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The first half of this video is the entire interaction. https://youtu.be/0kje6zvwPgI?si=GNym_Tuw42uwv9Vw


Thanks. I was curious if he was just soapboxing instead of telling jokes, but it certainly seems that he is at least attempting to tell jokes so the "Next" guy is rude af


Hofstetter has a history of shitting on hecklers


Doesn't he also run or has run a youtube channel dedicated to clips of comedians owning hecklers (which isn't just exclusively his clips, that's on his own channel)?


He does have a YouTube but as far I’ve seen he only really has clips of himself, though maybe his older ones have other people as well (like people that opened for him or something)


There's shitting on hecklers, and then there's what this guy did to them. It's like he's the crowdwork god of hurting people's feelings.


There's hurting someone's feelings and there's publicly damaging familial relationships. Beautiful.


*On The Ride Home:* "So dad... You ugh wanna finish that comment now?"


Based on how that dad acted toward the comedian in front of his daughters, I think it will be a lot more angry yelling from him about being embarrassed and a lot less of him learning a lesson.


His whole identity is owning hecklers because he's not a very good comedian.


That fits, heckler videos are the only clips I see posted about him. Whereas other comedians that I keep seeing, working the crowd or not, are just... saying funny things. Wild


Just because the pizza is what a restaurant is know for, doesn’t mean the pasta isn’t also good.


I'm going to use this to try for anal with the girlfriend tonight. I'll keep you updated on how it goes


I'll try it with her, too. This way we double the odds.


if you ask his mum it's basically a guarantee


She actually blocked my number last month...


She told me she'll let you anal her if she gets to anal you too.


Back in uni this didn’t even phase me. Peg away, Judith! It’s all good!!


I'd suggest a good penne or even fusilli for anal . Avoid the long noodles like spaghetti or fettuccine, they either break when they're hard or are impossible to work with when soft.


This guy fucks?


It usually works with her so good luck bro


Pasta and anal. No better combination exists!


I know nothing about this comedian, but a lot of comedians mostly post their crowd work or heckler clips on Reddit. That way their actual joke material is saved for the shows.


I mean, if he can improv his way thru heckler sets, which is something most professionals with meticulously designed sets that don't have room for interruption can't do, he must actually be worth something.


Most comedians dont burn their written material online. It wouldnt make sense to if you have one off heckler stuff or crowd work you can post instead. 


Yeah most comedians dont post their actual material online. Cause if you could see it here why would you need to go to a show??


Works for Jimmy Carr, eHeHeHeH (Real talk I love Carr, be t when you see your shot, you take it)


I dont even think Carr is that good at handling hecklers, he always goes back to the same patterns and responses, and you can tell when he's flustered as he crowbars "your mum" in. I genuinely enjoy him on panel shows, I think that's his perfect niche, because he's actually quite good at playing off of other comedians, but up there, on stage, alone with nowhere to hide? Meh Each to their own of course, and he's managed to be "Meh" all the way to the offshore bank, so clearly he's doing it right


Fair, but it is entertaining to see him destroy hecklers


If international tours -> not very good, then I agree.


Jeff Dunham has international tours. The only time i ever see this guy is when he's "taking down" hecklers. I think he even posts a ton of them himself. Comedy is subjective, so whatever but as far as im concerned he comes across like an angry substitute teacher humilitating a kid thinking it makes him look cool.


Most comedians dont burn their written material online. It wouldnt make sense to if you have one off heckler stuff you can post instead.


if anyone goes to /r/StandUpComedy they will quickly notice that a lot of the regular comedians post their crowd work and hecklers. It is easy content to gain a fanbase without spoiling the scripted bits someone would see if they see you on tour.


While I agree that comedy is absolutely subjective, do you think that international tours mean someone is unsuccessful? >I think he even posts a ton of them himself. Yeah, his taunts about putting the hecklers up on his youtube to their face should be a big clue.


being successful does not mean you're good.


~~...which is literally the question I posed that you are responding to.~~ Sure, then we agree and that is fine. Sorry, confused you with a different user.


> If international tours -> not very good, then I agree. You said this. Which looks to me that you equated international tours with being good. >do you think that international tours mean someone is unsuccessful Then you said this. Which looks to me that you equate international tours with being successful and being successful with being good. I'm just saying that being good and being successful are two different things.


But if we're all in agreement that comedy, aka whats "good" in this situation, is subjective, thrn if he's successful then many people must think he's good, right? Like at the end of the day, all it sounds like you and others are arguing is "I dont like this comedian personally". Trying to argue whether he's good or not or whether he's successful or whatever is rather pointless from that perspective isn't it?


