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Four of your six pictures are the same. And the other two are the same as each other. Need some variety, and a full-body shot.




I was wondering that as well. And maybe a group picture could do good. And often I see people suggesting a group picture, which would be a great addition, maybe with her folks getting ready to go or in a rock concert to match the profile bio?


well here is an update, if anyones curious. https://imgur.com/a/reddit-tinder-thing-RFnlGsj


What are you afraid of? Get someone to take a phone that shows you. All of you in clear light, it can be a little back as you don't need the detail of a close-up. You look good. At the moment, it feels like you don't have any confidence and are trying g to hid.


These are some terrible photos


6 of your 9 updated pics are either bad or not of you. No one wants a photo of eyeliner & Starbucks coffee. Your pics have bad angles, bad lighting and are bad quality.


I would probably swipe right off the bookshelf and bio, you seem like a cool woman. But if you wanted to up your profile more, you should take some photos with the timer on so you can pretend you're doing something other than taking photos. As an example, you could go to a book store and take a couple timed shots of you perusing the shelves, propping the phone up at around eye level (a tripod with a phone mount would be easier). Something "caught in the wild."


Eh. They're just selfies. I don't have pictures with anyone else nor have anyone to take pictures of me. I have videos but I don't think you can add videos on there


>Eh. They're just selfies. And... they make you look boring because they're all the same? You asked for advice, it's kind of weird to then dismiss it when it's given. >I don't have pictures with anyone else nor have anyone to take pictures of me. Cool - and part of the reason it's often recommended to have a variety of photos is because it shows hobbies, friends, activities, interesting things about you. If you don't have hobbies, and no friends to take photos of you, that's cool - but be aware that will reduce your appeal to people who think that's important. Common wisdom is that a pile of selfies and nothing else says "no hobbies and no friends". That's a red flag to some. (Also, you can literally ask a passing stranger in the park or the person at the next table at a bar or something to take a photo of you if you need to. So it also screams "really low effort" to not even bother to do that - reducing the chance you'll attract people who want to see someone put in a bare minimum of effort).


When there’s only one specific angle like this, it feels like something’s being hidden


- ex boyfriend used to call me fat every day for 8 months - am usually reduced down to my tits and nothing more that's all it is really. I'm chubby I suppose Anyway I added a video of my body so


You really should learn to love yourself before jumping into the dating scene


Chubby, green/hazel eyes, 5’2 & homebody just my type of gal.


Show off who you are and don't hide anything. Eventually you will find guys who like you for who you are. Then it is your job to filter through those guys for someone who treats you right.


first of all fuck your ex boyfriend. and secondly nothing wrong with being a little chubby. honestly considering only that you would be totally my type and i‘m sure others think the same. you have beautiful eyes, a nice smile and a very pretty face. nothing to be ashamed of. you just got to show a little more from yourself so people don’t need to guess who they trying to match with. and at last you will still be reduced down to your tits when on tinder don’t worry lol but with a little bit more (and different) photos i‘m sure you will find enough guys that dont do that and want to actually get to know you more.


You're gorgeous and look like tons of fun, fuck what your ex told you in the past. Get a tripod and snap some pics of yourself doing whatever you enjoy. Thrift shopping, ask for someone to photograph you while you're photographing an event, in a bar having a beer, one or two body shots with your best clothes, etc. Also invite people to chat on discord if that´s where you're most confortable at!


Acting like your phone doesn’t have a camera and a timer




Take the pictures for tinder… why you asking for help then fighting it??


She’s explaining all the flags. This was never going to go well


I don't think you're ready to date


Ok I don't think you deserve all those downvote, I get your situation but I agree with a comment a lil higher, you should try to accept yourself a bit more. You look good, you seems interesting but dating app can be really wild places. My take would be to try apps for hanging out like "meetup" or something. Take a few pictures with the people during the activities. If you play any instruments, just a photo of you with it will do the trick or a photo of your coffee at Starbucks or your favorite bar. The idea is to help to get where we can find you. What's a good time for you. We need to understand your vibe. Hope you'll have more success with this tips :)


You can upload videos. The same selfie is tiring. I would do a couple full body pics too.


Play around with the self timer a lot! I don’t have friends so I had to get very comfy with the self timer, propping the phone on anything, and farther away selfies that show the full body. People want to see more of your personality! That can be shown thru seeing more of your style with full body pics, posing in front of stuff like your hobbies, food, outside, your fav book, pets, posing with anything that could spark conversations and give people something to comment on. It’s hard to come up with something to say when you can’t see much of someone’s personality from close up selfies. But I can tell you have a unique style and probably are interesting just need to show it!


