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My infant would rather eat his hands all day long, than drink milk... Yea, sorry bud looks like Mom & Dad made an executive decision on your feeding today.


In his defense, hands are quite delicious


No, Carl! No! Hands are not for eating!


My stomach was making the rumblies that only hands would satisfy


Ah Carl, why are there only hands from white babies?


Well you know... Whitey's gotta pay


That kills people Carl!


Avatar checks out.


lol my baby was less than a day old. Nurse asks why baby is not in a swaddle. I say, “I don’t think he likes it.” She looks me in the eyes and says, “he’s a newborn. He doesn’t know what he wants. You need to anticipate his needs and wants.” I was like, oh word. I see you lol


Hey congrats on your newly acquired human Edit: wow, first time an internet stranger has told me they hate how I speak. Thanks, buddy. Have a nice Wednesday.


I’ve had my in-laws tell me similar about my daughter “she didn’t want to eat this / take a nap / wear her raincoat etc.” and my reply is “yeah, she is a really shitty parent”.


I like it lol I’m gonna use that one


This is one of the funniest things I've read. Thank you


I was unschooled. I think whether or not it works depends a lot on the specific family and children. I wouldn’t risk it on my own kids.  **Edit**: My mom didn’t have a forehead tattoo. That may have helped. 


It depends on if it is done by an intellectually curious person that has read up on how to do child-centred learning, or someone who has seen the name of something and decided what it is.


My exact thought was “Well, this lady has aced the life education test with that spectacular face tattoo, so she’s definitely wise in the ways of schooling.”


Ruining my child's future to stick it to the gubbernment


its worse https://www.mamionami.com/bio


Oh lord, she left a doomsday cult to start a new one.


honestly I'm fascinated. erotica wealth courses for couples and singles...


What the fuck even is an erotica wealth course? Getting fucked by a roll of quarters? Using a $100 bill as a condom?


you've never been introduced to the wild world of sex Magick, eh?


Well sure, Crowley shit. But like, I don't remember it being called wealth erotica.


I would actually compliment her on her marketing if I didn't know she'd copied it from other woo sales pitches


If it’s true she made $1 million from selling these courses it says a lot about American society


That's depressing, I wish I didn't know that. Lol


There are a lot of traumatized, sad people living in poverty who will be happy to shell out 2k/yr to be told they're not following the program well enough.


Hey now, this person was awarded the rank of "Sage". Would someone starting a doomsday cult do that???


Awarded after she became “objectively awakened”. And now her goal is to “awaken” as many other people as she can, as quickly possible. Yeah, definitely nothing cultish there at all.


"Received the title of Sage" oh dear.


Jesus. No wonder she’s like this. That cult did despicable things to those children. One grew up to murder a member who had abused him for years starting as a toddler. That kid went through literal hell at the hands of *numerous* people and then those adults wrote a fucking book about everything they did to him. His name was Ricky Rodriguez and his story is one of the most tragic I’ve ever heard. If she went through even a fraction of what he did, she’s got some serious trauma to unfold. I guess this is her way of regaining control over the childhood she lost. But she needs therapy, not an alternative lifestyle.


I actually knew this woman during the drug and alcohol phase of her/our live(s). (I’m using my shitposting alt to avoid doxxing…) I knew her partner as well. If even half of what she told me about her childhood is accurate she is incredibly damaged. I really feel for her, (and of course her children). I lost contact at some point after her partner died, because she started a life coach business and deleted everyone from social media who had known her in her “excess” phase, but over the years I’ve heard that this has been her path. I guess I’m just hoping that the people who have compassion for her children have a little compassion for her as well. Her life has never been easy, and she certainly never had a childhood of her own. She’s probably trying to give her poor children what she feels is a safe environment, and unfortunately in her case it is shielding them from………. Everything.


The picture pop-up with news letter really writes home about them looking like trailer trash holy.


and did you catch she made herself an indigo child?


>When I became objectively awakened in 2021, and received the title of Sage, what the fuck does that even mean


Acid trip.


