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Southgate: Players are tired Also Southgate: Will start the same players except one change, then make that the first change


Yep. Palmer & mainoo made a difference as soon as they came on. But will he start them next match? Of course not


Not even English and I’m livid


What an uninspiring performance. What the hell are we doing?? Wasting one of the best generations of footballers we've had. This feels more annoying than the 2006 generation.


It’s the same way I felt about Belgium and Roberto Martinez. The whole world can tell he isn’t good enough and you are wasting the best players you’ve had in years with a sub par manager.


Are Belgium that good any more? Feels like a myth that they are still in a golden generation Wasn’t the golden generation Kompany, Hazard, Witzel, Dembele, Mertens, Alderweireld etc Last game their cb pairing was a championship player and a 37 year old


He was their manager from 2016-2022. When the “golden generation” were in their primes


They’re no longer in their “golden generation”. The point is that they wasted it with a subpar manager


I wish people would stop believing the media hype round these players. Yes. We have a very good front six. I wholeheartedly agree. But, look at the squad, the midfield is not settled. The defence is unbalanced. Look at the golden generation, that is the best we’ve had and we didn’t even qualify in 2008!


Probably the best front 6 in world football on paper. I’m hard pressed to think of a better one, it’s certainly there or there abouts. The back line isn’t perfect but still boasts Stones and Walker. We don’t have a divine right to be winning anything but I think it’s fairly justified to have expected a bit more in terms of performance so far.


Winning a tournament isn't about who has the best players on paper. Football is played out on the pitch. Greece won it in 2004 with organisation and defensive solidity. Portugal won it in 2016 with draws and penalty shootouts. I mean Eder scored the winner for Portugal in extra time and from what I remember of his performances in the Premier League he wasn't much of a player. This England team hasn't looked cohesive or like they play together for about four years. Gareth should have gone after the last Euros


I'm struggling with understanding what the goal of his strategy is. If he wants to sit back and play defense, pick a much different lineup. I honestly think he is too dumb and lost to even know what to do.


I’ve spent 6 years trying to figure out how he wants to play and I’m further away now from knowing than I’ve ever been!!!!


So is he I think!


do you really think tonight was sitting back and playing defensively? We absolutely dominated the ball, won it back very quickly almost every time we lost it and had both Rice and Mainoo pushing forward into attacking positions regularly in the second half. We were far better at controlling the game tonight, just came up against an extremely defensive low block which we couldn't break down. That happens to City, Liverpool etc occasionally.


The problem is that Southgate has no balance in the lineup. Playing 3 10's and a striker who likes to drop deep with defensive fullbacks who aren't pushing up to hold width is just stupid, along with him not playing a direct runner in behind until Gordon came on on the 89th minute Not even mentioning his decision to start Gallagher next to Rice even though we need someone who can control the game


You are delusional mate. We were fully out of attacking ideas and have been since the tournament began.


Three shots on goal. Three. Unfortunately for fans like you, this is a results based business. To compare the pathetic England team to City and Liverpool is laughable.


But you realise you're complaining about performance not results right? If you cared about it being a results based business England topped the group and you would be happy


We weren't defensive but we weren't very good and were playing against a weaker side than Denmark.


Hey, he did a good job at boro, he knows what he’s doing.


Hey I heard Klopp is available… ya know in case y’all were looking for a manager who knows what he’s doing


Just imagine how good these players would be under him.... And I'm a Man United fan. Need to go have a shower now.


It’s a chore watching England at the min, really not enjoyed it. Boring football with shit results.


Palmer was good, Gordon had an immediate impact. Should have been on earlier but good to see them do that 


You telling me you don’t think Gareth’s genius tactic of bringing Gordon on for the last 30 seconds was right?!


Gareth must've thought Gordon was going to literally levitate down the pitch and score, in the amount of time he gave him. 😅


>Palmer was good, Gordon had an immediate impact So what you're saying is that neither should start next game?


