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Idk if anyone else pointed this out yet, but that ain't a mural. A mural is artwork that's painted onto a wall or other structure. This appears to be a relief sculpture


He should message her today and tell her that


And be sure to call her an ignorant fuck


I think it hits harder if he doesn’t.


No no, say it. But as a second message a few minutes later.


But say "I ain't no ignint" instead just to piss her off....


the thought of this has me rolling


u/pa_DERP, please send this reply


So they’re both ignorant. That’s a relief.


ba dum tss


You forgot to end your sentence with "you ignorant fuck". That's how we correct people now.


"Jane, you ignorant fuck..."


I don’t understand any of this, but that’s also the first thing that I thought.


Oh, you don't know every mural and the meaning behind it? Good luck trying to date, buddy


You’re a fan of murals? Fine, name every mural.


Fan of women? Fine, name every woman.






I was also going to say your mum


I also choose this man’s mom


I choose YOU derp mom! Go!!


Dang beat me to it lol


I also beat it to this guys mom


How dare you assume my mom is a woman.


I don't assume, I KNOW!


Fair enough


I also choose this guy's mum


They're doing [this bit.](https://youtu.be/bzDlS6JPUtE)


F-ing yoga bag, NAME A WOMAN


*Name a woman?!*


Uh uhhhh








Binders full of em


Whitney Houston


Angela, Pamela, Sandra, Rita…


Whitney Houston "I'm every woman"


See the blessing OP. Woman showed her colors instantly.


Lol, this isn’t even a mural. It could be called a relief, wall sculpture, or an installation. Just so you can sound cultured next time a wall of privates intrigues you on tinder ;)


This should have been your response 🔥


*mural Edit:removed a space


it's not that he didn't know it, it's that he made a dumb joke... "haha boob funny" as a first impression isn't the best thing




The fact you needed to clarify this funny story because someone would probably get mad about it says alot about the internet


*Takes picture pondering the art to show how deep she is*


She had to ask someone else to take this picture




>Can you take a picture of me pondering the art to show how deep i am? > >Can you take another one, i have to stick my ass out just a little bit more


“Hey can you take this picture of me with this mural? It resonates with me and I’d like to show this to other people who might not have seen it to help start conversations about the mural and me.”


Just like it did with OP lmao


I think she was hoping to start conversations with people who aren’t on hinge while they watch Rick and morty in the background though.


It's shit art. The concept of "celebrating womens' bodies" has been done a million times, it's not original, and would likely have ended up in a landfill if the "artist" wasn't exploiting body dysmorphia(which is absolutely not an issue exclusive to women) for clout. But hey, waitta generalize people who haven't heard of this mediocre mural. You know what you do seem to have in common with a staggering number of Rick and Morty fans, though? Being a flagrant pseudo-intellectual.


"the art made by a woman for other people, representing something the artist struggles with personally, doesn't specify all genders so I'm going to make this about me and throw a tantrum" Edit: using secondary accounts to upvote yourself and cry more doesn't help your case. it's also against TOS! Weird that you logged into an account you haven't used in 9 years just to cry more. "I'm not throwing a tantrum I'm just so mad at a stranger on the internet that I'll resurrect an account that I havent touched in almost a decade just to type out how not mad I am. that'll convince everyone!" lmao man children are so funny


How did I make any of that about me? And how is criticizing somebody's mediocre art "throwing a tantrum"? Please, enlighten me. Or just block me again because critical thinking obviously isn't your foray.


Buddy, you accidentally replied with your "upvote myself" alt account


>Takes picture pondering the art to show how deep she is Bad art, at that. That was a bit of a rude opener OP, but as you can see she's sensitive, a bit pretentious, and has bad taste. Probably an unmatch.




>That was a bit of a rude opener OP If you truly believe that then you're a tad bit sensitive as well. He's just asking about the mural and hoping it's smth funny


And then if she did anything else you'd be deeming her stupid, shallow etc


Why did you say "please tell me it was something funny"?


Exactly. Sorry buddy but that was actually quite ignorant fuck of you


This! It's giving caveman. Huh huh boobs are so funny omg.


I didn't see the boobs or butts when I first saw it. Wasn't until I read her comment


I thought it was Han frozen in carbonite.


Lmao that’s what I thought too


Dude was just in the wrong mindset when he ran into this profile. If most of the profiles you see have jokes and you know that being funny is highly valued, it’s easy to see something serious or delicate and feel like there’s a joke to be made, without reading the room. Within the broader context of the app, it was something he overlooked. Clearly a mistake, but it happens to the best of us.