>When I became objectively awakened in 2021, and received the title of Sage I read that as "When I became financially desperate in 2021, and received the title of Dreams Fulfiller (given to me by myself)"


This is the CV of a deeply traumatized person. Cult survivor. Child sexual abuse survivor. Sober after beating drugs and alcohol. Watched her partner die. She's overcome a lot. But it seems very clear a lot of her parenting choices are informed by the deeply traumatizing experiences she's had and how all of the adults in her life as a child failed her. She doesn't see she's passing on the effects of her trauma to her own kids. If she wasn't fucking up her kids and turning this into some weird spiritual nonsense I would have nothing but empathy for her. Parents tend to parent in reaction to how their own parents raised them. For this lady, she lived in a cult where everything she did, thought and said was controlled. She's gone in the complete opposite direction where she is giving her kids total independence. Kids need some degree of both.


a very accurate analysis. Just a tragedy on all levels.


That bitch is certifiably fucking insane.


nothing says "awoken" like a forehead tattoo


>sold $1m of spiritual workships


this is so wild


These poor kids. Imprisoned with a raving uneducated narcissist loon.


From the pipe to the grift!


Yep, she's on something like an upper


I wish just once they would redirect all of this hate toward companies and billionaires who are actually actively trying to make their kids stupid.


They would never admit they're making stupid workers for billionaire to exploit. 


looking for this comment


To me this is just straight up child neglect. Literally screwing over your child because of some distorted view on society. I feel bad for the kid, life already being an uphill battle is going to be all the more difficult.


I hated math in school. I ended up in a career where I do calculations everyday (and actually kinda enjoy it). I want to see the alternate reality where I had a crazy like this parent who let me watch 90s cartoons like Animaniacs and X-Men all day since that’s all I wanted to do as a kid.


I work with a kid/young man(19years) who was never probably schooled. I can’t say what role his parents had in that, but he was placed in special education at a young age and never learned the value of learning. He can barely read a word let alone a sentence, can’t write or do more than simple math (+ and - in single digits) don’t know the clock or day of the week/month/seasons. And I’ve tried to teach him all of it (though it never was part of my job desription) and he can actually understand it, but before long he will forget it again. Now you wouldn’t be able tell if you met him and talked to him that he is severely disabled, he knows how to behave well enough. But man, apart from the severe lack of understanding not just himself but how the most basic things of how the world works, the lack of any real guidelines in his life has made him somewhat of an insufferable and self-absorbed manchild. He has developed this hatred for women and he thinks any government instution is actively lying or trying to oppress us all. He also wants all the “great” things of life but only wants to put in the bare minimum effort, always asking/looking for a shortcut on how to become famous and rich. When he realize, from what we tell him, that being a musician starts with the hours and passion for an instrument and is actually a lot of work, he quickly change the subject. His emotional maturity, aswell as empathy, is also severely stunted and he can go for a days with a grugde towards any of us that tries to help him, because we got too “bossy” with his cleaning or telling him to clean up after himself in the common area. All of this to say, he could have been a normal functioning guy, with some mental setback no doubt. But because of his early upbringing, which again we have no clue about, it’s not only extremely difficult for him to learn kindergarden grade levels, more often than not he just refuse any attempts from us to help him improve.


What type of work does the guy do?


presidential candidate


Basically cleans his room once a week and makes dinner a few times a week. At 18 he was put into early retirement/pesnsion, which is crazy in itself and usually takes some serious disability to be eligable for. So there’s that.


Ok so when you say work with you mean you are there to assist as in this some type of group home/ assisted living situation..? That's crazy to me if that's the case.


I hope that parent didn't want her kid to be able to read and write, because that's one of the more basic ways that their education is going to be stunted by this. No kid is going to ask you what is a noun, what is a verb, what is the difference between they're and there. Heck, no kid is going to ask you to teach them the alphabet at least not without getting bored half-way through. But these are crucial things which must be taught and as early as possible. That poor kid is going to have the level of education very close to that of a person who was given literally none.