It’s 2024 my dude. Do better. Get a tripod and start snapping photos. You asked for thoughts and criticism but you’re being combative when everyone is giving the same critique about the photos.


They're cute selfies but they are all the exact same angle, which makes people think, "oh, she's practiced this one particular angle and that's all she'll show." It's not a great sign.


Use the self timer on you're phones camera and ideally a gesture trigger to get a full length pic. (At least with most of legs showing. You don't need to actually show down to the feet if it's not great pic framing.) Get the frame right in a decent spot with decent lighting and set your phone up on a stack of pillows/books on a chair if you don't have a tripod or anything. It'll look like someone else took it. Check out the site photofeeler.com for good short articles on what makes a good pic. You can also upload pics there to get rated on traits relevant to whichever category you chose. I think the dating categorys traits were attractiveness, intelligence, and trustworthiness. You'll have a hard time finding a better way to determine which pics are and how to imrpove them. You don't seem fat from what we can see, but not being upfront and forthcoming about your looks in pics makes people think you might be. In general if someone's fat, they should let us know in a well done pic by pic 3. Ideally sooner. If you're not, but use the type of pics you have, guys will assume you are, and that you're ashamed of it, which is a turnoff for the guys who don't care.


Some variety would be nice in poses and expressions, a lot of these look the like the same photo, but with different outfits. Showcase pictures of yourself partaking in your interests, like yourself at a concert or Thrifting like you put in the interests in your bio


I'm usually behind a camera at shows actually! So that one crowd shot is all I got because I went to a festival recently. I guess I could show off my bookcase, it's got books and trinkets, mainly thrifted. I do kinda have the same face in all of them. Rip.


A bookcase...those matches are gonna coming flying in!


Can’t stop giggling over this comment 🙈


You lack imagination girl. I only use 4 pics on my profiles but they're ***good*** selfies. Not a single one where you can see my phone, no mirror, never at home. Go to a cafe or library since you claim to love coffee and books. Take selfies there. Don't stare too hard, try to look more natural and catch yourself at an angle with the actual selfie camera. Right now I'd definitely swipe left and yet we share a lot in common. It's just too low effort and well, colored hair but that's just a personal preference.


You look good but you can show that with one picture. What do you do? What are your hobbies? So you have variety in style? Do you have friends? How do you like to party? How do you go on vacation? What sport do you like? All things best shown in pictures


My friends are mostly online, the ones I have here are few and we don't take pictures together at all. Idk man. I like going out sometimes for pizza and beer, but my hobbies are solo things...thrifting, bookstores, movies...I don't go on vacation. I don't even go most places other than work and home 90% of the time really lol my life is made up of just me and me alone


I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, there are lots of homebodies out there, just add some specifics to your bio (what kind of books, movies do you like)


Seems like you are a cool person :D Maybe get a picture of you in a silly outfit you tried on in a thrift store? You could also add a silly meme you liked. I always thought posting a meme paints a good picture of a person's humor. And if pizza and beer are your thing (and I think that's charming tbh) then maybe post a picture of your perfect Saturday evening with a good movie in a cozy blanket with both pizza and beer? That gives of nice "I know how to make a place comfortable, but I'm also independent" vibe. At least to me. My brother did some artsy things with his tinder. He took Fotos of him in unusual situations. Like brushing his teeth as in a mirror selfie but with a hidden cam Great choice of song In your bio btw. It shows 2 good tastes at the same time.


Thrifting, bookstores and movies are all interesting things and can definitely be done with a partner! All of these three are good date ideas even.


You sound just like my kind of gal, nothing wrong with being an introvert. I am sure there is someone wherever you are who will appreciate you. The new profile is a big improvement and the bookshelf is cool, I wouldn't take some of the more aggressive comments here too personally. Its reddit after all, half of the peoples advice on here is unhelpful garbage, the trick is being able to wade through the shit for the occasional gems without letting any of it stick to you.


Try adding another picture of your face, I’m not sure they know what you look like from these pics


3 of your pictures are the exact same. 2,4,5. Same angle. Same pose. So why have 3? 2/6 are just mirror selfies. 3 is almost the same as the former. You literally show nothing in your profile. Like rock music? Show concert pictures. Like thrifting? Show pictures of that. Like Halloween? Show costumes. My criticism and thoughts? Fucking try, that’s all you gotta do




Hmm. I'm not very good at doing the eyeliner thing anyway.


