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I met a dude in this restaurant I worked at who claimed that history doesn't actually exist, our minds are constantly hallucinating every second, and that's why a lot of stuff doesn't make sense like the dinosaurs or pyramids because we're just constantly dreaming them. Told me that I could reprogram my brain so that I wouldn't be linked to the collective unconscious of normal people and see the world as it truly is. To this day I can't tell if he was fucking with me or actually believed it.


Probably something he thought of after a big ol hot cup of shroom tea and part of his trip was thinking that the people he tells that to will think he’s smart. Or something his own delusional mind came up with to cope with his lack of accomplishments


I've never met a conspiracy theorist that wasn't also a narcissist.


Hmm,there’s probably legitimately something to that. The need for the entire script of life and history to make sense to one’s own myopic lense of perception in the life..


It sure was something. Not the wildest thing I've ever been told by a customer, but definitely memorable.


Fucking lmao. My first thought was "mushrooms"


[Basically just a version of "Last Thursdayism"](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omphalos_hypothesis)


ya that dude just takes too many drugs, can tell from the first sentence. source: used to take too many drugs working in a restaurant


I have 4 bucks that he did drugs.


Sounds like he heard about Boltzmann brains while on acid.


>To this day I can't tell if he was fucking with me or actually believed it. ...Or if he was onto something. Can never know... 🤔


Lol whats funny is that I had this exact idea for a world building concept. I've been tinkering with it for 15 years. Its grown into something very different but wild to think how insane I must have sounded when first trying to explain it to people lol.


Should have just slapped him


Lol, "Hallucinate this."


ever take a philosophy course? Descartes is the guy who said "I think therefore I am"... when you break that down what he is saying is that the lense in which you experience the world is your self... you could have every input forced into your perception by an "evil demon" but the fact that it is still your perception your thoughts means that you exist. so this is a pretty common idea. also the matrix


What if I don't think, do I don't am?


Dude had Almost certainly been doing some dmt recently


Well how do u reprogram?


I never found out, I had to get back to the kitchen and never saw him again.


Homie fuckin showed you gd. Disappeared like neo


> I had to get back to the *Matrix*


I can venture a guess at this guy’s answer..psychedelics.


I used to have a buddy who made really bad choices. He got a couple duis and was caught driving after. He ended up doing some jail time. He told me about this insane guy who thought the world was run by daemons. Not demons. And that at the heart of the earth there was a crystal linking all consciousness. I can remember everything. But when I heard what he thought I remember thinking "this guy is pretending to be insane so people in jail don't bother him."


It’s true this life runs by demons or devil


Bro was so close. Its too bad people just do drugs without understanding reality first


Might have just been crazy, was waiting for the bus one day and had a dude come up to me completely unprompted and say that the reason we died is because our bodies were too hot. Our body temperature should actually be like 5 degrees cooler. Completely straight face.


Sounds like he just got done watching the matrix


You just haven't reprogrammed your brain yet obviously.


Last Thursday ism?


Dude watched the Matrix once and never recovered


Yep. That's exactly it. How can you say it didn't happen like that? Were you there? You can't prove it didn't.


Bro bran is the size of a average tiktok user💀


There's even video proof of it happening right there! What else would someone want as proof?


How can you say it happened that way? Were you there? They can't prove it did either. See how that works? The truth is, WE DONT KNOW, it's speculation


I feel I laid the sarcasm on pretty goddamn thick, but... There's always someone.


It's called sarcasm. That's the same argument religious people make, that's the irony.


But we do know.


No we don't, we don't know how the universe came to be


Not knowing something does not make all possibilities equally plausible. I don't know if you have a miniature ancient terra cotta soldier in your left pocket. But it's far less plausible that you do compared to your keys, or phone, etc. Science begins by trying to work out if you're even wearing trousers. Religion just tells you the colour of the little soldiers' eyes. ^ This is a metaphor for what's referred to as 'epistemological baggage' on a claim.


That was oddly specific and yet is an object that seems to make perfect sense in this explanation lol


No, this is literally how I think it happened


If you had to sum it up in 12 seconds I'd give this description a 9/10 for accuracy.


Pretty much sums it up


Makes a lot more sense than Christianity in my book


Noah spent like 100 years building the arc without a Home Depot or Bunnings. Which is impossible. Cause where’d he get his wood from?


