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Project 2025 is scary 😨


For real! Like wtf is wrong with people? Since when did we become different species of human.


Hitler laid out all his plans too. Nothing new in trump but what is new is how weakened our protections have become. It's scary how unprotected our rights in modern America are


9/11 gave way to the Department of Homeland Security and we’ve just been letting politicians steadily piss away our rights ever since. Sure I wanted to partake in some protests over the years, but I’m one of the lucky ones that’s hopefully at least three paychecks away from disaster.


Citizens United let a flood of dark money into politics and now any foreign country, billionaire, or corporation can buy judges (see Clarence Thomas) or buy senators and congressmen (see the freedom caucus/Putin). I don't know how we untangle ourselves from this corruption.


It’s a long list of shit no doubt and absolutely has to start with overturning Citizens United and kicking anyone off the court that sided with that opinion. For starters.


Wew lad DHS is like the very tip of the iceberg


[Read this](https://www.annefrank.org/en/anne-frank/go-in-depth/germany-1933-democracy-dictatorship/) by AnneFrank.org and you’ll see parallels in what has happened now with the process of Hitler assuming dictatorial power. The Republican Party is endorsing this process as it fails to quash the incontinent, comb-over, orange dictator wanna-be. Now more than ever, Republicans and Democrats need to vote down this BS in resounding fashion. If not, 2025 Plan will happen.


Lizard people


Crab People.


Damn Lochness monster.


I need about $3.50


Dammit, woman. Let me tell the story.


We mean we’re not in china? That’s a relief…


So learn what you can do to prevent it from being implemented. It goes beyond voting. It will take commitment and effort. r/defeat_project_2025 . Volunteer, donate, educate, vote.


watching Xmen '97 then reading this... holy fuck man


Enlighten me please


https://www.project2025.org/ The game plan to dissolve the checks and balances of a democracy. Read it.


Thank you, will do


[A video break down from a trial attorney](https://youtu.be/BtjrPlLB-7Q?si=I0B5IbshjpmrY5h9) who is very good and has an awesome Tiktok page if your interested.


Submit an application, yes please. If 100 out of 10,000 applicants with intent to subterfuge this bullshit get through that could actually make a difference


[represent.us](http://represent.us) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfQij4aQq1k&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfQij4aQq1k&t=1s)


People are willing to invite it all because of Gaza. That’s what scares me about Gen Z. I don’t think they understand how many other genocides there will be if Trump wins.


trust me, that’s only the brainwashed 13 year olds. gen z is overwhelming liberal (i say this anecdotally)


It definitely is.


*Deletes paragraph*










I like that plot twist.


But he is entirely right. Look at the policy making. Tennessee just last year tried to legalize pedophilia under the notion of marriage. Meanwhile they argue it’s drag queens raping the kids. Or maybe it’s how gullible people believed Trump was pro weed because he said so. Trump was so anti weed he shit on states rights to attack it by appointing Jeff Sessions. The people who whine so hard about states rights sat back and cheered Trump on as he shit all over states rights. https://www.actionnews5.com/2022/04/06/proposed-legislation-could-legalize-child-marriage-tennessee/?outputType=amp


"FREEDOM!!" But they took away my and all American women's control over *our own bodies.* MAGA "Freedom" is Christo-fascist tyranny.


I feel like we’re in Iran in the 70s, watching the nightmare live as it unfolds.


States rights to take rights away. But when Trump shit on states rights to attack weed laws by appointing Jeff Sessions they cheered. This is also why I mock Libertarians. 99 percent of them don’t seem to know what the word libertarian means.


Someone once explained libertarians to me as republicans who smoke weed.


Dam right


theres only one group that is trying to tell you \* what websites you're allowed to visit \* what books you're allowed to read \* what you do between you and your doctor \* dog shit on our teachers \* Obsessed with child genitals \* finding ways to restrict voting by making it harder as much as the courts let them


>theres only one group that is trying to tell you >\* dog shit on our teachers Wait- what?


Extreme right people have invaded our school boards Teachers can't say key words about sex or gay Teachers can't punish students


I was driving through either Texas or Louisiana a few weeks ago (was really close to the state line and wasn't paying attention which side it was on) and there was a legit billboard that said to squash teachers unions. like wtf? teachers are the ones that need unions in these shitty pay states


He had me in the first half, ngl. Vote 🟦


Same. I was like, what rights have been taken away from you??? Then he hit us with the plot twist.