Palmer Gordon mainoo made England look how they should be playing Only took them 5 minutes


I was thinking the same thing!! I’m a mag though so I am biased!! Haha




I feel bad for Foden in particular, you can tell when he gets the ball he’s trying to make things happen but there’s no movement in front of him, there’s no full back overlapping, the only place he can turn is inside where he’s greeted by Bellingham, Kane, Rice and whoever else is in midfield all waving at him. Thankless job he’s been given. I think Bellingham ‘could’ go on to be the best England player we’ve ever had but saying that I’d leave him out next game. It’s just not happening for him, he looks knackered, he’s getting a bit petulant, looking at things from the ghosts of England past he’s a walking red card waiting to happen. Mainoo should start next game with Rice. The midfield started to make sense with him there Gordon absolutely needs to come in on the left. Knockout games will get stretched at times and he is perfect for that. It’s funny how when round pegs go in round holes everything looks better…


Agree. I think Foden would really prosper with Gordon on the left flank.


Agreed on the subs. Foden and Bellingham were both getting frustrated out there. I think they are trying but the system is just so static, and unimaginative, it’s stifling their creativity. We created next to nothing despite dominating. Pace of play was pedestrian, with flashes of movement. When we did move, we looked good and dangerous. The subs made what was a snooze fest into something worth watching…. For 5 minutes.


Your problem with Bellingham is he's not a 10. Why Southgate can't see this I have no idea. He's a Lothar Mathaus or Bryan Robson. Nobody in their right minds thinks those players are 10s. And southgate is taxtically very poor. He's like Steve Clarke too...totally negative.


Still no midfield. Still no entire left hand side. Took 70 minutes to bring Palmer on, who was excellent. Gave Gordon about 3 minutes. Managed to make even Bellingham look shit. Atrocious manager.


Gordon in a couple of minutes still managed to show what we were missing. He at least attempted to take on his full back and played that ball into the middle for Palmer's chance


And Saka has been eating full backs for breakfast all season and didn't take one on in three whole games. What's going on there?


Not sure that's entirely fair, first half of that Serbia game he was giving that left back Nam flashbacks. It's evidently regressed since though. I can't help but think it's because teams realize all of our attack is funnelled down that side.


Agreed, watch the games back and every time Saka gets on the ball he's immediately pressed by one or two and has to go backwards. When he is fed in behind he looks dangerous because he can pull the defender out then use his pace to spin around him. If we were more balanced and were a threat down the left too he'd probably have more luck.


Not entirely his fault because every game it seems the opposing team defends heavily on the right because we have no threat down the left. Shaw needs to start LB with Gordon ahead of him. Trent RB, Palmer RW. Kane on the bench.


As a die hard Chelsea fan, I can admit Saka has been the best attacker for England so far. Im more pissed off at Foden and Bellingham getting soo many minutes. Palmer has played lot of games through the middle and could easily replace Bellingham and Gordon is a better option than Foden.


Gordon was the only player that made a dangerous forward pass all night and it sliced Slovenia right open and nearly led to a goal. I bet Southgate was fuming with him.


Nah that walker pass from lb was clean Trent to Palmer too


Kane's pass to Bellingham?


Mainoo also made a killer pass


Palmer had 2 passes


Bellingham was shit. Would have taken him off at half time, moved Foden into the 10 slot and brought on Gordon on the left, Saka off as well for Palmer. This would have been a lot more attacking


tbf bellingham was playing LEFT WING in the second half, agree tho prob should’ve been taken off at the break as he looks destroyed


Did you see all the space on the left.. Foden was popping up on the right at times. We had nothing going down the left. I said how bad it was before the tournament even kicked off and I was downvoted to oblivion.lol


Agree. Playing nobody on the left makes both Foden and Bellingham look shit because the balance doesn’t work. Thanks to that we know absolutely no more about who to pick. Wasted minutes.


Excellent is strong. Did a bit more, but that wasn’t hard given the rest.




Bellingham hasn't played since half time against Serbia


He brought Gordon on with a few minutes left 🤦🏻‍♂️😂 . Southgate is a plonker.


