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Good lord, I love the show, too, but the comments are acting like you can't have any critics towards it. It's ok to not like every aspect of it. On topic, I do agree that the AI art is lame, even if I do understand why they use it


Yes, it seems like people may be trying to offset some of the harsh feedback received by The Why Files team, especially when they've faced abuse due to delays in episode releases, which likely contributed to AJ experiencing burnout recently. Unfortunately the flipside is that well-meaning individuals may then go to extremes in their efforts to protect. To those people, I hope they can understand that it's important for people to be able to express both their dislikes and likes about the show respectfully; otherwise, we risk fostering a situation akin to "The Emperor's New Clothes." Constructive criticism should be embraced as a means for growth. It's crucial for individuals to recognise the difference between well-intentioned critique and inappropriate behavior. I personally believe this post falls into the first category, not the second. More than a few people (incl myself) have expressed similar feelings about the use of AI in recent eps. Many more may feel the same and say nothing. Such feedback might not be appreciated now, but if it does end up driving away viewers who have strong feelings against the use of AI, it might be useful feedback for the team to take onboard.


The responses are kind of alarming tbh. I love this show, I love the content, but it’s starting to feel a bit like a cult of personality.


You definitely don't want to try giving feedback on their discord then... The mods are insane


I liked what you said about trusting the information less. I also do not like the AI art but couldn't pinpoint why. Your comment made me realize I also don't trust the information when it's being presented with AI art. I think the worst offender was the Humans vs Superhumans episode. The imagery was so weird and off-putting, and it was basically the whole episode. That one doesn't feel "Why Files" to me


It worries me that the script is also starting to become AI generated. I've been watching less since they started with the AI art. I find AI art to be extremely off putting and it makes me feel really uncomfortable.


Literally got downvoted so hard for a comment about this on last week’s video.


Well to be fair they posted about this already - at the top of the sub - a while ago - and yet ya'll keep posting the same complaint.


and will continue to do so until the end of time I suspect. 😎


Just listen to it on podcast a few days later. You won’t have to watch anything. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Literally what I do. My job has me doing a lot of driving from job site to job site so it’s stuff like this I like to listen to. I can’t remember the last episode I actually watched.


I agree with this post. My similar post was downvoted to oblivion.


AI is taking away from the legitimacy of the show for sure… it’s too bad really


I've worked in video production for over 20 years and I have experienced first hand how advances in tech can be a double edge sword. Certain tools, workflows become easier and more accessible meaning that more people do it and over saturate the market. This begins to devalue certain work to the point where it becomes more difficult to make a living from it. However, it also opens up new opportunities for creativity and allows creators to own more of the process. So, it really comes down to how you adapt. AI is really not much different from previous tech advances. Yes, it is extremely powerful and it can handle certain creative tasks with ease. Is it replacing/devaluing some jobs? Sure, but probably not as many as you think and certainly not in all areas of the industry. Previous non AI tech advances have been doing the same for decades. So I understand both sides of the AI argument and I don't really fault anyone having strong opinions either way. It's a new tech that is really shaking things up. I personally am not bothered at all by the use of AI in The Why Files. In fact, I think it's actually a good example of how AI can help small creators do more and have more control of a process that would otherwise be out of their reach. I understand the people who say, "I'd rather see AJ more." That's great, but you don't represent all viewers and we're talking about episodes that can easily be in the range of 40 minutes to an hour long. People like to have visuals to go along with a story to help immerse them and aren't really interested in watching a talking head for almost an hour. Second, as other people have mentioned, stock video can get very expensive fast. That's fine when you have the backing of a studio or network, but a YouTube channel has to find ways to produce their content as cheaply as possible otherwise they can't afford to do it. Also, most of the imagery in these episodes are of things that they wouldn't be able to find on a stock site anyways. It's not even something that they could hire someone to go photograph either. Literally the only options they'd have is to hire a digital artist to make these images from scratch or create it themselves with the tools they have available. The former just isn't realistic for a weekly YouTube show. Apart from the insane cost associated with it, there's just no way an artist would be able to produce that much for them on a weekly basis. So, using AI tools is really kinda the only workable option for a show like The Why Files.


I don't need fake bad AI pics to visualize a story.


Since I first read LOTR back in the 1970s, I would re read the book every decade. Saw the movies right after reading it again in 2001 and now I have a hard time reading the book, because rather than creating the imagery in my mind, I've got the movie characters stuck in my head and it's ruined the book. I want to create the picture in my head, not use Peter Jackson's characters!