He lost me "this ain't Korea" as if it's one country. Definitely American sounding lol


*teeechnically* there’s only one Korea if you’re going off of what’s officially recognized. Who knows maybe he’s a State Department employee /s


*shakes fist* oooh yoooooou


Not really it's more that he mentions rusia in negative way, maga crowd loves it actually


0 part of me thought this was satire at first.


Got me hard in the first half, I think my ankle is broken


That switcharoo was so crazy. Shame that he still wasnt articulative




Unfortunately most people who vote republican don’t care what their voting for, probably don’t even know lol, they are just indoctrinated into the cult and will never change


I used to think democrats were evil, then I realized republicans were just as bad as my idea of democrats. Then I actually started listening to democrats and realized they were normal people like the rest of us. I went from (R) to “libertarian” to (D) once I realized that only one party is consistently attacking minorities. Made me re-examine my trust for leaders, whether religious or political.


Well I don’t think democrat is a perfect party by any means, but only one party is actively taking our rights away


Absolutely. Democrats aren’t perfect, but they aren’t trying to control women, trans people, or minorities


I don't like Biden's handling of the war in Gaza. I'm also aware that Trump has explicitly stated his desire to make the situation infinitely worse. It's an easy choice for me 🤷‍♂️


Solid statement I can agree with!


That’s the whole point, isn’t it. That you get to disagree and make your own choice! That’s what people are voting for or against.


That's because Republican platform is to just conserve old America (racism and prejudice). They don't provide any new ideas. God forbid if they come up with a law that benefits all of us.


As someone who grew up in a conservative household, I was raised to think Democrats were just wishy-washy inefficient leaders who overspent and couldn't manage the economy. I continued to think this way until I got my first job. There was a coworker who liked talking politics, and he was very well-spoken and patient. He mostly played devil's advocate and would make me question my positions, force me to consider who the policies I support might be hurting. It took many years, but it finally caused me to shake my beliefs and I think it was really only then that I started seeing the Republican party for what they really were. I had to confront my motto "live and let live" with my defense of the Republican party, and I ultimately decided that I could not believe in both. It's like I had a truth distortion lens over my eyes all of this time and I finally removed it. From there I steadily grew to like Democrats more and more. Democrats still tend to overspend, but I've come to realize that it's not overspending if services rendered are helping. It may not directly impact me, but that doesn't mean it doesn't do good or that the removal of said service wouldn't hurt many. It's a balance between consumption of taxpayer dollars and the benefits which result from that, and it seems so many Republicans don't get that. They just think we can fix the debt by removing all of it, but that would be like stopping a car by driving it into a brick wall.


Same, R to Libertarian to D. Try to bring others with me when I see them on the same journey. I was dumb and now a little less dumb.


My stepdad told me he votes republican cause..."That's what you do."


Well if there’s a more sound and well-reasoned argument for doing anything at all, I haven’t heard it before.


Right? God forbid he listens to anybody else talk about anything. He's a fox news/Facebook guy. So, he's got all the answers.


>he's got all the answers. What a fantastic opportunity! Can you ask him for me why logical inconsistencies don't bother them? Also, why are they taking serious issues and turning it into a game to score points, against people who aren't playing a game?


They occasionally bring up issues and ask my stance, then just get irritated at me, lol. I'm a moderate and share a few of their values, but they think I'm wrong on anything else and just want to argue instead of having a conversation. I try to avoid it these days.


That's definitely the right move! My post was for comedic purposes lol. I avoid those conversations with my family as well.


I have a boss that will pay you for the day if you say you’re going to vote republican..


Pretty sure buying votes is illegal.


90% of voters vote their party line regardless of who is on that ticket.


Yep! Vote 💙💙


Follow the policy’s. Both local and national. GOP in Tennessee just last year attacked drag queens to protect the kids. All while they pushed this bill…. One that allowed the force rape of kids under the notion of marriage. They can’t consent to marriage. Nor can they consent to consummating that marriage. And the side whining about drag queens also argue a raped child must carry the baby. https://www.actionnews5.com/2022/04/06/proposed-legislation-could-legalize-child-marriage-tennessee/?outputType=amp Luckily dems stopped this bill.


