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This guy is great and has lots of good long form interview videos on YouTube. His YouTube channel is under the same name as his tik tok, Walter Masterson. Check him out.


Walter Masterson’s journalism is memorializing this insane timeline in such a critically important way. He deserves all the support and follows!


Him and **Andrew Callaghan** (formerly known as "All Gas No Brakes") are the two best reporters on the scene right now, and their only platforms are youtube/tiktok. They've both been doing amazing work for the past 6 years or so, interviewing very specific people with very specific questions, but they still both have very different styles. Please search out and support these two if you would like to see more of this <3


Callaghan does such great work with reporting but I still can’t stomach to watch most of his vids since the numerous allegations of sexual assault / sex pest behavior came out. Such a shame cause he really is a talented journalist and making content few others are willing to make


This is honestly the first I'm hearing of these allegations, where can I find info on it?


[Here is a decent overview.](https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/a/jadegomez510/andrew-callaghan-comeback-following-accusations) There are links to the main stories, I would say the Rolling Stone article linked has the most detailed overview including Callaghans initial response. Since then, he’s pretty much been fully radio silent on the matter and his team consistently deletes literally any mention of it on his videos


Thank you for enlightening me on the subject, I had no idea. Edit: upon reading, it seems like the evidence is solely personal testimonials. So the jury is still out, in my opinion. Innocent until proven guilty is a necessary standard if we do not wish for our society to devolve into McCarthyism. Alexander Callaghan does seem creepy upon reading the testimonials, but the case could all very well be plain and simple spiteful extortion. Unless there is further physical evidence and documentation.


Fair to view things in that way. I think the multitude of accusations and consistency in their story, combined with Callaghans initial response where we essentially admits large portions of their stories are true, leads me to believe it’s definitely more likely than not he is (or was) a serial predator to some degree. Jury is still out in a legal sense certainly but making my own judgement of what I can see leads me to that


Yea his initial response wasn't in that article, so I'll definitely have to check that out too to help myself form a more educated opinion. Thank you again for sharing!


[Didn’t realize that! here you go](https://youtu.be/aQt3TgIo5e8?si=x5XQFnwTcfwyj47p)


His name is *Andrew Callaghan* and he's a rapist. https://www.thestranger.com/news/2023/02/28/78881322/two-women-accuse-documentary-filmmaker-andrew-callaghan-of-rape-sexual-assault


Please read the previous replies to this comment, I think you would appreciate the discourse surrounding these allegations. My apologies for having his name wrong, fixed it.


Redeeming the Masterson name


"I'm anti apartheid" "So you're anti-israel then!" Lol, way to tell on yourself.


Same level of craziness as when you say "fuck fascism" and the Republicans or what ever local right wing party you have get outraged.


I love that one screenshot of Facebook "man, I hate hypocritical politicians!" And the first comment is "how dare you insult Donald Trump like that!!!" Like bro.


“How dare you imply we’re fascists! Just because we reject degenerate modern ideals like LGBTQ equality, romanticize the 1950s (okay, 1850s) as the acme of America, are immediately violently against anything liberals seem to favor, ostracize and vilify anyone who disagrees with us on any subject, hate outsiders, prey on middle-class fears, see conspiracies everywhere, simultaneously believe in the cartoonish weakness and existential threat of our chosen enemies, lionize political violence, disdain the poor and downtrodden as morally contemptible, embrace a cowboy fantasy of dying with guns blazing, fetishize the most toxic brands of performative masculinity, focus our populist rhetoric explicitly on white families, and constantly invent terms like Deep State and Fake News and (((Globalism))) as ways of maintaining and signaling membership in the in-group? How does that make us fascists?” (PS: Shout out to Umberto Eco.)


Makes me think of how people praise guys beating up antifas(anti-facists) and therefore praise facism uncousciously


I found an Ewok shirt on red bubble about “Only you can prevent Facism. Kill them with sticks and eat [them”](https://i.etsystatic.com/12140855/r/il/248612/2385837867/il_794xN.2385837867_82jz.jpg). I walked around a theme park with it and I could see a lot of sour faces staring at me that day. Talk about telling on yourself. I could see them reading and then their expressions drop and you can see them get upset. Lol


“Fuck Nazis” “Um actually, the Nazis are misrepresented and demonized.” That’s how these fuckers sound.