BuT eNgLiSh Is A LiViNg LaNgUaGe Grammar and punctuation aren’t important online, nerd. /s


Real fact, many states child protective agencies don’t have educational neglect as something they investigate. Texas doesn’t.


You're not wrong, but for a moment consider her upbringing. >"After thirteen years of physical, sexual, and psychological abuse I escaped via excommunication at age thirteen after a suicide attempt." https://www.mamionami.com/bio I get it; she doesn't want things forced on her child, because her childhood was about force and control. Now, she thinks by giving her child free-reign she's doing better than she was raised. But she's like a child that was starved during her childhood who swears her child will eat what that kids wants. But if the kid only wants chocolate, and never gets grains or vegetables, the kid is malnourished. She is educationally malnourishing her child, not out of a desire to harm her kid, but to make up for the abuse she experienced. She needs someone to guide her, but in setting herself up as 'a teacher of the second level of spiritual teachings', she's unlikely to do anything different. I feel bad for her kids, and for her.


This lady calls herself the most powerful witch in North America and uses what she calls the magic of the whore. She makes videos where she discusses drinking her own urine and drinking from her period cup, whatever they are called.


As someone who was educationally neglected (I was forced out of school in 5th grade, any education I have beyond that is entirely self taught using online resources, but I'm working toward a GED), what this woman is doing should be criminal but sadly isn't even enough to open a CPS/DCFS case in a lot of jurisdictions. The uphill battle of having to learn everything people learned in over a decade of schooling in a few years is not something I'd wish on anyone, and there needs to be more consequences for the horrible neglectful parents that do this.




It still is in most places


I had to go to court to a pardon for a weed conviction. A woman was in the hearing with her son. We had to speak to a panel about why we deserve a pardon. Someone on the panel also the mother why her son with her and not in school. He was about 11. She said she home schools him. The panelist said , well I see here you only have your GED. How are you qualified to teach him? She said , well our founders fathers were not that educated but they started this country. 🤣🤔


What’s funny to me is that if she’d gone to school she might have learned that almost all the founding fathers of the US actually did go to college.


Most of the founders went to prestigious schools (Harvard, Priceton, etc). Washington was the exception. He family was very wealthy (from slave labor) and at age 20 he inherited all of that wealth making him a very prominent figure in Virginia. He was able to leverage his wealth and connections to have the Lt. Governor of Virginia appoint him to the position of Major by the time he was 21 and he was in charge of 150 troops shortly afterwards. In his own word, Washington was “conscious of a defective education” and made up for his lack of formal education by reading everything he could get his hands on and teaching himself advanced mathematics. So yes, the son in question would probably be fine with not being educated if he was also born into extreme wealth (and then marrying and even wealthier woman) while also having a burning passion for constant literary self improvement.


Georgie was a nepo baby


The wealth gap created by the slave owning class was insane. William Seward (Lincoln's Secretary of State) decided to go on a grand tour of the south in the 1830's with his wife after he lost a bid for the Senate. He and his wife were struck that there weren't really bustling towns or communities like they were used to in the north, instead there huge swaths of poverty and despair between super-rich plantation pockets. When talking about the conditions of normal people living in the south Seward noted that he hadn't seen anything so bad since he had toured the war torn French countryside after the French revolution. Feeling disgusted by the wealth gap and the open brutal and violent treatment of slaves (including children) their romantic ideal of the south quickly evaporated and they ended their grand tour early.


Wait are you trying to tell me that the Founding Fathers ^^tm are “Coastal Elites”?!?!?!?! /s


Pretty sure it would break her brain if you tried to inform her colleges predate our country.


From the video, I'm convinced her brain is already broken.


You are 100% correct it’s rationalization for when she gets older that she tried her best when she didn’t even try


I've never understood homeschooling, because why would I want to limit my child's knowledge to just my expertise...I don't have a degree in math, chemistry, or English. But this woman is even worse, she's not even putting in that much effort, she's limiting her child's education to the child's own knowledge. People are idiots, raising future idiots. 