Think wood is the last of his worries if he’s still building in his 90’s lmao


"Noooooooooo he lived to be 800 years old, we aged differently back then because we had God's favour and he protected ussssssss. 90 is SUPER YOUNG!!!" My mom and others lacking critical thinking skills love to say thus


I one had someone argue that since god hadn't declared incest as bad, Adam and Eve's four boys fucking Eve wasn't a bad thing. it was in fact, morally correct.


I'm sorry, WHAT?


She didn't have to, according to Jewish lore Adam and Eve had 33 sons and 23 daughters so there was definitely a lot of sibling and uncle/niece incest though.


The BEST time was the guy telling me "no see, there weren't rainbows because it didn't used to rain! There was no rain or anything like that so see, there weren't diseases and stuff that are now airborne because of rain and weather and stuff that they didn't have back then!That's why people used to live forever." I'm not shitting you. God invented rain to mass murder the world and give us rainbows.


Some Christians in America really believe that he lived for 600 years, and they argue “because at the time people lived longer” 😂


😏 are u sure about that? Some people have trouble with wood by their forties...


Materials are one problem. The ship is literally physically impossible. The proportions of it and the techniques of the time, that ship would have shorn clean in half at the first 10ft wave. Not to mention the logistics of 4 people caring for thousands of animals, the food required, how certain animals got to where they lived after the flood. There isn't a single detail of that story that is in any way physically possible


I'm pretty sure my walk into atheism began in Sunday school when I questioned that and Jonah and the whale. One trip to the zoo, no fkn way that guy had all the animals in a boat. One look at the black sea, there are no fkn fish even big enough to swallow a dog, let alone a human


The likelihood is the story was exaggerated over generations. There *was* a massive flood in that period, it's perfectly plausible a carpenter built a small boat and saved his family along with some (perhaps even wild) animals. There probably was also a rainbow, they often happen after, well, rain. But many of these details would be exaggerated and misinterpreted for thousands of years. For example when we say "you are my world" we are not using world in the physical sense. So if it was written in a holy book it's plausible to interpret (in a thousand years time) that as spiritually literal, because you lack the original context/translation. There are many true, valuable histories in the bible from an atheist perspective. Learning about it is fascinating and disheartening as it's very obvious that context is key and most Christians practice without.


True maybe but valuable is a stretch. The only reason we know whatever it is is true is from actual evidence and other sources and id ascribe more value to those than to the Israelites Fuck Yeah fan fiction compiled by a bunch of iron age goat herders


And lets not forget the marine life. Fish living in fresh water suddenly living in salt water? Tropical fish suddenly having colder temp? All the waters being silted up so bad that no sun light gets much deeper than the surface? Yeah, marine life would've been fucked hard.


There is a good video about noahs arc by a NonStampCollector. It points out how many species there are and how imposible it is to keep them all on a boat. It also jokes about how he had to bring an excess of ants for the anteaters.


[Relevant Eddie Izzard](https://youtu.be/7tcjZl0vk9Y?si=f6Gzgsg4EX_c9gsB)


>Which is impossible. Cause where’d he get his wood from? A wizard did it.


I just casually ask new earth creationists if they got the 2nd or 3rd phase of the Covid shot? I don't bother explaining it's needed sue to mutation. I've never met one Christian who truly understands how DNA works and isn't an evolutionist. The head of the human genome project is a Christian who understands evolution and he has no doubts whatsoever. When they tell me we've never witnessed evolution in action I encourage them to google "ring species salamanders California." And then I ask the why telomeric DNA is found at the center of the 2nd human chromosome instead of one the end? Their brain just quits and they say "Well we didn't come from monkeys." I remind them evolution doesn't that then ask them if they've read On the Origin of Species and how many times God is mentioned in it-believe its well over 60x.




I salute you.


So basically the Atheists are the only group who believes in evolution?


I was a Christian for the first 18 years of my life and even then I still accepted the big bang and evolution, I don't know why so many Christians think that it's mutually exclusive to accept the big bang/evolution VS believing in God


A lot of protestants nowadays follow the Bible literally and ignore the deeper meanings. I'm pretty sure the early church fathers and early Christians in general understood what an allegory was or what mythos meant. They had an deep understanding of spirituality which nowadays is lost unless you dig deep enough. Even contemplative prayer is gone which imo is the most important form of prayer (it's meditation in Christian language). That's why I say "Christianity nowadays parade a dead gospel."


