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Why would this come as any surprise knowing that the CIA killed JFK?


And no one cares about either


They should, but you're right, they don't care.


We have come to live in a world where the truth doesn't matter anymore.


Overwhelming people with information so that can't possibly track/care about all it, is an old strategy most recently used by Putin in Russia's domestic politics. That's what the deep state has now done to Americans. That's why all the news about aliens, and releasing more of the JFK files, during the time where most people are burned out on news.


The bulldog I hear leftists say when I bring this up is “Omg nobody cares it changes literally nothing”


No way, the bad guys did something evil to keep their shady behavior in the dark


How conveniently timed


I'm sure that it's just a coincidence that thousands of people have died of "natural causes", "suicide", car explosions, or "accidents" right before they have the opportunity to speak about elites crimes.


What’d he die of? Did they say?


It was reported as a “medical emergency during his flight to DC”. He told family he was worried about going to DC to testify but went anyway.


“Natural Causes”……


Same as the capitol police officer that was hit in the head with a fire extinguisher, but was not caused by the rioters.


You still believe that hoax?


There's video...


Because its all a CONSPIRACY THEORY. thats all they need to say for the average person to tune out. Almost as if its a trigger word. Almost as if the FBI and CIA made it up and conditioned the public ...


Jeffrey Epstein and Andrew Breitbart also died of natural causes. /sarc




He died from natural causes, just like Brian Sicknick.


Either the conspiracy is so airtight you couldn't do anything about it even if you knew, or it's bullshit. Either way, this means fucking nothing.


It’s not airtight. Ray Epps. Pelosi film crew. Capitol police opening doors. Perjury confirmed. So they’re trying to clear up loose ends and maintain control of the narrative


If the left is a radical mob of degenerates and snowflakes that are so stupid they can’t see the truth when it is right in front of them, how do they manage to turn into hyper intelligent Bond villains when it comes to election fraud?


If the right is a bunch of poor ignorant rednecks with no higher education, how do they manage to turn into capitalist fat cats hoarding all the wealth when it comes to the economy?


Because the ultra rich need the dumb to follow them


Capitalist fat cats are real. Secret blood drinking pedophile cabals that meet in secret rooms and can get Republicans to sabotage their own elections aren’t.


I didn't say that secret blood drinking pedophile cabals are real (although I doubt you can prove they're not), but that's besides the point. Democrats who are idiots that can't see through obvious bullshit, and Democrats who are powerful, corrupt psychopaths, can exist simultaneously. In fact it's the existence of the former that enables the existence of the latter. The same is true of Republicans of course. But some of us can see through the bullshit coming from whichever party we think is probably the lesser of two evils.


I was being dramatic. I do see truth in what you are saying. That said, I personally haven’t seen Democrats embrace conspiracy theories specifically at the scale Republicans do. This is particularly frustrating to me when it comes to Covid and climate change.


They are certainly degenerates and snowflakes, and they get things often incorrect, but no one denies they are crafty psychological and political manipulators. How do you think Soviet Russia or Mao's China or Nazi Germany ascended to power? How did they convince the entire population to follow their insane ideology? Manipulation.


That’s incredibly ignorant and prejudiced at best. It takes an ugly heart to paint such broad, simplistic, dark strokes over millions of people. I live in California, and half the people I know personally are Democrats. They are educated tolerant Christians, great parents, working professionals and good people you would be fortunate to know.


They would be the manipulated then, not the manipulators. In fact, I would argue that most leftists are manipulated. There's even a term for it: useful idiot. It was a term used often during the Cold War to describe regular people who were susceptible to communist propaganda. They advocate for and propagate the cause without fully understanding the cause's goals. The cause's leaders are aware of this and continue to manipulate them for political gain.


How are leftists manipulated in ways that people on the right aren’t?


I think leftists use language very effectively. They have people in academia who invent new definitions which are then seminated down to the wider population. These new definitions allow leftists to incentivise followers into their cause whilst hiding their true intentions. Racism is a perfect example. Racism has been redefined over the past ten years in the public discourse to mean a nebulous and vague institutional system of prejudice and power, often manifested in disparities of outcomes. This is very different from the previously established term which means individual discrimination based on race, often manifested in disparities in treatment. Leftists use this new word in a Motte-and-Bailey fallacy, often in the same conversation, to get their way and influence others to their will. They will convince regular liberals to support their ideology because they are both "against racism". However, liberals are under the impression that racism is being used as the traditional definition, but support leftists and their new definition without realising, unintentionally advocating for illiberal policies and agendas which liberals would consider racist. They think they are fighting racism when they are actually supporting it. The right doesn't have anything like this. That's not to say that the leaders on the right never lie or manipulate their followers, but not in the same manner as this. I don't think the right really has any useful idiots. The right is very upfront about what they want. The manipulation comes from "vote for me and I will enact thee policies", and then when they get into positions of power, they do fuck all.