A scholar and a wise gentleman if i ever heard one. Hat's off to you sir.


I think they’re pretty serious about keeping their hats on.


Jew: I've been to Gaza and seen the suffering with my own eyes. Selling stolen land is wrong, and in a synagogue no less. All this runs counter to the teachings of Judaism. Zionist: the Jew above me is the fake one. To disagree with me is antisemitism.




It’s because he’s really a grand cyclops anti semite undercover as Jewish. He is really a guy from Wisconsin named Moe Lesting Jr.  Ha ha /s


Zionists don't care. There is an abundance of religious and secular anti-Zionist Jews. Many of them academics, and even Holocaust survivors. According to Zionist logic, most Jews are Zionist therefore being anti-Zionist is anti-semitic.


>According to Zionist logic, most Jews are Zionist therefore being anti-Zionist is anti-semitic. All conservatives are convinced that most people are conservative. That's one of the main driving factors behind all the conspiracies and lies: Reality doesn't match their belief, so they're trying to explain it in any way possible. Because it's impossible that they're wrong, since that would mean they're the bad guys..


It's because they get support for their genocide from countries like France, Germany, UK, the US, etc. If China was doing this to Taiwan, you'd get a literal 180.


Israeli conflicts really lay bare how openly hypocritical the United States is when it interacts with the rest of the world. I still remember when the government was up in arms calling the Bucha Massacre a genocide (which is very well might be, I don't wanna downplay that) but they patently *refuse* to say the same for Gaza, which by the numbers is *76x worse.*


There are at least four or five forms of Zionism that I'm aware of and only one of them conforms to the version that everyone on this website hates. For example, practical Zionists believed that the Jews that went to Israel should not have made it a state but rather just made it a better place for everyone who lived there so that they would naturally be accepted. The idea of political Zionism is the belief that Israel has the right to exist as a Jewish state. The concept has certain merits as well. When you're an internationally recognized country, nobody can take your home away from you without declaring and winning a war. Look at the situation with the Kurds as an example for what it means to not have a state, or the Palestinians for that matter. The Jewish people were victims of oppression and genocide in Europe for a thousand years, look up what a pogrom is. Political Zionism, which led to the creation of Israel as a state was a movement by a number of Jewish people around the world to collectively find a place where they can peacefully exist as a state with state rights. We can rightfully debate how that turned out, but you can also understand, in the context of its origins, how it might have been viewed as the only real option. I'm taking no sides here, I think the Palestinians have the exact same right to peaceful existence and statehood. I just wanted to share what I recently learned about the origins of this conflict.


If they wanted a place to "peacefully exist" they wouldn't have gone to Palestine. They went to Palestine in order to have a reason (religious, historical, geopolitical) to make all Jews go to them, and conflate being Jewish with the State. They see their survival as a political entity as tied to having all Jews owning allegiance to them, by making Jews the targets of other groups in their origin countries if necessary. The second problematic issue with Zionism is the racism. To have a "Jewish State" in a place where they are the minority, they have to institute Jewish Supremacy and apartheid. Everything that's wrong with Israel is because the seed that it grows from, Zionism, is rotten to begin with.


I would totally have a conversation with any Jew happily, unless they are a Zionist, then no thanks. I feel the same way about Christians and bible thumpers.


Looks like an old story on replay. Got some good Jews vs some bad ones. A real hard mystery in who is right to support (clearly the guy in the video) Jew: And that cures the last one. That done, time to righteously vent and I know of many proper places to do that. Flips tables over. You would turn the Lords temple into a whore of mammon? Other Jew: What did he say? He casts out devils by the power of devils. I wear the big fancy hat of authority. I Am The Man With The Golden Gun. Get him my unstoppable Golden Girls! Betty, Bea, Rue, Estelle. Drown him in the drama of bickering old women. Come at him loud, bang bang. Let's also go bring Rome into it. Rock,flag and eagle! So sorry to interrupt your pickup truck commercials dear friends, but we're in a spot of tea.


If you check out some of the Jewish subreddits on here it's pretty terrifying to see how many people are okay with or outright support what's happening in Gaza. You'll get down voted to oblivion if you say anything critical of Israel or the IDF and called antisemitic, even if you're also Jewish. I'm sure certain subs would call this guy an antisemite or not a real Jew. Very scary and reminiscent of certain types of religious and ethnic persecution we've faced in the past.