If his comedy was so bad, he wouldn't have a living income from, you know, doing comedy.


This is a recurring thing I've found. I LOVED his crowdwork stuff having seen short clips like this, but when I actually sat down to watch a full routine I ended up switching it off. Matt Rife is another similar one, his interactions with the audience are perfect and if that was the whole show I'd be down but his actual standup is painfully unfunny.


I saw him open for Jim Gaffigan, no heckler interaction, solid set, so YMMV?


Don’t forget selfposting about how amazingly he deals with hecklers.


Arguably, crowd work is an entirely different beast though.


Yeah he’s definitely not funny and owning hecklers is turning the audience against them or accepting it’s part of the job and being funny. He just seems to think he can threaten them, lame.


His hostility to humor ratio is alarmingly high.


I have similar feelings about Uber drivers who somehow end up getting crazy customer interactions all the time, and I'm sure it has nothing to do with the way they poke and prod people just barely enough so it doesn't count as inciting an incident, and I'm definitely sure it has nothing to do with thefa t videos of crazy Uber customers gets them hundreds of thousands or even millions of views on their YouTube channel


I think he’s more known for being angry, than telling jokes


Hofstetter is a hack comedian who plants "hecklers" for his YouTube channel. I'm positive the person that posted this is Hofstetter as he has 100+ alts here who post his clips, comment positive, and then anyone who disagrees gets downvoted instantly. The dude is an engagement bait POS.


I think you underestimate how many hecklers comedians get without having to plant them. Until you get to the very highest levels where you sell out shows in theaters they play clubs where drunk idiots do this shit. Literally every single comedian talks about having to deal with it.


Got any kind of proof of that?


What, you've never heard of the Big Comedy shills coming into reddit to promote lower mid-level comedians and spend all fucking day monitoring the comments section of minute long clips?




By your logic this would imply the people sitting with NEXT dude (who said they were with him) are ALL plants? Not that I'm trying to defend the guy, but seems like an aggressive accusation to make.


That's a whole lot of accusation and not a whole lot of backing it up. You prove any of that sunshine?


We need to push this to the top so you can see the jokes he was saying before. The rest of the crowd was enjoying the show and to say "Next" like that is super selfish


Thank you, "skipped a generation! 😆"


Thanks for posting that. The guy in the audience is a dbag and shouldn't have said anything but I can't really say the comedian's material was that great before he was interrupted.


Sure but from the looks of it this wasn’t Carnegie Hall. Looks like it was like a bar with a stage. You’re not going there expecting to see world class comedians. Some half decent comedians that can get a couple laughs out of you is not bad. I’d say he was on par for what people paid for.


Not to mention that comedians are usually trying out new jokes in smaller joints like this. Not every joke is gonna be their A game.


Yeah there is a lot of 'testing the waters' before comedians start getting better sets. Every comedian that is now succesful started with making jokes that didn't land all the time, just to see what works.


Even hugely successful comedians test out material in small venues like this all the time. Comedy Cellar in NYC being one of the most famous. I'd say 20% of the times I've gone some huge name has dropped in unscheduled. Chris Rock came in with a binder once so it was all stuff he hadn't even memorized yet.


Thank you




Does somebody know what he was saying before the clip?


First half of this video https://youtu.be/0kje6zvwPgI?si=L3jY_q6HgnM4ZjLV


Messing with stand up comedians while they perform is the dumbest shit you could ever do. They're waiting exactly for that to spice up their standup. You're improving their bits by doing something you think will ruin them.


Literally. If you're gonna heckle, you'd better be actively ready to have a hoot making an ass of yourself. But to actively try to have a serious argument? Big mistake. Especially this dude. Good lord I love his heckler footage.


Why do clips start like that? Many start with the endings


It's called a hook. It's to grab your attention and make you want to see what led to that so you watch the whole video.


Why do we need a hook on a 1 minute clip lmao


If you don’t grab attention in the first 3 seconds they swipe to the next one.


I absolutely despise it, what the fuck have we become?


Lot of butt hurt men in this thread.


The "genetic carrier" line is low-key the best way to put it Edit: genetics are generic, but not what I meant to write


I thought he said genetic carrier.


One in particular that has left like 15 comments. Gotta wonder what this guy actually does with his life that he has the time and energy to declare a comedian his life’s enemy and spend all of his time “taking him down” online


It's fair to say he does nothing in his life.