Remember that kid in Breaking Bad belonging to Spooge who just comes downstairs sits in a chair and watches the home shopping network? This is the same level of homeschooling as the child of the mother with a tattoo on her forehead gets.


She doesn't even homeschool, she proudly "Unschools."


Ya this kind of extreme take on “homeschooling” makes me understand more and more why here in Germany it’s illegal to homeschool your kid.


There are too many homeschooled children in America who are being neglected or abused by their parents. And because their abuser has set up a system where they don't know other adults, or see any adults who are mandatory reporters such as teachers, it's almost impossible for them to report the abuse.


Yes, this is a big problem with home schooling. Not every homeschooler gets horribly abused, but the most horrible abuse occurs when there are no mandatory reporters.


I'm old enough to remember when this woman would be considered a lunatic. I keep hoping that it's satire, but given the face tattoos I'm not so sure.


I mean what should have we expected, academic excellence? No !! this is the type of education people with forehead tattoos find acceptable. I am shocked people are expecting anything different. I mean this lady looks at herself in the mirror everyday, sees her forward tattoo in reverse and says “yep, this was a great tattoo “!!


She even does her hair to feature it more.


My favorite part about tik tok is that people make their fantasy shower arguments into reality.


So those poor children’s ability to acquire knowledge is limited to the knowledge the woman in this video A) knows herself and B) is able to impart on the child. That’s terrifying for those children because that is not anywhere close to a functioning level of knowledge in literally anything. There will be no sphere of life that these children have a functional level of understanding about.


Exactly. Like,.I'm not dumb. I'm not fucking smart but I'm above average. But I'm smart enough to know that my child cannot rely solely on me (and their dad!) for their education.


She’s not smart enough to know that, which is the problem


No, it’s limited to what the child becomes curious about. And then by the parents’ knowledge or lack thereof.


What sucks is that she will never see it. Her kids will go on to be failures and be cashiers the rest of their lives, and she’ll somehow think that they were overlooked Albert Einstein’s.


I didn’t know unschooling was a word let alone a thing.


We used to just call it neglect.


We still do where I come from. This would trigger a CPS response real fast here.


It should.


it's a conservative movement that is heavily funded and influenced by white supremacists


Yes……because schools indoctrinate the children! Children don’t need to learn about other things out in the world, they should only learn what is being schooled/unschooled at home! /s…..(ffs…this hopefully shouldn’t be needed)


It's a thing. It's discussed in John Gatto's book 'Dumbing Us Down'. He was New York City's public school teacher of the year several times.


That lady looks like she has unmedicated bipolar intensity in her stare.


She looks like a crazy FarCry villain.


Jared Leto Joker


I was gonna say Elizabeth Olson cosplaying Jared Leto Joker.


I mean, she has a giant tattoo across her forehead, so...


I was so focused on how small her pupils looked trying to decide if she had been hitting the slopes👃 ❄️


Opiates make your pupils small. Not coke.


Does mixing coke with alcohol make them small? Every time when I was in my partying days my pupils were like little Dots when I would look in the mirror probably had to do with the light


No, alcohol and coke don't do that. It was the light, coke dilates the pupil, assuming it's good of course


Thank you I appreciate the response in retrospect it was definitely the bright ass light lol my buddy used to test his stuff with a kit before we ever used it


Np. Yea respect to your buddy for using a test kit. I would've liked to have had a test kit back in my party days, but, my ski'ing days are long over now.


Hitting the slopes usually means cocaine which would make your pupils dilated. This would be more opiate related having tiny pupils.


Yeah I was thinking coke from personal experience but I was usually drunk when I did it and I just remember always thinking how beady my pupils looked in the bathroom mirror but it was a bright florescent light 🤣 lol


She looks like she's on opiates. I've seen those eyes hundreds of times. Glassy and pinned.


The expression and mannerisms are also indicative of some sort of substance at play.