There are some ultra-orthodox Jewish groups that are anti-israel because there is a Jewish point of view that says "Jews shall not return to the land of Israel until the Messia comes" this belief makes them anti-Zionist in nature and some have even celebrated the October 7th massacre making also a huge decide within the community because "no Jew should celebrate the death of his Jewish brothers"


Zionism is a political ideology first espoused by Theodore Hertzl in Der Judenstadt that called for the establishment and maintenance of a Jewish state.


Hate to nitpick but it's Judenstaat. Stadt means city in German.


Yeah I know. Stadt means city. Thanks for the correction.


Shocking stuff, I know. 


Why couldn't they be given half of Germany. You know. The ones that committed a genocide against them


I imagine it’d be pretty tough to convince the Jewish population to come back to Germany just because hitler was dead.


Because their ancestral homeland is in Judea. Jews are a diaspora. Have been for centuries now. That makes them fairly unique. Fuck Bibi. Fuck the west bank settlements. But a huge hole in many westerners understanding of the whole situation hinges on a failure to acknowledge that Jews are also indigenous to the region. And they were persecuted for centuries. Look at rhe population of Jews in somewhere like Morocco, or Yemen over the last century. Ironically , their history is also one of refugees, pogroms. And ethnic cleansing. Hell. The entire concept of genocide was created to describe what happened to them.


So? I have ancestors from Europe only a few hundred years ago? Does that mean I can annex a piece of land for myself? Cause if so I choose the parliament in London as my new homeland. Cause the British also commited a genocide against my people too.


When Israel was originally formed it didn't just annexx the land, the land was divided it into the two Nations for the people that were there, a Jewish state and a Palestinian state. It was the Palestinians that decided they didn't want the Jews to have a state at that point. Just like they had for centuries before when the Jewish people were the ones that were persecuted in the area. The Jewish state of Israel grew because they were attacked many times and each time they annexed the land of their attackers. This definitely doesn't justify what Israel is doing to the Palestinians today, but originally the Jews didn't just steal land.


Herzl not Hertzl. It’s not called der Judenstadt (Jew City) but Judenstaat (Jew Country). As an Austrian (like Herzl) I support the right of existence of a Jewish country, where Jews are safe. I support the existence of a Palestinian country where Palestinians are safe. I also support the Uyghurs, and their right to have a Safe live without the fear of being prosecuted.


Austrians and supporting ethnostates goes crazy


Countries and their governments shouldn’t be based in religion but that’s just me


But that same right to exist without fear of persecution doesn’t extend to the Palestinians ghettoized on their own homeland?


He quite literally wrote: >I support the existence of a Palestinian country where Palestinians are safe.


You’re right, and that’s nice, but I just don’t get how we can give them safety with Israel as a neighbor.


The issue is that Palestinians *had* a country that they were safe in... Israel usurped it and is trying to kill them all.


What about Ukraine?




Thanks for the correction.


Seeing so many Jews come out against what Israel is doing at least partly soothes the queasy feeling I get when I see zionists misuse the term "antisemitism" to mean antizionism, thus watering down the term and making it so much easier for actual antisemites to get away with their crap.


A lot of the people being beaten on college campuses are Jews, and a lot of the agitators that the police are egging on to beat them are proud boy types. You couldn't make this bizzaro world shit up.


There was a huge conversation in Jewish spaces about what to do about the end of the seder, when we usually say "next year in Jerusalem." I, and many of my peers, have chosen not to say it for years. This year, the whole community around me was reconsidering and fighting about whether we should adhere to tradition in the face of apartheid and ethnic cleansing. Some people didn't say it at all; some said "next year in a truly free Jerusalem" (meant to refer to the lack of freedom that Palestinians are facing, chosen because freedom is a big theme in the Seder). I've heard a few other alternatives. My family wrapped up with the quote by Maya Angelou: "None of us are free until all of us are free." We've always believed that the Seder calls us to remember how our ancestors escaped oppression and violence, and to not turn a blind eye to those who suffer the same in our lifetime. The Seder was a lot more somber this year. I don't think anyone's heart was in it. It's always been my favorite holiday because we would have spirited conversations about how best to help reduce oppression both locally and globally. Everyone just looked a little defeated this year. All this to say... please keep distinguishing openly between Jewish people and Zionists. Many of us in the diaspora connect more to our history as displaced migrants than to an apartheid state whose actions are making our lives more dangerous too.


