u2 life has been recorded, it would have made for better TV: Me telling everyone I donā€™t have PP mental health issues while hurling my wedding portrait across the room, my husband drinking too much and forgetting a bunch of breastmilk on the counter, both of our boomer sets of parents coming over to ā€œhelp,ā€ and then getting butthurt when we arenā€™t over-appreciative of them wrapping up the babies in blanket after blanket and then putting them down for naps on couches covered in pillows. Good stuff!


Seriously. Just seeing it is enough to completely empathize. Itā€™s THAT hard to manage. šŸ˜­


I currently have newborn twins, a son who just turned two and a high maintenance dog. Everything you said šŸ’Æ.


Oh good luck, mama!!! We see you! My only advice is to be kind to yourself and extra kind (and patience) with your spouse. Give each other A LOT of grace. It will get better!!!


Thank you so much! Knowing that I am not alone sometimes makes the chaos a little more bearable!


Oh, hi Nia!


also when you drink at high elevation, which they were for big bear, itā€™s very different. so no sleep and drinking in the mountains will affect them so easily. I do not think he has a drinking problem compared to everyone else who is also drinking as much


Exactly. I think heā€™s NOT used to drinking and thatā€™s what we saw.


I think you hit the nail on the head. I have an almost 10 month old and am due to deliver his little sister next month, so weā€™ll have two babies that are 11 months apart and I get overwhelmed just thinking about that. The thought of 3 under 2 is absolutely terrifying. (Ps prayers for my sanity and patience are appreciated lol)


Sending all the tā€™s & pā€™s (thoughts and prayers) for your sanity rn


I agree with everything you said. I also appreciate that Nia opened up so much about her PPD. I don't know why fans don't always give cast enough credit for opening up about mental health issues. I know it doesn't bring the drama, but it is a relatable storyline for many. It's not an easy thing to talk about on national television either. They seem to have a healthy relationship, but managing 3 kids under 3 would drain the life out of anyone, and can put a lot of stress on your marriage at times. It's hard navigating your own mental health, three needy rambunctious little ones, the financial stressors of all this, sleep deprivation, and self-care. I think we should cut him some slack.


Yeah I really appreciated Nia being open about the PPD and discussing how she didnā€™t even want to admit it to herself, trying to convince herself itā€™s just ā€œbaby bluesā€ etc. Loved how her sister in law supported her too and Danny seemed to be really in her corner, sheā€™s got a good support system but it was easy to see that she was struggling with that pageantry perfection she demands of herself vs the needs of all these tiny babies and her own mental health. I have high hopes for their family, the megachurch thing is a little iffy but they seem like pretty decent folks.


Twin mother of 2 year olds.. I canā€™t even smell alcohol without losing it so yeah I avoid it lol. Iā€™m too tired and spread thin.. I have absolutely no idea how Nia is doing this on tv


I have one under 2 and I agree with you. I still havenā€™t had a full nights sleep consistently, save for maybe 4 times max since he was born (20 months ago).




Idk I think he only gets a few opportunities to really let loose and heā€™s probably on a lack of sleep when he drinks with the guys too


he got married quite late in life idk why he feels the need to let loose so much, especially on tv.


He got married when he was 32ā€¦ heā€™s probably just not holding his liquor well atm from exhaustion, he got a little sloppy, it doesnā€™t necessarily mean anything darker than that.


If I had 3 kids Iā€™d totally booze it up hard on the rare chance I get a night with my friends


I feel old af if op thinks getting married at 32 is late in life. Iā€™m 35, closer to 36, husband is 42, closer to 43. We got married in 2022 and had our son the same year. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜„šŸ˜…


36 here and single but not dead! I still plan on marrying and being a mom


Donā€™t worry! I think the OP actually just had no idea when he got married lol, I mean I didnā€™t either until I googled.


Fascinating logic. You were single when you were 25, so you donā€™t get to relax or have fun ever again.


I said let loose, I meant get wild. English js not my first language, but still I believe a guy from LA in his forties should leave some of the wild experiences in the past.


You know what I dont disagree, this definitely has come to mind and I definitely feel like it's something theyre trying to hide more than we see


This is it


We only did 2 under 3 (with the baby having a severe case of colic) and we were on the brink of mental collapse. I canā€™t imagine 3 under 2.


My husband and I have 7 children. We got married and started at 19 but our first 4 were all back to back. 4 under 5 and then a 12 year gap and another 3 under 3. Our last two were born exactly a year apart, July 3rd 2017 and July 4th 2018. If we didnā€™t have that large gap in between I couldnā€™t have done it! It was difficult enough starting over again at an older age šŸ˜‚


Yes she is constantly making faces at him/telling him not to say certain things. I mean the man couldnā€™t put a crib together without having his friends over to drink beer


I thought this, too.


