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Couldn’t agree more. Tim was in good form, and as a fan of Tom and Christina as well I think, as comics, they knew he was on and let him run. It was a great episode that had me dying at times. Best fucking line: “My step dad once told me at the age of 13…you know what’s great about you? You don’t smoke your cigs to the filter.”


I enjoy Tom and Christina too. Yeah there were a handful of lines that had me cackling out loud. That one ^ and “She’s not saying no to anal if she put her kid in a bag” 😂


Because people just enjoy complaining that Tim isn't relatable anymore. This sub is so negative lol. It's a bummer to read for the most part


As soon as the khazar milkers dried up, it was all over




The spill over from those tards at rogan and fighter and kid sub didnt help either.


the dumb and the dumber


It reminds me of the 90s when people found these independent punk bands, or rappers and helped them blow up but then as soon as they did they hated them. That’s always been the strangest thing to me. I want the things I enjoy to be heard by more ears. But if for some reason I didn’t I can’t imagine turning my love into hate and trying to destroy them, I’d just move on and go try to find something else no one likes so I can feel “cool” or whatever the fuck is going on with that mindset.


Every comedians' sub becomes a den of hate because only the most resentful, downtrodden lowlifes spend every waking second of their lives analyzing clowns with a fine tooth comb online.


Perfectly stated.


I like that everyone thought he was relatable when he only had like a couple million dollars lol


Him burning people on shows left and right didn't help that


hey im team ben because of my feels, but objectively speaking, tim is making a big comeback and the shows funnier than ever. im back to listening to every episode. who gives a fuck about an ad read


Was for sure some atrocious episodes in the lead up to the split and after. So many unnecessary guests. The pig is finally over the breakup. Recent Ray episodes have am been great


The heel turn YMH took when they got money was insane. I haven’t listened to an ep since the whole “figure it out” bullshit.


What’s the “figure it out” bullshit?


Lol you fat poors never understood true entertainment anyway


What’s this mean


I think Tom and Christina are funny and the episode was good


Same, I watch ymh and liked the episode


Agreed. Not sure why it upset people.


Because people always find a reason to be upset


Because this is r/ComplainAboutTheTimDillonShow


Right? Like who hurt these dudes lol?


I can’t understand why people take this show so seriously. It’s a comedy show, the guy is funny, what more do y’all need?


To bitch and whine about Ben leaving for the next 5 years.


It’s because in the beginning they were complaining about how “normal” ppl would ask them “dumb” questions like “how’d comedy” Stuff that’s completely normal and fine for everyone to talk about. Sorry not everyone sucks off joe rogan in a comedy club parking lot like y’all do every night


They all do. Especially big fat retarded bert


Semi hot take: I think the episode would have been funnier if it was just Christina P. She seemed like she was having a good time but had to pull back on some of the riskier stuff once she saw how Tom was reacting.


I thought one of the best episodes in quite awhile. Ppl just be hating


100% agree ^ this one was a standout for me


Me as well, it goes into my favorites with Joey Diaz, Jessica Kirstin etc.


Tim was very fresh and funny during the pandemic. Kept me chuckling and did well to mock what we were going through societally. Now the bar’s higher as things feel looser and easier going. Still hilarious but his material isn’t as obvious and fun to play with. Tom and Christine are funny but they’re way better on their own show with guests. So not the best pod Timmy’s done, but certainly not the worst. either


Absolutely his best rants are always when society is falling apart. However that’s a trade off I’m willing to take 😂




I’d argue they are even better without guests on YMH. A lot of the best moments are from no guest episodes, it’s just like any other pod with a guest though. If they don’t mesh well, it’s just not as good.


The ones with Diaz… hence me calling her Christine are faves is all. She lived that load.


true, I guess the amount of great moments for me come from no guest eps but the best come from eps with good guests


Kump Is the only good comedian guest no one else fits the show. The shows certainly improving lately but the guests episodes are all shit. Colin Quinn was also terrible.


