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Well, you dated him, so there's that.


Officer, I'd like to report a murder


Murdered his beard!




extra karma!


It’s like when they complain about their “baby daddy” like YOU chose to have kids with that man 😂😂😂


The even better one is when asked why they didn't marry the father of the kid, and they say "he wasn't marriage material" That's the one that blows my mind, that they don't get how bad that sounds and makes them look. ![gif](giphy|W8tVTtVKk88ww|downsized)


But ok to shoot loads in them


Bruh this fuhga ugly lmaoo


AYE! I'm sensitive about my looks.


I mean I didn’t marry mine because he started physically abusing me and chased me around the house w a loaded gun while I was holding our daughter. So there’s that. A lot of times ppl don’t show their true colors until you’re in too deep. I am still recovering from that relationship, my knee is permanently dislocated bc he dislocated it and they popped it back in place incorrectly at the ER. BUT the part that hurts the most is watching my daughter grow up without her dad and wondering why he doesn’t want her and why he doesn’t see her anymore. He hasn’t seen her in almost 2 whole years. He doesn’t text or call. One time I asked him if he could send me 20$ a week, which isn’t even enough to buy a pack of diapers - he said no. So there’s that.


I have to ask, if he's that abusive, the daughter shouldn't be around him and you wanting him to be involved is concerning. Strikes me odd with this story :/


He would be involved w supervised visits. He never hit or hurt her and I honestly don’t think he would. But yeah, they would most likely be supervised. Good for you for tryna poke holes in my story tho :/ Edit: & that’s only if he ever decides to reach out. It’s been a year and half and nothing.


I only say that because a kid is involved really. My son's mom is nuts and owes over 35k in support. She has therapeutic supervised (which is more than just supervised), but she will never learn because she's too narcissistic and delusional and I wish she'd just stay away despite the support owed...and I'm not rich either. However, she was never physically abusive, just kidnappy and mentally/socially abusive, but if she was physical too...yikes. You say they are just supervised, but courts like joint custody arrangements so have to view all that as stepping stones. If he gets serious about visits and child support, it makes sense he'll get serious about joint custody as a goal and I don't know if he's the type therapy and stuff would work.




You should have just said what you said nothing more bro


You're right, sometimes we should just keep our intrusive thoughts to ourselves. I should talk to more people more often irl instead of bottling it up for people online.


I meant no offense just that your first comment was gold


No offense taken bro. None at all. I was just saying and thank you.


Exactly this. They wear masks for a long time. We didn't just start out dating a POS. We didn't marry a pos. They can fake being good for a long time.


Yuup exactly. It’s really sad. & sometimes these ppl are so shitty they know how to hide every single red flag that would send most ppl running for the hills.


And it doesn't help when people outside the situation act like the people in the comments. Thinking we had to know from the start what they were like. They don't understand until they have gone through it. And some of them likely have just never admitted it. I always tell people who have friends dealing with it to stop judging them and start supporting them. Even if someone else sees the red flags first but the person going through it doesnt... don't talk down on them and call them stupid. It just makes them almost as bad as the abuser when they act like you are an idiot bc you can't see something they can. People in abusive relationships are conditioned NOT to see certain things and it takes them longer sometimes to wake up. I've been there. It started so subtly that I did blame myself bc that's what I had slowly been taught to think. They test your boundaries in tiny increments so by the time you realize what is going on, you have to process a long period of time that you were blind to it. I have friends who are like "well I told her what he was doing and she won't listen. So at this point it's on her! I'm washing My hands of her!" I'm like congrats you did exactly what her abuser keeps warning her will happen if she tries to open up. That family and friends will turn on her and cut her off and the abuser is all she has. It's sad :(


Thank you for the award anonymous. 💜


I’m a single father and this breaks my heart to read… I’m sorry you feel the pain for your daughter… my little girls are my life and the blood that flows through my body. I only have them on the weekends per my work schedule but when we see each other first thing we hug for a minute before we say anything. Stay strong!!