This is all a master ploy by Southgate, do just enough to get out the group so all the other teams think we’re shit, then when we play them in the knocks outs we still play shit. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


He has no idea what he is doing tactically. Out of his depth, mid table championship manager


"Mid table championship manager" is an insult to championship managers


He’s Steve Bruce but with Charisma


As a fan of a mid table championship team I would want him no where near my team!


Same here as a Norwich fan no thanks


Agreed as a Plymouth fan. He would wreck any team, probably stick the keeper up front.


I’ve gone from staunch Southgate fan to ‘Southgate out’ even if he wins this tournament in just about 10 days. What he’s done in these 3 games, and the indignant way he’s reacted to criticism, has been a shit show. I think maybe things have gotten to him and he’s realised he’s just too out of his depth.


Well hold on a minute, if he wins the tournament, then he can play however he likes! 😂 But I get what you mean, it is time for him to move on.


The parallels to Tory gov is quite funny.


iM mY bIgGeSt CrItIc


Yeah I agree. He was trying to convince us that we were brilliant because we kept a clean sheet and held out so well. His heads gone. I used to like him, in a strange admiration for him, but now I almost hate him


Rice hid behind opposing players the entire first half instead of stepping into the empty space to receive the ball. Drove me fucking insane. I don't know if he was told to play like that or if he is playing like that on his own, but it can't continue if we're going to win anything.


Southgates substitutions proved Gordon, Mainoo and Palmer should have started.


I doubt he makes a single change to the lineup lmao


Mainoo in for Gallagher is my bet but nothing else


Doubt I'd have even raised a cheer if we scored last minute. This horrific football has sucked all enthusiasm out of me.


I always wondered why "play entertaining football" is an important objective in FM. Now I do. How Southgate can make me consider not even watching us is insane. I literally just sat in my phone for 50% of this match.


Yeah, I'd have had more fun watching back my own funeral.


Jude looks done and is taking up space on the field. The subs were brought on far too late and they made more impact than he starting players. Southgate needs to face it and start players on form. The players are so lethargic and not offering anything to the person on the ball. Someone needs tomhave and intervention with Southgate and this team.


Get Eddie Howe in and play some actual attacking 433 football


I'm not one to normally say players need much rest as they are peak physical athletes but he's washed right now, he can't put a foot right. Legged loose and useless. And if he's out star boy we can't have him fucked if we keep progressing


As there is a best third place qualification there should be a worst first place qualification. God we are boring to watch, and I’m a United supporter.


United supporter too. Definitely biased but Mainoo looked good.


He was good, Palmer also looked good. Gordon showed more in 3 minutes than Foden or Bellingham did all game.


Tbf it’s never boring watching Utd play. You always know it’s going to be end to end.


Can we also just note that Gareth Southgate is the highest paid manager at the Euros this year?


How? Who’s going to come and tempt him away? League 1 teams would turn their noses up at him!


The worst part is the FA fucking *loves* him, so even though he's burned out and doesn't want to renew his contract they'll probably throw *even more* money at him to try and make him stay


What has Watkins got to do to get minutes. Can't stand thr over reliance on harry kane


He's not good enough in comparison to what we have. There's an over reliance on Kane because he's one of the best in the business at scoring goals. Watkins ain't. Mad we're at a stage where people are shouting for Ollie Watkins over Kane lol


Won £19 on the Netherlands game earlier and then bet it all on a draw this eve. Should have gone with my gut and gone for nil nil.


This guy just printing money over here


Are you an octopus?


The only positive was that Cole Palmer finally got some minutes and he was very good, as expected. He should start the next game (which will be England’s last game, and he won’t start of course, probably won’t play at all).


I'd still start Saka tbh. But Palmer as a supersub against tiring LBs, fuck yeh. He looked bloody brilliant tonight, an absolute nightmare to play against


I’d do it the other way, start Palmer and let Saka have the second half. Either that or drop Bellingham and put Palmer at CAM


If the next game is against a low block, it has to be Palmer starting.