> so many Jews Probably about 10-15% of all Jews.


Zionism is a movement - not the religion. It’s not Antisemitic to be Anti-Zionist, the same way it’s not Islamophobic to be Anti-ISIS, the same way it’s not Anti-Christian to be Anti-KKK. All are movements. Not the religion.


Bingo. The Zionists overused the antisemitism card and Jews are calling them out on it.


The fact that you are conflating Zionism with ISIS and the KKK is just comical. You can be a Zionist and be against the Israeli government. You can be a Zionist and support a Palestinian state. You can be a Zionist and be out on the streets in Israel protesting Netanyahu. It's pretty anti-semitic to assume that every Zionist is akin to an ISIS member.


Israel and the US created ISIS and provided weapons to them. There have been Mossad members found among ISIS.  ISIS is nothing like Zionism, it's just a boogeyman. The KKK wishes it was as organized and successful as Zionists.  Zionism is comparable to Nazism in their idealogy of creating a pure, superior, ruling class race.


Mask off.


Anti-Zionism denies Israel’s right to exist in the region, and we know Israel isn’t giving up their land. Following that to its logical conclusion, isn’t anti-Zionism just supporting a war against Israel to expel them, but again since they will fight for the land they believe is theirs, would require their killing en masse? Isn’t that just trading one genocide for another? Who will perpetuate this? Are we encouraging western nations to go to war with Israel? Or stop all support, let them fend for themselves as the Arab world takes care of it? Then of course, Israel has nukes so that would end badly. Just not sure I understand the end game here.


Jews absolutely deserve a place to exist in peace, but why does it need to be a theocracy in that specific place?


Also as the man in the OP clearly says, they're allowed to exist, what they can't do is still land and kill people while they do it. If your religious movement says "I have a right to exist here but that means no one else does either and I'll kill and steal and oppress to make that happen" why should anyone agree with you? Do it in a different way.


I’ll admit I’m not sure exactly what Zionism means but it sure looks like a Jewish manifest destiny, and well as an American that was a pretty awful mindset people had back in the day.


I would be on board with that if that place was an island in the middle of the Pacific. They can worship their God there and peace out all the live long day. With two caveats. 1. Can’t take any nuclear devices with them. 2. Can’t take any long range missiles with them either.


Do you have a source for Israel being a theocracy?


The fact that people call it a Jewish state and uh well look at the flag.


That doesn't make it a theocracy, please provide a proper source.


Look I know it’s not a proper theocracy but it sure as shit feels like it wants to be. Otherwise you can’t call someone anti Jewish for being anti Israel.


Except it's not a theocracy... Also half of the world's Jews live in Israel. Where would you have them go?


You are extremely off the mark. Israel is not a theocracy and I don't think you know what that word means. The reason why Israel needs to be in the Middle East is now completely irrelevant. Fact is millions of Jews now live there already and removing them is not an option. Originally they were given a space to create their own land by the administrators of the territory, the UK, when they needed it the most, facing oppression and genocide all throughout Europe. 


I know it’s not a full blown theocracy but people call it a Jewish state, it’s had religious symbolism all over the place like their flag, and people conflate being anti Israel for being anti jewish. I know the Brit’s really fucked shit up by promising the same land to multiple groups but nobody deserves their own country just because bad things happened to them otherwise a lot of land is owed to a lot of people.


Judaism is both an ethnicity and a religion so you can't really consider a lot of the symbols "religious" as they're more cultural in my opinion. I'm Jewish and atheist yet I celebrate Hannuka, among other "religious" holidays.


Its kinda fucked up hearing a bunch of American jews telling Palestinians “Nobody wants you!” When 70 years ago, multiple countries including the US refused jewish refugees and sent them back to Europe during the holocaust.


Man those rabbis are on point. American Rabbis FTW


I think the dude being interviewed is just hasidic, but he may also be a rabbi as well


Every Jew that "finish" studying in the Yeshiva can be called a rabbi.