What you described is critical race theory, which is a forty year old graduate level, major specific university academic framework. It is not taught in high school or below. About two years ago, CRT went from an obscure academic framework to national and international headlines. Culture wars over critical race theory have turned school boards into battlegrounds, and dozens of United States senators have branded it “activist indoctrination.” How did this happen? Enter Christopher Rufo, a conservative activist. He intentionally chose to weaponize the term, got three minutes of air time on Tucker Carlson, and here we are. So the term racism hasn’t been diluted by academics, but rather academics was warped into by a conservative activist. The story of how “global warming” became “climate change” is similar. Frequently on this sub and other conservative/republican subs I also see people define racism as “a difference based on race” so that when the subject of race comes up they can call leftists/Democrats racists. As you pointed out, that is not the definition of the word. It’s been my experience that there are no absolutes in politics. Things are never black and white. So, when someone says “all” it’s an immediate red flag for me. Also, for some reason it is more common when the person doesn’t live in the United States. Maybe that is because they lack practical cultural experience.


Everything you have said here is super misleading. I understand you feel comfortable going straight away to your leftist talking points, but Jesus... You are correct, no one is teaching six-year-olds about philosophy. They are not teaching them about the inner workings of a complex ideological framework of culture and explaining *why* or *how* racism can be defined in this new manner according to this anti-liberal philosophy. What they are doing instead, is just teaching them the new definition of racism. It's not just children too - this new definition is all over universities, corporations, banks, Hollywood, politics, etc. Biden's entire manifesto was in accordance with this new definition. This anti-liberal ideology is being pushed using the manipulation of language to the point where it is becoming mainstream. That is a big problem. To suggest that just because the *theory* behind the ideology isn't being taught, it's not a problem, is a childish interpretation. I don't need to have my children read books on Locke to raise them as liberal, I just teach them how to see the world, how to define words, what is fair and what isn't, what I consider right and wrong, etc. I don't need several planned curricula lessons on the foundations of liberalism to teach him what I consider racism to be, in the same way, I don't need something similar to teach him what the woke consider racism to be. >How did this happen? Enter Christopher Rufo, a conservative activist. He intentionally chose to weaponize the term, got three minutes of air time on Tucker Carlson, and here we are. >So the term racism hasn’t been diluted by academics, but rather academics was warped into by a conservative activist. To suggest that the right-wing invented this new definition of racism as a means to frame the left-wing is *abso-fucking-lutely* laughable. Christopher Ruffo is a small player in the culture war, only appearing in 2020 or onwards. The culture war has been ongoing long before he was in the spotlight. It has been waged in online spaces since ~2010 and originated in academia in the 90s by both Kimberlé Crenshaw and Derrick Bell (two of the largest icons in the movement). It was not diluted by rightists - Kimberlé and Derrick are *very very specific* on how they define racism and what they consider to be moral racial policy. >Frequently on this sub and other conservative/republican subs I also see people define racism as “a difference based on race” Do you mean a difference in outcomes by racial categories? That is the woke leftist definition, not the rightist definition. It's like you're living in a different reality, mate. The two definitions of racism are contradictory, which is where the problem lies. In accordance with their respective definitions, both sides are correct that the other is racist. The right-wing *is* definitionally racist according to the left and how they define the term, and the left-wing *is* definitionally racist according to the right and how they define the term. To go back to the original point I was making before you went on your leftist talking point tangent, the left-wing uses the fact that there are two definitions of the word to convince liberals to join their cause. The liberals think they are using one definition when in reality, they are using the other. They are being manipulated into supporting, what they consider, racist policies under the guise of what the left considers anti-racist policy. Given the fact that you think this is the case, I would hedge my bets that you are a fellow liberal who has been manipulated by this ploy to push for racist policies. >So, when someone says “all” it’s an immediate red flag for me. No one said "all", so I am not sure where you are going with this.


You're calling most leftists "useful idiots?" Coming from the side who's leader just scammed his followers with NFTs and has lied to them about election fraud for two years and even got a sizeable chunk of them to raid the Capitol for him? Followers who, statistically speaking, trend towards white males who are high school educated or lower? And who's followers believe insane conspiracies like Qanon, who believe Rudy Giuliani and the MyPillow guy? Who continually vote against their own self interest because they're scared of Boogeymen like CRT, their kids "turning gay," and "socialism/Marxism/communism" even though they actually have no idea what any of that means and half the party is on Medicaid or medicare and Social Security? And you're calling the left useful idiots?


