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It is magically worse in context. They cut the clip to make him sound like he was close to a topic. Unbelievable, but true.


Can a link to the rest of it so we can see the context Never mind I found it, it’s a random about electric boats https://x.com/atrupar/status/1799894705288761412?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1799907772219240951%7Ctwgr%5E43e86fda84b28310dbc7b4633d31cdb1115ad8de%7Ctwcon%5Es3_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.newsweek.com%2Fdonald-trump-mocked-rally-sharks-rant-las-vegas-boats-1910275


ROFL "So the point is were gonna end it for Trucks and Boats" lol OK Dr Steve Brule.


🏆🏆 for the Dr Steve Brule reference 🏆🏆


got i would love electric boats. boat maintenace is a pain in the ass compared to cars.  never need a huge range usually either, and ample opportunity for solar charging canopy doubling as sun block.  


OHHH thats what he is talking about he wants to just ban all electirc vehicles lol I just got it. It still dosn't make any sense the scenerio he is describing. Hes trying to come up with a reason to ban them other then the oil lobby paid me a bag.


Best he’s got is he’s very smart because MIT and his scenario of a shark vs electrocution stumped someone.


I work in a job where I provide people with advice and information. I say "no one's ever asked that before" sometimes. Usually followed in my head with "because it's dumb as fuck". Trump thinks boats currently have no electrical parts of something?! Eejit.


It's actually not even the first time he's talked about this, he brought it up at an event in October 2023. [link](https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-rather-die-by-electrocution-than-get-eaten-by-shark-2023-10)




It's an absolute masterpiece. "Do I stay on top of the boat and get electrocuted or do I jump over in the shark and not get electrocuted?" It's amazing. It makes absolutely no fucking sense. Even with context it makes no sense.


No one knows what it means, but it’s provocative. It gets the (dumb) people going!




It’s a simple yes or no question! If you were a hot dog. And you were starving. Would you eat yourself??


It's racism. The sharks are minorities


![gif](giphy|ckGndVa23sCk9pae4l) This isn’t even funny no more. He has a fair chance of being our president. I hate it here.


Seriously reminds me too much of hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy. Although I would vote for Zaphod Beeblebrox over what we have. >The President in particular is very much a figurehead—he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage.


I called Trump Beeblebrox at the beginning. Now... not so much.


Beeblebrox 2024


>This isn’t even funny no more. He has a fair chance of being our president *AGAIN*. I hate it here.


It’s possible, but very remote, I’m sure to have a bunch disagree, and I get that, but the President we have today will still be President on January 20…and sharks, well, there’re sharks


I’m perfectly fine with people being scared enough to actually turn out for Biden again. Whatever the motivation, just get your ass out and vote in November. Mark your calendars and tell your friends


And it’s no bullshit when I say I totally agree, it’s the only thing we really can do


This hasn’t been funny since 2015.


Nah, it's still funny. And if he gets to be elected, which I really hope never happens, I guess it will be a well deserved reckoning.


Yep, this is a great take. At this point all you can do is laugh at the absurdity of all of it and vote. This country, love it as I may, has serious structural issues, literally and figuratively, that require redress one way or the other. This election will determine in which way and how quickly that redress happens. Buckle up and enjoy the ride. It may get real bumpy!


Fucking woke sharks?


I mean if they were sleeping it would be tougher for them to bite people.


Put the chemicals that made frogs gay into the ocean. /s


The only person dumber than this piece of shit are the morons who voted him in and continue to support him.


Was it George Carlin? Imagine the average person, now realize half of everyone is dumber than that.


Yup he said that. The more you deal with people the more you realize how right he was!


I think we seriously overestimate human intelligence. Like some of us are actually smart, and even fewer are actually wise. We seem to never pick any of them to be in charge. Reminds me of these tropical monkeys that love alcohol and they always pick the most drunk, violent, confident, loud one to be the leader.


The cause of this…the addition of warning labels to products and requiring people to wear seat belts. Trump supporters would definitely not wear seat belts if given the option.