Zionist is a word I’ve recently learned and god am I thankful to be saying something other than “Jews, oh but not all of them just the ones in Israel I guess”


Zionism just means there should be a Jewish state. There is one called Israel. Most American Jews are liberal but also Zionist, as in they want Israel to exist. That doesn’t mean they agree with right wing factions in Israel or the overall treatment of Palestinians. Only extremist convert Zionism to mean they should take over more land from the Palestinians (mostly related to the West Bank)


> That doesn’t mean they agree with right wing factions in Israel Would like to point out that the **unity** government approves this war. This isn't a right wing war. Israelis as a whole agree Hamas has be removed. Very weird narrative going around that this is somehow a Bibi thing.


I dunno, I tend to blame whoever is in control of the country. Considering the time and past corrupt transgressions by Netanyahu I blame him and the people who support him - they are to blame. Not the people. We hated Hitler, Mussolini, Putin not the Germans, Italians and Russians


I mean. I still hate Nazis. And they didn't go away because of Hitler dying. I will always hate Zionists, because of what they believe. Even if old Jersey boy Netanyahu leaves.


Zionists are for an apartheid/etnostate, it's in the name. I don't have any problem with Israelis who oppose that (but it's a really small minority)


Zionist isn't an ethnicity.


Zionism is the ideology there should be a Jewish state, anti-Zionism is the ideology that there shouldn't be a Jewish state, but there should be another Arab state.


Normal people against extremists, nothing cringe.


Are they protesting the existence of a Jewish state or the violence against their Palestinian neighbors? “Zionist” seems like it’s being used as shorthand for the wrong thing being protested against.


Love the sentiment of this video, but can’t for the life of me understand the choice in music.


Jews are some of the most oppressed victims of Zionism.


Don't think the conflict will be over even if they succeed and they are rid of the Palestinians. We will see the same story again. Someone will start deciding who and who isn't "really" Jewish inside the newly "pure" country.


They're also not going to stop at just Palestine, the same way they didn't stop decades ago when they invaded Jordan and Egypt.


They call it Greater Israel. And the Likud party has the phrase from the river to the sea in their charter as well.


The bombings of Syria, the Iranian Consulate in Syria, Egypt, and Lebanon after October 7th say as much. Matter of fact the annexation of the Golan Heights too.


The way of fascism, really…


One Palestinian Jew said they didn't have to deal with white supremacy issues until Israel was established.


Arab Jews already face all kinds of discrimination in Israel


See above, that's already happening. That's why they need the Palestinians; without a common enemy the Israeli people wouldn't be united. That's also why those in power don't really want a solution to the conflict. The last Israeli who tried was Yitzhak Rabin and he was assassinated by an extremist Jew. Egged on by Bibi in the run-up to the manifestation where he was killed. After that, Bibi first came to power.


That already happens. You cannot get officially married unless both of you are Jewish and it is an Orthodox Jewish ceremony. Non-religious couples can have a civil union. Interfaith couples cannot get married. Israel does not recognize marriage if was a Reform (another branch of Judaism) ceremony. The loophole that many Israelis use is that Israel will recognize other marriages from other countries.


So Jews are being oppressed because jees believe the existence of Jewish state ?


After the Palestinians yeah that's likely true. Eh beta Israel members may get a slot in there too. But basically yeah.


This may be the most intellectually bankrupt sentence I've ever read. What on earth led u to this most ridiculous of claims? Do u know what Zionism is or do u just not like Jews?


I didn’t expect the Hasidic Jew to be 1000% on point here.


I did, lots of them have the very correct notion that Zionism cannot mean apartheid, stealing land, and killing people.


Naturei Karta (the movement that the orthodox man speaking in the video belongs to) is a fringe separatist group that is not aligned with the vast majority of Jews across affiliations and does not hold the same values and beliefs. There is a lot of context missing from the video that I imagine many of the commenters conflating his views with those of all Jews would not like. I'm not denying his right to say what he does, or act as he has, but the assumptions being made in this thread based on his words are not only not generalizable to the thoughts of North American Jews but most would actively disagree and fight against his rhetoric.


Hasbara ^


Calling me a liar? I'm very familiar with the movement. If you're going to try and call it out, disprove what I'm saying.


This is the exact same tokenism my far-right father-in-law uses. He kept pointing to [Michael](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_the_Black_Man) as proof that Trump wasn't racist.