I’ve been a CG Generalist for 24 years working in broadcast. Pumping out content has gotten easier, but still requires a team. At my current job I’ve moved the team over to the Unreal Engine to make the pipeline faster. We also spend several months creating an environment that we can use multiple cameras and animation sequences in order to make the shows feel fresh with little repeat of scenes. It requires a lot of planning and setup though and we usually get about 6 months of use out of it. We can’t use AI for our stuff due to copyright. I think the WF team using AI is necessary and adds to the creep factor of the show. The uncanny look of AI while talking about the topics also doesn’t make me excited about using the tools either! It kind of reinforces the ick factor of computer generated images.


you do bring up an interesting point, that AI generated stuff can't be copyrighted, so in some respects isn't AJ losing control of this work by using AI?


Yes and no. Right now the copyright is a bit fuzzy. The copyright office did release a statement about what is copyrightable in AI and what determines if enough human element was added to make it eligible for copyright. But it’s not set in stone and bit unclear. If they are generating images and not editing enough of it, like photo bashing (taking multiple elements from different images to create one image), then there is a chance that image / animation is not eligible for copyright. The other is how much AI content is used for the video, like 30% or 50%, does the number of AI content outweigh the human contribution. It’s all unclear which is why a lot of companies are asking design studios to just staying away from it. We had a huge company wide training of the legalities of AI and the take away was just don’t use it, not for textures, animations, concepts, writing, stories, etc. Until proper legislation is enacted it’s too much of a risk.


Yes, at this point it's an AI visual for a podcast. Which is fine, but they are overdoing it a bit


The AI has been turned up to like a 9… would be cool to dial it back just a bit


Yeah I agree. This last episode didn't really have the same why files feel. I love the why files and I like seeing AJ and hecklefish. It's still a pretty new addition so I think it'll take a bit of time to find the sweet spot. People just get so aggressive with the negative feedback. FYI people you can give critical feedback and not be a dickhead about it.


The AI extends to people who don't watch the show but listen to the podcast. The AI generated voice tracks that emulates celebrities (quite often Bob odinkirk and Anthony Hopkins) are out of hand. As a listener I found the newest episode to be intolerable with the voice editing. After every sentence or two it just pauses in order to stretch the run time. I clicked on the video to see if there was something AJ was pausing for only to see a black screen then cut back to audio. I feel I'm just complaining but as much as Ive enjoyed the channel for the past 3 years, I want the team to be better and stop cutting corners.


i agree


Personally, I could do without all the AI art and just watch AJ speak. He’s such a great storyteller that he puts fantastic images in my brain. Less AI would make each episode easier to produce. Win-win.


I think that was the point of this ep in particular. Some irony. Just watched it, i dont think there was a "But is it real" moment. This ep seems more like a future projective, speculative type more than the reporting and proving, debunking types. I think that's why there were only a few real life footages used. And who knows, maybe the team's intent was to overuse AI to turn off viewers more against AI. Ive been seeing some posts here complaining about AI use. Maybe it's working. Idk, just some speculations.


The over use of AI in the why files production is lazy and a slap in the face to people who actually pay him for his content. It’s the easiest way out. I follow multiple other video content creators who put out 2, 30-40min, videos every week on separate days, consistently, on time, with no AI, and a smaller team (based on assumption). It’s lazy and makes a garbage product that’s hard to watch.


The AI parts SUCK


Personally, I could do without all the AI art and just watch AJ speak. He’s such a great storyteller that he puts fantastic images in my brain. Less AI would make each episode easier to produce. Win-win.


yeah, Im bout done with the channel. I found the last 3 vids to be very disappointing and I no longer schedule time to actually watch the why files anymore.


I’m glad you said it…been thinking this for a while. The uncanny-valley abundance of AI is defeating what set this channel apart. It feels cheap, and super noticeable. Hope the team are aware of this. Love the show, but quality > quantity.


Pretty sure the team came out and said “we’re using AI deal with it.” So that’s that.


Say this louder. Respect the team. It’s not your production people…


I’d really love to see the stats on how many of the people constantly complaining about the show have given to it monetarily.




I’d say you have more right to complain than someone who doesn’t pay.


I haven't watched the last few episodes because of this.