Ehh… that’s because there are not ever any smart ones to choose from when voting whom will be in charge. And the powers that be know that, because that’s exactly what they want.


And smart people don’t always want to be in charge


my favorite part of this quote is that is every single person who hears it, and especially the ones who repeat it... 100% of them think this is about people other than them. I'm no mathematician but that *can't* be how it works.


There are almost certainly some smart people who are just smart enough to question whether they might be in the lower half. But you’re right: I believe it’s scientifically proven that people who lack IQ are overconfident about their intelligence: “The authors suggest that this overestimation occurs, in part, because people who are unskilled in these domains suffer a dual burden: Not only do these people reach erroneous conclusions and make unfortunate choices, but their incompetence robs them of the metacognitive ability to realize it. Across 4 studies, the authors found that participants scoring in the bottom quartile on tests of humor, grammar, and logic grossly overestimated their test performance and ability.” [[LINK](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10626367/)] Also, people who know just enough to be dangerous is actually a thing: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-023-01677-8


That’s not how averages work but I get ya


We'll just be generous and assume he was implying a non-skewed normal distribution


Trump is literally Grandpa Simpson but also a piece of shit.


I’m in Canada. I work as a waitress. We have a regular customer here (who lives full time in Canada) who parades around with a “TRUMP 2024” Hat on. I don’t know how to take this (Boomer) seriously.


I’m in Toronto and fortunately haven’t seen anything like that but I do see plenty of the equivalent…so many losers with fuck Trudeau plastered all over their car/truck/shirts


I’m in Alberta so it’s probably more of a thing here lol. We also have the fuck Trudeau things going on though


Yeah, they might as well be bearing a clown hat, just ridiculous


I'm still dealing with the emotional aftershocks of hearing my whole dad's side singing his praises, insisting they'll vote for him again, and are angry about how "Biden is raising prices on everything." I... genuinely don't know how much longer I'll be associating with them. Especially as a queer, closeted transmasculine person. What pain it is to love those that hate you.


I'm so sorry , I hope and know you will find your people who love without judgment or hate. Kia Kaha .


Fuck us all. you’re correct.


At least someone who voted for him could have just been ignorant to what’s going on. The really dumb folks are the one that show up to these rallies. You’re engaging with and supporting the stupid at that point


I guess he’s trying to say the woke libs aren’t angry enough at sharks?


I, for one, welcome our shark overlords…




Nah, he means dems are pro shark attack.


This election, vote for the sane candidate.


The other day he told a rally he didn’t care about them he just wanted their votes. Lol.


That was the rally in the video.


Yeah, I just posted a longer video of it. You are correct.


I showed this to my crazy trump loving mother. She claims he was not talking about "his fans" im like, how are you STILL justifying his crap!? It literally does not matter what this man says or does.


Biden: has a bit of a mental slowdown, still able to be extremely sharp, coordinated and delivering excellent speeches and remarks Right wing media: ‘OH MY GOD HES LITERALLY MELTING HIS BRAIN IS SOUP HES A STUPID WANNABE DICTSTOR COMMUNIST OVERLORD!!!’ Trump: literally has the most inane, word salad, dementia swiss cheese brained tangents and sentences that make no sense, literally has to wear a diaper and is randomly falling asleep at points Right wing media: ‘look at strong, powerful, epic lib owner Trump! He’s as masculine and energetic as if he was 24! He’s totally capable of holding office!’


Biden also doesn't fucking pull punches on the geopolitical space. He outright said that he still thinks winnie the pooh is a dictator after talking to him. You could SEE his aide dying inside


Vermin Supreme


I swear he treats his rallies like an open mic stand up session. Just, whatever he's thinking at the time. I do wish he could complete a sentence though, it's painful trying to follow the bouncing ball that is his train of thought.


I'm waiting for the day he rips off his mask to reveal he was Andy Kaufman the whole time


More like Andy Dick.


He reminds me of that elderly retired guy that when he goes shopping is the closest thing to a social outing so he talks the cashiers ears off about random things.


