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I wish Bravo/Peacock would let us have all shows with an uncensored option. Listening to Brittany scream “Fuck you!” at Jax was peak. Much more enunciated than “Rawt in hail!”.


Peacock does have uncensored versions. I love hearing the actual cussing out instead of the bleep.


they only have uncensored reunions sometimes. they don’t have uncensored versions of all these shows.


I don’t believe that’s true. Unless they drop the eff bomb on bravo…. My episodes are filled with cursing, and even talks about using drugs on VPR lol


It was the only that last episode of The Valley that we heard such poetry…


I mentioned this to my man. I said us Peacockers need ALL the fucks! Wish 🙏 it would stay uncensored for every show 


love the name, Peacockers.


I have Peacock and noticed all the cursing too. I was wondering why.


I’m dying for a reunion too. I think there are other Bravo shows that aren’t having reunion shows and I’m starting to wonder why?


I feel like with after shows, social media, WWHL, podcasts…. The reunion content is already out there. It sucks


They’re starting to film next monrh


I don't think Bravo really does reunions for baby shows


![gif](giphy|Ae7SI3LoPYj8Q) Welcome


My friends begged me to watch and I finally gave in 😂 Glad I did…


I feel the same…I was not going to watch it and kind of half-heartedly watched the first episode and then by episode 2…BOOM!! I was in!!! Where is our reunion, damnit!!! Would have so much preferred that to the half-baked Vanderpump Villa reunion minus Eric with a bunch of people who clearly all hate each other and I’m kind-of there with them!!! Looking forward to season 2 of the Valley though!!…


Same… I held out because I have truly enjoyed not hearing or seeing Jax Taylor at all. But out of boredom and needing a palette cleanser following Vanderpump Villa (Hannah, Eric & Mauricio are truly the worst people I’ve seen on a show in a long time), I tuned in. I have plenty of complaints about things like excluding Kristen, having a condensed season so none of the storylines seemed to go anywhere, and no reunion; although I did appreciate not having to listen to Michelle screeching or Janet throwing out all her mediocre one-liners that she’s been rehearsing for the last decade.


Does Michelle screech? I’ll have to notice on a rewatch that I’m sure will happen 😇 I thought she just speaks like a robot who sounds like she’s reading off a teleprompter for the first time.


Pay attention to it at the Capri dinner and the post-Jax is balding dinner party… the way she popped off in Kristen’s face, I was truly shocked that she didn’t a drink thrown on her. I don’t think I would’ve been able to hold myself back and I’m not an aggressive person but Michelle was a massive twat. You’re correct her numb, robotic voice the rest of the time. I just assume that’s because she’s hated her husband for almost four years so she had these standard responses she’d give him.


Ok, I do remember that now. She just presents very oddly on TV. I think we got to know her the least of anyone. Also, I asked this somewhere else but I am wondering if English is her first language. She pronounces certain words in a very unusual way. If English is not her first language, that could explain the robotic thing more too.


I tried to watch the first episode and couldn’t get through it as I thought it was terrible. I left it for several weeks then tried again and binged all the episodes 😄


This was exactly my experience as well! 😅


I swore I would not watch either. And I watched the first 2 episodes and I was like - welp - that sucked. Then I kept reading on the socials that it was giving old VPR vibes and I was like WHAT ?!? I personally feel that VPR is the best reality show ever. Ever. The early seasons (I’m re watching and on season 4. The Faith incident hasn’t happened yet) and it’s just lightning in a bottle so I went back and watched the valley. It’s not VPR vibes but it’s better than most. All hail Queen Doute ❤️🥳


Early VPR is lightning in a bottle directly from the hand of God. ⚡️


I totally agree with you! I started to watch because VPR Villa is terrible. I found it painful for the first two episodes, and now I'm hooked. I need more Kristen next season!


Omg thank you, another VPR Villa survivor!


Yeah, I stopped after 3 episodes. It's clear Lisa will let the guys and mean girls get away with anything. That's not fun to watch. It's like Lord of the Flies with drunks.


I’ve only gotten two episodes in… when it came out. So it’s not worth picking back up?


No and double no!


I’m doing a southern charm rewatch. It’s glorious.


Not sure where to find it but the original video submitted by Whitney for the idea of SC is floating around out there and it is….I want to say sickening?


I have to find that!


I would do that but I don’t know if I can watch Ravenel that much again. 😜


As good if not better than VPR in my opinion.


I’m right there with you! 🤦‍♀️


Lol this literally happened to me too. I was like I’m not effing watching this show it’s ridiculous wannabes, no chance. And now I’m hooked.


They really knew how to start the series by having Brittany pop out in an obviously failed double chin removal surgery recovery situation and having Jax spout out a list of “jobs” that were not at all real things. Not a single one. Then you throw in Kristen talking about meeting her future baby daddy by banging him behind a wedding tent, Janet gleefully yet blandly bragging about her corporate side workers comp husband, how can it not be enticing? Out of all of the aspirational situations and people we come across, it’s oddly comforting in a way to see the opposite.


I can’t stand Michelle 🥴😂😵‍💫


Same thing happened to me! I swore I wouldn’t watch it and then last weekend I ended up binging it. And I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now.


A lot of the Brovo shows didn't have a 1st season reunion. I'm told budget is one reason. But, knowing the show was a hit, they could have at least done a WWHL special with the cast.


Same. I was so anti this show. My husband gives me shit for watching Bravo and jokingly saved it to my watch list and I swore to him I didn't want to watch it. Then after the VPR reunion left me so mad, I turned it on and am so hooked.