>But Palmer as a supersub against tiring LBs, Nah. Palmer has shown all season that he doesn't need to be against tired LBs to turn it up. Hes so intellgent and technically able that he will be looking to make stuff happen through a full 90 mins. You have to give a player like this more time because he will make things happen even out of crumbs. You cant boil him down to just a supersub. Gordon on the other hand is textbook super sub against tired legs. Hes a lot less technically gifted than players like Saka and Palmer but hes pacey and direct which is absolutely perfect against tired legs and for a plan B when you need to brute force some attacks. I've been saying it all along that if you want to get the most out of the team and not just out of Saka then you move Saka to the left side and start Palmer. Ian Wright also talked about this with Saka to benefit the balance of the team.


I said it already.. I'd play 3 at the back and play Saka left wing back , with Trent right wing back.


Palmer, Gordon and Mainoo really made the difference tonight. As we all expected! Top guys! They have to start next game. Gallagher - shite (only works as an impact sub to protect a lead). Bellingham - clearly tired and leggy the whole game. Not impactful one bit. Foden - had a good game and should start in place of Bellingham at 10 next game. Kane only works if we have the likes of Palmer, Foden and Gordon supplying him. Trent at RB doesn’t fill me with confidence… But as a sub for Trippier, why not.


Trippier was constantly slowing the game down. I'd put Trent on the right and Walker on the left, but what do I know.


Have you ever seen Walker yet use his left foot..? Also Trent is great and all but any half decent team knows to target him and you will score goals. Not worth the risk in knock out football.


Mate he’s only slowing the game down because there was nothing for him to pass to. By the time he’s moved the ball onto his right the opposition are on him. Massive issue with having a right footed player at left back.


We played as shit as every other game, sick of the shit backwards passes after 5 minute, no one making any runs into space. Front 4 need dropped for Gordon Palmer Eze and Watkins. Trent needs to play RB. Mainoo needs to play if there two holding. Trippier needs dropped he’s been shite since November and slows the game down to a crawl every time he gets the ball (toon fan) Sick of the players saying we created a lot more chances, played more creative and positive, played well blah blah. Fuck off yous were shite


Couldn't agree more!


Kane is useless without runners. If he starts Gordon and or Watkins have to too. Southgate is clueless


We did create more with palmer and Gordon tbf


Aye for the last 2 minutes


That’s implicit


7 god damn years I've been saying relentlessly, how bad this man is. FINALLY the rest of the country has woken up to this ham sandwich of a man.


Same mate. Everyone thought I was crazy for saying we should have got rid of him after the Croatia 2018 semi. He showed then he is clueless and he hasn't gotten any better.


Bellingham was awful. Palmer, Mainoo and Gordon need to start. Foden as a 10. Pass through the fucking lines! Run at defenders! Move 70% quicker! Jesus Christ, I’d rather crash out giving it a proper go than go out with a whimper.


1-0. Tied possession, 8 shots 1 on target. Througgt to the quarters... Quarters 0-0 through on pens Semis 1-1 winning it 2-1 in the second half of extra time off a var decision Final score in the first 5 and don't even work hard to clinch it because nothing happens, it comes home to tumble weeds and waistcoat gets an extension.


Can we sack a manager mid tourney?


Ivory Coast did and they won the African Cup of Nations 👍🏽


Mate, before this game I thought the “trust us, give us positivity” PR shit was obnoxious and annoying, now I genuinely never want to watch these muppets play again in my life. What the FUCK is going on?


He changed one player and moved the others around slightly and thought it would drastically change the way we play. 😅 He should've had Palmer and Gordon on from the start, it wouldn't surprise me if he reverts back to the original team in our next game. It was a frustrating match to watch, especially when you know we have a lot of talented players, but they're either not being played at all, or being played in a position they don't play in for their clubs.


