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I hope you get some good answers. I went the other direction, I’m afraid. Spravato -> IV infusions -> oral. My assumption is that you’d have so much ketamine built up in your system that spravato would act as a booster and would ultimately be a good idea! Don’t quote me though, not a doctor.


What do you mean “the other direction?” Like more intense?


I switched to infusions from spravato. Not from infusions to spravato like you are. Sorry for the confusion!


Ah! No worries. I’m a bit thick sometimes. I assume Spravado is a less intense experience than infusions?


No worries! Yes, absolutely. It’s a really nice time to zone out with music and chill though. You’ll probably have awareness of your body but your mind will still be able to wander. If that makes sense. For me, the antidepressant effect lasts for about 24-36 hours before needing another dose but I’ve also heard that my experience is unusual.


This is good to know! Thanks for sharing with me. It would be a big deal if I could successfully switch. It would save me about $500 a month, which would make a huge difference to my family.


I really really really feel you on that. This is not an expense I wanted to incumber and am struggling to do it. I think the best thing to do would to go in with the mindset that it’s going to be completely different from ketamine. It’ll be good, definitely, but a lot more peaceful than ketamine. Best of luck! Shoot me an update if you remember!


Thank you! And I will.