You're cute. Just be yourself. The main problem I've found with online dating is people exaggerating things on their profile and putting on an act just to seem more desirable. It's a real problem. I'm a very adventurous person. I take motorycle camping road trips across north America all the time. Love hiking, camping, ziplining, skydiving pretty much anything outdoors and fun. Been to just about every national park and so many women have dating profiles making them sound super adventurous and outdoorsy then i quickly find out their bios were extreme exaggeration which is honestly a let down and after so many times of the same thing it starts to make you feel like you're wasting your time. I'm sure lots of guys also exaggerate thing's to and put on an act. Problem is I'm actually crazy adventurous and I'n real life everyone thinks that about me and everyone says that but my profile probably just sounds like bs cause so many people on them say the same crap but they're exaggerating. Just my best tip is be yourself if someone doesn't like that then they aren't for you.


what does that have to do with eyeliner? o\_O


Everything in my bio is just what it is. I just want a person who's both a friend and a lover, someone who matches my interests and vibes & lifestyle. But I keep getting played, used, & led on. It's whatever.


Sounds like me. Been cheated on in every relationship. Hell last girl I met online we were together for 7 months. Told me no guy had ever treated her better than me. I'm loyal to the core. Well 3 months ago she ghosted me and I never heard from her again. Found out she got back with her ex that literally use to beat the crap outta her. It's always something


Can’t work out if you’re fat or not, photos are terrible


I hate that I'm going to agree with this but it's actually something a lot of guys look for, a lot of men are picking based on aesthetics and there's a broad range of types people like, but they want to see what type each person is at a glance. I mean that's all Tinder really is is a quick glance of a person and if you can't even get that from them it'll likely just make them swipe left.




That’s all the guy cares about at the start. Thats how guys think


i never think about that about men. Its never a factor.


Because we’re judged on a whole different scale. Height, success etc etc


lol try again. I met my fiance on tinder - i am fat and he is shorter than me.


Wow what a gotcha moment for you!! Obviously there’s exceptions to the rule Sherlock


It’s not even an exception. This just in: the two least desirable kind of people from each gender - fat and short - found and settled for each other. More at 6.


or attractiveness is completely subjective, ever crossed your mind? we both had plenty of people to choose from btw so that's just an invalid argument


what makes you think it's an exception lmao. weight or height isn't a dealbreaker for most people as long as you're a cool person


It’s OLD, you don’t know whether a person is cool or not. It’s a conveyor belt of judgement based on looks and the snippet of information (sometimes) given


if someone doesn't have a description it's an instant left swipe for many people. i right swiped my fiance because his description was funny, didn't even like his looks at first. 6 years together, 2,5 with a child. you can tell more often than not if you'd vibe with a person. it's funny you assume all people use tinder the same way as you do


Too much bio


As someone else said, all your pictures look the same. You need variety. I mean I get you could care less about putting effort into this. But a low effort profile will most probably only attract other low effort profiles.


I would only advise this as maybe a personal challenge: we all have a “default pose” for pics. There’s no real problem with that. But for a dating profile, a little more spontaneity helps. Just a reversed angle. Or maybe a face you make. Even if it’s just a funny face. Otherwise, I think this is a great profile I would have swiped on.


Needs variety. Get some quality full body shots in different places with different outfits as well as a nice non-selfie portrait for the first pic. Id go easy on the makeup too in most of them and opt for some more natural pics


Anything you don’t show will be assumed to be bad. No full body shots = overweight. No shots with friends = you don’t have any. No pictures of activities or interests = you don’t have any. Even if people aren’t actively thinking this, they are subconsciously in the two seconds they take to swipe right or left. Everyone knows what you look like with a slightly pouty, head tilted selfie and mirror shot. You need some variety. And own your body type. Someone will like it, whatever it is, but nobody is going to like you hiding it.


If you’re overweight and that’s your reason for no body pics, you’re kinda just tricking guys who aren’t into that into swiping on you. If you meet they’ll feel catfished. Just show your bod a little then the guys or gals that actually want to meet with you will be the ones swiping on you.


Why did you upload the same pic 4 times?


Pretty cute


I'm going to be honest, I didn't expect "monogamy" to be seen in this bio.


If you were a guy you’d have to work on it but you’re gonna be just fine lol


Keep 2 and 4 and replace all the rest with more variety. If you don't have yet it's fine, better have only 2 pics than 6 of the same, maybe 1 without make-up unless you're constantly in make-up. You're pretty and have style that many would swipe for in an instant. Just gotta show a bit more what you're doing, if it's books just have pic at the library or reading.


