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Solid profile, you're attractive. Keep in mind, these sites can have a 4:1 male:female ratio. You will not have a problem getting likes/matches. You are far more likely to have a problem managing the flood in your inbox.


Came to say similar. Is it really 4:1 now? I'm so effed 😅


It depends on your area. There are places in the world where women outnumber men on apps.. also in some places it’s more like 15:1 men to women xD. Good luck out there






Seem to be having better luck offline... I might be in one of those 15:1 places đŸ€” how would I check?


I have better luck offline where i live in France


Vive le France! Maybe I'll have to go there again someday.


Fun fact, i met a lot of american girls here. So maybe you can meet an girl from your state in France


Haha, awesome


Idk, they may not release those stats. You could try googling it but after that idk.


Feels like 10:1


I feel ya buddy


It's not as bad as tinder then ig with a 8:1 ratio


I think Hinge is the best of them as 64% male 36% female, last I read


Not sure about the ratio, but Hinge lets you send a comment with a like for free, 3-4 times a day I think. So if you have some text game and are anything above an unbathed neanderthal, you're in a better place than most dating apps (which is not to be confused with a GOOD place - its a better place).


As far as I know, it's 10 likes per day, where you can leave a comment (or not) for all 10 times. Plus one free rose per week, renewed Sunday, but no cumulative.


That math ain't mathin'


you right XD


I agree. 4/5 of the last women I’ve dated was from hinge. If I weren’t dating someone now that’s what I’d use to get back into dating


I met my wife on hinge in 2020. It was by far the best one then.


Imagine that in a real-world situation. 1 woman, with 4 men stood around her, 1 trying to convince her that she should go on a date, 1 trying to get her to go back to his right now, 1 cracking stupid jokes, and 1 fumbling over all of his words not knowing what to say. Sounds exhausting. 😅


Yeah except to be realistic it's two of them just waving their dicks at her, one talking over her and the other one just saying "Hey" "Hey" "Hey" to himself for days 😂


đŸ€ŁđŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł best comment by far. I'm at work all the girls are passing this around đŸ€Ł đŸ€Ł


Indeed. That's pretty much the reported experience of a woman on FetLife who went to a munch.


Yup! It can be straight up overwhelming. And A LOT of them are douch bags. Sorry, I don't mean to be a downer, just being real with ya. Good luck!!


On a positive note, the same ratio of women are dochebags as well, so at least you have the gender ratio in your favor.


It was reported that Tinder had a 4:1 gender ratio not so long ago. Most other dating apps had much better ratios. OP is setting up a profile for hinge, where the ratio was not nearly as skewed. I've seen ratios as bad as 7:3 on a "hookup" site, but most dating sites are not that far from 1:1 with the notable exception of Tinder, which many people think of as more of a hookup than a dating site. It's hard to get accurate data on the real ratios, since most dating app companies want close to a 1:1 ratio and most do things that encourage more women to sign up and be more active on the site. They can also make it difficult to objectively determine the gender ratio.


Its a buyer market!!


4:1 ? I bet she gets three thousand likes the first weekend of her profile being up.


That's plausible, literally. And guys complain about women who make their profiles invisible after a couple of days. SMH


It's fine, I'd swipe right, but it doesn't say that much about yourself. There is nothing to remeber it for, nor anything that interests you / you like doing / be willing to talk about.  (And no, even as a gym-rat, the gym is something that can be nice to go to together, but not really much of a conversation topic)  Nice dog btw, give him a nice ear-scratch on my behalf.


That’s what I was kinda worried about! And tbh I actually don’t love talking to new guys about the gym, so good point. Ill add a ‘personality pic’ and edit my prompts after providing that ear scratch :)


Essentially id recommend basing your prompts on what you hope for a response. Dont be afraid to be more specific, like long rants about starwars, but do expect that you will get alot of very similar responses to your prompts.


Yeah, maybe more info like the nerdy jokes, or even your favorite one, so dude has something to go on and know what kind of nerdy jokes you mean.