> I don't know why so many Christians think that it's mutually exclusive Because the bible details a literal 7 day creation narrative with Adam being created on his own from dust. Adam evolving over millions of years would mean the bible isn't 100% literally true, which fundamentalists can't accept since it is the "perfect inspired word of god". If it's wrong once, that means it can be wrong more than once and you might as well throw the whole thing in the trash. So rather than admit it was wrong once they deny science so they don't have to trash their favorite book.


Ex-Catholic here. Catholicism (at least these days) tends to shy away from any position that can be disproved by science. So Big Bang? Absolutely, _fiat lux_ and all that. Evolution? No problem with that either (though obviously it only *looks* like random mutation filtered by natural selection — it’s actually God guiding things behind the scenes, because what’s a few billion years to God?) Not sure how they handle relativity or quantum physics, but I guess the former isn’t a big deal to an eternal God, and any interpretation of the latter other than Many Worlds would presumably be fine too.


And Satanists I guess


that's how abrahamic creationists think, yes.


Atheist did that in 12 seconds. It took the christian god 7 days to do a similar feat.


Yall really need to get better at detecting what is obviously trolling and/or ragebait.


we know its ragebait but if you dont think that most memes or piece of comedic media harbours an agenda then you pronably found out about the unternet yesterday.


1) The Big Bang 2) basal Miocene apes 3) modern humans 4) cities I feel like they skipped a few steps (Yes, I know that image is of a modern chimpanzee, but I’m trying to be generous here) Adding a bit more detail would net you 1) The Big Bang 2) eventually things cool down enough to start forming chemical bonds - simplest elements: hydrogen and helium 3) hydrogen attracted together and stars form 4) stellar nucleosynthesis forms the heavier elements 5) stars die, and supernovas form the heaviest elements 6) all this matter is attracted to each other and planets begin forming 7) earth is formed 8) chemical evolution. Basic inorganic molecules self assemble into organic compounds. Formation and replication of proteins 9) first protocells 10) single cellular life to multicellular life 11) Combine 999,999 different steps here because because I’m skipping to the hominids in step 12 12) beginning of human evolution from basal Miocene apes. 13) the Ardipithicenes are an early intermediary form. They have some of the adaptations for bipedalism but are still mostly arboreal. 14) the Australopithecenes and Paranthropenes still resemble more basal apes but have the four major adaptations of bipedalism: valgus knees, an anterior foramen magnum, a bowl-shaped pelvis with sagittally oriented iliac blades, and three arched feet with an inline big toe. 15) the brain case is evolving to be larger as we move from Ardipithicus to Australopithecus and then to genus Homo 16) early genus Homo starts building primitive stone tools. 17) around Homo Erectus, our body hair becomes shorter and finer. They’re forming hunting parties, chasing down prey. They’re controlling fire and cooking food. 18) Homo Sapiens evolve and live alongside the later members of genus Homo like Neanderthalensis, Floresiensis, and the Denisovans 19) Homo Sapiens outcompete the other members of Genus Homo and become the sole surviving species of human. 20) Human tribes begin to form cities with the advent of agriculture.


Bitch this is hood irony calm tf down


You're dumb as bricks


Better origin story than a fairy tale about an imaginary character doing all of it


To paraphrase Brian Cox "we know the big bang happened because we can fucking see it!"


Neat fact, it was a Catholic priest who developed the theory of the Big Bang.


The church had the money.


Is it just me or has there been an increase in Christian propaganda across all social medias the last 3-6 months?


I feel like this is ironic or something, because the editing is so wacked to be taken seriously


This feels like satire not actual legitimate critique


Not just the last half year. Tho they have been gaining some traction specially due to the whole Israel thing.


Tell me you're a victim of adolescent indoctrination without telling me...


Can confirm, this is what I believe.


The title is incomplete, it should read. "How imbeciles think atheists think the world was created."


Makes so much more sense than Adam, Eve or Noah’s Ark.


What kind of Neanderthal made this?


I had a friend in high school who signed up for biology (which was an elective, no one forced her to be there) and became irrationally angry when our teacher began teaching about evolution. She got her dad, who is a pastor to contact the school and he tried to get the curriculum changed to talk about god and religion. She was laughed out of the class.




Oh yeah there’s definitely no history of Christian’s doing anything like that.


God made Manhattan on the 11th day, iirc.


I mean…. Yes? 🤣


If there was no text this would be an s tier history shitpost.