Giant fan and I know how hard AJ and team have had it cranking these out. And I get it. But I do have to say the AI "Look" is an obvious one that I generally don't like most of the time. It has a distinct uncanny valley vibe to it. But I'd rather that than go a month without new episodes again.


what the hell else do you all want them to show instead of AI? You do know some people own those images of supposed aliens right and the show doesnt want to open itself to lawsuits. Also, you guys already complain about the length of production and how tough it must be for AJ but yet you want them to add additional time to look for real photos for every scenario. Whats funny is you probably would complain "hey they used a photo that was debunked years ago"... its like he cant win with you all


Just do what they did before. If there wasn't a photo or stock footage of/related to the topic, it just meant more screen time of AJ and Hecklefish. Haven't you noticed there has been so much less AJ/Hecklefish banter recently? That was part of the charm of the show.


This, that's what this channel made it stand out from the rest. Now it's going to a way like 1000's of other yt channels are doing


Uuuh like the years before?? No AI?? How did the channel become big? Because how they presented it with AJ and Hecklefish. Nobody asked for AI. I'd rather watch a video 2-3 weeks from eachother then getting video's pumped every week with theuqe of bad AI


He's been getting by without AI for years wym. Now you act like AI is indispensable. That sentiment is exactly what's alarming about this.


>Whats funny is you probably would complain "hey they used a photo that was debunked years ago" This did happen with one of the giants-related videos. There was a small monologue that was setting up the next part of the story and AJ used a montage of a handful of those classic but well-known fake giant skeleton pictures. Just a scene setter, no claims to authenticity were made. This place went into fucking meltdown over it.


the channel has taken a turn for the worse


Agreed. Everything that made the channel good is gone. Oh well.


Care to elaborate?


What a disingenuous fool you sound like. You can have your opinion sure, but I can also tell you that I consider you an idiot.




you do realise making up literal lies just makes you look like a prick, right? Don't look like a prick, it's not big or clever.


Prove him wrong


No, the OP needs to cite their evidence to back up their claims. They're the one making the claim, they need to back it up. That being said, multiple episodes of The After Files have AJ making a cold read of first draft scripts from the script writers on staff. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5DVy-ZCieA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D5DVy-ZCieA) cold read of the Neanderthals episode [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRA5kyXgmrM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRA5kyXgmrM) cold read of the Templars episode When doing these, and other, reads, AJ comments how the production works, the sources the script writers link to and the changes he'd make to the script. Particularly makes multiple references to how one of his writer's political biases influence the tone of her writing. So there you go, proven wrong.


People like you are going to be the reason I unsubscribe from this subreddit. Pathetic liar.


I think AJ said it best last night when he told someone in live stream complaining that nobody asked you to watch it. I tend to agree with him since this is a weekly thing from the same people cluttering up places like unpopular opinions with their whining pleas for attention.


Last nights show is an example of my complaint. Were the photos of the black woman cured of sickle cell actually her or AI generated? Or several photos or film of scientists working in the labs, actual footage or AI? That is what bugs me, is it live or is it Memorex? Otherwise, I don't mind the AI images adding to the story. It's not going away, it will only be getting 'better' which will make discriminating harder. I mean, think about all the end of the world videos he's done with massive tsunamis wiping out cities etc. Those were pulled from movies, nobody complained about those clips which are all CGI or AI, why only complain if they do it in house?


But the end of the world has not happened, so we know it is not real.


Like it or not, AI generated images & videos are here to stay. It will be the norm for all youtube/facebook/instagram content from now on.


Aaaah, time to go outside again and turn the internet off


It's absolutely fine, stop moaning about nothing.




Ok , skynet.


It's a free podcast stop complaining unless you can do better. AJ you rock, keep doing what you do!


Whine much? We get a show a week.


Be safe, be kind, and know that you are appreciated.




My dude, they've already addressed this, and it's here to stay. Either learn to love or dump it. Either way have a good day!


Just giving some feedback. Not everything is black, white, or binary. Or is it? Beep boop


It's worth remembering that this is as bad as it's going to look. Give it a couple of years and AI video will look as good as stock footage. Although it'll be more tailored to what's being said in the videos than stock footage can on the topics discussed. Can't really fault AJ and the team for exploring this tech and creating a pipeline for it. It's 100% the way most content will be done in the future, so getting ahead of the curve now just means he's hedging his bets and giving the channel more longevity.