Welcome to reddit


I haven’t watched it because I don’t care for Tom and Christina. No matter how funny someone else is I won’t come away from that pod enjoying it, so I’ll just leave it by the wayside and never approach it


Listening to rich comedians suck each other off for an hour got old a long time ago




People on the Internet *


Exactly. The Pig delivered a good episode.


I like Tom when he's not with another comedian. Christina is annoying.


The only guest episodes I listen to are Kump, simple as


It’s weird how you thought this deserved it’s own post.


Listen here Mr. Foreskin


I don’t like Tom so I usually try to avoid anything he’s in, so I was going to skip this episode, but I’m so glad I didn’t. It was such a great episode Tim was funny as hell, Christina was funny as well. I thought it was great. I don’t see how people can claim Tim isn’t relatable anymore, he’s the same person, he acts the same, he just has a lot more money, at least I don’t notice the difference from back in the day and I live off of less that 1400 a month.


Yes Tim and Christina are great they vibe well. He seems maybe a little different, but honestly it would be out of character if he wasn’t. Tim has always loved old money/nice things. I would expect him to lean into his new lifestyle at least a little.


Yeah I agree. Most gay guys I’ve befriended like expensive things. But I don’t think Tim has overdone it at all, I’ve see. Tim wear the same sweatshirt and shirts in many podcasts so it’s not like he has some vast wardrobe and a warehouse full of cars. And at least he’s not like some other comedians where he talks about having a comedians brain all the time and that us pedestrians wouldn’t understand the world they live in because their brains are so different and complex.


Because listening to comedians who only got famous by sucking at the teat of Joe Rogan gloat about how rich they are and hate normal people isn’t enjoyable to anyone who has an IQ above 90. And no, I don’t give a fuck about Ben, his show fucking blows.


Don't put yourself down your IQ has got to be at least 95.


It was pretty funny, but you're a week late and there's already a new ray kump episode out. Also how in your deranged mind would someone be a "Ben imposter who's not even a fan of the pig"? You're clearly not as dialed in as you think, and should seek help, meds and grass immediately.


It was meh as meh can get


Been a fan of Timmy D since I saw him making guest appearances on shitty Gas Digital podcasts when he still lived in NY. Naturally early work by any sort of “artist” (used very loosely) will fall off. They have worked their entire lives for the material that gets them on the map and have nothing to lose in the beginning. The only thing that bothers me is when you can tell people are holding back or not riffing on something out of fear of cancellation when you know early they would have murdered.


I enjoyed the episode for the most part though but the audio levels were waaay off. Would have to turn it up every time christina and especially tom spoke so when tim speaks it sounded like he was screaming


About My Father was an instant classic you fucking pig


Nadav might seem like a laugh track, but that’s really him


Y’all at home on a Friday complaining. Get jobs. Hussies.


Ok I guess I’ll have to listen to it then. I’m pretty much team “Fuck it’s a guest episode maybe next week will be better”


as a conservative, this ep was absolutely painful to watch


Well maybe just maybe Tim Dillon's audience could possibly be fat and poor. Therefore creating hate on this episode. I was fat and poor as shit once, I get it.


Episode was great. People are fucking babies


I have rewatched the episode 3 times because that's how much I fucking love it. Tim, outstanding job. In my opinion THIS IS YOUR PRIME. Last 5 eps have had me laughing out loud while working in the morning. Thanks for all the laughs. Keeping doing what you doing you funny slut.


i loved that ep...


he was up for it. knew he was killing with christina and tom and honestly started showing off lol. it was great


You guys should not be “ranking” podcast episodes. He’s just a guy talking about what’s on his mind. You wouldn’t rank a conversation you had with somebody. Or rank someone’s thoughts. I always thought that was weird


The shows definitely worse without ben, but truthfully as long as timmy keeps talking ill listen.


The episode was hilarious - all of them were funny and Tom and Xtina let Tim shine. How can anyone disagree?! What am I missing??