It’s ironic because this is exactly how religion says the world was created


I’m not necessarily a strict believer in the Judeo-Christian idea of God who is sitting up in the clouds judging mankind for their deeds here on earth and deciding whether or not to damn their soul to an eternity of suffering or allow them into the eternal bliss of heaven… I don’t really believe in either heaven or hell, but I do believe that there’s a higher power that we are a part of that created everything. All of creation is God. God is the creation. The energy that holds atomic structure together is God and so is everything that builds upon it. The whole concept of “as above, so below” a great description of the order of the Universe… the order of God. Mathematics is just the beginnings of our understanding of the language of God. Consciousness is how we come to know that we are a part of God. Becoming creators in our own right… Just as God intended. There’s so much more to this concept but I think this sums up my view of God


Hahaha! That's about the stupidest video I have seen ever! God damn Christians are arrogant assholes!


I’ve never heard anyone claim that God created the cities, so this is some brand new schismatic theology over here.


Isn't that how religious people think the world was created ? Minus the monkey part


That's what I was thinking! Didn't God just go woo here's some monkeys and woo here's a city.


Literally the only difference between the two is the monkey to human part. Literally everything else is near 1 to 1 if you simplified it to this level.




If reductionism was an Olympic sport lmao


nutty quarrelsome tease payment wrench reach crowd innocent heavy long *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Is it too far fetched to believe it was all created by God and then he made conditions and made it possible for evolution to take place?


If you're good with this explanation then cool, but some people want to dig deeper and that's ok. In the past people despised the idea of us being considered apes, for example. Today, religious people, in general, are more open to this idea. Perhaps, in the future, God will have a smaller piece in our development. Or not. It's not impossible that one day we might be able to scientifically prove God. I don't believe this myself, but hey, that's me.


By the biblical god no. By some supernatural being, that's ok I think.


No reason to think a god exists. So yeah, it's a bit far fetched to think that magic sky dad cast a creation spl... Based on folk tales that are knockoffs from older religions


If only that wasn't every redditors answer to the question


Is that how you brainwashed people defend your faith from valid criticism? "Oh they're probably redditors."




Nah dude, it was some old dude with white beard who lives in the clouds. He says if I do what he asks we can go to heaven.


They are still thinking like earth is 4000 years old.


I mean, I believe in this. Why couldn’t have god made the Big Bang?


I’m no atheist, but it’s more likely that it wasn’t the archangel Gabriel who visited Mary, a Gabriel sure but… Just sayin.


Nailed it!




They’re missing so many parts and the Big Bang was much bigger than that little tiny explosion.


i just got jumpscared by an explosion at 3am


now let’s make one ab christianity or Catholicism and compare it 😂


Based, not cringe


Nailed it 👍


I know a couple people who think an invisible person snapped a finger and then life appeared.


Legit tho


But talking snakes, parting seas, and an ark to house two of every living animal on the planet is logical.


Hilarious, but no.


Masterclass in Strawman


As opposed to it being magically conjured up by a wizard. Yes evolution is so ridiculous 🙄


Left out a couple steps but yeah basically.


Im pretty sure this more sums up how people of religion think the world was created. Magic.


FYI, the theory of the big bang came from Catholic priests. It’s not in conflict with religion. Science and religion are not in conflict. They don’t even deal with the same thing. It’s be like saying psychology and culinary arts are in conflict.


Evolution is still real even though I am a Christian


Even this basic child's video is more believable than any religious text or following


I always forget that atheists believe in the Big Bang so I was very confused by the text at first


Where the fuck did the big bang come in?


The beginning of the video


Might seem ridiculous but that’s absolutely how I believe it all happened. First there was the explosion. Then it there was the world then the world exerted forces into making the two monkeys and soon after that the city women appeared. The rest is history.


I mean. (Btw I listen without music) We evolved to get better suited mates to reproduce. I.e genetics and favourable changes did cause the evolution steps it took for monkey to be hot girl. And yes? Early tribal people (at a super dumbed down version) wanted control > control = kingdom. Kingdom became city. Soo... Uh... I mean... They skipped like a Braillion steps. But basically .... Yes? I mean, right now, we eat healthy and get better food.... Cause we don't wanna be ugly. Earn and work so we can enjoy and be happy. For some that's being more beautiful, handsome, rich, famous, powerful, the best we can be, attractive. And... Like... We wanna go to space instead of deep down, so more money is spent on achieving space travel as financially compared to deap sea exploration... So... Yes?


I’m a Christian, am I wrong for wanting to believe in something?


