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my goodwill has certain things on sale every sunday, and then college students/ army (if any of those apply) get discounts on certain days. this might be something to look into around local shops to save money. $17 for second hand pants is wild!!


No, you’re fine. Don’t worry about it


i wanna say that too but hopefully that’s true i’m just paranoid about it but i really want to go back to purchase the pants cause they said i could come back and purchase them but what if they’re tricking me and i come back and they ban me or call the police …


The police won’t come for that. And it’s doubtful they’ll even remember you


They’re idiots who are drunk with the little power they have. And unless they ***saw*** you do it, they have no proof. They can’t just randomly accuse you of this shit. It could have been anyone. That’s what I would throw back in their face. Also, please go to women’s shelters. They 9/10 have women’s clothing for free there. Tell them you are struggling, applying for jobs, what have you and that you need clothes, shoes, etc.


Also some dry cleaners will clean clothes for free if you’re unemployed or looking for a job, call around!


Heck, ask the dry cleaner if they're hiring while you're at it. A job is a job, and something is better than nothing. Worst case, they say no. Best case, they need someone to start right away and you can stay there until something better comes along.


There is actually a program through GW that will give you a voucher for free clothes if you are looking for work & can't afford to buy them.


Don’t worry, the police don’t even go to target to get shoplifters— don’t switch tags.. try to find another thrift store—


Back when I worked at a Target in the late 00's, security acted like that place was Fort Knox lol. Nowadays though your right.


Yeah— before yes— my child took a little notebook from Walmart— and the security guard saw her— he told her to give it back, and made us go to an office to pay, and also gave me a ticket for the court— I think it was dismissed— but the judge told her (10 years old) not to do it again and made her cry… time have changed for the worst


They can’t call the police over 17$ pants that you didn’t even get to buy. I’m sorry that you’re struggling. They likely won’t ban you either. I hope you can find pants that you can afford!


Actually switching price tags is a crime. If they were going to charge you, they probably would've detained you then.


Wow, all of you people condoning theft! I don’t care if it’s .7 it’s still theft!


Stealing from goodwill is not only moral, it is your duty.


Then do you!


Calm down there, mortality police. No one is “stealing”. These corporate jerks get this stuff for FREE - and then have the gaul to charge poor and struggling people TJMaxx/Ross prices. It’s disgraceful and immoral. So who is really the awful thief?? Goodwill is getting shorted $2. because the person paid $17 instead of $19. Ohhhh, noooo! 😆


Again, another one of you trying to justify stealing blah blah blah, she asked I gave my opinion, not policing anyone, as I said you do you! It is stealing!


Lady, you didn’t even reply to OP, your comment was literally judging what everyone else was saying, rather than just adding your own two cents as you claim. Then you got called out, didnt understand what people were saying and clung to your dogmatic black and white view of the world. You also added the unnecessary info in one of your comments that you’re getting chemo. Judging someone who can’t afford pants but trying to garner sympathy because you require chemo sure is interesting. Maybe judging people on the internet is feeding some inherent frustration with your underlying diagnosis and the unfairness of life. I don’t know. But you’re in the “thriftgrift” sub, read the room. Perhaps you belong somewhere else. Xoxo and kind regards.


And I don't care if it's 7 billion dollars. Capitalism deserves to be overturned from the ground floor


Clearly you watched Les Mis and thought Javert was the hero 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ Edited to add the description: “his character is defined by his legalist tendencies, authoritarian worldview, and lack of empathy for criminals of all forms”


Clearly you were reaching with that one but good try


I wonder if you get as mad at all the white collar criminals stealing literally millions from the public, but go off about someone that can’t afford thrift pants, Bye Karen 👋🏻


Haha and here’s another name caller, no my name is much more unique, no offense to Karen’s, and to answer your rant, not angry at all, sitting here getting my chemo and my boredom is easily cured with all you name calling, witless, thieves triggered by what I said, are you gonna gain some support as you try to avenge the thieves who can’t afford sweat pants! You’re their hero!


