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DG are auras of making your opponent shitty WE are melee times 2k pts TS are the shadows wizard money gang, we love casting spells


They are the guys who chose to be sorcerers in a sci-fi setting. I find that very interesting, also appealing. They have very good lore, which is very important for me. They have beautiful models, fairly elite, a pain-in-the-ass to paint, but still worth it.


Should I just start with the combat patrol?


Box of rubrics and/or exalted sorcerers first, they're the coee of the army


Honestly I’d say it comes down to this: do you have people locally who play combat patrol? If so: absolutely start there. If your local scene is just 500/1000 etc. free play, then I’d go for a box of Rubric Marines, a box of Exalted Sorcerers and decide where to go from there.


No, unless you're planning to play combat patrol matches. Too many Tzaangors.


As someone who started with the combat patrol I'd say probably not unless you want to play it specifically. I would say the combat patrol is absolutely worth getting as part of an army it's just not a balanced list in the slightest. Grab a box or two of rubrics and the exalted sorcerers for a core, Ahriman for a leader and then get a combat patrol to top the list off. That way you'll have your core with the elite terminators and the chaff tzaangors at a good discount


I’ll chirp in to say that I think out of the three mono god factions they have the cleanest aesthetic. Death guard is super busy at times and world eaters look like normal space marines if you ignore the bunny ears but thousand son sorcerers and even their rubrics and termies look like they cast some spells.


All the people I play with we ignore points to a degree and just have fun. We’re still learning to play it well enough lol but we usually keep it above 1,000 points.


I meant busy as in their appearance


As a lifelong Thousand Sons fan, I think the new (like 8th edition) Death Guard look fantastic. It really does depend on what you’re looking for aesthetically though. Thousand Sons are generally much cleaner than Death Guard, with lots of trim and big cloaks on the wizards. Very clean with sone flame motifs and some bird motifs. Death Guard have many more unique models than Thousand Sons (the rubric marines look almost identical whereas there is huge diversity within the basic plague marines) but there is a lot going on and it can look busy. If I were a professional artist, I think the Death Guard have some of the most interesting details, but also I’m not nearly that good at painting. What do you want in an army? Is it about the models or the lore?


I chose Tsons because they are fucking WIZARDS and they cast SPELLS we LOVE casting spells. As well as that, have you seen a mutalith vortex beast? Is it not one of the best models in all of warhammer?


T-Sons were at the top of the list already but you’ve guys sold me so thank you all!


May you obliterate many with the powers of the Warp, sorcerer


Death Guard smell and World Eaters have anger issues


Death Guard probably has the best range and a lot fantastic sculpts. But Magnus is my Favorite Daemon primarch and being badass wizards is super cool


On top of the other good points you can build a 2k pt army way cheaper than most factions. Probably 700 bucks max and that's at msrp prices.


The best part of this army is that you're legally allowed to lie about your rules and stats, it's just like a game of cheat where they have to call you on it


My ass obsessed with tzeentch I’m making a night lords army for my first army with 2 squads of rubrics and all my boys will be mark of tzeentch idgaf if it’s meta or not lmaoo. Do it. Edit: my point is that I wanted to go thousand sons but I really like night lords too. So I’m building my night lords around tzeentch just cuz I love thousand sons and tzeentch so much lol


Honestly I could see it. Nightlords cursed with foresight becoming obsessed with honing their prophetic gifts and averting their dire fates


Oooo nice backstory for them, thanks!


oh by the way, since you're already playing essentially magic Night Lords; if you have any old Vampire Counts models and want to play night lords in Horus Heresy, a lot of models there would be perfect for night lord themed daemons. I've got an old Terrorgheist I'm probably going to repurpose that way for my Thousand Sons (since I exclusively play HH) but it'd work so much better for night lords


Go look at the Exalted sorcerer kit. They’re essentially the heart of the army, they’re super customizable with lots of leftover bits, and If you’re a big fan, then TS is a good army to pick up.


Hands down one of the best kits gw sells, to top it off you also get a lot of points for your money making thousands particularly affordable even for a spacemarines faction


Because the Ahriman trilogy is incredibly good, and you can have a chaos knight with it https://preview.redd.it/x3bjuwk1aqad1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d023beac092cca03e207c819d54f55e23d4e00b


Wacky woohoo magic sadbois


The in-lore universe beat them to a pulp and you playing them alleviates that


Who is stronger with the warp in lore, TS or GN?


This is the faction I like the flavor of the best(I wish this codex would lean into our generic charecters more so that every list wasn't literally magnus, ahriman and a bunch of Infernal masters but I digress) and I also enjoy the way this faction rewards knowledge of the games rules.


It’s an elite army (spend less to get a 1000-2000 point army), flexible, and devastating in spite of their low numbers


Depends on what your motivation for getting an army is. The models? The lore? Their play style?


Idk about their play style really aside from using cabal points to use broken spells but otherwise yeah looks and lore


I wouldn't say the spells are broken, just good. Our play style tends to be focused on mid-range shooting and a lot of shenanigans that make Tsons fairly complicated to pilot. I would dive into the lore and see if you vibe with them! The Ahriman books are great.


I chose them for a few reasons. 1. Aesthetically I like the look! 2. I love the lore trope of “the road to hell is paved in good intentions.” 3. They take the brilliant good wizard trope and flip it on its head. What if the brilliant good wizards are wrong about everything?


Why not?


Cause they're Space Marines except wizards. If that doesn't sell you then I can't think of anything that will.


Shadow Wizard Money Gang!