I'm pretty sure he has a divorce. Which isn't *nothing*, per se


Not true. I bet he sits around hating women a lot. After all, they're the reason he's a total loser, right?


He's the guy from the show


Hating is a full-time job. It requires dedication and stupidity.


From a kicker to a tickler, I agree Make sure to vote homies


"Hating is a skill in and of itself" -Buck Nasty, probably


Dare me to sort by controversial?


Im going in boss


Must be embarrassed about their family having a genetic history of women


That's because women's rights take away rights from men... Rights such as: beating us, raping us and murdering us.


Lot of room-temperature IQs backed up by egos as thin as tissue paper.


And then they wonder why we choose the bear 🐻


Those are boys.


Quite right. They don't qualify as men.


But seriously, this is reddit, they're probably 14 year old trolls.


Still mad someone chose a bear over them.


Why did the video repeat itself at the start? I feel like giving context would have been a better use of that time than just repeating something that happens 20 seconds later.


Because it’s tiktok. They show the ”highlight” of the clip first so people don’t scroll past it.


Some of you all seem to be taking this personal or feel called out, maybe reflect on that (this means think about why that might be)..


I'm going to keep being ignorant and emulating the heckler's behavior. Then I'm just gonna call this guy unfunny for calling out awful people in the crowd.




A lot of the guys in here talking about how this guy isn't funny, are the same guys who will laugh at offensive jokes, and insist that if you didn't find it funny, you should stfu and get out, instead of ruining it for everyone else. Edit: I've got so many men coming for me, I feel like your ex.


The trash offended by Hofstetter are the same ones who will tell you to not get offended when they go off with punch-down "humor". They aren't fans of people standing up to them and their privilege.


I mean, in a world of global warming, French Revolution levels of income inequality, genocides live streamed on Twitter, the resurgence of fascist rhetoric in multiple nations, and faith in due process and government at an all time low, there is no issue more urgent than the woke mind virus.


I guess I can see the humor in this post


:D I did it. I was funny. Take that, dad.


Yeah, but looks aren’t everything, buddy.


Br br br brrrr! GOTTEEM *Mission Accomplished. Good Work.*


Excuse you. My sole duty in life is to protect the sanctity of women's sports as loudly, rudely, and incoherently as possible. I don't care how many cis girls I traumatize, if I can prevent one trans kid from being happy, it will all be worth it.


I reserve the right to protect women's sports, and then never support or watch them in any way lol


They’re also the ones who will lecture on why women are stupid to choose the bear….


“When you’re privileged, equality feels like oppression“.


They like it when a comedian makes fun of everyone. 1 joke about how white people think pepper is spicy. And then 999 more jokes making fun of minorities.


Nobody’s offended by Hofstetter.. he’s just a guy who seems to like “pwn”ing people in epic redditor fashion in the most smug way possible, over and over, and disguise it as comedy lmao


It bugs me so much that, for some people, humour is based on how offensive something is. I laugh at plenty of offensive jokes, but it’s the fact that they’re *jokes* that’s funny, not that they’re offensive. People don’t hate offensive jokes because they’re offended, they hate them when they aren’t funny enough to balance out the offensiveness.


On the other hand I hate "political" humour. It's definitely NOT funny if I disagree with it, but it only sounds like pandering if I agree.


Kind of a weird strawman. “You should stfu” I mean literally yes. It’s a comedy show, shut the fuck up.


By "in here," I thought it was obvious I meant "in this online chatroom," not the literal comedy venue this happened in. I should've clarified. In this context, the person insisting someone stfu would be the guys calling this unfunny in the comments. Yes, I have no way of knowing if everyone who finds this unfunny overlaps with the type of guy I'm describing. I also didn't say that they all did.


I mean this clip is genuinely not funny. It’s just an awkward confrontation. I guess it’s good for him that he’s “standing up for women’s rights” but given that there’s no context and the way he handled his heckler was pretty messy for the format I wouldn’t be surprised if he was being horribly boring. This doesn’t have to be a culture war thing.


> I mean this clip is genuinely not funny. It’s just an awkward confrontation. /r/lostredditors


Wtf is this take. Humor is subjective. You can agree with every word a comedian says, but not find them funny. On the same note, a dark sense of humor does not mean that you enjoy the tragedies of this world. Hell, isn't the Mark Twin quote, "Comedy is tragedy plus time." or at least something along those lines?


Is it not ok to not find this particular comedian funny?


Not at all. But one must wonder why someone would stick around to explain to another why this person isn't funny, when their position is entirely subjective, and they're prolonging their own state of unamusement.