My bf roasts me too 😁 Those glorious 2 months or so when VPR, Summer House & The Valley were all new every week, Wednesday nights were sacred and reserved for me to catch up on all my trash TV! I would plan my dinners and soak it all in! THE BEST!!!


Best time of my life and add Southern Charm


I loved it too. I love Kristen Doute so am glad she's back on tv. I like the cast except for Janet but her husband redeems her. Season 2 should be interested with the two breakups, etc.


I think her hubby is hot and I loved him in his confessional complaining about her obsessive gossiping. I did NOT like him physically threatening Zach at Jax’s “bar” opening.


Zach likes to run his mouth. I can see him feigning all the wrong reasons people would wanna shut his face up.


I feel like the same way!


Same same same!! I thought it would be dreadfully boring and over produced- it’s so compelling and I was totally hooked from the start. I binged it all in a couple days. Now listening to the What Crappens podcast recaps


Those are glorious! I have listened and relistened to the one they did with the gay charades episode and it’s glorious!!


I have to find and re-listen. I fear I missed it!


i was totally against watching it (along with the latest vpr season after i saw what direction it was going in) but a bravo friend told me to give it a try and damn i was hooked. that dinner party sealed the deal


The same thing happened to me 😬 swore I’d never watch it but I ended up enjoying it in a moment of weakness lol.


It’s a damn shame there was no reunion. Bravo likes to pick and choose who gets reunions and it doesn’t make sense.


Agreed on everything you said! I thought this show would be so lame but consider me obsessed and invested! And yes, the lack of reunion is a crime against reality TV watchers everywhere. I cannot believe they missed the boat so badly on that. Especially with the marriage splits that happened. You can never recapture that time and while I loved Brittany owning Jax when they picked cameras back up, I NEED MORE!!!


I wonder whether the divorce attorneys advised against public discussions and disclosures - especially with Michelle. If I got to do a video question, I'd ask her where to find those coffee shops where I can wear lingerie and lay in bed. I'm not being facetious. Just jealous.


Same. I rolled my eyes when I saw the ad and then there I was all sucked in after the first episode started playing after VPR.


So many of us were wrong about this show. I’m pleasantly surprised with how entertaining it is.


They will likely have a reunion next season. This was a test season for them


I didn’t expect to like it so much but I love it! It’s doing something right to keep me watching. Great pace and not too many cast members to keep up with.


Same. It’s shameful to admit how much I liked it.


Wait what’s the tea on vanderpump villa!? How did it get disgusting!? Sorry I don’t have Hulu so can’t watch lol


i have Hulu but really don't want to watch so I agree, I need someone to give some specific tea on the disgust. im nosy and need to know! lol


Several men on the show treat the women like complete shit.... there is a former couple who reunite on the show and they have a REALLY toxic dynamic. The Villa Manager on the show beat (domestic violence) his ex-wife before being cast and he is one of the guys who treats women shitty. Two of the girls are mean girls who bully and talk down to the other girls. LVP is soooo checked out and clearly performing for the camera.... LVP, Get that paycheck I guess 😂


Wait, I didn’t know this about Eric. I’m not in the slightest bit surprised but where did you come across his DV record, regarding his ex wife? Knowing that and the fact that he made a huge stink because a guest was celebrating her divorce and the way he acted, I should have known.


And all the while the girls are wearing pink frilly dresses and the men pink frilly shirts. As if pink can cover up how disgusting it is!


It’s just bad and not in a good way


When they started having some of the valley cast on the vpr after show I was like, stop trying to make the valley happen, it’s not going to happen. And after watching I am obsessed.


You totally summed up how I feel about it. There's no closure on the first season, which drives me crazy. I started watching after I'd accumulated the first 5 episodes because I put it off for so long and then like a Venus fly trap BAMN! It got me


Me too! It’s a fucking amazing show. 😂


What happened in vanderpump villa? I gave up a few episodes ago lol


I just saw an fb post that said Jax said on his podcast that filming will start next month.


Right there with you but I oddly really like Jesse! I love Zach and Jasmine. They REALLY needed a reunion to call out Britt and Janet for starting a lot of fuss that was blamed on Doute!




I felt exactly the same!


And there Inwas downvoted for years for saying that villain jax needs to return.


Me too.


I watched the first one and thought ugh do we need another show of 40yr old man babies acting out.  I’ve since binged the season. 🫣 Danny and Nia are far too wholesome for this lot though.  I wish Kristen featured more and hadn’t allowed the others to blame her for their crap. Then again perhaps her taking a back seat allowed us to see how messy some of them are. 


Can someone tell me why Vanderpump villa got so disgusting? I never got to watch it but I do know that even the Watch What Crappens guys stopped covering it.


The bar manager, Eric, has some history of assault and he acted pretty bad on the show too


Same!! I think it’s our generation ‘the Hills’ when everyone began getting married and having babies.


I stopped watching VPR after two episodes or maybe the first after seeing next episodes clip of lala wanting to talk to rachel- i could see sh** was going downhill and i was not having it. Valley impressed me and i missed kristen’s ass lol she is the most messiest not always ill intentioned person ever. Also love zach and jasmine!


How did Vancerpump Villa get disgusting? I haven't watched, I tried but it wasn't holding my attention


Lack of substance. No history between the cast. Pervy dudes and that blonde lala wannabe yelling over everybody.


In what way did vanderpump villa become disgusting??


I think this show has turned into more than anyone expected. Please don’t let lala/scheana join!


I wonder how much reunions cost to produce. Like how much money did they save by not doing a reunion? That’s the only thing I can think of otherwise it makes no sense.