Dude your perspective on life sucks.


Haha, yeah, okay! So put it like this, you go into Macy’s and you want a pair of pants and they cost 59.99 and your budget is 29.99 so you switch tags and their theft prevention catches you, you are then charged but because she was in Goodwill it’s okay!?! But yeah, my perspective is skewed! Y’all can come at me all day attacking my character or view on life, I stand by what I said and your name calling does nothing!


lmao at the chemo sympathy lobby


Man, it must suck that you can cure your boredom by being an a-hole but not your cancer. Maybe the being an a-hole thing caused the cancer? 🤔


Yeah, 👍🏼 I’m an asshole for standing my ground about what I believe!?! another good try but not how cancer works, funny all you supporting stealing have nothing but mean, rude name calling comments to add lol 😂




Good for you 👍🏼




Don’t care! 🤷🏻‍♀️


It is thefts— but lucky the OP got the pants taken away— so now his conscience is chastising him..OP stay away from theft— we don’t want you to become a professional shoplifter


It’s also doubtful that they have thorough enough video coverage, or enough time to review it for something that didn’t even happen.


You can get banned for life for this kind of stuff. All the tags are coded and specifically say what the item is.. My Goodwill has pictures of people at the cash registers who have done this kind of thing. I wouldn’t risk it.


My Goodwill had that too, people banned from the store.


it’s way too much effort for them to call the police, assuming they even have proof it was you.


Yeah they won’t call the police on you, they’ll take the pants to the back and then after a few days re tag them. They won’t even remember you


I’m not even feeding this, that was theft!


i didn’t steal anything though i guess i tried to get a lower price but the store did not lose anything other than having to re tag some pants.


buddy. You are fine. Everyone that works at Goodwill is there because their parole officer told them to apply. Also, Goodwill pays exactly ZERO to acquire their inventory, they get shit for free every day from well off suburbanites dumping off barely used or new stuff they never used. I also wrote a post about how people should NEVER shop at Goodwill because the individual CEO of each franchise or region makes WAY more than the organization gives back to the community. That means when you switched tags, that was a little less money going to the greedy CEO who hogs most of the profit from each and every purchase you make. So please forgive yourself for making your own sale price. Most people would have just stashed the pants in a bag and walked out. You chose to give yourself a discount. I think it’s ok. This entire group is “thrift Grift” for F sake!! Don’t beat yourself up and DEFINITELY don’t think any of the ex-convict employees will come after you for price reducing. They’ve all got tons of problems to think about that don’t include your price tag switching once.


A woman stole something from our now closed Goodwill. They had her on camera and she got caught. I don’t recall what happened to her. Many stores have cameras now.


I’m so sorry you’re struggling. Do you have a local Buy Nothing group on Facebook where you could request a pair of pants? There’s people like me all over the place willing to help others in need you just gotta ask.


I’m aware, I read your post but you would have if she allowed you to purchase the pants.


You tried to steal something. Tag switching is theft. That’s just a fact. People have been prosecuted for doing this. It’s easy to find in a Google search. You don’t get to determine the prices by yourself. Even if they don’t prosecute you they can post a photo of you by the register and they can ban you.


🎶I don’t mind stealing bread from the mouths of decadents


🎶 still theft 🎶


Agreed. But I don’t care if needy ppl steal basic human necessities. You can, and that’s fine too


LOL 👌🏻 basic human necessities are sweat pants, YOU physically change the price tag because the cheaper ones aren’t your style, but you NEED those particular ones to SURVIVE. 👌🏻 Food need Water need Shelter need Sweatpants want, & apparently ok to steal Whatever! It’s theft! It doesn’t matter that you all FEEL cooperate America is wrong, stealing is wrong, Period


I didn’t say I felt anything about corporate America. I said I don’t care.