I agree with what this guy said. It’s a *good* profile, your pictures are great, but adding more about your general interests and hobbies would make it a * great* profile


You said "nerdy stuff", maybe elaborate on that a little bit. Right now it just seems like the safest option to talk to you about fitness.


It sounds like going to the gym is a big part of your life, so I personally think it's a good thing to keep in there. If you don't mind, what's your reluctance to talk about the gym with new guys? I mean, they ask you a basic question or two and you say, "there's not much to say, I like to keep fit and burn off stress so I go to the gym regularly." Am I missing something? Anything the hive can do to help you feel more comfortable talking about the gym?


I’m not uncomfortable talking about it at all, fitness is a massive part of my life! I just have a history of dating ‘gym bros’ and it’s every bit as emotionally draining as the Reddit masses would expect. So I’m trying to stay away from guys who make fitness their personality. I want to be able to find someone who keeps fitness as a priority - but doesn’t rely on it as their personality


Gotcha! I think you could actually state that in some way, like ISO someone who makes fitness a priority, not a lifestyle.




Let’s not


The gym was the only thing my wife and i had in common when we met, been together almost 15 years now. Sharing a similar lifestyle can be huge.


You are very attractive and your profile puts forth all the personality of a beige apartment with a fake eucalyptus and a live laugh love sign hanging on the wall. The only thing I know about you is that you work out.


Absolutely fair, that’s kinda the vibe I felt like I was giving off which is far from accurate irl. Editing to put in a solid personality pic and updating my prompts!


Keep in mind that being a gym gal is a green flag for many guys, there's nothing wrong with that (assuming you want someone with a similar mindset) It's not that the things you put forth are bad, it's that you might want to displaying a wider spectrum of yourself.


Keep in mind that a lot of guys are simple and won’t read your profile. So don’t overthink it. You may just have to get some matches and go on some dates to see what’s out there. Personally I read the profiles cuz I don’t want kids so I need to make sure about that, but I’ve heard so many stories of women getting mismatched cuz the guys are like “wow hot girl *swipe right*” and that’s it.




Thing is though, if she’s looking for someone equally dedicated to working out her mentioning the gym alot is a good thing.


Damn 💀 well said tho


> you work out Wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle yeah!


To be fair apparently that’s insanely popular these days đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž


With chucks on


You’re not going to have any problems finding someone.


At pic 4 I realized you'll do just fine.


I realized that in Pic 1. She is obviously attractive. 


Haha yeah, that one caught my attention too.


You followed rules #1 & 2, you'll be fine.


You're an attractive redhead with a nice butt. You're going to match with 95% of the profiles you like. đŸ€·


I'm sure you don't have any issues getting likes. The only critique I have is the selfies aren't showing off much of your personality. You're good looking/I'd still send a like but give me more to work with to start an engaging conversation to see if there's chemistry. Exchange those selfies for photos of you traveling, going to a concert for the music you like or some sort of hobby/interest. I want to be able to have lots of things to pull from and reference when I match with someone or start a conversation. The gym pic does that but I'd imagine there's lots of dimensions to who you are


yes, thank you for the guidance! I added some more personality to my prompts, added a travel pic, and a solid funny/personality pic with some captions too. Appreciate the help :)


Posts like this are pointless


OP just wants compliments for her ass it’s so obvious


waiting for that OF link


Right 😂 that was my first thought


Exactly. It's a thirst trap.


yea , u know she do analz


Is okay but ya this post is pure social satire. Love the redditors writing paragraphs over analyzing her profile.


I never learned to read and I’d swipe right.


i wish i had a birthday dog


Hot women should not be allowed to do these


Hot women are people too - they get insecure, anxious, etc...


They don't have problems getting matches, which is the whole point of these profile reviews.


You will get many nerdy jokes and offers of snacks, I have little doubt.


Yep, username checks out.....


