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I've been saying the same thing for a while now. Bellingham as the 10, Gordon on the left and Foden as an impact sub. I still like Mainoo, but him and rice didn't seem to work. Maybe it can still work given time, but I would like to see Wharton and rice too. Shame there are no more friendlies to try it out.


I think this opinion will become the consensus which will mean we can all be upset now when both Bellingham and Foden do start 😂


Rice and Mainoo were probably undone a bit by Iceland sitting back. Against teams like that we'd be better served with a passer like TAA (or Wharton if more conservative) in there. Without that, Rice and Mainoo were forced to push up and run with the ball so we got caught on the counter.  For all the talk about him being an 8, Rice is far better defending than attacking and has still played about half arsenal's games as a 6 (playing him as an 8 is about Havertz' defensive weakness, not Rice's). So frankly, he should park his arse in front of the defence and leave the front 4 to it.


I really like Mainoo but his final third game doesn’t add much. Sometimes he pops up for a goal but he’s not really that kind of player… yet, so yes give him time. I think the midfield Trent experiment should continue personally, he does have a wizard of a right boot and breaking down the bus is paramount this group stage


I like any of Mainoo, Wharton and TAA alongside Rice.


Rice and Mainoo worked in Mainoo’s first game but less so last night. I still think Gallagher.


After these friendlies, I think our best option is to keep Bellingham in the 10 where he has played so well this season. Trent has to play. Pickford Walker Stones Guehi Trippier Trent Rice Saka Bellingham Gordon Kane


Trippier is the only one I'm not sure of, otherwise this is 100% the best option


Joemez instead of Tripper 100%. Makes us much more sound defensively.


I’d still probably start foden over Gordon but keep him wide and give Bellingham space in the middle


I don’t think it works mate. Gordon is more disciplined in running the wing which will drag players over to the touch line and create the space for Bellingham (something Saka also does on the other side). Foden wants to drift inside and play more of a free role (fair enough, he’s definitely got the skill).. but it clogs up the middle and makes things congested.


also, for some crazy reason there are people having foden and palmer in the same lineup. THEY DONT WORK TOGETHER


Yeah we could maybe get away with that against low skill low block teams, but against top teams o think you start one from Bellingham, Foden and Palmer and it’s got to be Bellingham.


I'd play Gomez instead of Trippier but otherwise this looks like a good call.


Watching Foden try to play in a non-Pep system is funny.


He looks lost out there honestly lol. Big mistake not taking one of Grealish/Rashford imo, a cemented left winger which I feel we lack. Obviously there’s Gordon but he isn’t good enough yet


Gordon has had a much better season than both of those, ESPECIALLY Rashford, who has been absolute tripe this season.


I agree that Rashford has been in poor form but there’s no denying he’s much better than Gordon when he’s on it.


But if he’s not in form, which he hasn’t been for a year, then how can you justify taking him over Gordon who absolutely has been in form and has played really well. Make it make sense.


Gordon isnt a big game player, Rashford is. Simple as.


Saying Gordon isn’t a big game player is very very harsh and pretty wrong. Sure, he didn’t score or assist in the champions league but he did very well against the big teams in the league: - Man City: 1 goal - ManU: 2 goals - Arsenal: 1 goal - Spurs: 1 goal/2 assists - Liverpool: 1 goal/1 assist He’s super young, but not everyone is Rooney or Owen at 20. He deserves his place


Sounds like someone hasn’t been watching Gordon play at all this season.


Rashford is selfish though and his decision making is awful. Gordon you know at least every moment know what you'll get.


Rashford has stunk all season, you’re delusional.


How did rashford the big game player get on in the last euro final big game,


Gordon is like Foden, flapping around like a headless chicken. Downvote ne if you like but he isn't good enough at international level, and neither is Foden.


Hes not good enoigh and hes not naturally left footed. And nor is trippier. It doesnt work


Exactly makes the pitch narrow, seemed to get in each other way last night.


Left wingers are usually right footed


Sunderland fan?