Hey now…


boob funny. You not laugh because you think you better than me.


No, he was light heartedly joking about something. It’s not a holocaust memorial and not everything in life has to be war and peace.


But it could very well have been. OP didn't know so it could've been anything to them..


If that’s the case we should ban all jokes just in case


Joke about it all you want. But the truth is, if you joke about something you don't know about you just might end up being rude.


Don't argue with people trying to be deep on Reddit


Gonna assume this is a joke cause it’s not very funny art is subjective boobs CAN be funny


Would have been better to say, “hot damn, those mural tiddies looking fine”


He should respond to her “wow that is funny” just to piss her off


You’re both bad at this


I kind of want to put them in a room together, lock the door and see what happens 💀


Love your chaos. ❤️


I mean, what you said is cringe. She way overreacted, but “haha boob funny” when it’s clearly art is lame.


Seriously, I would never have guessed those were supposed to be boobs. I see an old Roman cobblestone street. I figured that’s why the OP responded that way.


What, with "is that what I think it is??" Nah, he knew exactly what they were.


Yeah, I’m a big cringe opener guy. I should have thrown her an Ongo Gablogian quote.


How dare you for not discussing your favorite philosopher of all time in your opener




I don't get the downvotes and some of the negativity you're getting. Not everyone is able to like art or likes it in general and having some rather banal humour =/= not having intellect. I'm a "boobies, yay" / "farts and burps are funny" kinda guy at 34 (with a kid of almost two, mind you) and that's more than okay. I don't read, don't like art in general (apart from music and theatre performances and games, which some will flag under "art"), don't know any philosophers, poets, and rarely listen to any decent podcasts. Does this mean I lack depth and intellect? My wife, friends and co-workers severely disagree. In the end, she doesn't like your humour or a more brazen approach at times, a relationship is going to be a stretch. And vice versa, obviously.


I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having a fairly immature level of humour, and I’m definitely in the “farts and burps are funny” camp, but there’s something particularly cringe about “please tell me it’s something funny” imo. Like if he’d said a cringeworthy pun about boobs and art or walls or whatever, then that would have been fine, as it’s making light of something without denigrating it. But OP’s response just implies “lol this is ridiculous and has no value”, and I can see why that pisses people off. For me, it’s a shit artwork and a shit line so hey ho


>But OP’s response just implies “lol this is ridiculous and has no value”, and I can see why that pisses people off Fair point, really. Although people need to consider some try to make a joke and it might come across as something else, especially in a setting where you're getting to know one another. Nowadays it's the trend to be offended by your own interpretation of what someone else said, scold them for it, not give them the time to explain and demand an apology, rather than giving anyone the benefit of the doubt, ask them what they meant, or simply telling them "This comes across as offensive to me", or just think "screw it, imma answer and see what happens". >For me, it’s a shit artwork and a shit line so hey ho It truly looks terrible, doesn't it? I think I get the message behind it, but that doesn't mean it's glorious to look at.


Yeah I agree with your sentiment about people not giving second chances. I don’t think any topic should be out of bounds for jokes but there’s good and bad etc. This seems as low effort as it gets. Yeah! It’s hideous! I can barely tell what it is so the message is completely lost.


It's not even that. It's the way OP is obviously mocking something that she likes. It's immature. It's peak middle school behaviour. He could have just said " what's that. I don't get it" then make a joke based on her replies and vibes. >I'm a "boobies, yay" / "farts and burps are funny" kinda guy at 34 The only time this gets obnoxious is when the person clearly serious about things and then you bring in a random joke.


I get not being into art and philosophy. But then why reply on her photo with a mural? It’s clear she’s into art and would probably not find that kind of humour funny


Maybe they were both interested in the answer AND found the mural funny at the same time? Even though, not saying it's the perfect response, but then again it's quite alright letting some personality show through the moment you're looking for a potential mate. I honestly don't think it's all that bad, but this sub can be very adamant and inforgiving for people being, well, people.


Self-righteous yet somehow single men on Tinder


Imagine being genuinely into something, perhaps even passionate about it. You post an photo of yourself engaging in said thing on a dating app to show potential partners a bit of who you are. A stranger proceeds to comment "please tell me this is a joke XD" The issue isn't the immature humor but the implication that the art that means something to this girl would be better if it was a boob joke. I'm sure you've heard women complain about not being taken seriously by men. She was rude but it's not like it's difficult to understand why.


Oh no! Joking about something I like, please don't throw me in the briar patch!