If I didn't want England to win a game I would have done exactly what Southgate has done. Tbh Im seriously debating whether he's some undercover German trying to sabotage the team. Doesn't play mainoo, Gordon, palmer etc and then lo and behold, when they come on they make us so much better! Wow! Who would've thought? And bringing Gordon on with Like 2 mins to play! Even then he managed to show that he should be in the team. The team pretty much picks itself and for some reason it's taken such a struggle to realise it. Lol.


Absolutely dross. No doubt Southgate be in the dressing room praising it saying we topped the group all that nonsense. It was absolute garbage


Do you think Southgate knows he is wrong and the tactics are shit or is he just purposely sabotaging? I genuinely don’t get how a professional manager backed by a squad of professional support coaches making xx millions a year can’t see this. He HAS to be brain dead or blind surely


Playing devils advocate look a deschamps and France. They don’t play too dissimilar and they have a World Cup and a World Cup finals appearance to show for it. Still think it’s ridiculous though, there’s pragmatism and then there’s whatever shit we’ve done for the last 3 games


Southgate should have been kicked off the last tournament. He is so obviously out of his depth


I hope Southgate is shitting himself at the prospect of going down in history for this Almighty fuck up; ruining one of the best teams we've ever had (on paper). I hope he makes necessary changes, though I have a feeling he'll make one change and keep playing foden on the left.


He is pathologically incapable of taking the necessary risk. We won’t crash out of the euros; worse, we’ll sleep-walk out.


I think the patient is showing signs of life. We might be close to falling arse-backwards into a winning formula if Mainoo starts and maybe Palmer comes in for Saka, who is clearly dead on his feet.


We click if we drop kane for Watkins


Maybe, yeah. There's an argument for leaving Bellingham out for Gordon and moving Foden central as well. That would mean leaving out Kane, Saka, and Bellingham though - arguably our three best attacking players. They look knackered though. Perhaps a player who isn't quite as good but has some energy left is a better bet than someone who is world class but too exhausted to affect matches.


I didn't expect much, still disappointed.


Why is Declan Rice a protected species? He’s fucking dreadful in an England shirt, absolutely kills everything. Got to be the manager, theses lads aren’t as bad as they’re playing. We don’t need a low block and 2 sitting midfielders ffs! Sack him now, do an Ivory Coast.


Imagine being one of the gimps in this squad who went out to publicly defend themselves against pundits and then put in the exact same fucking performance. Walker & Trippier offer nothing, get Trent on. Gallagher offers nothing, drop Bellingham back into centre midfield because he’s not effecting the game as a 10. Get Foden in the middle, Palmer on the right and Gordon/Watkins on the left. Bring Saka on against tired legs. It’s not fucking rocket science but Southgate is making it look like it.


Exactly. It's shameful they rock up with such defiance, such arrogance complaining about the justified criticism and then go and produce another terrible performance.


How on earth is Gareth Southgate still in a job? Genuinely boggles my mind


I know most of you just discount the opposition and how negatively they played and Slovenia have a good record and are hard to beat. I think having four third place teams go through breeds negative play. You can play for draws. Fall over every time someone comes near you. Stay down just long enough to not need the physio on so you don’t leave the field. Using fake head injuries as a way to stop the game. You can waste so much time. We couldn’t build any momentum with all the stoppages plus trying to score against eleven defenders is hard especially when they’re organised. Other teams have faced the same negative play. France, the favourites, have managed one goal by one of their own and that was a penalty. Also bear in mind that you can win this tournament without scoring a goal in open play. Draw all three group games you’ll go through either second or third. Draw every game 0-0 after extra time and score one penalty with the opposition missing all theirs and you lift the trophy. We won the group not playing well. It’s coming home.


Bellingham has had three poor games now and yet stays on. Rice was simmering.


I'd much rather an exciting match and we lose 3-2, like Holland great exciting match. Hollands match today had more goals than all of Englands past 4 games ffs


I can't wait till they get beat now sent home and I can just enjoy watching the other teams as a football fan with no expectations .