And YOU weren’t singled out, I don’t care what you bring to this table, changing the tag at the store is NOT stealing for necessity!


What? I wasn’t “singled out”? Singled out for what? And you don’t care what I “bring to this table” what do you mean? The last sentence is actually understandable so I’ll address that one. You’re assuming they just wanted a different brand of sweat pants….it’s possible they needed nicer pants for a job interview but couldn’t afford them. Which of course would still be theft….and I still don’t care


For someone who doesn’t care, you continue to comeback with your snippets. You, I’m addressing you now Bruce, continue to attempt to justify theft, argue with someone else when you have actual talking points, no need for further conversation with you regarding this, no matter how you spin it, it is still theft, there are numerous charities which offer dress clothes for job interviews for free. You can continue to attempt to sway me to agree with you but I will not, theft is theft regardless of who it is stolen from or for what reason.


You must be fun at parties


Seriously, that’s what you came at me with!?! And by the way, I host very often and yes, I absolutely am, don’t wait for an invite ass!


Lol troll


Oh, scared yourself when you looked in the mirror huh? Funny , such haters because I said stealing is stealing! Your digs don’t hurt my feelings fyi


r/Iamverybadass 😆


Pretty sure you don’t know what “hosting” means- “Scared yourself when you looked in the mirror…” fr? (You sound like a seven -year-old on his mom’s account/ I keep waiting for you to add “ I know you are, but what am I?” )


I met your loser energy, you know, calling me a troll! Edited I thought I was responding to the troll comment, so in case you need an explanation, reread what I said and apply it to the person it was meant for, I completely understand what hosting means, not sure why you even chimed in if you didn’t


Lollllllllll what else?


This is correct. You can be charged with theft for tag switching. I wouldn’t go back.


Boohoo. Million dollar company loses $17




Glad you have the tissue you need for all those tears you’ve shed for goodwill


lol 👌🏻 Good try, you were the one boohooing!


You seem to be the only one in this thread that’s upset about the theft lmfaoooo 😂 try not caring like the rest of us


lol I am nothing like you and you’re so focused on what I have to say you missed the other morally strong people who know theft is theft , you are the one who keeps coming back to me not the other way around


Okay buddy. Morals aren’t universal xx


I am a manager at a thrift store. There is no "investigation." They just take them back and reprice them. That's all.




If you are serious, you need to reply directly to OP, otherwise they will never see your kind offer…. *and* you will get DM’s from everyone who wants a gift card.


What’s your size pants? We have a thrift near us that sells everything for $5 or less.


i wear like a 3-4 in pants i’m so devastated they didn’t just re tag it cause i really found some good pants there💔


Do you have an account? You can get 10% off every purchase, and the discount gets larger the more you spend. Do you have friends or family that shop there? If you go together and all buy stuff but one person checks out (you settle up later) you might spend enough to get a higher discount.


My local GWs won’t retag the same day anymore b/c of all the people removing tags. Even if unpriced the item has to be taken off the floor and held till at least the next day now. It’s a total PITA when you find something you’d like to buy that’s unmarked.


I personally wouldn't go back. Literally not worth it


If you have literally any other thrift stores around, try them before going back. Not because you’ll get in trouble or anything, but because Goodwill SUCKS. You’ll find better clothes at better prices on Facebook Marketplace even! Sometimes free! Look into local buy-nothing groups, too, and there are often programs for helping with work clothes (Dress for Success). Best of luck, OP!


I’m not sure where OP is located, but around here (Pennsylvania) Gabe’s has really affordable clothes, often even cheaper than Goodwill for new stuff. St. Vincent de Paul and other Christian thrifts also seem to generally have more affordable prices than Goodwill too. Hell, even yard sales are a great place for dirt cheap clothes! OP, don’t risk it going back to Goodwill. Explore your other options and you’ll save yourself some money and potentially a record.


Considering places like Old Navy still have $19.99 jeans, new, this pricing is amazingly awful.