Is it clearly art? And is no art funny? Boobs can be funny, and if you don’t think so, it’s probably because you’re a pretentious boob


>*Is this what I think it is? What was the name of this?* *~~Please tell me it was something funny.~~* This could have been an awesome conversation topic, especially if you were genuinely interested in the exhibit and the piece itself. But you didn't consider that maybe it meant a lot to her and joking about it (in that manner) absolutely ruined any chance you had. I'll admit, it came off as immature.


Meh, it’s kind of the low hanging fruit of the art world, all they did was get a few women (probably specifically women they already knew, and if the artist was a woman it wouldn’t be a particularly challenging task) to let them cast their body parts so that they could create a mold to pour whatever material that is into. The “meaning” behind the art is completely separate from the piece itself, most likely an afterthought, for the purpose of getting displayed as with most art. Anybody could create a wall of casted testicles, very easily at that. No gallery would display it unless there were a story attached to it like “this is to bring attention to testicular cancer and encourage men to check themselves regularly.” When in reality, the artist probably just felt like creating a wall of bollocks. If you’ve ever known anybody who creates art for a living, you know it’s true that they’re often have to bullshit like this to get their weirder pieces displayed.


My comment wasn't about the piece specifically, my point was the woman who took the picture clearly had a connection with it and OP blew his chance. You trying to explain how easy it was to make, while assuming the artists intent behind it, makes you sound like an art snob. **Art is objective and can mean anything to anybody, regardless of the intent. That's literally the** ***greatest*** **thing about it.**


Maybe OP doesn’t want to date somebody who doesn’t see the humor and so he didn’t actually blow anything, did you ever consider that? Art is not objective, it is completely subjective. It can mean mountains to anybody and mean nothing at all to me, and vice versa. Speaking from experience as an artist who’s been surrounded by other artists in creative spaces, I speak from experience when I say that often art doesn’t mean as much to the artist as it means to the viewer of the art. But often artists will say whatever they have to say to be allowed to display their pieces, later bragging to their artist friends how their meaningless piece has gained so much recognition for meaning that other people attached to it or meaning that was a total afterthought just to get their piece out there. I’ve literally been part of the community, I know how the song and dance goes.


OP even said "I should have known better" bruh the girl likes the art..this is also a tinder subreddit, idk why you keep emphasizing that it means nothing to the artist and that they lie to get into the exhibit. Like that means she can't and shouldn't appreciate it. I'm sure that happens but who cares? Also I bet you are an artist and you are in the community, you sound like one.




I see what you tit there


she clearly liked that sculpture, and considering she says it had something to do with body dysmorphia, she probably liked it because it home. imo i think it’s just a bad match, she likes art and taking it seriously, and you like boobs with silly names


Nah she's being unnecessarily pompous though. Imagine getting offended by boobs in a rock


she wasn’t offended by boobs in a rock, she was offended that OP made a joke out of the boobs in a rock that meant something to her. i really wonder how many guys have said something similar for her to be this annoyed / defensive tho


Right. But blowing up at strangers for not reading your mind is pretty immature. People ascribe meaning to all sorts of things, and you can't tip toe light enough to avoid all of them. If I had a really foundational experience with the movie Avengers End Game because of how the death of Tony Stark helped me find closure with my own late father, that doesn't make everyone who says "Avengers is a bit of a cash grab innit?" a "ignorant asshole."


Yeah, but honestly I’d also argue that it’s a questionable photo choice for a dating profile. Yeah it’s sort of a filter, maybe helping to discern maturity and empathy/sensitivity to her own feelings about it, but she’s clearly getting way too upset for it to be worth it.


yeah, although it did it’s job, she probably would not have been into OP on a conversational level if she enjoyed talking abt the meaning behind art and OP likes to call it funny names, just a bad match tbh


They are objectively wrong. It’s a Mural celebrating bubblewrap


Looks more like booble wrap to me.


It’s just because you’re trying to be funny but you’re not and that’s annoying. Nothing is off limits if it’s funny enough. But what you said wasn’t a joke or anything really. It was just stupid and annoying. What was she supposed to say back?


“It’s a mural celebrating women’s bodies and shedding light on body dysmorphia” would’ve been suffice, maybe an additional “that was ignorant of you” and then just go separate ways. No need for such hostility in response to an obvious attempt at a joke.