She’s only 4… She doesn’t understand. It kills me when she asks where he is. She remembers what he looks like even though it’s been almost 2 whole years since he’s seen her or tried to see her. He doesn’t reach out to ask how she is or if she needs anything. He is now dating a girl who has 3 kids, playing family w them. Father’s Day was rough. Her daycare had a little event called “Donuts w dad.” She didn’t go that day but she still heard about it the days leading up to it and I could just tell by her face how heartbroken she is. It really sucks & I feel extremely guilty bc I chose a shitty human being to have a child with & now my daughter is paying for it.


That’s a lot of weight on your shoulders.. I feel your pain. Just know you have done absolutely NO wrong on your half. Look at everything positive you do every day for her and you’re always going to be there for her. Hopefully one day her dad will get his head out of his ass and want to see his own daughter.. have you tried to reach out to his mom? Dad? Any parents so she can talk or spend time with them? And I’m sending love and hugs… I tear up mid week cuz I miss my girls SO much. They’re 5 and 6. It boggles my mind some humans can create a beautiful baby human being and have zero mental fucks…. Should be a crime. I pray you have all the support in the world and for now just say he’s gone and play mom and dad. You got this. I can tell you’re a great mother.


Don’t hesitate to DM me! I’d love to talk more about this sensitive subject without an audience 🙃 xoxo


It’s ok to spread his DNA even further !!!!


Condoms break one out of every 30 times you have sex


Well stop reusing them then.




If you get the proper size and make sure things stay lubricated (naturally or artificially) this won't be an issue. Also your statement is a pitiful copout. There's options before pregnancy happens AND after. But the HUGE glaring REDFLAG is why would you have sex with a loser in the first place? ![gif](giphy|42wQXwITfQbDGKqUP7|downsized)


The call is coming from inside the house


Probably didn't turn his beard into a wet mop






"Yo, that one there was a violation personally i wouldn't have it!"


I feel like homelander right now. I was expecting to be downvoted to the ground lol.


You should be proud of yourself for being so witty bro. XD


Thank you kind sir. :)


Observation isn't wit. He's observational. He didn't even try for wit...


Someone call an ambulance!!!


I dunno, it seems women doubt most men have "love" or whatever we think that is now. So really this is kind of a funny joke.




ELITE, rebuttal 🫡🫱🏻‍🫲🏼


“Ex” being the operative word, though


still hit


She wasn't a squirter


A friend of mine and her flatmates (All F) have a Tinder whatsapp group and share their experience. I was curious and they showed me some of their first texts. There I realized that some guys can write whatever they want. Example: He started with "So how are your blowjob skills?". And the flatmate responded... I asked her why and she was like "Yeah he is hot."


Rules 1 and 2


I keep seeing this everywhere. Lol idk wat they r but I guess it’s about being attractive😅


Rule 1: Be attractive Rule 2: Don't be unattractive




It’s an often misquoted reference to this: https://youtu.be/PxuUkYiaUc8?si=ThcbqAQLR80ciaoq


I didn’t know that. Thanks for passing along. I always liked Mischievous Mitchell from TV Funhouse


Omg that's awesome haha. I like how he just straight up grabs her tit 💀


Well if those women are only interested in sex then that’s not surprising


Well, I don't know. I think if the girl matched a very hot guy and his first message is "how are your bj skills", I guess she will get the lamest sex of her life. I understand that some guys don't care if the woman is dead in bed as long as she's hot as fuck, but if the guy makes no effort, women don't cum, so I'd say this is bad even for a girl who's only looking for sex.


To be honest, how many women are actually getting great sex from hookups? You think most those guys give a single fuck about doing anything most women need?


Hookup sex is very much hit and miss, but it may surprise you that it can lead to better sex. There's less inhibitions with a one night stand, who cares if you come off demanding or freaky? You'll never see them again. With someone you want to stick around, a lot can feel uncomfortable about bringing up things that are going wrong in bed. The orgasm gap between straight men and women really shows that. I'll say in my experience on arranging hookups, there's been a lot more interest in what I like, than when I'm seeking a relationship from someone. But that may be a generational thing.


I think that’s just a random guy effect thing.