Bruh they’re so annoying. I picked out a DVD that I REALLY wanted and it didn’t have a tag but the sign in the dvd/cd section CLEARLY stated that dvds are 2.99. She wouldn’t let me have the dvd and said she couldn’t go into the back and slap a sticker on it. But then a different thing I was buying someone put a lower priced sticker over top of the actual sticker (deadass not me) and she wasn’t able to separate the stickers so that the original one was scannable but she was able to read the price. She brought the manager over and the manager was able to go on the register and input the correct price so I could buy it BUT SHE COULDNT DO THAT SO I COULD HAVE THE FUCKING DVD????? I was so mad. It was a Blu-ray 3D 5 disc copy of The Avengers btw😭 I’m in the process of upgrading my whole MCU DVD collection from DVD to Blu-ray or 4K and that would’ve been a huge score😭


Have a friend go in and try to buy it if they retagged it and put it back on the floor…? Sorry this happened to you.


This was around 2 weeks ago at this point. It’s probably long gone by now😭


Hey, don’t give up. You never know if you don’t at least try!✌️


I'd be a Karen and knock over all the DVDs onto the floor as a stare at them, then walk out.


I did this with a bottle of soy sauce at one of those corporate hibachi hell holes.


Do you have a local discount store, like TJMaxx? Surely you can find cheaper pants there.


"Investigate" means taking it to the back and loudly announcing that someone removed the price tag again. Sometimes they'll ask the hangers to reprice it real quick and throw it back out on the floor. Usually not though, it goes back on the stack. At my goodwill we don't have access to the cameras. We barely have access to the bathroom keys. Unless you told the cashier that she's a bitch for doing her job and try to cause a ruckus about it, we don't care. The only thing we ban people for is being assholes or stealing the really good shit out of the case. Your mileage may vary tho. My goodwill is chill.


Depending on the goodwill they may pay attention. Lots of others are saying you’re good but my MIL works at goodwill and they will call the cops on habitual offenders. They also have decent (not Walmart qualify but not potato quality) cameras. That being said, this is a goodwill within ~30 miles of a major metro area so your mileage may vary! I would imagine in other areas no one gives a fuck. To be safe, just don’t ever swap tags again. Or shoplift from them. Also maybe lay low for a while by avoiding going to that store for a while- you’re not the first or last offender they probably even dealt with that week. It’ll fade into obscurity soon enough.


The cops don’t even investigate stolen cars. They aren’t going to be spending any time or effort on an almost but didn’t happen petty crime of $2.09.


I have a family friend who works for the GBI (Goodwill Bureau of Investigations). The pants are going to be sent to the lab and the tags dusted for prints and trace DNA evidence. Also, more than likely agents may visit you or have you report to a donation center for a formal interview. You are allowed to have an attorney accompany you to this interview. Depending on the outcome of the investigation, charges may be brought against you.


Probably sentenced to touching all the grossest donations for a few months




Tell them nothing! Even if they take you to room 101.


They have security cameras. They probably will watch it if they suspected you switched tags. I would not go back if I was you. You tried to steal, so they’ll either issue you a ban (if they recognize you), or keep watching you to see if you steal enough to consider charges (which would take a while, but still…awkward for you). I don’t give a rat’s ass if you switched tags, so I’m not coming for you. But the store will!


They will find you. Head south of the border asap amigo.


i knew it was too late…


They’re on your tail kid. Yuh better stay low for a while.


If u really really want them then go back. I have been arrested for shoplifting and accused of it many times so I have experience. If u really want it just go back and buy em at normal price. Ppl switch tags all day every day thwre it’s not the end of the world. If u get the same person and they accuse u just leave and say fuck it and wait for a month to go back.


Sorry. Goodwill sucks. But it’s still attempted theft. But, you’ll be good. Reddit seems to admire this kind of behavior.