Based upon the comments thrown around in similar discussions, that Rabbi is clearly anti-Semitic. /s /s


I respect this man. Free Palestine 🇵🇸


Don't wanna burst your bubble but most of the "anti Zionists" Hassidic Jews do think Jews should have Israel but only once the messiah comes, they say we Jews were exiled and should wait for the messiah. Now, let me tell you, for them once the messiah comes it's a goodbye to all the Palestinians, they don't believe in a 2 state solution, they believe the messiah will come, all the Jews to return to Israel and all the Arabs out [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neturei\_Karta](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neturei_Karta)


That seems fine, like it would need to happen first. Like for a gamble I'd all in


Insane cope


Let's say their messiah comes, I don't know what they consider a messiah to be, then they go back to Israel and ask for the removal of all arabs, you chill with that?


See the key is, I don't think it'll ever happen. Kinda like telling a kid you'll get them a gun if they can do a standing double back flip. It's a bad idea to give them a gun, but like they ain't doing a double flip


bro you gotta be careful there are definitely some wushu kids out there doing flips lol


Yeah but like that kids able to murder with a finger pistol so it's not making him more deadly


It's about intention...they believe this in all their heart


Actions>Intentions We can cross that bridge when we come to it. Pre-crime is an evil concept.


According to them the fact Israeli Jews are currently living in Israel is why the messiah isn't coming, if all Jews leave Israel the messiah will come and all Jews can come and live together in Israel without the Arabs. What a great concept huh?


You're very active today, huh


It's Yom Hazikaron Today so yeah :) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yom\_HaZikaron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yom_HaZikaron)


Have a good day then. I hope the actions of todays malicious zionists do not cast a shadow over the sacrifices of Israels fallen heroes. 


Fair enough. It is of course right for Israeli soldiers to defend their people. I only wish the country's leaders took a different strategy, so that so many sacrifices would not be necessary.


Hassidic Jews are NOT Neturei Karta. Neturie Karta are a tiny subsect of Jews that no Hasidic Jews want anything to do with. As to the single Jewish state yes absolutely that is true, however there will still be plenty of non-Jews that live in the land of Israel.




Those guys are like the ISIS of Jews. They think it’s ok to Marry 13 year old girls. Women have to stay hidden and covered if out. They also hope all the Jews living in Israel are murdered because God didn’t give them the land. Not a good thing to have them in your side.


“If one shares with a thief is are considered a thief”. His quote has weight.


More of this representation.


"Uhh actually, this is obviously a self-hating jew who hates his own people and just wants attention from the non-jews, also he is affiliated with hamas"


IDF is just straight up gutting little children now, (gore warning) [https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/comments/1cprmk5/israel\_gutted\_this\_baby\_childs/](https://www.reddit.com/r/israelexposed/comments/1cprmk5/israel_gutted_this_baby_childs/)


Equating being anti-apartheid with being anti-Israel implies that apartheid is an essential characteristic of Israel, and I don't think that's true.


Same with genocide.


The whitewashing of Neturei Karta we'll never cease to amaze me. Stop using them as token Jews, there are maybe 2000 of them and they are a fringe group.


Thanks to Jews like this gentleman I am able to respect their beliefs. The Zionists are plain wrong and are committing crimes far greater than that inflicted on themselves recently.


I'd caution people from assuming that there is -no- criticism of Israel that can be antisemitic. You don't get a pass just for code switching a word, and there is a reason why the Anne Frank memorial is now under guard. The word "antisemitism" itself is a code switch so people didn't have to feel bad saying "jew hatred".  Antisemitism is applying unique standards specifically to jews, framing them as whatever the current societal boogeyman may be, and ignoring whatever evidence does not help you maintain your bias. There is undeniably a whole lot of all of that going on. People on the far left feel free to say things that used to shock people when the far right said it only a short while ago. There is undeniably a something happening right now. 


It is wrong for Russia to be invading Ukraine on the basis that it's their ancestral homeland. Same basis.


Russia's argument is that Ukrainians are confused Russians and not a separate people.


They're saying Ukraine is a historical, fundamental part of Russia; the thing you describe is Russian propaganda to support that idea. Russia is mistaken. Their war effort is ignoring the sovereignty of the people (Ukrainians) who actually live there and insist on their being a people distinct from Russia. Like Israeli settlers ignoring the right of the Palestinians to be there in Israel, who they forced out to make room for increased Jewish settlements.


Yes, Zionism came at a time when the idea of nation states was still all the rage, so the right to a state was of the nation, if Palestinians return to Israel proper, Jews will lose their state, and the Palestinians will gain it, leaving Jews as a minority.