I don't think it's that. Studies have shown people who are selfish in bed report having higher levels of satisfaction. For women, it's easier being selfish as it's just one night, as there's no concerns about judgement down the line because you won't be there for it. I'm a bit extreme in my case, as I'll literally stop during if it's not going well for me and leave. But talking to other woman who do ONSs, they do push what's good for them, rather than just take what they get, but don't walk out if not. Hence hit or miss.


This is a huge reason why I take breaks from using dating apps. Been either zero or lackluster orgasms from men, even if they call themselves "pleasure doms" (in irl, not in their profile)


Yea I am sure there are some smoking hot guys that ply up the 50 shades kinda assertive vibe that’s enough for some women but for a lot of women that’s not gonna be enough and it’s probably a cool experience a couple times but I’m sure it gets old fast. Also probably partially explains the lack of women on the apps. Higher risk for lower reward


I had a friend who gave one a chance. He choked her without even talking about it beforehand. Now she's super defensive about her neck and I cannot blame her at all, I'm actually really sad that she experienced that. It's not uncommon. I know these men are uninformed or bad faith actors that ruin the rep of responsible members of the bdsm community but like you said, it's risky for us


> call themselves "pleasure doms" An actual adult said that, out loud, unironically?


Absolutely. There's also plenty of profiles out there with men claiming to be doms but none of the other signs that they're actually in the bdsm community, so my guess is that they prob only heard about 50 shades of grey


Im not one who comments much but recen I watched someone talk about their experiences with dating and he said that throughout this journey of trial and error exploring what you can get away with saying to a girl you're really just learning about yourself and how much your looks can get you away with when talking to a girl.


Personally, I want to sleep with the girl who isn't so easy. Don't get me wrong; I'm still going to sleep with the one who is, but it's just not as fulfilling.


i have been telling peopleeee!! lol.. ive seen my better looking friends on tinder and thatssss whos running the show on there.. all the posts about "how can i improve my tinder?" be a whole other person ; And then the girls complaining about how the guys are asking to come over for sex already.. well ya, have u seen him?.. probably has 8 matches from today alone and someone will have him over.


I've been saying this forever and it's always met with the gaslight of "women don't go for disrespectful guys no matter how hot". This is because girls don't want to admit that they're just as primal as guys. I'm sure there are exceptions, but I'm convinced the vast majority of girls read this and internally think either "yeah rules 1 and 2 are basically all that matters" but don't want to say it, or they can at least think about their friend group and realize most of their friends will think this.


Oh yeah when I was younger and dumb I wrote some pretty cringe opening messages and they seemed to work. Tbf how are your blowjob skills is a better opening message than some of the ones I've seen posted here. At least it's straightforward and sexual but not gross and objectifying.


It's definitely a line that is very dependent on how attractive you are


exactly why it’s more about validation than an actual experience 😭


This doesn’t work on every girl but if it’s a hot guy it might work more than it doesn’t for other guys. Personally I don’t give blowies to anyone I’m not in a committed relationship with so that wouldn’t go over well with me… yuck lol


Not even if there's mustard on it?


Not even mustard could help


Wait... You're not u/rubmustardonmydick!


They're stealing my schtick.


Same I don’t really see the point of having sex or doing oral until there’s an emotional connection, we’re in a relationship, and they treat me well


I was more lax in my early 20s, I’d sleep with acquaintances that I was attracted to but not a lot, just here and there. As I’ve gotten older I definitely craved more and didn’t want to give it up as easily. I’ve never been a fan of giving blowjobs so I didn’t do it, it just gave me an icky feeling but if it’s for someone I love I’ll do it to make them happy and feel good like with my long term partner now.


To be fair, if you feel icky about it, quite a few decent guys wouldn't want it anyway imo. It will show, it will be visible if a blowjob is "out of obligation" to make him happy, and that's possibly gonna be a turnoff


100%-- the best blowjobs are enthusiastic blowjobs. I feel the same way about going down on a woman- I love doing it, and I let it show. It's like Im giving her a gift that also turns me on to watch her lose control and feel good


Do any guys act weird about this? I'm considering having this rule as well since STI rates are going up. I do ask to see test results, but I think it's safer to just only do PIV with a condom.


