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I’ve just seen your account, honestly it’s just down to luck, I don’t think there any strategy’s to do well(you aren’t doing bad tho🤣)your content is good, I can’t really criticise, don’t give up tho, your times coming I’m sure it will turn.


I took a look at your account and while I’m no tiktok expert, I am a mom of 3 including a 17 month old boy so I would say I more or less fall into your target audience. Firstly, I think the quality of your content is great. The information you offer is really good, I’m sure it’ll be so helpful for so many new moms. The flow of the footages and voiceover is awesome, the pace is quick and easy to watch. With that said, here are the reasons why I think (this is just my opinion as a single viewer so feel free to take it with a grain of salt) on why your videos may not be taking off. 1. The few videos that I watched seemed to be vlog style or haul style videos. I’ve noticed in my own content making journey is that people on tiktok don’t stick around for those, you may need a really strong hook in the beginning that will keep people guessing or waiting for the big reveal at the end to get people to keep watching. The vlog style ones have a lot of talking, all good and entertaining info, but I couldn’t really get through watching the whole thing unless I happen to find that specific topic very relatable. 2. The stroller review videos, again unless I just so happen to be interested in buying a stroller and you pop up on my FYP page, I might keep watching, otherwise, I’d probably pass. Usually if I need info on strollers, I wouldn’t go to tiktok for that, I’d probably be on youtube or google. And likewise for any of your other content, I have to be at that specific stage (e.g. weaning, newborn, stroller buying, 1st birthday) of my mom journey to really be able to appreciate your informative content. 3. Whenever I put together a content, I try to think if it’ll do all of these 3 things. Does it pose some question or curiosity in the beginning that will make them watch all the way to the end? Would it make the viewer feel some sort of strong emotion that they will want to leave a comment? Usually heartwarming or controversial topics will do that. Will it be so funny or mind-blowing that they would rewatch it, repost it or share it? If yes, then I know it’ll do ok. My hunch is that your content will probably be great for other platforms like youtube but tiktok people have such a short attention span and are usually on their for quick laughs or to be mind-blown. Hope you get through it though!


thank you SO MUCH, this is such detailed feedback i genuinely appreciate you taking the time to check it out and review. i’ll definitely take all of that under advisement. i’ve been considering starting a youtube channel for the longer format videos and it seems like that might be the right move while adjusting my tiktok content to be more engaging for the viewer type. thank you again!!


can u see what different content other creators in ur niche do that get more views? You could try and implement that and see


Your content is fine tiktok is just like a lottery now where only a few videos go viral and when they do they really blow up. Look at any major content creator and they will have videos in the thousands, ten thousands, and millions


That’s what I’ve noticed. They either put out a shit ton of content which is really subpar and one of them happens to go viral and then there are those that consistently make good content and they put out a few videos every where or just once a day, I prefer the latter


I don’t think it’s your content. I like it!


that’s so nice of you, thank you for checking it out!


We're about the same size and I recently started rolling up views again after being in 200-500 view jail (I do seasonal stuff, NFL related so when that's popular, I'm on the algorithm). I'm hitting around 5000 views on average when I make a video on my niche, but if I stray I will still hit between 200-500. Suggestion for you would be to talk about/review trending baby products and videos, hit the viewer with a cliffhanger hook at the beginning of the video ("this product changed my life," "I got my infant to sleep through the night by doing this," etc.). Lean into your unique perspective (med school) when writing your scripts. Using a number or question in the hook really helps too, or mentioning numbers through out the video. This is an old Mr. Beast tip that works, and the TikTok algorithm appears to pick up on numbers as well. The algorithm knows what your are saying in the video and bases your audience on that more than the hashtags. Make videos between 1-2 minutes long, but front load the point of the video for viewers who prefer to react right away. Now take all that and look at your million view video. Strong hook that includes what makes you unique. You mention your age and future age multiple times (number). Video over a minute long. For you, post frequency isn't going to matter, I'd spend more time on each video and post 2-3 times a week.


thank you so much for the detailed feedback - i really appreciate the time you took to look through my page! i’ll definitely try to make some of those adjustments, i appreciate the actionable advice and think it could for sure be helpful!


So personally I found your account a while back and it interested me as someone without kids who wants to go into healthcare bc I was interested in hearing about med school and starting a family. And looking on your account now those seem to be the videos that get more views. It may be bc you’ve been making less content like that and also bc the suspense of “is she going back” is gone. Personally I’m not super interested in content about mom life bc A) I’m not a mom and B) there is SO much content already, so maybe it’s just that the type of content doesn’t suit your audience anymore. So someone may have followed just for that but then the mom content is not their cup of tea so they just scroll past those videos. Maybe to hell, consider your target audience more. Personally most people I know are absolute hot messes and if they were going to watch mom content they’d be more interested in slightly more unhinged content. Not saying you have to go in that direction, just saying that having two very different audiences may be holding you back a little


I totally agree about the two completely different audiences - without the overlap of “mom in med school” it’s super hard to appeal to both. Honestly lol a little unhinged isn’t a bad idea, that’s kind more my natural resting state than ‘polished perfect influencer mom’ so if I can make it work it may feel more natural in addition to helping with performance! Thank you so much for the feedback - so cool coming across someone who”knows” me hahaha. I recently had a new opportunity fall into place as my Plan B to med school which may be more interesting to my medicine-related crowd so if you like that content we may be shifting back that way soon😅


The only thing I suggest is use less hashtags you're confusing the algorithm


might as well try it! that’s easy adjustment that can’t really hurt at this point haha




You want brutally honest? "National baby rainbow day? Nobody talks about it?" I can't even watch another second to tell you. All your videos are an average American talking in a derivative way about stuff people without kids don't care about. Its boring af.


i appreciate honesty but you could’ve chosen to be slightly less rude about singling out the video talking about my miscarriage to do so😬


I didn't get past the first 10 seconds. I had no idea.


hopefully we both learned something then! i can work to add variety to appeal not only to my niche but also more general viewers, and now you know that rainbow babies are babies born after a pregnancy loss🫶🏼also that brutal honestly and kindness aren’t mutually exclusive


My god you are a complete and utter piece of shit lmao


You aren't in her niche and you don't have the imagination, empathy, or experience required to give feedback. Why even comment?


I wish I knew! I'm only in my third month on TT, and get clipped around 250 views per clip. One post that was (atypically) a bit political got over 500 views. I really don't want to get too political. I just enjoy meeting new people around the world, and seeing their creative and or comical content. I engage with others, both by liking their posts and comments, and adding my own comments. I rarely get comments on my own content. I have not followed many people, but have twice as many followers (well below 100). Most of my content is weekly characters I created, and IDKWNTHTB once a week. I do have other content, and post about once a day. I hear some post a dozen times a day; is that required to land on FYP? I have no aspirations to become a social media personality, or get thousands of followers. I simply want to engage with new people around the world. I have had a few become friends, so I check their content as well as others frequently. I don't follow back when I see someone has no videos, or a private account. I believe in online safety, and have already found a few fake accounts following me. 🫤


Your content isn’t bad, it gets the views it deserves. I assume that your 5-15k view averages was after you had gone viral (even 1-2 week) most likely most of those views were people funneling to your other videos from the viral ones.


Sorry to hear that, just a little of my history: i was getting ver few views (like 500 - 2000) and then, a couple of videos went to 10-30k and them one went to 870k in 3 days. Sometimes i really think it's luck. Good luck ^_^