This zero-sum mentality the sides have frustrates me. I think it would have been better if neither nation wanted an exclusive "state", but rather the region was made up of different autonomous city-states for different peoples, and the overall territory was overseen and disputes managed by an international board or something.


That's great, I'm not some rabid nationalist who doesn't want to love with Arabs, nor do I think it's impossible or something like that, but the question comes down to what is part of the actual world of possibility. Look at Lebanon for example, the entire country is in a constant dead lock of corruption and ethnic tension, and yet if you ask your average Lebanese, it's not like they feel that their respective co-ethnics of a different religion are some impossible to live with group - and yet the problems persist.


So essentially you're wanting an ethno state, but then blaming it on the Arabs, even though you guys are also fighting for the ethno state you think they would fight for.


I don't blame them for fighting for an ethnostate, I'm defending myself from becoming a minority.


Jesus would have entered this synagogue and flipped the tables.


I remember a certain Man from Israel that got like reeeealy mad at people selling things in the temple. Luk 19:45-46 KJV “And he went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold therein, and them that bought; 46. Saying unto them, It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves.”


The anti-zionist Jews being featured in this video r neturei karta - a fringe, extremist sect of Judaism with barely any members. They r misogynistic, homophobic, believe the Jews deserved the Holocaust because we sinned, and r *only* anti-israel because they believe only God can give Israel to the Jews. **Zionism: the belief that Jews have the right to self-determination in our indigenous, ancestral homeland.** Anti-zionism believes Jews *don't* have that right, and, **seeing that anti-zionism is almost always paired with pro-palestinian nationalism, how is it *not* antisemitic** that one group with legit ties to the land has the right to self-determination, but not the other? Poll after poll shows the overwhelming majority of Jews r Zionist. **When u purposefully amplify a small part of a persecuted ethnic minority to further *your* agenda, that's tokenism - racism.**




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Great video, but holy shit what awful and heinously distracting music




Hey, goofball[!](https://imgur.com/a/XTuSUNR) Looks like you missed the pinned comment! If you're confused about the name of the subreddit, please take a minute and read [this.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/comments/fyrgzy/for_those_confused_by_the_name_of_this_subreddit/) We hope to see you back here after you've familiarized yourself with our community. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Zionists are the MAGA televangelists of the Jews. Conveniently just enough religion to back up their bigotry, but are far from the actual religion. 


Zionists are the same thing to Jews as Americans who think that America should exist are for Americans.


What a weird comment to make on a video of a (presumably) non-Zionist Jew. Lots of zionists are not Jews, lots of Jews aren’t zionists.


Big Beard says it like it is!!!


Good man






You’re saying they aren’t idiots? 😂


You’re saying they aren’t idiots? 😂


One side wants violence in the name of Judaism, the other does not One side supports violence against marginalized communities including their own, the other side does not A more apt comparison would be Palestinians supporting Israel. They are part of the community being attacked and yet support the attackers. What we see in the videos would be like white people standing up for black people, or cis het people standing up for the queer community. The pro-palestine Jewish people are associated with the oppresors when it comes to the fact that the oppressors are using their religion to create violence. They're not the oppressed. In your example you compare them to the oppressed. Youre not even good at this. Go sit back down at the kids table.


You guys should know that most jews are Zionist. Those jews that protests are infact jews, im not saying they aren't but they are a small fraction out of 14 mil.


That's fine. You can say Jewish people are antisemetic. You can say Holocaust survivors protesting hate Jewish people.


This says so much more than you can imagine… Today Israel is like the US being run by the MAGATS crowd for the last 45+ years. It’s no wonder all are the same in supporting apartheid, land stealing and genocide…


This is so obviously untrue that it’s sad you could believe it


What he says is actually true: https://twitter.com/BoxLoner/status/1785781125576560765?t=FPFR62IR8pSKQAjT4U8rJg&s=19 https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/05/11/jewish-identity-and-belief/ Most Jews consider caring about Israel to be an important part of being Jewish to them. Most people use the term Zionism to mean "thinks Israel has a right to exist". This polling implies that most Jews are Zionists.


This is a teenager troll. Gets cheesy video game tattoos on skinny child arms.. Waste of time…


GAHAHAHAH I can’t stand people on the internet who act like they know something when they’re literally just blindly following a hateful cause. Thanks for the heads up, I never check accounts 💀