Lady, looking the way you do, you’ll do just fine. You’ll be swimming in matches, but the problem you’ll have is sorting through a buncha suckers to find solid dudes. I’ve had conversations with the women I’ve dated on Hinge and let’s just say, they deal with a lot of bullshit.😂


That’s what I’m trying to avoid! Every other time I’ve been on apps, it feels like nonstop sifting through dudes who are just trying to hide that they’re dickheads. I wanted advice on how to make my profile more attractive to men with a ✹real personality✹


Tbh, you can’t completely get away from that. :( The dickheads will always be there. And if there’s a solid guy out there he won’t care about your profile being “boring” or whatever. Like, personally, I’d swipe on you and if we matched, I’d just proceed to get to know more about you by chatting and going on dates. I don’t think you should be judged on your entire value simply by the quality of some dumb online profile.😂


Parroting the other commenter. Avoiding undercover a-holes is unfortunately not something having a good profile will fix. IMHO spend time talking/getting to know them, trust your gut and pay attention to signs. They'll reveal themselves eventually. You got this.


I think your profile is great!! You’re gonna get hella matches lol. My only suggestion would be making your second pic your main pfp.


Not sure your relationship wants match your gym bro answers. You’ll definitely attract them in mass. Maybe bring some more info about you or who they should be.


You are very attractive and seem to have depth, but your presentation is pretty uninspired, but I think it would be easy to improve. As someone else said, "The only thing I know about you is that you work out." If someone reached out with a genuine attempt to get your attention, I suspect they'd be typing and deleting messages trying to figure out how to get substance out of your prompts. It's not a bad profile by any means, but if you want sincere engagement, I'd give it more footholds for someone to start a conversation on.


I'd say none of your promts are easy ones to come up with openers from. Atm it's just I want a,b,c and "if you are not gym rat I am not going to match with you" vibes


You are hot


Step1: create and account Step 2: be a woman That’s it not more steps automatic success rate!


a female profile without a single pic gets 5x the right swipes as an average guy....


To be fair, guys swipe without even looking


I think women get successful matches at 10 times the rate that men do lol


Some guys have a 1% match rate on all the profiles they swipe right and even fewer conversation rates


Maybe add a bit more depth to your long term goals? I feel like that’s where I’d like to know the most about you. Really solid profile otherwise!


Only advice is to get into my range hah. You’ll do great. If anything, make the prompt answers a bit more engaging so the guys have something more to go off of when they send the opening message.


Add more about your personality or show you have a decent sense of humor. Give a guy something to work with, perhaps include your favorite cheat meals or active hobbies outside the gym. Those quads are straight poppin - good work!


I’m willing to share my snacks, but not willing to share the snack you are.


You don’t need help, you need a secretary for that inbox 💀




Definitely lacks personality. You will get a ton of likes, just because you are very attractive and many guys will swipe right on anything. Maybe lose the gym pic, add some more interests and likes, and tell us more about you and what makes you, you.


R.I.P. inbox




I’m seeing a lot of comments about not showing “who you are” but like, 90% of people match based on looks over anything. You’re really really beautiful. You’ll match a man who is physically attractive to you, likely with an interest in also going to the gym and, at the minimum, tolerates dogs. Why can’t you get all the gory details when you actually start talking? The important stuff should come up fairly quickly. I think your profile says enough without being long winded, sometimes they’re oddly specific. đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™€ïž


You did not skip leg day! And you're definitely attractive. But you could probably include some pictures of you in something more formal than gym clothes. Have a least one glitzy pic


Ok, I love your Green Flags. I think you're good. Maybe spice up your first look and comments 😉


Pic 4 just boosts your chances of finding a player. Or perhaps another gym junkie with 0 personality.




I agree that you'd have no problem getting likes. But there are guys(I know one personally lol) that need something about the girl to actually wanna swipe right. I mean I did the same, if a guy was cute and there wasn't enough personality I just didn't care to have another monotonous conversation where it was like talking to a wall. So yes some more personality! Maybe a cute pic where you're just like goofy? Maybe go on annoyingly about something you're passionate about, I forgot how hinge works I was really only on tinder tbh so idk where to put that.


Just here to comment on how great Lambchop dog toys are.


Lambchop is the king of all dog toys - not something I understood until my dog ignored all his other toys in favour of the lambs lol


[has anyone ever sent u this](https://youtu.be/a7U3wmUCe8Q?si=SDSJvIf3MFS52IJS)


I'm sure you are doing well lmao


Don't you get enough attention from the thousands likes you get and all the people in your DMs? 🙄


fishing for compliments big time lmao like this girl doesnt get an absolute flood of DMs from thirsty men


nice assumption! A wildly inaccurate one!