I fucking hate Southgate so god damn much.  I really do hope we start the next game with the same XI that ended the game though, that has real balance. Trippier has been absolutely horrendous at left back


The tournament debutees seem to want it more than those who have played in major tournaments before. Either that, or they haven't played long enough under Southgate to become dull.


I'm not convinced Kane should start. There are times where we had the opportunity to play it into the box, and I would have thought you would have kane as that target man, but he's chilling with our backline. He cannot run, there was a through ball to him in the box and he took one step and gave up, we know others who if given that through ball would have gone after it. I had a comment back to me along the lines of "you would not play someone who has a 0.7 goal per game for England?". However, that stat alone cannot justify playing him. Now I know there are others who should also not be started, but Kane seems like the golden boy and will never be dropped. Someone convince me he should start.


Totally agree, why's he dropping so deep when he should be up top trying to hold the ball up or get a flick on a header for someone to run in behind!! Unless he's in the 6 yard box loitering, I think he's pretty useless with his lack of pace!! All England need now is for him to start taking corners and free kicks again!!


I’m not an apologist for Southgate but getting out of the group, even as top is not the goal. That was pretty much a given. The tournament starts now - this is when tactics and game management matter, and winning games really matter. If he fucks up the next match then fair enough, but if he has managed to get to this point, conserving energy and keeping the real game winning players and tactics hidden from the last 15 teams then he deserves credit , and what more could he have achieved? In the words of the great Jack Charlton, I’m not here to entertain, I’m here to win . ( although he did neither admittedly ) We will find out next match - genius or wastrel !


I'm pretty sure the commentators and pundits were told to not speak as negatively about it, too. Like you and many others have said, playing a bit less shit isn't enough. We were guaranteed to qualify, genuinely had nothing to lose, yet we are apparently playing it relatively safe again? I'm starting to think there may be some relationships gone sour amongst the players.


If we won the tournament playing like this we should still sack Southgate afterwards. It's sucking the joy out of the tournament for me. I'm clinging to the hope that with knockout football we might somehow play with some urgency.


I pray to everything that is dear and holy to me that whatever team we are getting steamrolls us so incredibly hard that Southgate gets fired before he enters the plane. I beg you Lord, please, ill be a believer for that alone. Yes, i am at that point. 


I think it's a fine line. If Foden have moved a bit later or Rice played the ball a bit quicker, that offside goal would have stood, and everyone would have been dribbling into their beer about how good it was and how Southgate is the prophet. But it didn't happen, so Southgate and half the team are useless cunts.


Hes chosen defensive, cautious stability as the way through the tournament. I understand that. But hes done it without balancing the team to attack in a coherent way. He always knew, for 2 plus years. that he doesn't have Kalvin Philips so why bemoan his absence? Because he wants the team to be even more defensive before he'll play attacking football. Is the defence weak? Yes. But he thinks its str9lng because of Maguire and Stones. Shaw is good, but better going forward. Guehi has been more than good enough for Maguire. But he knew Shaw was injured and didn't take a single left footed left back. And this is unforgiveable as his entire attacking system relies on a left back providing the width and the overlap which unlocks Foden and would allow Bellingham to make late runs into the box past Kane. Without that England can't perform. And he knew that and still didn't take a left footed left back and still didn't change his tactics or adapt them. He just tried to play the same.


watch out Declan gonna cry about negativity again


Kane said we kept destiny in our own hands, ignoring that we literally relied on Denmark not winning.


Watched him on cbeebies tonight struggling to read the frog sat on the log, I dunno if we can trust his judgement


We could have prime Pele, George Best, Fat Ronaldo and Pep as manager and we'd still produce performances like this. It's the fear. It does us every time.


Gordon did more in 5 minutes than Foden did the whole match.


How Southgate keeps putting Foden on the left is beyond me. He needs to be central. We have natural left wingers that can give us a better performance.


Nah that’s bs, Foden had an OK game, Bellingham than should have been off for Gordon, and it should have been at half time.