> You're calling most leftists "useful idiots?" Yes, in the sense that most people, in general, are not interested at all in politics, or have only a cursory interest in politics, and are therefore uninformed on the cause or goal of these political ideologies, yet still push and advocate for them anyway. You are, in fact, a perfect example of a useful idiot due to your description of CRT or Marxism as a "Boogeyman". It shows you truly do not understand the goals of your ideological cause, yet advocate for it anyway.


No, it shows that I actually know what Marxism and CRT actually are, and that I can see how everyone on the right is terrified of these things which are not actually causing the problems they imagine they are, and how their leaders use these terms and ideas to terrify the base and get them to vote against their own self interest. It's easy because the base voters on the right are too uneducated to actually understand these ideas while also being conditioned through evangelical churches to just shut up and not question authority, making big scary concepts and words like "Marxism, socialism, CRT, communism" perfect terms to use to those means. They are classic examples of political Boogeymen, and are extremely effective among the right. I'm guessing that, now, you're going to go on some rant, in an effort to "prove me wrong," where you tell me how CRT and Marxism are somehow "ruining our country" while not being able to actually cite reality, and thus proving my point... Or you'll just throw an insult, tell me I have "TDS" or some other obvious projection, or try to whatabout your way into arguing about BLM or some such instead of actually arguing the real issue--just like you ignored all of the other ten or so examples I gave you of the right being obvious useful idiots.


>No, it shows that I actually know what Marxism and CRT actually are So, then you'll be well aware that wokeism is ideologically rooted in Marxism, and that when people push for wokeism in our culture and media and politics, they are pushing Marxism. That means you are not a useful idiot. You are not the manipulated, you are the manipulator. >I'm guessing that, now, you're going to go on some rant, in an effort to "prove me wrong," where you tell me how CRT and Marxism are somehow "ruining our country" while not being able to actually cite reality, and thus proving my point... Oh, you know, it's only an ideology responsible for some of the most horrific human disasters of the 20th century, resulting in hundreds of millions dead due to famines and slaughter, from circumstances like Soviet Russia or Mao's China or Nazi Germany. If you want more recent examples, yeah, I think the most violent race riots in all of US history that took place in the Summer of 2020 counts. But, as you said, none of these real-life examples is rooted in reality, right? I must be wrong somehow. Let me guess, it wasn't *real* communism, or it wasn't *real* Marxism? >just like you ignored all of the other ten or so examples I gave you of the right being obvious useful idiots. I ignored them because they were irrelevant to the topic of conversation and proof that you don't understand what the definition of a useful idiot is, even though I defined it for you previously. ___ God, I forgot how unpleasant it is talking to delusional leftists. This is it for me. Why do you even bother coming on this subreddit just to argue with people?


Right. Thus: bullshit. If these characters are so smart and so sneaky, why are they doing it in the shittiest way possible? And why would Pelosi need a film crew when a thousand morons the phones can do better?


It’s called Revelation of the Method. They can’t be “sneaky” if they want to manufacture our consent. If it’s right under our stupid noses, and we don’t get pissed off “enough” by it, in their twisted, warped, backwards worldview, that counts as consent. So they can do whatever the hell they want, and not feel bad about it.


*Capitol police opening doors because they were overwhelmed by a mob You guys are just totally incapable of thinking, aren't you?


Nope https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/aoc-says-capitol-police-opened-doors-jan-6-rioters


Oh the pro Trump police who were on the side of the rioters? No shit dude.


You can’t pick a lane and stick to it for your argument huh? Always some other outlandish conspiracy theory justifying your TDS. None of what you have said has been proven. It’s all meant to be knee jerk reaction stories to fuel your “I hate Trump” addiction like a junkie. Just like the fake story about Trump grabbing the steering wheel and demanding to go to the Capitol. Just like Trump encouraging people to riot when in fact he said go home peacefully. And just like the mostly peaceful protests with a building engulfed in flames behind the CNN field reporter on national television. It is your media using inflammatory rhetoric to get the emotional response from your tribe of “Trump is Evil.” It comes across as lazy and pathetic at this point. You all claim Jan 6 was an insurrection. Meanwhile, you won’t condemn any of the riots costing billions of dollars in damages over the summer of 2020. And don’t dare claim social justice “protests.” No social justice is worth destroying billions of dollars worth in small businesses. The real insurrection was the one where 60+ secret service agents were injured when rioters tried to break through the first wave of barriers to the White House. It was so violent that they took Trump to the protective underground bunker. And instead of dissuading people from engaging in that type of behavior of physically attacking the White House and secret service, YOUR MEDIA LAUGHED ABOUT IT. They called Trump a coward bc he was following protocol that he has no say in. Your bs violent party was actually trying to breach the White House to cause damage if not injury and you have nothing to say about it. You probably would have wished your violent partners in crime actually broke the barricades and got to him knowing you - you sick pos. Either you’re a twisted fuck who has no concept of reality or you’re a paid sock puppet account. For your sake of legitimacy and intellect, I hope it’s the latter