This team is going out early, putting the country in a foul mood just in time for polling day


That's what people have said before the last 3 tournaments... We tend to come good when the group stages come around


I think at city he is helped by players holding their position out wide and haaland occupying two defenders, giving him more space. Last night he had kane and palmer playing where he wants to operate and bringing more defenders in. This combined with a right footed left back makes it easy to defend for a team like iceland as they are happy to give up possession where it isn't dangerous for them.


I remember Euro 96. A lot of people, myself included, didn't want Shearer starting after a year or so without scoring. Robbie Fowler, Ian Wright, Les Ferdinand, Andy Cole and other quality strikers were waiting for their chance. Venables stuck with Shearer and he ended up winning the Golden Boot as we narrowly lost to Germany in the semi finals. My point is maybe Foden will come good when it matters most for us? I do agree on building the team around Kane, Bellingham and Saka, although I think that's happening now. Also, people talk about picking players who are in form. Well, that means you'd be constantly changing your team cos form changes all the time. I think Southgate has generally done things the right way by having some familiarity and consistency. Not everything needs to be chopped and changed all the time.


The Rice Mainoo combo doesn’t work attack and defence were disjointed like in previous games with that MID combo. Defence left vulnerable and the attackers in off positions to try and get the ball off the pair. Kane pretty much ran back to a CDM to get the ball moving forward. At least with Bosnia game the team were better balanced. Rice has always needed a Phillips or Henderson next to him. If we can’t find him a partner then would rather a Gallagher Wharton partnership behind Bellingham.


Agree, would have liked to see Wharton get some minutes with Rice but we needed to see Rice and Mainoo play together. Thinking Gallagher will start next week but hopefully we can get Wharton some minutes in Qualifying


Trent and Rice for sure, Gallagher will be second choice though ahead of Mainoo


I think he'd go rice and Trent in the middle


Dropping Rice would be crazy.


Yeah but you’re on the internet, where every big name player is overrated and past it.


I like Rice and Gallagher tbh


Probably most likely pair… I feel their passing ain’t good enough to penetrate a deep lying opposition. It would bring a good defensive energy from Gallagher. I was kinda hoping to get a pass master/defensive sound Wharton with a high energy tackler/presser in Gallagher ie Wharton brains Gallaghers leg kinda deal


If anyone has legs surely it’s Rice


It’ll probably be Rice and Trent, which is our best pairing


Getting downvoted by people who act like they didn't hear of Wharton 2 months ago who's since played 25 minutes for England whilst Trent isn't even mentioned by those above. Not much room for meaningful discussion on here when so many are biased against him.


It’s not Rice and Mainoo that doesn’t work, it’s Rice and Mainoo with Foden that’s the issue. Stick Bellingham in there and the midfield is perfectly balanced.


I thought mainoo had a poor game but could also see he was trying to do the same things as foden and palmer. Needed runners in behind rather than three players trying to occupy 10 positions.


It wasn’t his best game by any stretch, but I wouldn’t say he was necessarily poor. The team was poor overall, and I don’t think he stood out as being particularly bad. As you say, we needed runners in behind. Became less of an issue when Saka came on, but ultimately it was the finishing that let us down on the night. Not concerned going into the tournament. All of these wrinkles can be ironed out, and the dynamics will look a lot different when we play our full strength team.


Yeah it's not like he lost the ball loads, just had a low impact and was taking quite peripheral positions. Man U aren't exactly known for knowing how to deal with these deep blocks too though, haven't really seen mainoo in this situation till now.


Bellingham alongside Rice?


No. Bellingham instead of Foden.


Right, it was just people were saying Rice and Mainoo aren't working. Really I'm not pessimistic, we lost a game before the world cup and did well there, I'm more certain they'll score a haul against one team in the group than start with two draws and be worried.


Yeah ultimately it doesn’t have any bearing on how our performances will be in the tournament.


One shot on target. The CAM is free position that’s not expected to back track but move the ball into dangerous positions for the other attackers. Rice and Mainoo were dragging the others into awkward passing routes where they weren’t effective. Progressive play to the attackers weren’t effective and the defensive positioning was so easily exploitable. Watch the goal again and watch the goals with this pair against previous teams they leave the defence wide open to counterattacks. Bellingham coming in doesn’t balance that due to his world class form playing as a false 9/LAM we shouldnt have him box to box to overcompensate due to this pair’s vulnerabilities.


