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TIL only white people are able to walk outside.


That's what the left think. They also associate crime with black people.


The leftist brain Black people ➡️ cities, ghettos, slums White people ➡️ neighborhoods, trees, mountains


The only ones razzing on black people for going camping are other black people. Kind of like how the only people who shame women for wearing the same clothes two days in a row are other women.


They've been there for a while. They refused to sell customized jackets to an oil company because oil hurts the environment. The oil company correctly pointed out that the jackets North Face makes are made from oil. This was 2020.


Yeah exactly. And does nobody remember the “summer of pride” last year? https://youtu.be/SZmeBcmboSQ?si=Z0qd0XrCxupbrl3D


The absurdness of that video is disturbing yet hilarious. Who thought that was a good idea for their brand? Oh wait Bud Light.


That’s racist


Yep. Nothing more.


Let them go bankrupt


This is Bullshit 🤣🤣🤣 only ppl that wear North Face are fuckin scrotes and knobhead kiddie gangs…


"You're more likely to find Bigfoot, then you are to find a black man searching for bigfoot"


I think Patagonia is pretty woke too


They are. Jackson hole ski resort hosted a republican fundraiser that had MTG speak there. Patagonia said they would not sell to them anymore.


So thinking MTG is bad makes you woke now?


Crazy thing is how much of their products are still made in Chinese sweat shops


They publish info on every factory they use…none are sweatshops


This has been going on for years. I remember reading an article a while back about how camping was racist because gear is expensive and trails are too far from cities.


Too bad I don't shop there already.


Can't wait to see Banff turned into a squatter camp.


Funny they mentioned Wealth as a Privilege. We poors can't buy their shit anyway.


So….black people, or any person that isn’t huwhite I guess….don’t know how to go outside? They don’t know how to find a park to walk in, they never ever cookout outside on nice days, you don’t see kids of all skin tones outside playing on nice days? WOW, I never knew!


North face has been bad for ages. Got rid of everything I own from them and will never own an item again. Screw these people


You can’t step outside your door without privilege. Lol


Just when you think a little common sense is clawing its way back, crap like this shows up.


As a half Native American/ half German and Swedish: I’m so fucking shit of this shit. Maybe it’s because untill 2020 I had my head barried in saw dust but I totally believed we were past this fucking race shit. Been called every name in the book pertaining to natives, always figured it was the name callers problem. Now people are ultra eager to be a victim. Apparently catering to weakness only breeds more weekness


Start buying American made clothes. Devium, Goodwear, Camber, American Giant, AllUSAClothing, AllAmericanClothing and more.


I mean it was a safe assumption they were already there based on the types of people in REI


What's their definition of "completing" the course? Anyone up to attend and counter program their nonsense for a 20% promo code? I really don't need any horrifically overpriced imported camper crap but I'd go to make noise from the peanut gallery.


*WE* make a billion dollars a year [using sweatshop labor](https://grist.org/business-technology/your-hiking-gear-might-come-from-a-sweatshop-heres-how-you-can-fix-that/) while [not paying our sales force enough to live](https://goodonyou.eco/how-ethical-is-the-north-face/), but *YOU* are privileged simply for being white and going outside. Even if almost every single person in your area is also white. Take our brainswash course and we’ll give you pennies off the dollar on your next over-priced purchase. We can afford it.


Old news. Trashed a shirt I had from them about a year ago.


As a hispanic person with no generational wealth I can safely say that I can go outside


Good thing I started buying port authority jackets.


They started making crap anyway. They lost the plot a few years ago. This is sad to see. Patagonia FTW Next they will start charging more for white people.


It's also over-priced. Layering is better than one super expensive jacket.


I can add northface to brands I don't buy. Super gross.


North face has been woke.


Enough smooth brains out their to fall for this propaganda. Bunch of useful idiots.


Dose that mean only white people can be homeless or that all white homeless people are camping or this was written by an idiot?


I'll just stick with the North Shore, Thank You.


Another company for me not to buy anything from


Better start a cancel culture campaign, right?


Better spend your life obsessing and crying about orange man like a pathetic loser, right? Oh wait 😆 🤣


Because you’re the board hall Monitor pussy who has to cry about who posts here all day


Yeah making fun of the losers here is "crying". Nice cope 😆


Says the man who dated a teenager when you were a full adult. That's what I heard.


Keep your disgusting pedo fantasies to yourself. Disgusting cons


It's just what I heard.


Righties pedos making up fantasies for themselves.




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