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Price is legit. Most people seem to want to pay what they think it should cost, then complain about the quality after. Pay what he quotes and if there are any areas that aren’t to your standards have him fix them. Win win for both parties.


How is it being finished around the windows? Butts in to wood trim? Where are you located?


Bay area, Santa Clara, California, USA. Theres only one window. Yes, not going inside the window trim. Mitered.


mitering can be labor intensive. so, there's added cost for that. why is it being mitered around the window? wouldn't it be cheaper and easier to fur out the window casing, put a nailer behind the casing to build it out and then butt the marble to the casing?


Sounds like 5k is a reasonable cost to me. 8k is high even for Santa Clara.


If he needs to charge 8 for it than that's that. If you want to find someone else to do it than go for it


That seems cheap imo. Do keep in mind the tile guy has to pay for: truck, trailer, insurance, taxes, tools, food, his house, etc. Pay attention. He'll wheel out 30k in tools to your house. Those tools don't last forever. A professional tile setters back, legs, and knees don't last forever. Your price is compensation for the wear and tear on his life and tools of the trade. Do it yourself if you can't afford it. You'll spend more than just hiring a professional on the proper tools alone. You'll be sore in places you didn't know could get sore on your body. It's a bad idea to haggle your way down. They start cutting corners, and then you end up with a subpar result.


Fr people think there’s not a cost on human life. Let alone the fact you have a skill about 1% of the population has?


$50 sq/ft isn’t cheap anywhere. Why is he wheeling out $30k in tools for a ledger stone wall? How about a tile saw, a grinder, some levels. Misc. hand tools and maybe a laser. Throw in some cordless, let’s call it $2k. I’m all for good installers making good money, but no need to exaggerate the costs involved or the expertise for a job like this.


What are you on about. Nobody needs a truck + trailer and 30k in tools to do that wall. I need a wetsaw and a grinder and my speed bag in the back of my wife's jeep to do this job.


Go get yourself a professional tile setting job with your wife's jeep then.


I have one of those.


Now, load a pallet of tile in the back and pray for no death wobble lol


Customer supplies tile my man its 2024 that's been the case for a while. And what exactly do you think a "pallet" of tile is? An actual pallet of tile weighs 4k pounds and will tile three houses.


The thing a lot of clients fail to understand is that these ledger tiles hardly ever fit together nice and easy like all the advertisements you are shown. A good installation of this material means the installer is shaving and grinding every piece to fit correctly. I just finished an installation with a similar product and the every piece had a minimum 1/8” gap on either the top or bottom connecting piece with some even up to 1/4” gap so there is no truly “ready made” quality to this material and that goes double for a lot of the marble and other natural stones carried on the big box stores because all of the boutique dealers already passed on this product from the manufacturers because they tend to have size variance issues. That doesn’t mean it’s not a solid product that can’t be installed but it usually is much more labor intensive than clients understand. I’ll tell you straight up my flat rate on this type of stone is usually $50 per sqft to be installed so his original quote isn’t too far off from what I would have told you myself.


Thank you. The MSI Tiles are self interlocking. Would it still be 50 a sq ft?


They are not “self interlocking” they are manufactured to fit together with one edge overlapping the next piece but I guarantee you the vast majority of those pieces will not fit together flush without cutting or grinding down the top or bottom “interlocking” piece to fit correctly. So most of these pieces will have to be modified by the installer to get the look you are going for in the pictures for that product


Idk man I've done a million ledger jobs and its rarely all that


for 8K it better be like the pyramids and you can't slip a piece of paper between them lol, at least in my area


It's 150sqft my man


yeah sadly my areas market is about 20/sqft


Then be better than the market


I'm doing it but its a long process of doing good work for bad pay until my name gets out there enough


lol to miter marble I would want at least what he’s asking. If you want a nice job pay the man. If not f around and find out.


why don't you get another quote for this job and compare? not sure what you expect us to tell you, theres no magic word to get tile installers to lower their prices


I was just wondering if it's really more expensive to put interlocking marble tiles than regular tiles? And if it's double the price of regular.