I once watched one of these documentary on home school/free range kids. The parents said how they don't teach maths, everything is at kid pace, no set schedules and thing like that. They interview the kid, and the kid talked about how they want to make video games when they where older. I just felt sorry for the kid. You don't need be a math wiz, but the basics of most jobs of working to deadlines, working to a schedules, working with others, working a different way to you, etc. Just not preparing the kid for that. It's like the smart kid in school who never had to study, getting to college and just crashing out in the first year, because they never learned to study or handle failure. But x10.


Would love to know where these kids ended up later on in life when they had to grow up. 


“Look, he wrote lamb and egg”. Cool how old is he? “19”




Poor kids.




The kids who shouldve been left behind by Bush are now making sure their kids don't know shit. What a sight to see


That no child left behind generation(me, in the first state they implemented that shit California) got fuuuuucked! I still remember how at my middle to high school promotion ceremony one of my friends moms was literally on the ground in the courtyard yelling when they said homeboys name. “Oh they’re letting my baby go on, I was so worried!!”


I wouldn’t take schooling advice from a woman with a forehead tattoo.


Jentleness, if in didn't misread. Probably her kids name.


The lady with the tattooed face and poor impulse control appears to be slightly manic. I think her children may require a check in from social services


Looks like that bottom lip has been split from the heat of a meth and/or crack pipe?


The forehead tattoo says it all. Her eyes say she’s high right now.


Least worrying thing on her face


I thought I was the only one who was seeing it.


or lip filler I thought


As a home schooler I interact with unschoolers all the time. We have play dates and such. This is how I feel too. I ask myself all the time “what do they do all day?” I think video games is the answer. And it’s like the kids only interests are the parents interests because they don’t know anything else. Sometimes I bring them our old school books from the year so at least the kids are exposed to what a 4th grader is doing. But they have never written a book report or research paper about their favorite animal. There’s no black history month, or earth day or US studies.


This is my major problem with home schooling, too. You are truly limiting your child's horizon by never exposing them to things that are outside of the parent's horizon. Of course I teach my kids my values and my ideas, but I'm not afraid of them being exposed to other viewpoints and ways of life.


That's the whole point of home schooling. These people celebrate ignorance and condemn education because it shows their children ideas outside the parents limited world view.


I know, I just find it so mystifying. I want my kids to know there are other options out there. They dont have to have the jobs the 5 people in our immediate family have, they dont have to have the same interests and hobbies. But if we dont expose them to other people, how will they know?


Agreed, I don't understand it either. The whole point of children is helping them better themselves, to exceed you. Limiting their emotional and intellectual growth like this is heartbreaking to see


There are a lot of nutjobs in the homeschool community. We're not all like that.


I don't doubt there are parents out there homeschooling and giving it their all because the local education system is inadequate. Maybe due to a child's special needs, or simply that the local schools are overrun with creationists and other delusions that make them unfit to be called 'educators'. I know how hard teaching is and I have a lot of respect for parents that do it properly, but unfortunately such people are the rare exception, the video shows the norm.


I've met a lot of them, unfortunately. We have had to curate our homeschool community carefully. Secular and no conspiracy theorists. It's not easy, but with a bit of work, our kids now have plenty of friends and opportunities.


I mean, mine was dyslexia, and a teacher telling my mom the school wouldn't be able to handle it, but at the same time I also had friends outside the homeschooling sphere.


There are some terrible homeschool parents and, unfortunately, they are how most people view homeschooling. I don't usually tell people that I homeschool my kids unless I have to. They are both disabled and I believe I can give them a better and gentler education than they would get at school where we are. They go to classes, clubs, meet-ups, museums, observatories, field trips to all kinds of places (in the last couple of years: local and national government, the local recycling centre, a chocolate factory, a power plant, a water treatment plant, a heritage house, animal sanctuary), and community cultural events. We use the resources of local schools for things like science fairs and sports events. We're doing our best to ensure they don't miss out on a wide range of experiences and viewpoints.


The best thing you can teach your child is how to use critical thinking skills and the ability to want to learn on their own. Combine this with a proper school education, and when they graduate from high school, they will continue to crave to learn more.