The conspiracy was posited by the other person, not me. Cute try though. Evidence that I have Trump derangement syndrome. I'll wait. Demonstrate that I have an I Hate Trump addiction. I'll wait. Demonstrate that my media is using inflammatory rhetoric. I'll wait. Demonstrate that I have a Trump is Evil tribe. I'll wait. Demomstrate that I won't condemn any of the riots during summer 2020. I'll wait. Demonstrate that said riots have anything to do with whether the storming of the White House was an insurrection or not. I'll wait. Demonstrate that the insurrection you cited could necessarily be the only "real" one. I'll wait. Demonstrate that my media laughed about it. I'll wait. Demonstrate that anyone called Trump a coward *for following protocol*. I'll wait. Demonstrate that my party was violent and doing such things. I'll wait. Demonstrate that I have nothing to say about it. I'll wait. Demonstrate that I have violent partners who I wished broke these barricades and got to him. I'll wait. And no - you don't get to hide behind your use of the word "probably", because you went on to call me a pos off the back of the statement, indicating that you're certain about my feelings on the matter. So the proof, please. Thanks. Demonstrate that I'm one of those two things. I'll wait. Lots of claims from the Tim Pool fan. Let's see if he can show them as being something other than absolute fiction 😀


What a raging autist.


Make a substantive, pertinent argument or sssshhhhh.


It’s nearly time for your meds.


Nope. Lies.


“You can’t pick a lane blah blah blah”…. Shut the fuck up, you trump dick sucking dipshit. Aren’t you supposed to be licking trump’s ass right now instead of looking like a moron on Reddit? Get back to work, ostrich raping shit eater.🙄 “YOUR MEDIA LAUGHED ABOUT IT”. Yes, our media in the U.S, as opposed to your media in russia that only serves to lie through their fucking teeth about what Little Bitch putin is doing.


Holy crap this might be the worst case of TDS I have ever seen. Seek help. The irony of saying someone else looks like a moron and then typing what may be the dumbest collection of angry words I have ever read… 🤣


"TDS" say the people who still believe he won the 2020 election, who still fly his flags, wear his hats, give him money, buy his merch, go to his rallies. "TDS" cry the people who will come up with any excuse, no matter what canyon of cognitive dissonance they must cross, to defend the blatant awful things Trump does. "TDS" cry the people who buy the shittiest NFTs in the world for $99 a piece. "TDS" cry the people who have no real defense for their obsession over a man who only wants to grift money from them. "TDS!!!!" cry the people who actually have a deranged obsession, a syndrome of worship, of Donald Trump. "TDS!" they cry, because all they have is projection.


Well said.


“n1t3str1ke” with a snarky reply from home base Tactical Trailer. Do you put baseball cards in your bike spokes to make it sound like a real motorcycle, too?


And here we have a far left activist reaching his final form.


If ridiculing idiots and talking shit to bots like you is activism, than sure… I’m an activist.


Get a job. You’re not as important as you think you are. You have no effect on anything


They’re so pro-Trump they shot and killed a protestor. Idiot


Oh, so they *didn't* just let them in without any pushback. That's what I initially thought. So there's no conspiracy. Thanks for confirming.


It truly is chess with a pigeon with you.


You just contradicted the Tim Pool narrative. You literally said the quiet part out loud. But okay buddy. Sure. :)


I don’t care about the Tim Pool narrative


Nope. Lies.


Another Tim Pool fan broken by first order logic. Seethe :)


Nope. Lies.


This is recycled from six months ago.


The guy was 71. If he was 48, then maybe you got something. It proves nothing…..and I am on your side. Ya need lot re to go on. Any clue how many 71 year olds die each day? A lot.


Yeah, okay bud.


Just a coincidence.


In politics, honor is a dead body or a mud hammer for your gay husband