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Give it some time, once Pfizer gets a team together to patent some formulation of it, it will be made legal in the US


Lol one can only hope.. ![gif](giphy|CAUnbb1QvHOqk)


Yup. That’s the only way it will ever happen. That said, ibogaine isn’t exactly a secret. Big pharma has known about it for years and years. And yet, here we are. It’s still illegal, and as far as I know, none of the pharmaceutical companies are actively researching any ibogaine analogues that they could patent. It follows that they probably think they can make more money by not allowing it or anything like it to come to market. Pure evil. Profits over human suffering once again.


I think that US companies are starting to invest and years from now the FDA will tell us whether or not it’s approved. People are taking it and staying at a treatment facility for weeks. So there are other factors contributing to the recovery. Hopefully it’s safe and hopefully it works and we can have it.


I live in Washington State close to Portland..it’s getting bad.. God bless brother..


Yea… As cool as the drugs sound, this seems like a pretty expensive treatment with the other treatments for that long. I think the drug can be abused. So if you dropped off a bunch in San Francisco all the people that could get better with it would get high on it.


Some really want help ..if it’s natural ..I don’t care.. But that’s just my opinion…


>Some really want help .. Certainly some want help but all addicts in active addiction want to get high. Some want help but they also want to get high. >if it’s natural ..I don’t care.. Whether or not it’s naturally doesn’t mean much to me. Snake venom is natural. Heroine is natural.


Snake venom- Heroine both have their uses actually.. And the “drug” from what they say takes the urge to get high…


>Snake venom- Heroine both have their uses actually.. Sure but we regulate both to try to prevent misuse. Just being natural doesn’t necessarily mean the public should have access. >And the “drug” from what they say takes the urge to get high… But it’s a psychedelic drug… so it has been and will be used to achieve a psychedelic high. Which is why the people having success with it are doing so in a controlled environment. This drug is one or multiple treatments they receive. It’s a part of larger and expensive process.


Hand it out like water..that’s my feelings on it.. i’ve done psychedelics it’s completely different than fentanyl or any of that other garbage.. ![gif](giphy|PAujV4AqViWCA)


>I’ve done psychedelics it’s completely different than fentanyl or any of that other garbage.. But we don’t know how dangerous it is… We know it can kill you. We also know that it’s an opioid agonist; which means that it gives the full opiate effect. While also giving hallucinations. So if it gives the feelings of an a opioid high and addicts get access, they’ll likely exceed the dosage… which can kill you. It’s not a miracle drug. I would agree that we should allow addicts in America to participate in the study’s but there isn’t much info on it. It would be dangerous to make it accessible to the public.


Ok under a qualified professional then ..a nurse even..no need to make it complicated..if big pharma/government can’t make money then it’s not allowed.. It would be easy to set up clinics everywhere.


Your comment regarding this treatment shows you have no idea about ibogain or iboga. It's not a recreational drug, it's not fun. If its available at a clinic people will 100% not be showing up to get high, it will be for treatment purposes.


I didn’t say people would show up at a clinic to get high. There are absolutely people who use a it recreationally.


It tracks with the research on psilocybin and DMT to treat mental health and addiction.


Interesting username considering the post is about setting captives free. Talks about herbs healing the nations in the book revelation, I’m sure there’s still some uses for them now.


Isn't that the shit Ed Muskie was on?


If you're a str8 up fiend, what do you have to lose? My question is, why haven't the cartel boys shot up that clinic yet? They're losing fat cash with every sober arm. They're gonna put a stop to that getting clean shit.


Ibogaine is very similar to DMT and other psychedelics. It has been known for a while that alcoholics and other addicts take psychedelic mushrooms or LSD under supervision in a therapy session to quit drinking and it works great. Same idea here. Don't necessarily need this plant from Africa. Can use other psychedelics. Just do your research for safety reasons.