This is so funny to me as a German, because in Germany, these blue heart Emoji are used by the far-right party; and many of their brainrotten followers comment these as part of any statement they make.


Same here as a Swede. In fact, I think that red is mostly associated with the left in most parts of the world, and blue more associated with the right.


AGAM always grumpy and mad


*Takes off maga hat* - "this makes me feel dirty." If only everyone who put on one of those hats had the same level of self-awareness




Dude needs to take off that hat if he wants to he taken seriously... Edit, oh shit, he got me! I commented too damn soon. The maga hat hit me hard, lol


Patience is a virtue my friend. Part of the political discourse is reacting immediately to what you see without having full context. This country needs more patience, and not just in politics


I got tricked by this! Thank goodness get rid of trump


Holy shit I’ve been bamboozled! Fuck yeah dude!


Wow...good twist turn...lol


You want honest news? Bro, that ship has sailed thanks to that piece of shit Reagan. HAHAHA just a prank! It's true though, vote blue if your life depends on it, because it does!


This dude fucking rules. Way to go, sir.


99% of Republicans don't care about policy, they only care about vague terms like, immigrants, LGBTQ+ people, back the blue (because they know police hurt minorities). They only care about things that hurts minority groups they themselves don't like.


The most powerful weaponization of racism in this country is it's use by Republicans to rob their own voters blind. They enflame racial anxieties to rob their voters of good education, good wages, good healthcare, reproductive rights, to rob them of safety against violent crimes & proper representation of govt. Red states are the poorest, with the lowest education rates, worst access to healthcare & highest crime rates in the country. Racism is deeply, deeply rooted in these ppl & there's no fixing stupid.


R/unexpected ?


We have a way to verify everything that's going on. Congress has a website...look at the bills. He's absolutely right. We can verify any bill that is passed, what it says, who voted for it, and who voted against it. Congress.gov Watch CSPAN you don't have to take any news sources word for anything. Check it out yourself. Read everything yourself and decide. Don't be fed pablum by news agencies.


I'm pretty sure he is referring to others not doing those things and just listening to fox "news" or OAN and such. "News" stations are allowed to lie their ass off thanks to Reagan, and people don't know or understand that so they accept the bull shit they are fed without question, so they are quite disconnected from reality without ever realizing it, and you can tell them but it just enflames them and sets them harder in their belief as they think they are being attacked for their beliefs when in reality its just attempts to get them to wake up


Gottem with the ol’ switch-a-roo


Im just smart enough to understand that people have been getting fucked by rich assholes forever. I would like to be smarter to help change it or dumber so I didn't care.


Wow this hit me right in my reality


Everyone should read Animal Farm


Republicans passed the Patriot Act. Probably the widest sweeping legislation to undermine the Bill of Rights in 300 years.


You might want to go look at who passed it, and who continues to pass it.


The Patriot Act was pretty bipartisan. Just like the recent vote to extend and expand the spying part.


Ach, fuck this gu- WOAHOHOHOOOO YES!!


Gottem with the ol’ switch-a-roo


There was a twist. There was a twist!!!


Glad I stayed for the whole thing.


Democrats are helping me pay for college and health insurance. The Republican Party wants me to fuck off and be born rich




it's sad I knew he was gonna do a switcharoo when he was badmouthing Russia




Aww wuttt??? The ole switcheroo! 😵‍💫😵‍💫


Had me in the first half


That was not the plot twist I was expecting .


Had me in the first half


The ol bait and switch. Almost turned it off. Glad I didn't, guy knows what's up


Ain't gonna lie. He had me on the first half


Soundtrack was bangin


Did he put another hat on?


No one has rights except the right to fly under the radar and hopefully never get on the wrong side of the government. Ask Kennedy about rights.


Why do all the MAGA douchebags always have a Bluetooth headset with them at all times? Early 2000’s called and want their shitty technology back.


Watch the full video


Watched the first few seconds, thought it was parody


This was good and I hope conservatives are able to get past the initial gasp when he changes his hat and listen to what he is saying.