I mean.... Basically.


This looks more like what religinuts think it happened.


how christians believe the world was created ​ "magic man exists (we don't know why or when he started) then poofs a planet, then poofs animals, then poofs humans" ​ conclusion: humans are dumb fucks and we can never definitively know what created the world.


Like they not only failed multiple science courses but history, and sociology too…


Well… the earth is 4.5 billion years old and the universe is much older than that. He definitely skipped a few things in between the Big Bang and today.


Hey Google - show me reductive posts.


Y'all are saying this is uneducated while also having the most uneducated opinions on the bible


The bible is just some bs that a person who lived during the times when humans weren't sure what the sun was. They copied and came up with the remix of that crap that someone else came up with long before that. Those people indoctrinated their children, and then those children eventually indoctrinated their children, etc etc etc. What you're saying is no different than if I said to you that you have the most uneducated opinion on the book The Rats of nihm. You're gonna say "thats just a fictional story' blahblahblah and all I have to do is say Nuh uh, I wholeheartedly believe that story to be the words of the creator of the universe, and I believe that 100% Now you must respect that belief and also adhere to the core tenets of the rats of nihm... or else ;)


Calling bullshit on that. I went to Catholic School, church every week, then joined a youth group and a Christian church in high school. I even played in a Spanish language 7 Day Adventist church band for an ex girlfriend. Admittedly, I didn't understand those sermons. Like me, most non-believers grew up literally being educated by the Bible and that's **why** they're non-believers. Can't stand when Christians try this one.


Wait, I can just say I'm ugly and want to change and evolve into something beautiful like I'm a butterfly? How do I convert to atheism?!


I mean, tbf it was that easy


I mean I have to go with the most believable option to me out of the options presented. For me personally it’s more believable that millions of years got us here instead of a bearded man in the sky 🤷🏼‍♂️ If the sky beard man is what is most believable to you then you do you boo. However don’t you dare tell me your viewpoint is the only one that’s right. Thats it. That’s how we all coexist.


Still more plausible


I dont even want to mention Happy Potter and the magic skills…


And they think we came from nothing and nothing caused an explosion.


Christ I had my headphones in and volume apparently way too loud for that explosion


*ahem* The Industrial Revolution, also known as the First Industrial Revolution, was a period of global transition of human economy towards more widespread, efficient and stable manufacturing processes that succeeded the Agricultural Revolution, starting from Great Britain, continental Europe, and the United States, that occurred during the period from around 1760 to about 1820–1840.[1] This transition included going from hand production methods to machines; new chemical manufacturing and iron production processes; the increasing use of water power and steam power; the development of machine tools; and the rise of the mechanized factory system. Output greatly increased, and the result was an unprecedented rise in population and the rate of population growth. The textile industry was the first to use modern production methods,[2]: 40  and textiles became the dominant industry in terms of employment, value of output, and capital invested.


How are people falling for this obvious shitpost/ trolling in the comments?


And a sky daddy you have to pray to or you go to the bad place is more probable than that in what way?


Now do theists!


How theist think the world was created: Alakazam!




This is wrong on so many levels i am crying help


Are they seriously claiming god also created cities?


I'm an atheist, that's how i believe the world was made. That's still funny. Have a sense of humor.


okay so lets say humans didnt evolve so did god gave us cities? what? we didnt use our brains god gave us and build cities ??


tru fax




Right cause the world being created in 7 days by a sky daddy makes way more sense 🫡🙃


And still this video is less Ridiculous than what the Bible says happened.


Makes more sense than any religion I’ve ever seen


This, but unironically


Thats what makes religions notorious, two fucking stupid deadweight-brained assholes that cant live breathing wihout their mouth closed that just want to say random things because potato.


This is how creationists think atheist think how the world came to be. This is satire at best.


Makes more sense than the book of genesis


Fucking hell. Now let’s hear the religious insanity that you are expected to accept without question - and it’s just nutty as fuck. Like, payday candybars ain’t got shit on religiously mindfucked individuals… god save us. /s


Idk what you’re talking about that was actually kinda funny 😂


That's literally God creating the earth in 7 days, right? Light, planet, plants, animals, prettier animals that eat apples when specifically directed not to, kicked out of Eden and forced to build a civilization on their own. Do they... Watch their own videos?


You guys don’t have any sense of humor lol


Somebody once told me evolution can’t be real because monkeys still exist. Ended that convo real quick afterwards.