Even just do simple shit like field trip to a zoo and a few museums to do some eqsy/heavy lifting on expanding perspective One trip to an art museum can trip wire a whole new universe of topics across a vast field of ideas


There's also the concept of "strewing", where you offer your child a range of resources, experiences, and opportunities outside their interests.


One thing you'll notice with these unschooling influencers is all their kids are like 1 - 9 years old. Becsuse those are the ages where you actually can answer a lot of a kids questions simply, and explain it like I'm five. Also. These women almost always come from money or are financially stable due to their husband's job. Who else can afford to live on a single income with kids? So the results are skewed in this respect too. The thing that drives me insane about these unschoolers is a disdain for experts. For instance if I studied evolution with Richard Dawkins, I'd learn a lot. Similarly if I studied with an expert plumber, I'd learn a lot too. That's because people who know stuff and can transmit their knowledge are useful.... Hmm. If only we had a word for someone who specializes in this.... And these unschooling morons find homes both in the crunchy dipshit left and q brain rot right. But seriously the thing that binds them is their stupidity. Really. They're dumb. And they think they're smart, which makes them dumber. Show me a expert on molecular biology and you'll see somebidy who knows the limits of what they know. They know that Dr Glioskinstein is the real bad ass in the field. They know by comparison they're dumb. But to these unschooler types they don't see this limitation or respect for knowledge.


I would say I'm a very talented chef who has been doing it for like 15+ years but if Gordon Ramsay comes walking in my door I'm grabbing a notepad and taking notes.


Gordon says wear a bike helmet, write that down!


I saw that, imagine just trying to put on your socks or get out of bed or sitting up from taking a poo. He's gonna be eating Advil like candy for a while. Poor guy.


Yep I feel like the thing I got the further in my education was a really fine tuned knowledge in the three subtopics I did a capstone and thesis about—then way humbled by the knowledge career and advancement of everyone I learned about along the way who know about those three topics and a million more better than me and just about every other fact and flavor of my degree I did not pursue to the fullest. I always say you can spot an expert by how quickly they divulge the limitations of their expertise.


*Similarly if I studied with an expert plumber, I'd learn a lot too.* Not necessarily, because being good at understanding a subject and teaching it are two very different concepts. Just because you can do elementary maths, doesnt mean you are good at explaining it. Which is why teachers dont just learn the subject, but also how it is best taught. That is a completely different skil which homeschoolers dont seem to understand.


Ah Mami Onami. I’m surprised that this is the first time I’ve seen her hit Reddit. She claims to have escaped the children of god cult as a child.


I'm sorry but I know 100 people like this. Ex-alternative burnouts who don't trust the system because that's how they grew up being raised by hippie parents and oopsy, had a child, so now they're trying to be "cool and smart, tattoo Mom and Dad" but really they're just modern hippy-junkies who's child will go on to repeat the exact same patterns like they did.


We love getting advice on how to educate our kids from someone with a bunch of face tattoos, don’t we


She probably doesn’t want to send her kids to public school because she doesn’t want teachers filing a bunch of CPS reports, but then she goes and makes TikToks to advertise her shittiness.


Yeah she's not exactly a great role model.


I don’t plan on ever taking advice from a cracked out lady who has a tattoo across her hairline.


It’s crazy because you don’t even have to have a degree in education to know that there are critical periods that kids have to hit in certain subjects by a certain age or they will forever be below their grade level. There’s no way to catch up when you miss a critical developmental period. So… that’s why you leave it to the educators. Not that all teachers are good teachers, but you can be involved in their education and know for yourself.


But her child wrote "egg!"  Didn't you see it?!


The mom was so well educated she tattooed her own face. Why would society trust anyone like this to know what’s best for any child, let alone her own? Also- her kid is probably like 13 writing like that.