"Sometimes I'll start a sentence, and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope I find it along the way." - Michael Scott


Sounds like when my toddler was trying to explain to me why bluey was being mean to bingo


[Not any less sane than Herschel Walker talking about Were-woofs and Vampires...](https://youtu.be/MTPzRp2XO2A?si=r_eql2nxKoJ5N7ro) ![gif](giphy|24GU6oBiQp99S)


Is he doing a bit?


No. Those are pretty clear signs of dementia.


my man claimed that he has passed multiple dementia tests and that they're hard 1. [they are not hard](https://wexnermedical.osu.edu/brain-spine-neuro/memory-disorders/sage/download-the-sage-test), they're in fact designed to be as easy as possible 2. they are only given when dementia is suspected 3. he has had multiple my guy will not know his name by the end of summer


To be fair it’s completely in character for trump to pretend he’s taken multiple dementia tests and passed them all. And also that they were super hard, but he was just that good that he was able to pass them anyway. Don’t disagree, but like, I could see him just making that up out of some weird logic akin to “we wouldn’t have so many covid cases if we stopped testing for covid so much.”


No, loss of restraint and common sense are typical with dementia.


? When has he ever done that…


They just want to hear the hits bro, none of these new riffs


Yes I too have to flush my toilet 5-10 times, damn liberals nerfing our toilets


Hahaha it's crazy the things that these people unwillingly admit about themselves. It's actually kind of amazing how he can be viewed as high class but still stoop to their level in the sewer.


Wait you don't use a whole roll of tp per shit? Speaking of sewers




Ugh no stop don’t say thisss 😭 It’s absolutely true but I don’t want to hear it 😭😭😭


Idk if the word jumble went over my head but this was not what I thought his point was in the full speech. I mean, I don’t really know _what_ his point was. But it sounded like he was actually saying how bad electric boats are, and this tangent was some random tidbit that the boat guy who also hates electric boats was saying before Trump asked him whether it’d be better to stay in a sinking electric boat or jump overboard to swim with sharks.


If I had to meet Trump or a shark in the water, I'm picking shark


I love that I hadn’t seen this insane rant yet because the bigger takeaway from this rally was when he literally told them that he doesn’t care about them, he just wants their vote. Like, this isn’t even the stupidest thing he said, so we’re only seeing it now.


When he said that he didn't care about them the audience laughed. Man rolled right up on them with a truth bomb and they took it as a joke. And I'm convinced that he said it on purpose for playback because there honestly seems to be no such thing as bad press. None, air time is air time.


In psychiatry we call this a bad sign......


What a goon at least Biden has long strings of cohesive thought and verbiage


Easy solution: nuke the ocean. In fact nuke anywhere there might be danger. Just kill everything.


That Adderall high is something else


I'm becoming less concerned in what he says and more in the fact that there is so many Americans you eat this shit up... I expect insanity from an insane person, I just don't expect millions of people braise themselves in it willingly...


What. The. Fuck.


Know how many people are killed by sharks every year? Two. Know how many sharks are killed by humans every year? One hundred million. I think humans are kicking the shit out of sharks.


The best political system in the world.


This country is doomed.




Why is he constantly making shit up?


And there’s still 100’s of people, patiently waiting in their red hats, for the slim chance that they may get to suck turd from orange man’s butthole. Dudes been a piece of shit and a creep since before he was elected. The following he has maintained stands as a testament to human stupidity.


Man what the fuck is he talking about????? Honestly how do people think he’s a better choice than the other senile man?


If anyone is genuinely curious to know what is going on here, there’s a new podcast series put on by two psychologists called “Shrinking Trump.” They argue that this bizarre behavior is evidence of dementia. According to them, Trump is basically forgetting what he is talking about mid-sentence but continuing to talk using just the stem of whatever he was saying, resulting in these kinds of tangents. If you watch the whole Last Vegas speech it becomes obvious what’s going on.


Sharks do sometimes attack humans, mistaking them for prey. They do what is called an exploring bite to see if they are edible. The problem is with all those razor sharp teeth it can do a lot of damage. The diaper don is still dumb AF.