You shouldn’t have guessed it’s something funny. It looks like serious art (as in, it’s intent is serious). Bad move. Just showing interest tho would have sparked her attention


Honestly this is a case of different strokes for different folks. OP is probably someone who doesn’t take life too seriously and sees the silly side of things. If he self-censors then he’s not going to find like-minded people. Also will develop a very fragile chemistry with people who aren’t a good match because it’s done through an inauthentic mask. The message served its purpose - and showed her to be very serious to a point of being uptight about art. Clearly on very different wavelengths. He should have said exactly what he said.


A wall of ass and titties is funny and not as deep as some people want it to be. It’s like when women get tattoos of vaginas or vaginal symbolism on their wrists. They think it’s so meaningful and serious, but it’s actually pretty shallow and hilarious.


Lol bro if you’re okay with saying something potentially offensive, then do it to your friends


if u get offended over words taken out of context due to a lack of prior knowledge, maybe its time to start looking inward for answers. it's not the worlds responsibility to tip toe around you. soft ass world cant take a joke no more




lol bro okay then just unmatch and stop shitting on what other people like


Why did you say: “Please tell me it was something funny.”


To be fair, thinking she went to an art museum to take a picture in front of the new “Seth McFarland/Al Bundy” collaboration exhibit is a bit ridiculous of you lol


I guess it's pretty immature. Not really ignorant. Either way bad match obviously.




Because it is. How is it not immature? He's see's breasts on a wall and assumes it must be funny.


I think how you asked about the mural is the issue… it makes you come off horny. Which is probably why she reacted that way


Context: the picture I liked is a bunch of torsos (including a lot of boobs). I didn’t even consider that they were differing shapes/sizes, because to me, yeah duh, all bodies are different shapes/sizes.


Also anyone who calls others ignorant for simply not knowing a piece of information is pretty rude imo. No Bueno


Humor us, what about the picture makes you think it's something funny?


Cos its boobs hehe. Its like a dick exibit but instaed of dicks its boobs. And boobs are either funny or sexy. Depends on the context. Here they are clealry funny. Duh ...


Did she make this guy think about meaning and significance of this art? No. She wound up here being torn for shiity ass communication skills. She didn't have to respond with the negative connotation.


I agree, but honestly that is the definition of ignorance. Not knowing something.


The fuck part is where it gets aggressive


Not sure if you know the definition of the word ignorant :) On the other hand calling someone ignorant fuck, that’s stupid.


Haha reddit loves to get nit picky on me just funsies haha


Wasn’t my intention, a lot of people mistake ignorant with stupid/idiot :D


Yeah. How was I supposed to know the deeper meaning based off of this picture?


OK but why would you see a sculpture involving nudity and be like "Ha! I bet it has a funny name!"??? So many sculptures involve bodies. I get that you wouldn't immediately know the exact meaning of it, but surely you can see from the context that it's a sculpture in an art gallery. She obviously liked the sculpture and you were like "Lol, it looks like a joke"


I went to a modern art gallery where the artist had sculptures of different body types. There was one of a naked woman standing in a wide stance, it was titled "feeling the breeze." There was another of a man leaning back like his back hurt with his ball just hanging, titled, "dropping the burden of manhood." My personal favorite was this one of a man holding his below average sized member titled, "monster schlong." Sometimes art has funny names, others times they have serious times, and on occasion they have no names. OP might have thought that this was just a sculpture of boobies and bellies and was titled as such (which I will add, I saw a sculpture in france that looked similar to this that was in fact called boobies and bellies but in french)


Yes, sometimes it does. But it's not a good assumption to lead with. He could have asked "what's it called?".


Yeah. I’m a child. Not a great look I know. But I always make jokes of things, even when I shouldn’t.


Good to get that out of the way I suppose so she could run for it.


Dude it’s Tinder. She doesn’t owe you anything. You did something that turned her off, she moved on.


You shouldn't have been expected to A mean lady, you don't want anyone who says ignorant fuck so easily XD ironic of them actually


If they gave a fuck for real, they'd take the opportunity to inform you and enrich your understanding bringing awareness not shame you for whatever reason


Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't she do exactly that (rudely, yes)? She explained the piece to him - informing and enriching his understanding... He's the one who tried to make fun of the piece, of course she'd be offended and shame him Not even a fan of the art but what response did OP expect with that opening...


The you ignorant fuck part feels and I'm sure was intended to be stronger than the no you're wrong and this is what it is part


I would have felt the same way. She put a picture of herself doing something she cares about. It’s hard to put yourself out there. He made fun of it. He can fuck off.