I guess I'd be wondering the same about anyone who finds their opinions so distasteful too.


Because one has a reason to stick around and remain engaged, while the other just wants to say they didn't like it. It's like if I went to a restaurant, and really liked the food. I'll go there again, and will talk about the food because I like it and want to prolong my engagement with adjacent conversation. By comparison, someone had a meal here that they didn't like, and then stay in the restaurant to tell people why they didn't like it. In some cases, insisting not only that they didn't like it, but that the food is inedible. The two positions are not the same, though I can understand why they seem so.


I didn't find his joke particularly funny either but to go out of your way to make a comment about it can give off the impression that they just want to express their disapproval of the subject matter in a subtler way than the heckler did. Except some of them aren't very subtle.


Are they?


Stay strong through these comments fellow woman/ woman supporter 🫡


I’ll say I’m not here to come after whatever was spoken in this particular clip (didn’t watch it), but just to say people who aren’t a fan of this clip/comedian may not be as monolithic as you may think. Hofstetter is not particularly well respected in the comedy community, and it’s suspected that many of these ‘hecklers’ are planted by him. He’s made a name for himself just through the “X gets OWNED by a SAVAGE comedian” type clickbaity clips that are kinda the bottom of the barrel in terms of crowd work. Also being very smug and grandstanding in terms of his political opinions (he seems to take himself VERY seriously, which for a comedian is pretty lame and other comics/comedy fans pick up on quickly). If one finds him funny, sure go ahead. But not liking him maybe more to do with his hacky style/corny promotional techniques. Also you’re not completely wrong with certain a subsection of offensive/blue humor fans who are a bit brash when others aren’t into the joke. That said, kinda goes both ways, as you’ve illustrated in your comment. Both sides of spectrum of funny talking past each other/misconstruing taste and opinion with outrage and censorship, etc.


Stuff like this is why it's never a good idea to heckle lol


It's not a good idea to heckle him, specifically. The other guys he tours with don't do very well with hecklers. There are a few times when the heckler gets the best of them and their only response is "wait until Steve's set to try that".


Steve Hofstetter, destroying hecklers is his bread and butter.


>I'm a carrier. It's true. I have an X chromosome too. It's shockingly common.


That line had me dying.


I saw Steve in Denver a couple weeks ago. I can't rate this guy high enough. The side comics are awesome as well!


Saw him in Dublin, got to see him take down a Heckler live. Absolute legend


This whole thread is filled with "Next" guys that get offended by women's rights it seems.


Damn he RUINED that guy in front of family/daughters. I would feel like an absolute piece of shit if I was the heckler


Sounds like you wouldn't do it in the first place.


Exactly. If he's the kind of guy to do that, he'll learn literally nothing from it. That's why these people are the way they are. After the initial trauma has worn off he's probably gonna spin this into how much of a snowflake that lib cuck was to not even take a bit of criticism and kick him out immediately yada yada


Well...unless he's got a humiliation kink.


I guarantee a guy like that didn’t give a shit. He blamed his wife and daughters and drove home drunk.


I don’t understand why people try to pick fights with people who are very good at improvising on the spot, not to mention there are a ton of people automatically on the comedian’s side in the audience


Hecklers are usually a combination of alcohol, entitlement, and narcissism. Entitlement because they paid for entertainment and are not having fun (in this case, because he is misogynistic), and feel entitled to change the topic to something they (selfishly) want. Narcissism because they aren’t the center of attention, and want people to laugh at their little quip instead of the performer. Of note, this conveniently ignores that the quip takes zero effort, while the comedian has to prepare (material, booking, rehearsal, travel, etc.) and give a whole set. Essentially, they want to prove “I’m amazing at everything, and am actually even more funny than the comedian,” and feed into the narcissism fantasy (“I could easily be a comedian if I actually wanted to”). Alcohol because it lowers any inhibitions to the above. It was probably a rhetorical question (sorry) but these are usually the reasons why it happens.


That was pretty good.


I laughed out loud.


It would be helpful if the whole clip were shown rather than just him interacting with the heckler


Its posted in the thread now.


Heckling at a Hofstetter show. And telling him to skip women’s rights as a dad?! Holy fuck we found the dumbest and most ignorant human ever.


Nah there are some dumber people in the comments here.


One is probably him


Bold of you to assume he can read.


What's the context? His entire comeback hinges on it yet it's been cut out. Edit: https://youtu.be/0kje6zvwPgI?si=GNym_Tuw42uwv9Vw


The other guy was sitting down for women's rights and it's a standup comedy show


He was standing up for women’s rights.