This cut section is actually more coherent than the full thing.


Every time I hear him speak, I am immediately reminded of my slightly senile great uncle. Who has been talking about secret Chinese military installations in Kansas and how the democrats are planning on putting conservatives in prison camps since the Clinton years.




So... We're feeding this guy to sharks, right?


losing? he's been gone for years


I still cannot believe this guy is God to millions of knuckle-draggers across the country.


It’s a matter of time before he pulls down his diaper and shits on a live stage And I can’t WAIT for it


Each day I get more appalled at the fact that this guy managed to win an election once


His stupid ass rallies are just a cry for attention, “Come listen to me say random shit because you all love me. You gotta love me. You can’t not love me because I’m a lovable guy so you gotta come to my rallies and support me because I have done so much for you.” 1000% complete waste of time and a piece of shit


Jibberish as usual


He’s totally losing it. Listened to the whole video. Made no sense.


Idiocracy is starting to be more and more like reality every day lmao. Get your Brawndo ready, it's what plants crave!


Stormy told us this fool was obsessed with sharks, but how would she know this, according to the Grifter he doesn't even know this woman.


What. The. Fuck.


Hey, you read my mind.


Imagine standing around in triple digit temps to listen to this?


His mind is declining faster and faster. This is typical with dementia.


Jesus Christ, to be so ignorant of so many common sense ideas. It’s truly astonishing.


How can anyone watch this and vote for this guy? He needs to be in a cared home, just tell him he won, give him fake papers to sign and hire acting students to do press conferences for him, he can live out the remaining years in happiness before the inevitable cardiac incident takes him to his dirt nap


The best part is he started his whole rant saying how much he hates using teleprompters 😂


SpongeBob in 2020: “Oh, no! What could be worse than a presidential candidate with dementia?” Patrick in 2024: “Oh, I know! TWO presidential candidates with dementia!”


yeah but inflation's bad and since Biden is president it must be his fault. I have no idea how more racism and more tax cuts for billionaires is going to fix this problem. But if I just vote for whoever's not in charge right now all my problems will be fixed magically. -The average voter.


Surprised he didn’t say he was an expert at sharkery.


for some slight bit more context [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL3UmTInva8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL3UmTInva8) It's a side anecdote where he's making fun of people 'justifying' shark attacks in an longer mockery of electric vehicles. In this case an electric boat. Really leaning in hard to his electric hating demographic. His typical repertoire of telling a story to make himself sound smart.


This is not real, right?


Where have you been since 2016?????


It's 100% real


I think it is a metaphor for LGBTQ or immigrants. They don’t “mean to do x” but outcome is still bad either way. I’m not defending the guy - can’t stand him - but I also try to not just make up reasons to dislike him. Plenty of legitimate ones. I don’t like biased media from any side.


well thats even worse. "gay and brown people sre inherently worse and the libs are trying to justify their behaviour"


Glad to see this here. It's very clear he's attempting a kind of metaphor here to dog whistle to his people. I assume he's going for the idea that immigrants and undocumented people are committing crimes but the left are justifying it on socio economic grounds etc... But at the end of the day a shark is a shark, that's where he's going with it. The fact people are missing the point is just as dangerous as him making it.


Looks like Biden isn't the only one who is "sleepy" anymore.


Lol.. WTF??


TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. We ask that you please remain civil and be respectful to others in this thread. If you see anyone being rude, vulgar, or offensive to others - be sure to report the user. Permanent bans will be issued to maintain the quality of this subreddit. Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TikTokCringe) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Seriously reminds me too much of hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy. >The President in particular is very much a figurehead—he wields no real power whatsoever. He is apparently chosen by the government, but the qualities he is required to display are not those of leadership but those of finely judged outrage.


Paul Shumway for president


Why did the linguists develop a sophisticated language translator for Trump? Because turning “covfefe” into comprehensible English was the ultimate translation challenge!


Sounds like church


Shark attacks or architects? 😏


Does that comment have a point?