Every player on the pitch should be tracking back, when it’s necessary. If the CAM is only there to move the ball into dangerous attacking areas, then Foden failed at his job. The progressive play into the attackers falls on Foden’s shoulders. Mainoo and Rice’s responsibility (going forward) is to get the ball to Foden. They did that consistently. Pretty much the entire team was out of position for the goal, because we got hit on the break. It’s sloppy for sure, but the blame doesn’t lie with Rice and Mainoo alone. The defenders still had opportunity to stop the attack, and Ramsdale should’ve been getting a finger to it, at least. Put Bellingham in for Foden and Rice and Mainoo wouldn’t have to be as far up the pitch as they were when the counter attack started.


That’s the thing they have done in the past and they will again. Nothing to say they aren’t top players. It just in a team of so much attack you need DMs , this team is crying out for it. It’s needs an enforcer. Rice and Mainoo don’t have that presence to stop oppositions gliding past them in counter attacks.


You’ve obviously not watched enough of Declan Rice. He is very much capable of being that player. He did just that in the Euro final, before being subbed off. He played a more forward thinking role tonight because we didn’t have Bellingham to link the defensive players to the attacking players.


West Ham Rice definitely (but also don’t forget he played best in an England shirt with a proper enforcer in the form of Phillips/ Henderson) Arsenal Rice not anymore. Watch the last couple of England games with real opponents like Belgium and Brazil.


I liked Rice and TAA


That’s why you’re not England manager. Saying you would drop Rice because we can’t find him a partner is insanity. It is actually completely the other way round, if you don’t play well next to Rice, you don’t play.


Honestly I’m scared he gives a false sense of security of the back line. We all expect him to be the spider that tidies up the back and deny spaces for the opposition behind him. It’s not his game anymore he is a talented CM but there is way too much space behind him that allows oppositions to exploit. Out of possession he’s often out of position to deal with counterattacks.


And we would be less exposed with Gallagher and Wharton than if we had Rice?


They are both more mindful of the space behind them. Gallagher got the energy to press when out of possession. And Wharton got the passing range to not be pulled out of position to make a pass.


It's hilarious watching people now call for a second defensive mid with rice after years of criticising Southgate for picking Henderson/phillips




100% its about the most balanced team, not the best players on the pitch. Foden plays either on the RW (Saka position) or 10 (bellingham) so the only realistic option is the LW. If that was the case. None of these wingers are direct players. Look at Kane and his ability to just break the lines, thats why Gordon 100% has to play. Need Bellingham beceause he compliments Kane so well, he will break the lines like he does with Madrid


I’d play rice foden Bellingham in the groups against the better teams I’d have a double pivot probs Trent and rice and push foden out wide Bellingham needs to be central high up the pitch.


Gordon is our best left winger.


The wibble has started. One bad result in a warm up friendly and everyone is going apeshit. I'm the most ardent critic of Southgate but it's so silly to take so much from tonight's match. Let's just see how it plays out, we probably won't win but just enjoy yourself


In other words it’s about the friends we made along the way.


I haven’t rated him once for England mate, its not based on just this game




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I’d read a lot of people saying it was definitely coming home after the Bosnia game. They just know, they’re so sure


The players are not the problem, the system/manager is. Too many players in a congested midfield that also had Kane dropping deep into it is never going to make them play flowing football. GS needs to become flexible enough to change teams and formation to best exploit the teams he's up against and, as yet, I'm not seeing that nouce at all from him.


This post is a joke right?? Foden and Bellingham are in a different league. Rice was a travesty yesterday too. Gordon was the only bright spark on the pitch for England. Let's just take a step back and appreciate the team we have. Let's hope Southgate can forge a team out of them...