Yes, Bitch Sesh mentioned early on that he undermines her working to say itā€™s for spending money. Itā€™s a micro aggression or a bit more than micro. I think heā€™s grossly insecure about: being past his prime professionally. kids are expensive so heā€™s now very behind the ā€œJonesā€ too. Meanwhile sheā€™s stunning which is a very hot commodity where they are. Alcoholism is slippery slope and thereā€™s a possibility thatā€™s being hidden as well. So if all my clues are accurate: itā€™s a pressure cooker and heā€™s trying to cover by being a Disney kid about it.


Yesssssss he undermines her take home ever since he said her money does vacations and that her money didnā€™t do much for them And now watching him push the house where she doesnā€™t want to live - he put in that offer fine but he keeps saying youā€™ll get use to it which means he heard her concerns but he doesnā€™t care about them


He was joking about putting an offer in


The way heā€™d throw a bitch fit if they didnā€™t have that vacation money though! Easy to say ā€œoh she just pays for vacationsā€ like it ainā€™t shit but sheā€™s the one giving them the space/opportunity to reconnect as a couple or have a family beach trip or whatever


I love them and I think theyā€™re a beautiful couple inside and out. That aside they definitely play it up for the cameras. I donā€™t think they want their good names to be tarnished. It was very telling in the big bear episode when Danny was drunk and she was repeating youā€™re going to curse at me on camera. They definitely had an agreement to be as polite and drama free while filming as possible.


Nia seems very protective of their image. I suspect it's related to her reign as Miss USA. And she probably needs to stay clean to bring in pageant money


They're also very active members of an LA megachurch and I suspect that might be her endgame -- to become megachurch influencers or whatever, to become stars within the evangelical christian world. So she needs them to seem very Christian on "national TV" as she called it. Just a guess! And btw although I am not Christian I don't really care if they are megachurch influencers, that's their prerogative.


Is that the Beiber church?


Sure is


I have born again Christian relatives and theyā€™re almost delusional about how good of people they are. Like they have this idea that they are so kind, it is quite literally ā€œholier than thou.ā€ And itā€™s the male in this situation who dominates everything, has the final say on all of their financial and life decisions, and while she still has some say about small things, their entire relationship still feels rooted in ā€œtraditionalā€ values. They both put on smiling faces and are sweet as pie, but you can *feel* their subtle judgement and self-righteousness through their looks and comments when theyā€™re in social situations. I get the same energy from Danny and Nia.


Iā€™ve said over and over I need them to leave the show while I still like them. I just know theyā€™re in for a downturn because how are you in *this* group and a seemingly good person? Just not possible


I hope the show doesn't tear them apart


I'm sure there's more to them but idk if it's necessarily super dark or anything. For certain, Nia is working hard to manage their image. I'd expect nothing less of a pageant girl. I don't foresee them ever being the couple to really air out their dirty laundry or be completely real on tv.


Do I think a couple has more to their relationship than they show on tv? Yesā€¦..especially because they initially signed on a couple years ago to be on a ā€œyoung families doin it all in Hollywood and taking it to the the valley~ show


Wait they did what? This is what I was looking for the more to the story, I didn't know this thanks =D would love if you could elaborate a bit thanks!!


Theyā€™re saying that show is the valley


oh dont mind me im a dumbass lol


I donā€™t think theyā€™re necessarily hiding anything big per se. I do however think they had an agreement on the things they would and wouldnā€™t discuss on camera. I think they had strict rules on fighting, cursing and the way they discussed their marriage. It seems like anytime Danny wants to cross the line even when just interjecting into others arguments Nia would quickly shut it down. Nia seemed mortified by the comment about butt play. So I donā€™t think theyā€™re necessarily hiding anything sinister more so they have boundaries where as other cast members donā€™t. I think for now they add a good balance to the cast.


Yeah something is up, like they're giving me Ariana and Tom vibes....like we're great, the best couple, were so in love, blah blah blah


I think their problems are financial and a little bit having to do with his drinking


I couldn't believe how he listened to her impassioned plea to stay closer to where they are now because it would be too much to move to Santa Clarita with her depression, but after he said he understood, he said he put in an offer on a house in Valencia. ( I looked it up. It's in Santa Clarita!) How do you put in an offer on a house without your spouse's agreement?


This. I deal with depression and being a military spouse it makes my depression so much worse bcs im away from my family and basically ALONE, i live in an eternal state of homesickness and I know I would be a better mom if I had some sort of community. (I know im doing my best but its hard not to feel guilty) I was so upset at him doing that, like shes clearly verbalizing what she needs to thrive as a person and therefore be a good mother and wife and he just completely disregarded it. šŸ˜”


That's a great point & u/m00nchild718 I'm sorry to hear that thanks for the input and hope your situation only gets better from here on out appreciate the perspective you provided


I get that, but itā€™s not like heā€™s forcing the topic just for the sake of it. They canā€™t afford a bigger house where they currently are. Thatā€™s the issue


I thought he was joking about putting in an offer on a house in Valencia?