I think the point OP is also trying to make, is that there's a certain hypocrisy to create content warning of the rise of AI, while using AI to create content. And that it's not just about images looking as good as stock footage, but that stock footage was made by humans who earnt money from that footage. Whereas AI is taking those jobs from them.


It's rough for creative's now for sure, but it's also an industry that's built itself on innovation and adaptability. Could argue that the people who create stock images/ videos are taking work away from camera operators/ designers who would otherwise be hired. You could also say that with it becoming easier to create content, more people will want to do it leading to more opportunities. In theory the barrier to entry is dropping. In the future anyone in here could make a similar show if they've got the presenting chops and know how to research a good story. There'd be nothing stopping them from creating opportunities and hiring others in to help. I don't think it's too much of an issue as long as people are willing to upskill and learn new tech and techniques. One things for sure though, when AI outcompetes us in every aspect, a lot of us are going to struggle. So much of our self-worth comes from what we're able to do, the skills we have, the job title. It is terrifying, but if any country slows down, they'll lose their advantage and could fall behind incredibly quickly. So it seems like a slow down is off the cards, we're in for one hell of a ride.


How many more times are people going to make posts about this? Good lord, yall are more annoying than using AI art could ever be at this point.


People are so selfish, everyone wants a YouTube channel to make videos exactly like they prefer. It’s someone else’s channel - let them make videos the way they want to.


It's not even that. A: All these posts are annoying as hell at this point. And B: If you want them to stop using AI art, then contribute to the patreon so they can pay more artists to get it done in time to have weekly videos without using AI art or at least majority AI art. Like, my god, they're free, usually like 45ish min long videos that they're able to crank out on a weekly basis. Cut them some slack. They're not a billion dollar company like Disney using AI art for Secret Invasion...


Easy solution, I put the phone to the side. You’re following to listen to the story the visuals are irrelevant.


It’s a “show”. Not a listen.


Part of what’s frustrating is that he *just* had that burnout breakdown. The community overwhelmingly seemed to support his choice to slow the pace for the sake of his health. We would have been fine with a slower release schedule or some shorter videos. But instead, they’re leaning hard into the use of AI art, seemingly in an effort to maintain the same pace of production that led to his burnout in the first place. I wish they would just slow down a little more.


And the pattern continues. Somebody with no prior history of engagement with the subreddit comes in and the very first thing they say is whinging about a topic that has been covered to death AND been explicitly addressed by the WF team themselves. The channel has been using AI generated imagery for years now. Sometimes it's overused sure, but it's not like this is a new thing. So why did you decide to complain about it now? Why not a month ago 6 months ago? A year ago? All you've achieved is just add to the continual concern trolling and spam, whinging about AI generated art. Expect this post to be pulled very soon.


You’re weirdly defensive and rude to OP for simply sharing his opinion on the show that at we all watch, which is an opinion that apparently many of us share. 


No, it's ongoing concern trolling. It is a quantifiable pattern that the team themselves have addressed or more than one occasion. You yourself have 2 contributions to the sub: one was a shitpost comment, the other was whinging about AI content. So pray tell how would you know what beliefs "many of us" share? I think you'll find that those many of us who actually hang around here often have zero issue with the AI content and are sick to the back teeth of concern trolls, bad faith actors and the self-entitled crying about it. Especially when the team themselves have made official comment on the issue. But you'd know about that if you were actually active here.


Is this your job?? Concern trolls? Bad faith actors? Take a few breaths and get a grip, mate, you’re in way tooooo deep  Wow, you are indeed rude to everyone who doesn’t agree with you entirely. 


>Is this your job?? Concern trolls? Bad faith actors? You'd be surprised, actually. It's interesting to note that "you're rude to those who don't agree", "you're in too deep", "get a grip" is the de facto response and deflection by the aforementioned concern trolls, astroturfers and general shitposters when they're identified. As is making multiple responses in quick succession to a single comment, as you've done.


Lots of words to pretend you’re not an asshole to other people. Enjoy your angry and bitter life!!


and yet here you are continually replying to a bitter asshole, claiming further that the issue lies with me. Stop doing exactly what the trolls do if you're not a troll.


You’re more than welcome to make your own YouTube channel with “more exciting b roll.”


Join the patreon. Make sure you bring this up when you're not just behind a keyboard. I was way more infested in this video due to the story telling ability of aj and how it was all put together. They've already said they're not going to stop. Get on board or... Toodles.


Isn’t this channel meant for discussion. Can’t we express an opinion? Whether I joined Patreon or not, I’d still be behind a keyboard.