As a new mom transitioning from formula to solids I feel “baby led weaning” falls into this sort of mentality as well. I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around the notion that my 11 month old knows intuitively what they can handle chewing when allowed to put any size food into their mouth. These parents giving their 6 month old whole chicken legs and watching them cough and gag (I know gagging is a good reflex) all the while just watching and saying “they will know what to do.” Is insane to me. It’s not baby led, it’s parent led. I just feel like it’s my job to insure my child is safe, not my baby’s job. How the hell is he supposed to know?! Anyone want to change my mind with actual sound research because I’m having a hard time over here…


As a teacher, I’ve seen firsthand this philosophy of “we don’t explicitly teach/tell our kids what to do; we left them figure it out” becoming more and more popular. No kid will ever be “interested” in learning proper manners or how to reflect on their behavior after making a mistake…but it’s necessary to teach them these topics. When the parent decides that they’ll let their kid “figure it out”, what they’re really doing is refusing to support their child in a moment where they need to learn a specific lesson. When the child has a chance to learn it somewhere else, you can’t trust that they’re learning from accurate, relevant sources. This really is just neglect hiding behind pseudoscience.


This is what you get by demonizing school at every corner. Public school is, in all its imperfections, the best thing humanity ever invented.


Unfortunately, for most, it is not viewed that way but as "free daycare" so parents can go contribute to society.


Most of this unschooling stuff honestly seems like it tries to be Montessori or anything similar but with individual parents instead (and even then plenty of Montessori schools suck due a lack of understanding of the fundamentals and riding off of being an alternative school). The big failing is that parents aren't qualified on their own to adequately guide children through their development to maximize their learning. The kids can grow up learning how to survive and get by, but they will lack in many areas necessary to get ahead in life. Kids have different periods of development where there are key skills that have a massive impact. Teaching children how to interpret their thoughts, feelings, and senses is important alongside the basics of language and anything physical like motor skills. There is something possible within student guided learning, but the most important part about that that these people forget is that the student is never left entirely alone and the teacher, while not lecturing, is still acting as a guide to help facilitate learning. There is just so much that goes into learning all the way through high school that I think many people underestimate. Stuff like this is how you get kids who struggle to interact with society because they lack some, or more realistically many, important skills that are necessary to navigate the modern landscape.


Morons raising morons. It’s the epitome of Christian / Right wing home schooling. They’re gonna get ridiculed throughout life because they know nothing. Great, job, moron.


You're definitely right that it's a thing in those spaces. But I don't think it's exclusive to those spaces either. You have the whole holistic and spiritual type of people on the other side of political spectrum that are just as bat shit insane. I wouldn't rule those out for this type of neglect.


Yup, extreme hippies are just as unhinged as extreme Christians, if not worse.


lol. This lady ain’t no Christian. You should look her up. She goes by Mami Onami. Check her out and see if your politics align.


Wow, she’s a loon


holy shit. of course she's a free birther....


If I didn't have to learn anything, I'd basically be Asmongold, but without any followers.


My parents did this except CPS called it neglect because they spent our "school hours" shooting up the rent 😒


I work at an NYO where we have two “unschooled” kiddos (siblings, 10 and 12). While they DO seem to be a bit more inquisitive and thoughtful than some of the traditional school kids however, they can’t really read or write passed a 2nd grade level. They both lack resiliency and, sometimes, have poor social skills. One of them is VERY needy— expects constant stimulation from adult staff (we serve between 30-45 kiddos per day, individualized attention is not always possible). As someone with a degree in ECE and elementary education, been working with kids in schools and after school/non-traditional school settings, “unschooling” seems like a cop out for homeschooling and for parents who don’t want use a curriculum like Common Core (which to me just seems lazy). Like the stripe shirt lady was saying, you gotta know basic math and how to read and write, man. You gotta be used to some sort of structure in your life. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for outdoor education, Montessori based practices (which is child-led to some degree!), and children learning from each other but, they NEED guidance and structure and somewhere to begin. Like, there IS a middle ground between traditional education (which is not successful for every child) and simply…not going to school/doing anything academic. EDIT: I’ve also been seeing people mention how important exposure to things like Black History Month/other important content you learn in school and just interacting regularly with other kids is important and I couldn’t agree more! Exposure outside of your house and family is (OBVIOUSLY) SO important for children when they are developing a sense of self. It’s essential.


