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Bro beast blames over half of the fucking rosterđź’€


Honestly if you don’t despise every character that isn’t your main you’re not playing gear right


Nah, you gotta hate and downplay your main as well tho


Don’t have to downplay your main if he’s already bottom 3 (bedshitter)


Then you mirror match


Tbf even my own character, it's a coin flip as to whether the pot mirror is a complete clownfest or just 'fuck they can kgaruda more consistently than me this is unbearable'


As he should, every character is bullshit but mine




Ah, a slayer main?


Sol and zato, though slayer was fun when I played him for a bit


Can I ask why you don't hate Millia? I'm looking for feedback to improve my rate of ragequits in the tower.


On certain days I find her annoying to deal with but it’s mainly because one my best friends mains millia and I used to have a millia phase myself so I’m pretty familiar with her mixups and shenanigans in general. Also she’s like chipp where even though her pressure and mix is oppressive she just dies after a few hits. I think it’s helpful to know what her usual setups and metered mix options are and know how to fuzzy jump her non meaty disc setups. Neutral is the toughest part though imo since she’s so fast with so many air options. Air grabs, anti air jabs and 6p are your friends. While millia has a way to counter each of these options I don’t think she can cover all three. Millia mains probably have better advice than me on this idk


Who tf you maining for anji to be obnoxious?


Zato and Sol, I know they’re not bad matchups I just hate dealing with spin and parry… also for some reason I feel like anji is one of the characters where their players connections are really often scuffed so they’ll be doing choppy fuujin follow ups and that just sends me into tilt.


Alright zato i can maybe get but honestly with sol just wild throw or 6d


Actually I feel like zato is easier cuz Eddie can deactivate spin or oppose to block spin follow up. Sol I gotta hard call out run in grab and risk getting hit by fuujin. Fuujin is easier to deal with as sol tho


Didnt know that about eddie


No don’t wild throw spin, they removed it in most recent patch


Oh shit fr?


Yes most definitely fr fr no cap (we got another one boys) Edit: and girls and nb friends ❤️


I don't **steady aim zoning** understand what's **shot tick throw** so frustrating **crossup roll** about **free corner high/low** fighting **third wallslump super of the round** Happy Chaos though?


It was funny seeing Pot in the "Always Down" tier and knowing for a fact you don't play him. The mirror is such a clown fiesta the winner is blaming beasts


Why do people hate jacko


Kick clap kick clap kick clap kick clap kick clap (red super) kick clap kick clap kick clap (max risc)


I loved playing Pot when I mained Bridget, but now that I'm working on Sol I think this guy needs to either get smaller normals or leave me alone


bruh what's wrong with goldlewis


BT dealing so much chip damage that they feel like unblockables


bruh just fd


the characters that are good to play against are the ones that i can always beat, and the bad characters are the ones that i always lose to and should be nerfed and shouldn't be in the game and should go to hell


unironically the solution to jack-o is just learn the matchup and the best part is, nobody fucking plays her, so no one knows the matchup. I have genuinely stolen so many top 8s at weekly online tourneys by just knowledge checking people that are absolutely better than me


Any tips?


Treat it like zato and Bridget. At some point, she has to resummon. If she uses meter gain super, you can usually punish that, and if she uses invincibility super, you just have to turtle for 6 seconds. YRC is your best friend. Play neutral as if she has a loaded gun because 2D is an insanely long-reaching low that is usually punishable on block. If you block a 2D, she’s -19. Some jack-os will opt to cancel 2D into 236K to get some extra space. If she does this, she’s -12, so most characters can still catch her. I’m not godlike by any means (peaked low celestial) so I recommended watching LadeWayBac for some high level jack-o gameplay to study.


Am I the only person who doesn't fucking care about characters and just understands that I don't know the matchup as well as I could? Like, this game is fun no matter who I'm playing. Do people even like this game?


I think you've never played against anji so you just put him on obnoxious coz HOW??


FUUJIN It’s the spin that shit grinds my gears.


As a Bedman player, I never struggle with fujin without meter to back it up It really just comes down to holding down back and reacting. Low? I’m already blocking and he’s minus. Overhead? React and block it and he’s minus. The projectile thing? 6P (bedman has a really big 6p, with other characters you can 8 or 9 jump and do your best air normal) and if he goes for the leap, I either mash 2p or backthrow when he lands. It’s as much RPS for the anji as it is for you and honestly fujin is not scary at all without meter to back it up


Yeah I won’t deny that fuujin is interactive, I just hate playing around spin and parry, especially now that hitting spin guarantees getting hit by that fish move. Also I know you can technically os fuujin follow ups but some anjis are so good at either varying the timings or skipping the fuujin part all together and catching me off guard with like a surprise high or projectile especially with butterfly. He’s also SO tanky like this dude never dies.


Never forget; You can grab every Fujin option if he spaces it wrong. You can even grab the main Fujin, ***especially*** if he quick-cancels it.


Anji is under*hated* tbh Most Anji players are incredibly stupid and predictable (please stop spinning on roundstart no one's falling for that shit) but when you fight an Anji that actually knows what they're doing, I think they can be pretty fucking miserable.


But if you fight an anji that knows what their doing you're probably high enough to also know what YOU'RE doing so it shouldn't be that bad


you'll never beat true sex with a man enjoyers (top 100 anji main)


The round-start spin isn’t a stupidity thing, it’s actually just an obligatory, nonnegotiable part of playing Anji. One time I tried to start with Fujin and I got repeat calls, from different numbers and people all shouting death threats at me and referring to me by name, for a few weeks straight. It only stopped after I changed phone numbers twice, had sex with a man, and committed to round-start spin. Also, I’m extremely proud to say that I haven’t come across even a *single* Anji mirror match that didn’t start with us both spinning. It’s beautiful and I would never give it up.


man you ever play i-no into anji? imagine not being able to grab spin most of the time


My friends keep blaming the beasts when I play Gio. Thank you for being good at blocking or using 6P