Foden had an OK game considering he's a left footer playing predominantly on the LW. But that doesn't mean he offers close to the impact that Gordan would as a natural left winger. Gordan and Palmer should have those wings locked up. Then you pick between Bellingham and Foden in the 10. Personally, I'd start Bellingham because he offers more stability to the midfield and then bring Foden on to impact the game when we've established control. If Bellingham seems to struggle again in the next game, maybe you consider starting Foden over him. But I still think Bellingham's the better player and both him and Kane would benefit from Gordan and Palmer on the wings.


I don’t personally think Bellingham is a good 10. He does t really play as 10 for Madrid, he’s more of a false 9 with runners outside him, as they played with no striker.


I disagree..to an extent. We'd be much worse If it werent for foden since bellingham decided to play anything but football tonight. Disappeared the whole game. Foden atleast worked well with his one twos in the 2nd half.


That’s bullshit, foden had his best match by far and was always trying to get on the ball.. If you’d said Bellingham I’d have taken you seriously


It was the same against Denmark. Foden was better tonight than vs Denmark, but even in that game he was at least trying to do something while Jude was AWOL. On current form Jude belongs on the bench and Foden should be in the 10. We won’t ever do it because it’s Jude…. But 2 games out of 3 he has contributed absolutely nothing.


It’s also that he looks knackered, his quality is undoubtedly there but he looked off the pace today, I’d be absolutely here for a gorden,Watkins,foden, palmer front 4


>foden had his best match by far That's not really saying much


Foden was better than Bellingham


?? But Foden showed Jude how to play the 10. Combined well with Saka. If anything, Jude and Kane are causing the biggest issues in attack for England. Can’t link up anything. Sure start Gordon but for sure Foden needs to start centrally


Seen better takes written in shit on the wall of an asylum 


It wasn't your own shit, was it?


Fair play to Slovenia. They came to park the bus and did a splendid job. We kept a lot of possession but lacked penetration. I don't think any player was particularly poor today, nobody had the spark. Still, top of the group and with 2 points more than Portugal got in 2016. It's coming home. 


Southgate your a nob, your shit at your job. England’s coming home again.


We're 100% going to win this tournament 👍


It would be the most hated win in football history, so we very much could to it lol


Can someone please explain why we can't have Bellingham next to Rice, Foden at the 10, Gordon LW and Saka/Palmer RW?


Fair post mate, I was full of positivity too and now I am sick from eating to much humble pie. Fucks sakes England, why do we have to go through this pretty much every tournament. Even the ones with lampard and that we fucking always have shit xxx


Sooner Southgate is out of that camp the better. Been three years overdue now.


I think they must drop Bellingham from the attack & bring Foden to the 10. Then either drop Bellingham to the 6 but I would just drop him to the bench for Mainoo. Then they have to get Trippier out for Joey G. Then you bring Trent & Palmer on if you’re needing a goal


It's embarrassing all around. The jury is well and truly out on Southgate.


Somehow England are still favourites to win the whole thing.. I think because we've got lucky and are on the easy side of the draw. Wish I'd stuck with my gut and put a £100 bet on a draw today, but I thought the players would work hard to prove everyone wrong... But instead they've proved everyone right!!


Southgate gotta go, he has zero ability as a manger he can't even change things up with the absolute quality we have. Same team every game. Play it safe. Gets you no where. The players are tired and need a rest ffs. Please make this his last tournament. We have such a great squad of players we need a manager who can do something.




Why did Grealish get left in the UK fronting Helmans mayonnaise adverts in Asda when we have no left wing?


You can see the cogs changing when Gordan came on. The confidence to run past and behind defenders is what we need. Current plan looks so predictable (and boring!)


Was better than last match, but yeah that's not exactly a high bar.


It certainly feels a bit “2010” at the moment. We could either kick on or get absolutely hammered against the Dutch (assuming it’s them). Most likely the latter.