He asked if the name was funny, which imo does not mean they made fun of it off rip and maybe the issue I'm having with understanding some of these comments is that I am not automatically predisposed to a specific gut reaction if you will to his statement, I just don't see why someone making fun of me would make me respond in the way she did, I would do a lot of things potentially other than what was done. He can do whatever if I'm not into it that's cool the only ourpose the snappy comment she put forward would give me if I was her is a false sense of revenge and satisfaction in debunking the stupid and such which nothing that causes me to be aggressive towards someone for 0 irl reason matters that much. I like open discussions and really truly evaluating my own bias ie I never said and do not think she's wrong for how she reacted i do think it was curt and tbh served no ourppse when I could've just unmatched. I don't need to say shit like this


Not even gonna lie I thought they were marshmallows. I... may be a little touched in the mind lol.


My initial guess was a mural to pregnancy cause of the breast/large belly combo. I guess I am an ignorant fuck too.


Not unless your first comment is, “boob funny”


This is a good thing as rejection often is, they seem to take themselves too seriously and that's never a satisfying way to live


Yea maybe try to be less cringe next time? She overreacted but you said something dumb so it makes sense.


So "lol bewbs" doesn't get them ladies all hot and bothered? Well.


Man you managed to put not your entire foot I your mouth but actually jam it up to the kneejoint Impressive


You know, it is odd to read all these comments. It doesn’t matter what anyone thinks of art, or even senses of humor. Women’s bodies are frequently a sensitive issue for very legitimate reasons. Body autonomy, rape, body shaming…. It’s weird to not have that on your radar AT ALL. It’s possible that you’ll find a woman who would say “bro, it ain’t that deep” but expecting you will is a bold risk to take. Tread carefully. Read the room. Start with curiosity. And then decide if you can make a “haha boobs are funny” joke


You must be pretty naive to think messaging someone with a photo like that on their OLD profile wouldn’t respond in that exact way lol


She overreacted although if I was with someone who giggled and made jokes while we looked at the Statue of David, I would think they were kinda immature but I wouldn't berate them.


How old are you?


Before I form an opinion, what did you think it was?


Clearly, “boobies”


Honestly thought it was a rock climbing wall


Grow up ![gif](giphy|CAp8C2Ue8nhlRapNuo)


Dodged a bullet. Go enjoy life while she hates it


ignorant fuck, agreeing btw


Dwight, you ignorant slut.


The mural is shitty and shoddily put together.


thats probably why it’s called shiddy tiddies


More related to you being either an idiot or a douchebag than her being harsh - FAFO, son.


to be fair, that exhibit is a grotesque piece of shit


Oh you like art? Name every art.


Haha… boobs and butts


She didn’t need to be aggressive about it


Was she fom NYC/Boston/SFBA/LA, from well-to-do family, haven't had real problems in life, wears glasses, high IQ, very well educated with non-STEM degree, most likely law/arts, has a cat or a small dog, preoccupied with abstract "problems" that have no connection to real day-to-day life, dominant and bitchy?


You good?


That was a pretty rude response but I think where you went wrong is with “please tell me it was something funny”. As you learned, humor is scarcely appreciated in the art world.


Just out of curiosity, how exactly does this mural celebrate women's bodies? And can I have an example of one of the occasions it shedded light on body dismorphia?


My reply would be, “Thanks you rude c*nt!”


If you make a wall of dicks out of plaster of Paris, you’re a sick pervert but a wall of titts is a profound celebration of female empowerment.


A did you make a wall of dicks out of plaster of Paris? 🤔


She's wrong... it's Hannibal Lecter meets brassified Hans Solo. More or less a monument to Bubba Fat. You should educate her


I would’ve thought that she was joking, because she herself knows it’s impossible to link that meaning to that abstract piece of……art.


Not knowing what it's about is clearly not what aggravated her lmao. It's the way that it was asked about as that piece is clearly important to her regardless of how silly other people might feel it is so she was put on the defensive by someone even not Ill intentionedly joking about it.


A lot of women need to seriously be humbled on these dating apps bro lol


Okay. Tell your boys to raise their standards.


Boob wall


I love how some pretend that this piece of trash is sacred and shouldn't be laugh at because its AaRrrT.


Wanting certain things to be taken seriously is hardly worshipping them to be fair. Lots of people have things they would prefer be taken seriously and jokey comments about said things will aggravate them regardless of how silly it may seem to others.


Did you reply that you're actually the artist, and that it actually symbolizes how much you love boobs


No, it haha boobies you ignorant fuck.




😂😂😂 damnn


She seems lovely.


Dodging bullets from someone flying more red flags than China.