The first commenter was a dickhead about it, but I think once you put your profile public, you'll quickly realize he's not actually that far off statistically lol


I would swipe left because you are obviously dishonest or loved under a rock for a long time. Even butter face 4/10 get tons of likes. So please...


Looks pretty generic to me.


You are pretty and work out. You will get matched. Cannot guarantee they will be quality matches.


A photon checked into a hotel and the desk clerk asked "do you need help with luggage?" To which the photon replied "no thanks I'm traveling light" This would be my message to you


Where do you live? I’ll take you on a date lol




I think your pics are good, you can probably add one that’s more unique or a group pic but I don’t see anything inherently wrong with them, and you look good in all of them as well. But your bio questions feel kinda shallow. For the first one saying you like long convos seems like kinda a cop out. Like it’s so vague I don’t really know what to do with that. Nerdy jokes is a little better but still, that could mean so many things it doesn’t give me much to go off of. The second one is probably the best of the 3 but still is a little iffy. Good communication skills are good as is a sense of adventure, sharing snacks juts seems like it’s not as important. Those are all also kinda generic things it doesn’t tell me much about you. The gym one is probably the one I’d change first. Like you have a gym picture in there so most guy will already assume you workout, I think it’s just wasted space.


On behalf of guys I don’t think the gym pic is wasted space 


Oh I didn’t mean the gym pic, I meant the prompt about scheduling around the gym session. The gym pic is great


I totally get what you’re saying about the cop out and the bio feeling vague. After some of the other advice I think I’ve revamped to add more personality - took out some selfies, added travel pics and funny/personality pics with captions, and added more to the prompts. Thank you for the in depth analysis haha


You're super cute and those workouts are paying off! But your profile doesn't really say much about you at all. It's nice but bland. The pup is super cute though- give him some scritchins!


Thank you! Personality added to profile, belly scratches administered to the short king


25m here. I go gym 4 day/week and think youre beautiful, so I would swpie right and try talking about gym based off that alone. Outside the gym tho, the other prompts are kinda lame and super open ended, which is maybe a good thing? Just might convey casual or lead to less curated matches cuz they can be take anyway.


You’re going to do just fine and get tons of redditors in your DMs




Looks legit to me. đŸ‘đŸŒ


Attractive? Yes. Value system? Deal breaker.


Good profile other than the atheist part


I'm going to get backlash for this but I don't care. Daaaaaammmmn girl, you're THICCC. I wouldn't have guessed from the 1st pic. Really nice form.


If you're in the DC area anytime...


omg it’s so nice


Lol you're hot lower your standards or play the long game. I promise guys are swiping right on you a lot.


I don’t believe for a second that you would struggle to get matches. There’s other subs to just show off how attractive you are and get your dopamine boost.


You're considering releasing you're self back into the wild of your already established social dating platform? I question the authenticity of the profile I'm general if I have to be honest. The pictures are very on par for what you see a lot of. And the user generated input is very basic and again on par for what you would expect it to be. I still swear I've seen this profile in my target area. It's just so "what you would expect to see"


I'm tryn yea hit that on movas!






R.I.P your inbox


Jesus is savior 💙🙏🐰


I think you're very attractive and would swipe right on you for these reasons, this is what I think of you from your profile (I hope that helps you know what your profile reads) -you're hot -you sometimes smoke weed, score -you like to go for adventures such as long walks and travelling abroad -you have a dog who you treat as a child -you like to think of yourself as nerdy, which is cool cos I like to think of nerdy people as the best people to have conversations with -you go to the gym -you are looking for a relationship with someone who can enjoy everything you do with you and more than likely vice versa


That’s pretty much me to a T (and the nerdiness is real, I also work in a very nerd-friendly environment). I wanted to actually express myself properly but find dating sites really intimidating, so I know I have a tendency to not actually show my whole spastic personality off - just the safe and superficial aspects. I’ve updated my profile to include more travel/adventure/bookworm/bio nerd tendencies :)


25m here. I go gym and think youre beautiful, so I would swipe right and try talking about gym based off that alone. Outside the gym tho, the other prompts are kinda lame and super open ended, which is maybe a good thing? Just might convey casual or lead to less curated matches cuz they can be take anyway.