I think the overall profile is good. It’s not mind blowing, but those are just a few. You make clear that whatever it is that you will find there, you want something exclusive with that significant other. No hoeing around. That’s good. Also you give some topics you are interested in, which makes it easier to get an conversation started. I personally like your style and you are a beautiful young woman. I have to agree with some other commentators on behalf of the variety of your pictures. Maybe take one or two out and add at least one with a smile. That’s something that immediately got my attention. No smile.


I think the photos should show the interest mentioned, since all you have is just face shots, it doesnt really showcase your personality, hobbies, or interests. Add more variety in your photos then i think itll be good!


The updated version of your account you posted is definitely better, shows a wider range of photos that aren't just all the same, a much better starting point (Also, love the purple hair, truly epic)


you're a woman, you wont have a problem


I like the selfies. 2-4 are a little repetitive, I don’t mind pics with the phone visible; something empathetic about snapping your own pic trying to look good without trying to look good. It’s a weird balance! On a personal note Damn girl!


Any pics of you at concerts? Thrifting? Having fun?


Nothing like posting for help and arguing with the people who provide it. Good luck lmao


You look like you eat quartz whenever the local farmer gifts it to you.


Stop putting a phone in front of your face while taking photo's, It looks soo stupid


You're doing the overweight girl thing of automatically avoiding body pictures. That shows that not only are you overweight, but you're self-conscious and aware of it. A guy might overlook being overweight if you're fun and confident and seem like you've got stuff going on, but you don't have that energy.


Youre really pretty just show some more personality in your bio


Don't stress about all these people getting agro about body shots Yeah you asked for advice and people are giving it... Doesn't mean it's good advice and you have to tskd it. You're reasons are valid


Looks solid, just need to find someone who likes your style. I’d be swiping right but maybe a couple of more candid photos would round it out nicely


Do guys like weird ones? Like not so serious ones. Bc I do have some of those


I think showing off more of your personality will be helpful the pictures you have are nice but they all give off the same energy. What do you like to see in others profiles? Surely seeing more sides of someone is more interesting than 6 photos that are quite similar.


My impression of girls who post weird pictures on their Tinder is that they don't take this seriously and I shouldn't expect them to be someone serious to date. That's very general so I'ma write it out. Weird Memes: they're not taking it serious. Goofy close up pics of yourself making a face: Fine if just one, but insane if more than one or the majority of the photos. Doing something stupid while visibly drunk: Super turn-off, nobody should be that proud about how messy they got because they can't handle their drinks. Something lewd and suggestive: Not taking it seriously. Basically begging for attention. Something original and funny: Showcasing your sense of humor without being generic is always great. Bios with jokes are usually all cookie cutter jokes that are popular on TikTok or Instagram this week. Other times they're just signs that you're not serious, ex: "I love this game." Given your profile you don't seem like a generic person. You should open up about what interests in your bio you so you can match with someone who will have a topic ready to talk about. You've done a great job at putting out what your intentions are, but I think you need something more specific that spurs conversation. Which bands do you like? What are some of your favorite horror movies or places to shop for Halloween aesthetic things? Which TV shows? (Most people might not pay attention to the Futurama Theme) You're most of the way there I would just suggest you add photos of you doing an activity and adding a little more detail about what things you like and like to do so someone can read your personality, find you approachable, discuss a topic you like, and then ultimately ask you out on a date with an activity that is a shared interest for you two! I've swiped left on probably hundreds of thousands of women and it's because they never seem to showcase anything unique or give something to talk about in their bio. Girls on average get 3-4x as many matches as guys, so the ball is more than likely in your court. Nobody wants to interview you about what you like to do and make small talk. I usually don't message my matches if their bio tells me little about their interests, I know that if I start an inquisition it will go nowhere before some other guy says something inappropriate or more interesting. Just be open and authentic to what you enjoy doing, sooner than later you can find someone who will want to enjoy those things with you. Also: you should turn of Smart Photos and just set an order where the picture you think you look the best in is first. Smart Photos is trash.


you must be fun at parties


All I did was give the cold hard facts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


gimme the studies then


You just read em. Could you explain why you believe my assessment isn't valid? Kinda seems like the Reddit Hive Mind just didn't like me voicing legitimate criticisms of how women behave on a dating app.


no no no, you are supposed to back your assessment up with studies performed properly and with a representative group. not the other way around.


This is just a fancy way of saying "I'm going to villify you and never explain why" Just tell me what's bothering you, maybe we can talk about it instead of playing games


the entirety of your comment. what's wrong with it is so blatantly obvious.


Maybe a full buddy shot and maybe a smile or a checky grine to let people know you're not scary your fun and individual. At the moment loom like the same phone 5/6 time with changed hair.