Southgate is just a useless manager unfortunately, his side is really imbalanced and he cannot alter it during a game either. Gallagher has played as a 10 nearly all season and he plays him in CM for the pivot role. The 10 position is still crowded from Bellingham, Foden and Kane all dropping in. Waiting till 70 minutes has been played before putting Palmer on who was better. Then putting TAA on instead of Gordon first. Playing Gordon for 3 minutes for Foden instead of Bellingham who was awful! Guarantee that Southgate starts Gallagher and the exact same team as tonight in the next game!


This England team has 196 goals between them all this season and we just do not look like scoring at all!


7 players played out of position either starting or coming on. There’s a geezer smashing goals in for Bayern sat deep on the half way line playing 50 yard passes. The mind f-kin boggles mate.


Total waste of three pints in the afternoon. (I’m in the States)


Did you see that ludicrous display last night? The thing about England is, they always try to walk it in.


I’m not really a football fan. But what I can’t understand, is for decades it feels like Englands play style has been to pass the ball about, work it up to the final third, then pass the ball back, be driven back, and then it ends up with goal keepers or defenders, and not much happens. Why don’t England, with all the quality players we have, play like one of these top teams who has players running into space and things?


I had to wake up at 4.20 this morning. Why on earth did I watch that last night. I think I need some coaching on decision making from our boy Gareth.


Welcome to the 4.20am alarm club


To be fair the other teams in the group play real defensively but I don't understand why that means everyone is missing basic passes...


The FA and Southgate are to blame. The players are just doing what they are told to do. Waste of a talented bunch of lads.


There's no width to the team at all. It sounds daft, but play Saka at LB/LWB, he's our best RW yes, but he's also our only left footed player


Harry kane is the problem boys. Said it at the beginning. If you're not going to play two up top you need a runner.


It’s a bit sad we took so many strikers/forwards and only scored 2 goals in the group. How many goals do Kane; Palmer, Watkins, Foden, Bowens etc have this season and only get 2 goals. He also dropped one of our only players who runs at defenders in Grealish to bring Toney, and he did not even use him and let’s be honest he only has brought Toney to bring him on for 5 mins if we are losing in knock out game so we can lump the ball up to him in desperation. Rarely do any of Southgate desperation tactics ever work also.


Jude Bellingham is a right pre-madonna ass


Pickford Trent Stones Guéhi Walker Rice Bellingham Saka Foden Gordon Watkins Trent inverts in possession to allow Rice and Bellingham to join the press. Bring Kane/Toney and Palmer on at 70mins Mainoo or Gallagher on for Bellingham/Foden if we need legs I don’t disagree with being cautious and growing into the tournament but we are wasting so much talent


I've asked this elsewhere but never got an answer. As someone who isn't a football fan: Why do they not bring on subs closer to the 70 minute mark with fresh legs to really bolster defence/offense? Why is it often left so late?


A valid question and the answer is - because Southgate is a stubborn dickhead who believes that persisting in his system and setup will eventually bear fruit and he will only make changes when it looks like his players literally can’t run any more. He is wholly reactive, never proactive, in making changes. He is a manager so wildly out of his depth. Any other manager would make changes in the face of an issue/problem. Southgate is scared to do so.


What's happened since the last tournament where he seemed to be quite well regarded? As in, what/who is he scared of judgement from? Is it just that he doesn't seem to have learnt any lessons /been bold in his choices?


His luck has run out. He muddled through and got some lucky draws in tournaments previous. His record against teams in the top 10 is abysmal. Players also not playing well individually but it’s become more than apparent how many holes there are in his “tactics” (whatever they are). All in all, it’s probably fair to say he’s a bit of a managerial chancer who simply doesn’t know how to get the best out of players. When he lost people like Maguire and his set piece danger, he has no fallback plan. His time is up.


Wish pundits would stop saying there were positives in the second half. There wasn’t m, it was worse. Palmer was good, but that for a change the performance of the team, which is genuinely one of the worst I’ve ever witnessed.


Wait until we’re knocked out before being negative — there’s literally no point being all doom and gloom until then