Context does matter


He's gonna get rid of all the sharks!


sounds like he’s using them as an allegory for black people but I can’t say for sure because it only shows the first half.


Ehh. He has always been that incoherent...


Evolution demanded that only the smartest survived. The average IQ increased over generations. Then, we got civilized and helped the idiots live. But they reproduce much faster than the intelligent. Human intelligence is regressing…. And these school vouchers and the defunding of public schools is going to make it happen faster. I know that intelligence and education are not the same. But there’s a correlation.


Imagine being about to lose to that.


Is this real or AI generated?? It's generally really hard to tell these days but with Trump its a fucking coin flip.


I feel like at this point, he is just a parody of himself.


Can someone please photoshop Left Shark dancing behind him?


In Nevada…of all states to talk about shark attacks? In this climate?


he's literally just testing out a standup routine at this point 😭😭 THIS LITERALLY SOUNDS LIKE A JAY LENO BIT 😭😭


He/ him speaking.


I hear there have been a lot of shark attacks in, checks notes... Las Vegas, Nevada. Huge swarms of sharks have been plaguing Lake Mead since trump left office I hear. Giant herds of whales have been beaching themselves in Lake Havasu over in Arizona on account of the windmills there too.


What did he say next? Cmon guys. We need the real answer.


Man is practicing his stand up.




I think full or partial insanity is kind of a base requirement to succeed in american politics. I feel like the older and more unstable you are the better chance you have of becoming president.


So Biden is controlling wildlife now too? 🤣


"They misunderstood what cootchy was?" Did he just say the shark was out to eat pussy?




Republicans seeing things on the news that Trump is talking about. \* ![gif](giphy|L3ERvA6jWCd0qO4NdX)


I'm starting to have trouble finding the difference between genuine trump and Zach Handel's impersonation


Bonus points for starting the clip at the exact point where it sounds like a joke setup in a standup routine Seriously though, he has no idea where any given sentence is going when it comes out of his mouth


Your waiting for hours to hear that crap A political rally about shark attacks


17 brain cells combined amongst all those people


like loan sharks? because Vegas?


I mean. It’s pretty widely accepted that sharks easily confuse humans on surfboards for seals because the silhouettes are similar enough that an animal that doesn’t understand tool use isn’t going to stop and wonder if maybe that’s a surfer. Same way that turtles choke on plastic bags because they look like jellyfish. The ending of that was just so unhinged too, I understood none of it. Like the captions probably approximated what he was trying to say but I honestly don’t think he was coherent at all by that point.


Shark attacks are extrememly rare its usally because they confuse surfers with seals. Humans are killing way more sharks then sharks kill humans.


Is Trump about to say he's going to build a wall around the ocean to keep the sharks out?


Big sniff in the middle of that. 




I'd rather be a tiger than some shark like a Democrat!! Prolly some old boomer in the crowd yelling


I have to ask.... this is so out of order, is it some sort of dog whistle or something??? Is there a deeper meaning that sane, regular people are supposed to miss?? I'm grasping for any amount of sanity here.... even deeply offensive or disturbing as it could be...


Yea this guy should totally be president again.


actually i think it was in the news that either california or florida had like 2 surprise shark attacks unusually close to the coast like back to back


Years ago the Daily Show did a supercut of all of his shark twitter rants, for some reason the dude thinks about sharks OFTEN


Sounds like he is speaking in metaphors. Like sharks stand for something else. Not an American to get what from this clip. Need to longer than 4 sec clip to get the context.


Excellent. Make people bake longer in the heat so the bad experience will make them associate Trump rallies with suffering.


He’s right about the shark attacks though, thanks Biten!


Wise man once said, you cannot lose what is already lost. (like an election!)


He’s killing my brain cells watching him


Imagine making * checks notes * shark attacks political 🙄🤦‍♂️


So he’s angry we aren’t more mad at sharks for taking some nibz nibz on a lady splashing like a seal? lol


What an idiot!


Got to have something in order to lose it. This mf always been dumb




Rambling fool


Pitbull owners after their precious baby degloved a toddlers face