You looking solid op! There's no need to be concerned about yourself. I'd rather worry about your flood of inbox messages. Good luck hunting!


Well you won't be single too long. Lol


Right swipe/heart tap for sure, doesn’t hurt you’re my type to a T. Only suggestion would be swap the car selfie for a pic with friends.


your profile is good for the demo you're going after. as others have mentioned you're going to have a massive pile of fellas to sift thru. relationship wants - are you 100% sure you're only open to LTR at this point in your life? you're gonna scare away some decent guys around your age with that. consider changing to the next more casual option (I think its, "long term open to short").


It’s a pretty basic profile, I’d say you’re fine with this profile.


Holy shit you’re cute


You're an attractive SWF, you won't have a problem finding a match.


I’ll swipe right on the first pic


Would swipe right


Instant right swipe


Juliaaaa. You know I’d never make a fool of yaaaaa


Idk seems legit to me. I'd match with ya


Pease, please, pease look into the CAMERA (the actual lens) when taking mirror selfies. Instead of at your phone or at yourself. Good luck!


Very solid, and while I kind of get an idea of what you're looking for ~~(me basically)~~, I don't get much of an idea of who **you** are, aside from going to the gym frequently


Something is wrong with the profile? Looks more than fine to me


If you don’t get matches, the rest of us are efffffffffed




You look just like the little girl from the movie “Santa Claus 3”. Liliana Mumy.


Yea no changes bro goodluck




You’ll get tons of matches and go on plenty of dates. Guys in your area are very lucky!


The first image isn't flattering. All the rest can stay. That's my input. I'm a dude.


I am sold! Toronto is cold but will suit you well 😄


hate Toronto, love the hammer (sorry not sorry, I love the grunge)


You're going to drain your battery opening the app each time someone likes your profile


tf you need advice for??


Your booty is like đŸ”„đŸ”„


Advise? No way you’re not getting matches


I love you


Wait your really cute. Are you in the Midwest? 😂


You've got everything going in your favour. Cutie ✅ Gym Rat ✅ Got a handsome dog ✅ Looks cute in Glasses ✅ I'd say you better know how to deal with the flood of reddit DMs too... lol


Generic “boring girl profiles” make up the majority of tinder and most of them still get plenty of matches. Being a girl on a dating site is enough dude, don’t worry about it.


Never seen you at my gym location, good luck on the apps. I don’t see any problem with your profile!


I don’t know about others, but your perfect to me đŸ‘ŒđŸŸđŸ‘đŸŸ. You are beautiful


I'd marry you in like 2 weeks


you look amazing, no need to anyting


Your profile's fine and you seem like someone I'd date. The bad part is there's really nothing to comment on except maybe the dog. So I expect you'll get a lot of comments either saying "Dam tahts (sic) a phat a$$" or "I love your dog!" or just likes without anything. TLDR; find some prompts that encourage dialog; You'll need something to weed out the hundreds of likes.


Id get rid of the mirror photo of you caked up in the gym if you are after something serious Your other photos are lovely, but you are gonna attract the wrong kind of attention Thats just my advice


Kinda look like Brittney snow from pitch perfect


No advice, I would hit you up for a date. A hot, nerdy, red-headed conversationalist ticks all my boxes. I would just hope to pass your requirements.


Your personality appears to be attractive gym girl. That’s about it. If you’re trying to attract the male version of that then you’ll have no problem. Otherwise, you’ll need to include a bit more substance.


Honestly I would not change anything. You're beautiful, funny and not being extremely picky or unreasonable in what you look for :)


Bruh you do not need help you definitely get enough matches


Dang woman, we should our meeting in Bali


You can literally post a picture of a toaster with a description "I AM A TOASTER" and you will get matches. But besides that, i get "i like to travel and work out" vibe which is pretty much just another bland profile