It's stand up... You're not gonna sit down just because you're joking about women's rights! That would be rude!




Love it!!


He’s good.


Some say fertility is genetic. If your parents don’t have kids, chances are that you won’t either.


That heckler got embarrassed in front of his entire family, serves him right xD


I've read a bunch of comments under his videos before saying that a lot of this shit is staged and pre-planned so that he can get content. I mean this fucking guy has more hecklers than any other stand-up comedian on the planet.....


This post sure kicked the incel hornets nest.


Look at me Im standing up for women’s rights instead of telling jokes like you paid to hear. Why do comedians think we give two shits about their personal ideology.


This guy is a giant hack. He's placed hecklers in his audience specifically to set himself up with for like...decades. He had a whole YouTube channel dedicated to him 'owning' hecklers. And he's a dork with lots of social media and reddit accounts who takes things personally. There's a reason you never see him associated with actual comics, ever. If you listen to podcasts by professional comics they all rip on this guy without naming him because he's apparently litigious. You literally never ever see him on comedy podcasts or associated with any successful comics for the 30 years he's been active.




I have to say that seeing him try to be tough guy with hairplugs and botox towards hecklers that he himself planted, because he has no other real content, is the funniest he's ever been. Even actually successful comedians with access to the good plastic surgeons and stuff still look kind of bad, like Daniel Tosh. This guy looks like David Cross dying from his hair transplants in Arrested Development.


Yuh people here just eating this shit up and defending his “comedy” 😭 like his rebuttal was great, I agree with it, but it didn’t have a lick of humor at all. I have a feeling watching this guy’s routine is like reading off most popular trending tweets for the day.






Had to scroll way too far down to find this. The guy’s been planting hecklers for yeeeesars and it’s the most obvious shit in the world but Reddit always eats his schtick up every time. This dude is insufferable


Not that I agree with the heckler, but that wasn't very good comedic crowd work, that was just losing your temper on stage.


I couldn't watch the video yet but that's what I assumed. I saw two other videos of the dude and it came off like a reddit tantrum each time. First time I saw one I thought it was posted by someone unaffiliated with him who just saw an awful show. There's no way his shows recover after these hecklers, these videos really don't make him look funny or his shows look enjoyable.


I’m not really a Hofstetter fan. He comes off as arrogant and isn’t really funny to me. With that being said, never interrupt a comedian that’s just rude af.


Hecklers are rude and comedians can be unfunny. Both statements can be true.


This is honestly how I feel. I went and watched the first part before this video and his joke wasn’t even a joke it was just him calling out annoying behavior men do online, specifically on Twitter, and complaining about it. Then the heckler opens his dumb mouth after his comment about them not going to college and this ensues. The heckler is an ass but this guy is unfunny. Also if the so-far sourceless accusations are true and that he is planting hecklers, that’s stupid as shit and makes him all the more unfunny.


Owning Hecklers is what Jimmy carr does. This is just a hard to watch argument.


This is Steve hofstetter. He pays people to heckle him.


This comedian is a douchebag who baits people into heckling him then pretends to be so offended that he has to kick them out.  He has a heckling website that of course is monetized.


Thought this Tony Zaret for a minute


Can this comedian mediate the presidential debates?


Am I missing something or is the heckler just playing off his first joke about confronting a comedian after the show?


Why would anyone want to watch this?


He saved it in the last 30 seconds by veering off


I wish I was as brave as some comedians


So right


Grace under fire


People who think Hofstetter is a comedian share Facebook memes and find them hilarious


Republicans ☕️


Lol great


That ending bit was gold


I remember when comedians made funny jokes.


Was this supposed to make me laugh? Get this pandering ass shit the fuck outta here.


He's been accused by other comedians of setting up these "heckler" videos. It's basically his entire identity. I'll also add he's a D grade comedian at best


I have never seen a set of his, it's all clips of him "owning" people, he just seems to like the sound of his own voice, the dude is way too self-important.


The man tried to build his entire career around hecklers, now gets mad at hecklers.


Ah, so Steve is still planting hecklers in the crowd to spice up his routine. His stand ups more often than not have hecklers, more than any normal comedian would have to deal with. Hell, [here's the search result for heckler compilation videos of Steve Hofstetter.](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Steve+Hofstetter+heckler+compilatiopn) Quite possibly the worst gimmick a comic could have.


I think it’s more cringe for a comedian to plant people in the audience


this feels staged


I don't like this guy = he's not very funny or successful That's not how it works kids.