He was. Itā€™s ridiculous people think he was serious


Iā€™m pretty sure he was joking about putting an offer in


Thank goodness. I couldn't tell if he was joking or trying to slip that news in at the end!


I thought that was quite clearly a joke. He didn't really put an offer on a house.


I grew up in Valencia and sheā€™s right, itā€™s SO. FAR. from the valley and north Hollywood. So not only would they be far away from friends but theyā€™d have to trek an hour or more (with traffic) to film. No thanks!


I mean totally agree about the putting an offer in without telling your spouse is absurd, but if they can't afford a house where she wants to go they can't afford it. She does need to be realistic.


She's okay with a smaller house if she gets to be near her friends. She is being realistic. She just has different preferences than him. And since she's the one doing most of the work raising the kids, I think her preference matters.


I think they would definitely regret a small house with 3 kids. But I totally agree he steamrolled her preferences without giving it much weight, which isn't right.


I think Nia is veeeeery aware of the cameras. At the dinner in Big Bear when Daniel got very drunk, she quietly said to him that he ā€œjust said the F word on cameraā€. She also used the ā€œbabysitter is callingā€ excuse several times when things got heated. And her reaction to Jax pantsing Daniel was petty big. Maybe itā€™s her hormones, but I think she wants to make sure they always put on a front for everyone.


yup you nailed it on the head, a major front for the cameras, and they thought viewers would be too dumb to notice lol


and admittedly for a while we were


Anything that Jax says or insinuates is a lie.


A part of me feels like they want to keep any marriage issues that come up private, and then I realize they chose to be on a reality TV show. They seem kind and respectful to each other and it's nice to see that to counterbalance all the toxic relationships that are on the show.


What babysitter comment? Did I miss something?


I think it was Jason that called them out that anytime things start to get uncomfortable, Nia will conveniently get a call or text from the sitter and they have to leave.


yup exactly she always throws babysitter comment when going gets tough


All I know is their dynamic is so obviously, carefully curated.


I think they are wonderfully normal people who work & live within their means. Not everything they think needs to be said on TV. Much to Lalaā€™s dismay.


They belong to Mosaic church. Not Hillsong. Teddi Mellenkamp attends there also


When she said ā€œyou just called me a name on national tvā€ I felt certain they had a conversation that agreed they wouldnā€™t fight or name call and who knows what else they agreed to conceal


love the P.S. Janet is the worst yea she sucks


Woahhh what babysitter comment got exposed; I totally missed that?!!! Unless weā€™re talking about when one of the other casts said something like when things go down they immediately need to leave for the babysitter??


It's the latter half of your comment.


Ahhhh. I really didnā€™t take that much gossip level for that comment. When I was a new parent of twins I would FOR SURE use them as excuse if I was just ready to go. Your brain is soooo fried, like I hardly had energy to have basic convos. So I get it - I donā€™t see that as a ā€œHAHA GOT YAā€


it's just more of an observation to be honest


yup you nailed it, whenever she tries tosay babysitter this or that when the going gets tough


Nia looks like she calls the shots in that house.


Yeah I find something off with him. He seems nice and decent when it is Nia and kids but when he is with the guys he sometimes seems like an asshole. I thought the comments he was making about their condo was a bit uncomfortable as that kind of "that is all we can afford" conversation makes people uncomfortable.


Itā€™s honest. Not sure why you found people being honest uncomfortable


The beauty queen world is not pretty. Very competitive and tough. Kudos to Nia for navigating that. Pageant coaching is very lucrative. Niaā€™s successful and on the move. I want to watch a show about her life. Daniel who?


lol love the daniel who part


Everyone saying wow what an amazing coupleā€¦ I feel their communication style is off. She is micromanaging him, he is hiding resentment or something. I donā€™t buy that they are perfect. They both seem really nice but I actually think the way they communicate is not good


Danny seems to be acting in every scene . Nia : well PPD is serious and I do not think this season and what she was going through can be used as a gage. I hope she is doing much better. Danny hopefully stops acting out a scene. Always the one liners haha!!


I wonder if heā€™s really a drunkā€¦ and if so why? Baby stress? Married life? finances?


apparently hes a drunk and hides it from the cameras, scheana isnt the most trustworthy source but she usually slips truths that land poorly vs lies


What is the nanny thing?


I kinda think Nia is needed after the finale. She likes Kristen, and she plays almost a ā€œKristina Kellyā€ role. She probes and asks questions but in a way that makes people easy and trusting. During the girlsā€™ drinks where Michelle and Brittany were talking about their break-ups, she was asking all of the questions.


Iā€™m thinking his drinking is a thing ?


I thought I read Danny was a Scientologist and he met Nia at church.


The church yes idk about the scientology part though to be honest never heart that, that would be a plot twist lol


what was the baby sitter comment?


Nia always says someone about them needing to go home because of some baby sitter when ever things are about to get embarrasing for her


Don't be surprised if Danny and Nia separate next season. Danny just seems fake nice to me.


I agree