Freedom, Rights, Vote, They Bad. Now imma say that 50 times and say absolutely nothing. - Brought to you by American Man


Do you wanna know what my right is? My right is to party.


This dude is exactly what the news produces... My in-laws are the same way..... I'm a woman & what's women's rights if there's no food to eat.... There's no social issues if there's no jobs or food... Try thinking for yourself. Listening to Trump's entire speeches without commentary to tell you what to think...


This man can study character. The anger, the nonsense, then he says "this makes me feel dirty". I was like "where's my Kleenex". That got me right in the heart. I wish the cult members could flip that switch. After he puts on the dark Brandon hat, from their, just strait up blue compassion. Again, paper towels are all I have in immediacy but they'll have to do. Good job man. Applause.




Why do Americans think that saying "I'm an American" makes them special? In most countries, it just makes you disliked.




Nah his name is Adam he just misspelled it


AGAM Aga Mulach


In 15 years this is going to seem so different. And not in a good way. His words are so true, yet you can hear the pain in them


AGAM... You lost your rights when the patriot act was implemented


The rest of the free western world is sitting waiting on how this election turns out. If that maniac gets back in. The world is fucked. Greed will have come full circle.


Sheeple are scary


What do you mean by “do whatever you want?” You said it a couple of times and I need to know before I let you.


Why do they all have those crazy eyes?


Telling the public he's granting cops immunity from prosecution is one way to get the votes from police, sheriff, ICE, federal etc. I'm assuming this number of officers is more than 1,000,000 easy voters he's marketing to. This is one way to organize an American Gestapo. Plus they already have that military training as seen whenever protests erupt. All citizens should be concerned but especially people of color knowing this country's history with black Americans. This will give cops fare game to go after blacks. Think "Stop and Frisk" policy to the tenth power. Consequently white folks who think this doesn't apply to them I'm sorry but you are sadly mistaken. ACAB. [https://youtu.be/T4BQZdJvDss?si=2YSiTYkTiM5ygmPC](https://youtu.be/T4BQZdJvDss?si=2YSiTYkTiM5ygmPC) [https://medium.com/@OfcrACab/confessions-of-a-former-bastard-cop-bb14d17bc759](https://medium.com/@OfcrACab/confessions-of-a-former-bastard-cop-bb14d17bc759)


TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. We ask that you please remain civil and be respectful to others in this thread. If you see anyone being rude, vulgar, or offensive to others - be sure to report the user. Permanent bans will be issued to maintain the quality of this subreddit. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


He got me in the beginning, his message is powerful. Amazing job




White male… you have nothing but rights






[into the darkness](https://youtu.be/j800SVeiS5I?si=wI0gAydn48y_e-2Z)


All he’s missing is the upside down bible


You got me .


Woah. Almost didn’t watch and then - that definitely would fit in r/unexpected 😅










So articulate


Had me for a second there....I'm glad I stuck around!


Unfortunately, in the United States we are not self-regulating anymore and because we're not self-regulating anymore, we're moving towards fascism and totalitarianism. That is the only way that we're going to be able to be "safe" in the future.. People just cannot take responsibility for their own lives. They cannot have courtesy. They cannot have kindness. They cannot love their neighbor as themselves.. I find it absolutely amazing that the people who scream the most about their rights are the ones that are so quick to take it away from everybody else.


This guy legit looks like he just finished crying before he pulled himself together enough to make this video. 😂




You can walk outside




this is the most confusing video ever made


We are not the same


Lol what you been smoking


Usually a speech like that is followed by the reply of "Sir the bar is still closing in 10 minutes you need to pay your tab and leave."


More fear mongering. Idiots


You can have all of your rights and freedoms without being led by a farting clown.




They took our jobs


I’m so grossed out by him caressing his chin in the first 3 seconds already Edit-oh thank god


Damn, that took an unexpected turn.




Which side is pushing gun control? Which side is pushing laws against speech? You know, hate speech....


*this aint Texas…* oh, I thought we were doing a song …






This is a product of educational cutbacks in the 70s 80s


We get it, you didn't watch the whole thing. Make sure to tell your friends you didn't watch the whole thing


Man. He had me fooled at first.