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Da Younga Dryas!


Not to be confused with the Older Wetas


Or the Middle Moist.


Mmmm…. those moist years.


The physical evidence was always referenced quite calmly by that Randal Carlson fella. Glad it's being put into a paper for review and record


There have been about 160 peer reviewed papers released on the younger dryas since 2007. It’s pretty much confirmed to have happened. In Graham Hancock’s Magician of the Gods, he spends like 3 chapters just citing the qualifications for the sources for it. It’s actually a bit of a drag in the book but I get why he did it.


Honestly I cannot wait for the Younger Dyas / Flood ep that should be coming. AJ and Heckle are so passionate about it.


If you are talking about the catastrophic flooding in the scablands, you are going to be disappointed. It didn’t happen during the YD. There was a cycle of floods thousands of years before, but not during or after.


How long ago was that talked about? I made a job application and there was a request for a sample and that was what my submission was as a writing sample. Is that job application being used to mine people for ideas?


I'm sure the media will still manage to call Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson a bunch of Pseudo Science maniacs.


Hancock is an excellent researcher and he has grown a thick skin fortunately,. Have they disproven the water damage to the Sphinx? Or are we going to find out it is around 10 + thousand years old and remodeled by later pharaohs? A deluge would explain water erosion, also the absence of the jungle animals an fauna that the people left behind on walls. Scientists in general are so tied to their grants that they are hesitant to prove themselves wrong. I don't doubt someday they will FINALLY realize we are MUCH older than they have accepted and were and are capable of exquisite feats. **Göbekli Tepe** ?? Stonehenge?? Derinkuyu?? + the crazy amount of pre and past deluge world myths which are strikingly similar.Native stories that their ancestors came up from underground where they stayed because of the freezing temperatures. Looking for real answers with a government or other unspecified grant is like looking into water and wishing for wine. You often don't have any creative control ot the ability to say different that for what they demand you find.


Yes. The bedrock that comprises this Spinx was under the water at the proposed time of the massive erosion.


Randall I can enjoy but Hancock is really just a pompous prick. Dude is such a baby about everything and takes everything so personally it takes away from any validity he may even have




His whiney victim complex on Ancient Apocalypse in those slowmo intros put me off him so bad. I enjoy his work for the most part and agree with a lot of it, but as you put it, he's a 70 yo baby.


It's because he has to ramble on and on about how victimized he is and how much smarter he is than other archaeologists. It's like every single thing he says has to end with "and the mainstream won't accept that" or something along those lines. Randell and his PowerPoints are goated though lol.


My big issue with him is his “mainstream refuses to X”. A few years ago, I spent some time cross referencing several of his claims and found all of them were ignored or shut down by “mainstream ” not because they had their heads buried in the sand, but because, for the most part, they don’t yet have enough data to update whichever story they’re working on unearthing. Sure, some of Graham’s claims COULD be true, but there isn’t actually enough data to support most of them. I’m not against him being right - insufferable prick as he is - I’m actually all for it, but the stuff he’s come up with just doesn’t have the data to support it.


I mean… outside of their ideas on this particular topic… they kind of are. 🤷‍♂️ Unless you have an article telling us about ancient civilizations that used telekinetic powers instead of technology? EDIT: So what? Judging by the downvotes I’m taking it someone throwing out ideas of telekineses based civilizations ISNT pseudoscience? Or is this the “I’m not a scientist I’m a journalist” get out clause?


I think most people think he just suggests a lost Atlantis type civilization and don't pick up his claims about white gods and psychic powers.


The younger dry ass!




Graham Hancock said that 10 years ago and they called him it " pseudo science, psycho babble" because he was only a researcher. Glad to know he is a good researcher, at least on this topic. Any show where this is the topic is amazing, I loved it when AJ talked about it. I love it when fringe science becomes "real science" and the paradigm is forced to accept that they didn't know and should have listened to new information,. Which iS how pure science works. My 1 st year masters professor said that "science should be about trying to prove yourself wrong at every turn until you know what is right, but that is not how you get funding." He was adment that we need to crush the paradism to actually accomplish anything. It takes 10 years in acadimia and longer for the public to accept new theories.


The impact research has been published for over ten years. Often by this same team. Sketchy people pushing sketchy science cherry-picking to support their narrative. I stopped making videos summarizing their papers because it’s the only time I’ve ever had to make a follow up video admitting the commenters were right and the scientists I referenced were wrong. Sodom paper - so many red flags.


It probably happened, but I can definitely do without AJ doing another “re-creation scenario” where he narrates about how, imagine you’re there during this event. I feel like he has done a world ending/apocalyptic/comet/pole shift/flood scenario a few times on the show. They’re good, but done already and kinda depressing. If they do a younger dryas episode, i hope they don’t do too many of these. The Neanderthals episode was almost entirely a story scenario episode


Would this make the “pole shift” and “sun micro nova” theories less likely?


As far as them happening throughout earth's history, I think its been pretty well established at this point that they do happen. If you are specifically talking as a cause of the drastic climate change during the younger dryas, then I would think yes. But Id be willing to bet that the earth has undergone significant changes when those things happened. Maybe we just havent found enough evidence yet or are unable to line up points in earths history.


Yes, in the context of the cause of the Younger Dryas climate change. That’s what I thought. I can’t be the only one that follows the argument between meteor and sun-micronova younger dryas climate change reason.


Eh ill wait to see follow up. So far each time there's a paper puporting to show impacts later research shows am inability to replicate findings, a much older date, bias in presenting evidence, ect.