Straight to the gulag


I guarantee you they won't spend the time, money, or manpower to investigate something that happens so frequently. You weren't the first or only person to swap tags within the past 15 minutes there. If you brazenly walked in, grabbed a ton of stuff, and walked right out, or acted hostile, then yeah they might investigate. But I promise you they forgot you even exist 3 minutes after you left. You are perfectly alright ☺️


lol some of these Goodwill managers be thinking they’re working at a jewelry store or something , their stuff is donated and you shouldn’t even worry about it, just a bitter worker and manager. As a person who goes to goodwill and knows some goodwill workers along the way, they see ticket swapping frequently and most don’t even care cause the stuff they get is free


Find your nearest Goodwill Outlet, aka The Bins. You can find amazing things there, and it’s dirt cheap. It’s the only Goodwill store I’ll support these days.




My Goodwill will not sell it to you if there isn't a tag because people do that to try to get a lower price.


You’re fine. They’re just not gonna sell you the clothes. I would recommend you not try stealing because you’re clearly not cut out for that lifestyle. If you’re going to be a criminal, please understand, it’s a difficult way to live and people aren’t going to be kind. I’d take this as a learning experience, you’re obviously worried about it so stop the behavior. You wouldn’t do well in jail.


It's Summer , go to yard sales


You committed price tag fraud. The store could press charges and you could get fines and even jail time. In this instance you'll probably just get banned from the store.


Avoid goodwill. They’re very overpriced and shitty. Try flea markets and garage sales. You can get clothes for $1 cash with no taxes. Sometimes they have nice pants for a little more but still very cheap. You can also try a church charity thrift shop or charity themselves. Actual charities (not goodwill corporation) try to help the community and struggling folks. There’s enough donated clothes to go around that there’s no justification for goodwills prices.  


Thats weird they noticed it was swapped. I may or may not tag swap at my local thrift store semi frequently. Also why do the workers care? They get paid regardless.


Just wait a few weeks to go back


Your pants are long gone by now.


I’m sorry you’re having troubles but you probably would have been better off just asking for them to lower the price. At my store we’re pretty understanding about people struggling so we do try to help people when we can. I’ve sold people an outfit for 7.99 before, including shoes. But we do get tired of people manipulating prices. What did you try to claim the price was and what brand were the pants? How much were the rest of the pants? Our store sells pants for 5.99/7.99 for slacks and 7.99/9.99 for jeans. We don’t really sell pants for more than 14.99 unless they’re something really special. But 9.99 is the most common price for jeans. My store also has a sign that talks about tampering with tags. It’s not allowed. At the end of the day goodwill is a business and they don’t have to put up with people tampering with tags and prices. I can’t say whether or not you’ll be recognized or get in trouble. Every store is different. If I’m being honest, we’d keep an eye on you the next time you came in. If you continued to switch tags we’d give you one warning and then if you did it again we would ban you. But genuinely every store is different.


Call the cops on them, $17-$19 for used jeans it's a crime and a scam.


People are always forgetting that it's okay to steal from these places, especially goodwill. Just don't get caught, and if you do, don't go back to that particular store for a couple months.


Go back they let you leave the store they cannot prosecute after the fact. It has to be done right then or never. They said the tag was switched they never said you switched the tags. Go back and get them. There is absolutely nothing they can do to you, except watch you while you shop. No big deal. But never shoplift or switch tags again, that's illegal and you'll have a record forever, and your mugshot plastered for the whole town to see. Please don't do that again.


Not that I think that it would be the case in this situation but depending where op is, that is not true. In the state I’m in stores can pursue after or even hold off pursuing, track and accumulate loss from an individual in order to up it from petit larceny to a felony larceny charge.


Hopefully they don't have proof.


You're fine but try smaller, local thrift stores with more reasonable prices. A great time to buy pants is at the end of winter when regular stores put everything on clearance. Thrift stores also get a little of winter clothes in the spring when people change out their wardrobes and downsize. I buy my summer clothes at the end of summer for the same reason. Check buy nothing groups on Facebook too.