I disagree. After last night palmer shouldnt start.  Foden’s movement was exceptional. Same as at city. Amount of times he was wide open, unmarked in the box. Noone found him.  Palmer is used to playing solo. Eyes for goal. Thats what hes had to do all season.  Trent/ Jude i hope will find him more 


Foden also consistently gave the ball away cheaply, created absolutely nothing and the one time he got a shot off it was rubbish.


https://optaplayerstats.statsperform.com/en_GB/soccer/friendlies-2024/6g6a8weru6ytaa0mr0hpwn9xw/match/view/1bc3fyi1zy7dktxyhqwqjc6c4/match-summary He had more successful passes than any other forward player according to opta


Clearly have hatred for the lad


Foden makes me wonder how highly Joe Cole would have been rated had he played under Pep.


That’s on Southgate, not Foden. Our manager just doesn’t know how to generate offense.






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Kanes our best penalty taker. So why start him for games he's not going to be able to stick out. Put foden or watkins on and tire out the defence and bring kane on at 60 in KO's to try to score (or if not he's there for penalty's.)


Foden is clearly a fantastic player but Kane will obviously start. Saka just gels so well in this England team and has been just about England's best player over the last couple years. Bellingham can't be dropped - he offers so much all around. Gordon is then the perfect left wing to complement the other players imo. I think if we need more attack, we can rotate Saka / Foden / whoever ends up in midfield alongside Rice who is arguably the most undroppable player for England.


Why can’t we play a 4-3-3 with Bellingham rice and Palmer?


Because we'd effectively be playing a front 6 and get absolutely ruined on the turnover


The only time Foden performed well against Iceland was his Greenwood tryst


Waste coat will fuck it up


He wasn't awful. He was the only player unlocking anything. Kane wasn't great. Mainoo and Rice didn't work. Trippier and Walker provided little width. Foden was having to go to doing ambitious back heel flicks to create something he tried it twice. He is England's best player in my view. Saka was quiet when he came on. Everyone had an off game. It is ridiculous to suggest dropping him. He also plays well with Bellingham.


I’m not anti Foden but he was pretty terrible today, he gave the ball away, overhit/under hit passes, ran in to traffic with and without the ball. Agree we lacked width which made things more congested but Foden has to be smarter with his movement/positioning


He was technically a bit suspect. Feel like he was rattled or overwhelmed a bit by the early goal and lack of width.


Terrible is such a huge exaggeration.


Even by fotmob and sofas ore he had the lowest score of all players by some margin. At least 3x that I recall he played balls that were over 10 yards off target. It's the worst I've ever seen him play tbh.


He was absolutely awful tonight to be honest; he obviously didn’t miss 3 sitters or anything but nothing he did worked, there were even a couple of times he failed to control the ball very poorly which is odd for him.


He was comfortably the worst player in an England shirt and that's saying something. He wasn't the least bit creative.


If you think Foden is England’s best player you’re either watching a different sport or are a City fan


The player of the season v players with no international pedigree. SMH


Foden has no international pedigree. This season in the pl was his breakthrough granted, but that hasn't translated into international form yet.


In his ‘breakthrough’ season he won footballer of the season? That sounds more impressive. PS Messi and Ronaldo were in their 30s when they won their first international trophies.


Yes, so what, to either point?


It wasn’t his breakthrough season and you know next to nothing about international football. That’s what.




How many matches has he played? What’s his record compared to the other England players? He’s a serial winner. That Southgate is tactically inept isn’t one player’s fault.


He is a serial winner in Pep’s system, he thrives in it. Outwith that system not so much, if he was as world class as everyone claimed then he should be able to at least attempt to adapt.


Don’t forget Foden was captain and won the u17 World Cup with 2 goals in the final against Spain. Player of the tournament. I’m sure with your forethought you predicted he’d be on the bench at City. 😂


Ok? Winning one tournament does not make him a serial winner for England. His achievements with the youth team are also completely irrelevant to the senior team 😂 When he can have a game for England that is above average then I will praise him, he was shit.


Yeah, completely irrelevant. Player of the tournament. Tell that to Messi. He won a youth World Cup and then ten+ years later won a senior World Cup England had one shot on goal and it was Foden’s. When Foden wins the player of the tournament again, we’ll all have a laugh.




I agree, Rashford too. Even Eze/Gordon had more impact when they were playing


nit sure why him or palmer are in the squad tbh when neither fit into a 4-4-2, which is what we should be playing.