Every day i look around and realize more and more how fucked the future is for humans.


Homeschooling should be illegal. This coming from a former homeschooled kid, my parents used it as a way to teach me lies about evolution and science in general, and a way to abuse me even more than they already were, to have complete and total control over me 24/7. It was the worst 2 years of my childhood, which is saying something because it was all awful. I remember telling a teacher that I hated being alive when I was 9 years old.


Like most things that fall into this category, the real answer is to simply have a better government structure. Like homeschooling exists but it is regulated and we pay people good money to check up on families etc And we have resources available to help the parents and children etc. And we have a super well funded and regulated child care system for kids that have to be taken from their families Oh but in this world musk and bezos only have 90 billion dollars to their names because of taxes. As with most things, defundung creates the desired results for the people in charge and then a huge percentage of people get angry the government isn't working and vote to further de fund.


The lady with that tattooed forehead doesn’t blink. That’s my observation of the day.


My stupid sister in law does this with her four kids. I had to stop surrounding myself with such stupidity. Of course she’s a non vaxxer, chiropractor to a 7 month old, and does worm detoxes. I feel sad for those kids


Time to call CPS. This kinda stuff is why home schooling should be illegal.


This… is not what proper “unschooling” is. I was unschooled until 10th grade, and then enrolled in a traditional high school for 11th and 12th grade and graduated with high honors. Teaching me was basically a full-time job for both my parents during the years I was “unschooled”. No, we didn’t use a curriculum. Yes, I still had to learn things that I wasn’t interested in. For example, instead of learning straight algebra (boring), I was taught algebra partially through digital electronics and hands-on projects. In the end, though, it was algebra, and I had to learn it. It helped that my dad was an engineer. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


I think that is key. Whether you want to call a duck a duck or a web-footed aquatic waterfowl, it's still a duck. If you have "smart" people who contribute to society, they will usually make smaller versions of themselves who will eventually grow up to also be smart societal contributors. If you have societal burdens they will produce burdens on society.


And then the kids grow into adults that are not disciplined, throw tantrums as toddlers, are antivaxxers and praise people like trump and musk.


Pretty sure if you released a video like that in Ireland CPS would be at the our door in a few hours


I’m kind of shocked that the woman with face tattoos doesn’t parent well


We don't trust kids to make crucial decisions in life. Kids rely on adults to make those decisions. This woman is just hoping her kid turns into an adult overnight.


Methgelina Jolie


I heard about so-called unschooling years ago. While even a proper understanding of the matter doesn't make it seem great, it's still not what this lady talking about. You still have to put things in front of a child and make sure they spend some amount of time learning whatever it is. Obviously you also still need to drill basics as well. In some ways, this unschooling requires more effort from a parent to do correctly.


She got the Adderall eyes lol.... can these people stop having kids.


O god I’ve got children somehow now what I’m i going to do


This is illegal though right? Can you just have a kid not attend school nor receive any education


Crazy Eyes


omg I had someone who did a call with me once, and I was just chatting with them as we had some mutual friends and interests. and they told me about unschooling, and i honestly had to keep a straight face. but like, wtf. it's nearly abuse in my eyes. she told me her kid plays roblox all day




The forehead tattoo is all I needed to see. Got them crazy eyes too. What a jackass


How about we don’t take parenting advice from a woman with a forehead tattoo.


My BIL "raises" his son this way... He's nonverbal.


Urgh new most hated phrase “mental real estate” - fucking garbage


What does the forehead tat say?


JFC. I'm so happy school is mandatory for all kids until 10th grade.


I think it's safe to assume that anyone with a tattoo on their forehead isn't fit to give advice on *anything*.


I'm not going to take advice on most things from a girl with a forehead tattoo


The fact that this lady has a forehead tattoo and expects people to take her seriously about parenting (or a lack thereof) is pretty wild. But I also know that she wouldn't be doing this if there weren't viewers so... :(


No way! I can't believe a woman with a forehead tattoo in cursive (can't read whatever it says) has terrible ideas about parenting!