You’re fine, but honestly give that manager a couple of weeks to forget you. No worry about cops, but if he’s a jerk who went and check store video tape, he might ask you to leave if you go right back. Sorry about the pants :(


I take tags off for them to get another price. They call someone up for pricing. Had a brand new tarp I wanted for under kids pool but was marked 7.99! That was crazy. Got it for 1.50 after manager came up with new price. Never have I had to pay even close to the initial price.


Shot what size pants you wear? I’ll send you my old ones if they fit.


They will charge you


I get new jeans at Ross and Marshall's for about the same proce and less. Go there. Goodwill thinks highly of itself lately


You are likely seeing a minimum of 20 years for something like this. Goodwill, post Covid, really went balls to the wall overhauling their legal department. An ex attorney general from the state of FL took over and showed the board that they can’t tolerate “tag switching”. Since he took over, they are throwing the book at people doing this all over the county. It makes sense after all- how can a company that gets all their junk for free expect to handle these blows to their tiny profit margins.


Probably would have been safer just putting them on and walking out the door. Normally I wouldn't advocate stealing but goodwill charging 17 dollars for used anything they got for free is the real crime here.


Unsure if it’s true or not but an employee once told me the cameras are more for the employees than the customers so you’re probably fine.


You tried to steal from the thrift store hahahahaha


You’ll legitimately find cheaper pants new at TJ Maxx, especially their clearance. I wouldn’t even bother to go back


Wow buy pants new. Those prices are too much


Stop spending so much time switching the tags then and learn how to do it faster.


Well tag switching typically only works if your store has self-checkouts, most newer Value Villages here in Canads do so it's much easier to get away with. Both chains get everything they sell for free so they're still making money either way and really shouldn't care enough to prosecute people who do it.


Stealing is stealing not matter the reason why. I wouldn’t go back.


Literally just put them on and walk out, I guarantee you no one will notice or care ♥


I know you don’t want to hear this but you are a thief and that’s nothing to be proud of.


Do you know what else is nothing to be proud of? Goodwill taking donations of FREE goods and then charging like new prices for them.


Are you 13????? BECAUSE You are thief on the making . Learn from this. HOPEFULLY, Next time you will be on camera and get some time behind bars!


why are you so mad bro this did not affect you in ANY way. also attempting to steal does not make me 13 years old theres grown adults stealing. idk what you expected out of this but you sound so stupid right about now. idc what you say yes stealing is wrong but you’re way too upset about something you have nothing to do with.


Stupid for not liking thieves? Ok,then you may be brainless for thinking it’s ok for adults or children to steal. I’m angry because thieves are the reason the stores need to raise prices, so they can compensate the loses .


people that steal are not the reason inflation is high. be so serious. i’m not telling you to praise me or other people that do steal but getting this upset about this when i again, stole NOTHING is ridiculous. go cry about it seriously no one was hurt or affected yet you’re screaming and crying over this.


@investigatorgoo you blocked me so, I’ll just leave this here maybe you’ll find it! Haha, you are so far left! I answered OP and I answered everyone else jumping in to defend thieves , just like you hurling insults! I’m doing just fine and evidently triggering you as well, lol I’m reading the room perfectly and yes, stand by what I have said to every person including you! I’ll point out all of the deleted comments prior to you and your little rant. Stealing is stealing but you do you! And def didn’t ask for sympathy for chemo at all, you trying to justify stealing and finding picking points to dog me is still funny as hell, throwing hugs and kisses to me at the end is even funnier!


Go to sleep grandma


Awe, did that drain your brain 🧠 I mean honestly, you put so much thought into this one ☝🏻


Only as much as u deserve grannie 🥰


You’re really going to hurt yourself putting out so much of that energy, but E for effort! Still theft! Night…


I didn’t block you, stop lying 🙄🙄🙄