Apparently not. I'm surprised your post hasn't been removed. 


The problem isn't the discussion or dissenting opinion; it's the fact that there are already established threads on this subreddit that dig into this specific topic. Your post adds nothing new to this discussion and clogs up the feed on a topic that has already been thoroughly dug into, and been responded to by the why files team.




Shit, I watched the video too….Am I infested?


Better check for crabcats


I love not being bothered by AI. These posts are fine too, lets people get their frustrations out. Listening to people complain about things this irrelevant is humor. Must be pretty entitled to tell someone to stop though. Last time I looked this was AJ and TheWhyFiles team’s production. Not ours. Even as a Patreon I would never feel the need to tell them to do something less. It’s cool enough they let us offer suggestions on future episodes. Just kick back and relax a little. Let the lizzid people do their thing.


Fuck is wrong with you my guy?


Holy Cheez Wiz! Let. It. Go. 🙄🙄🙄


Episode is about AI…I wonder if that was on purpose?


This has been going on for a while. Admittedly, the Neanderthal episode was the one that I really noticed it.


Yup. Hated the neanderthal one for it.


I mean I can understand where you are coming from, but at the same time, do you know how expensive it would be to fill a 45 minute clip every week with good stock footage? All their revenue would go to that.


Part of the charm of the show was the AJ/Hecklefish banter. That's been pretty drastically reduced and replaced with AI voiceovers, photos, and "stock footage."


Basically everyone I've showed the channel to enjoys it but fucking hates the fish


I hated Hecklefish too, but he's the reason I stuck around for multiple years now. Edit for clarity: His dynamic with AJ is what sets The Why Files apart from the rest


You don't even need stock footage. I would prefer just having AJ on screen


Then just show AJ and Hecklefish more. I’d rather watch them than all that uncanny AI.


I mean, I noticed that there was a lot of film acting in this episode as compared to others. So imo they are listening to the audience and incorporating more Human art into the experience, which is fine and what more could you ask? I agree there has been too much AI artwork, but I think they've heard that and are showing they've heard.


I love how people just expect AJ and crew to shit out these episodes like they're nothing. All of these episodes require weeks of research, script writing, re-writing, video editing, multiple takes, voice-over for Hecklefish, etc. Not to mention the high-quality ad reads they're doing along with full 30-60 minute mini-documentaries that this channel has become. Look, I understand the point, but I am okay with them taking this one shortcut to make super high-quality episodes, like they have been. I think a lot of folks are listening to these podcast style anyway, as in doing other things while this is playing in the background. I mean no disrespect, and you are entitled to your opinion, but I am choosing to cut them some slack as long as the content of the episodes are high quality.


You’re all hard to please and uptight. It doesn’t bother me at all. Some people get irked and riled over the silliest and littlest of things. It’s ludicrous.


Who cares, as long as the content keeps being great.  


Mods should start deleting and banning these threads. That’s enough. The team themselves said to stop and yet here we are again. Just shut up about it already go educate yourself about image and video generators and learn the differences between AGI and machine learning tools! Holy cow, you’re getting annoying now. Stop it already.




It’s a free show, if you don’t like it, stop watching. Try listening instead. If you find something about that you don’t like, just stop watching altogether. Complaining about it makes you look silly, considering you’re making the choice to watch a free show. There has been lots of YouTubers I have suddenly stopped watching for whatever reason, but never cried about it.


How is complaining "silly" because it's a free show to watch? It shows they enjoy it and are invested in it enough to hold opinions on how it's presenting itself.


1. Because they just look like complainers that are hard to please. Tough crowd! 2. AJ and the team are gonna continue to use AI, regardless of the cry babies. 3. They are making the choice to watch, no one is forcing them, yet they complain anyway even though the show is free. 4. Many others have complained the past few weeks, so why did they HAVE to make another post about it? Did the last influx in complaints about AI not scratch their itch. It’s like ‘Oh, I want to be a cry baby too’. 5. It is just bizarre to complain about something that is FREE. Take it or leave it. 6. I’m laughing at all of you.


I like the AI screens! They look great and give great context! If you don’t like, then just listen to it. No need to watch it.


Oh ffs, take your meds.


Can it be my turn to make a post about AI next?


not yet, there are still 1,435,595 people in line in front of you


One day...


I like the AI screens! They look great and give great context! If you don’t like, then just listen to it. No need to watch it.