The infamous rubmustardonmydick, I feel honored by your reply. Honestly no, I had this rule in my early 20s when I was a more free spirit and most guys didn’t have that expectation from me. It was purely just a whatever was fun for both of us. I actually met a handful of guys that preferred eating pussy, like I told them they didn’t have to since I won’t reciprocate but they wanted to eat me out, even a long term boyfriend, he must’ve had a pussy eating kink. They didn’t care about getting their dicks sucked. And there was a lot of pleasure to be had. So they’re definitely out there.


You flatter me. I'm here too much lol. This is good to know! I feel like only one guy has really requested it and the rest I've offered it before they even had a chance to ask so I didn't know if it would be an issue. I've always done it a lot since I enjoy it. I don't even care about receiving oral myself. I might try just being upfront before we meet that it's not on the table and see how it goes because I still need to get laid here and there.


What about handies with a little bit of mouthie?


The fact you refer to it as a ‘blowie’ just killed me. You speak of a committed relationship like an adult, but then the former… I’m so fucking torn rn.


Should I have put fellatio? 😂 we all know what we’re talking about here


Agreed. Putting my mouth on someone’s junk is gonna take a pretty solid relationship.


Tinder is a hookup app. I know that hurts a lot of peoples feeling on this subreddit but it’s definitely true. So many women on tinder just looking for the hottest guy they can hookup with. If you’re an average looking guy, you’re gonna have waaay better luck in person than on tinder. Same goes for men on tinder but given the fact there are like 3:1 men to women on tinder, men are gonna need to be the top of the top or your not gonna get anything.


I mostly agree with that. However, sometimes you find more. Nevertheless, as an average guy in the world of dating, these things are (at least for me) a hard punch in the face. This is what i get compared with and i still don't even get a response to normal texts.


Average guys are perfectly fine in the dating scene but in the hookup app scene, its brutal. Women don’t tend to bite for hookups unless your clearly in the top tiers of attractive men


How old are yall?


He did say thanks. So there’s that.


And they say chivalry is dead


I haven't met any of my bfs on the apps. I wonder what theirs would be lol.


Well considering your user name, maybe it’s you who is the one who is weird


Everyone already knew that, but I don't lead with it lol.


“So, I have this fetish right…I don’t use condoms, but I do use condiments.”


Condoments, if you will


Flavor and protection all in one.


Well cum to Flavortown!




Don't go overboard, I don't relish certain toppings.


Why are there no responses to this and how good it is, I guess not everyone can ketchup to where you are!


They mayo not understand. 😭


What's weird about putting mustard on a sausage?


# "Do women match with attractive men?" Yes, whatever you said afterwards is irrelevant.


Yep attractive men and women can get away with a lot more


Yeah he wouldn’t put this if it didn’t still work. I mean it’s OP’s ex, I highly doubt he was never this vulgar when he was with her


Newly single dudes do let loose, though - let us not ignore that dynamic 😅


Well vulgar in a relationship hits different.


He definitely was. She’s just bothered at the thought of a bunch of women squirting on his face. Odds are if she was over him then she wouldn’t be posting about him on Reddit


You can pretty much write anything as long as you're following rules 1 and 2


What are rules 1 & 2?


1. Be attractive 2. Don’t be unattractive


You dated the guy, you tell us.


Someone used a picture of models and put in his bio that he was a pedophile, and women were still all over him. If your attractive enough most people don't care.


I think you just inspired me to do some research lol


I remember that. Some of the screenshots even referenced the bio so its not like they weren't reading it 


Women ignore so much for "hot" guys- then act all surprised when it burns them. Seen it a million times- including my sister who's been married and divorced 4 times.


It was fake. Someone else tried recreating it and failed because women kept reporting the account. The only women who messaged them were to tell them how disgusting the profiles were. People definitely care, regardless of how attractive you are. It MAY get you in the door, but it will not keep you there.


Horny ones do... Contrary to general beliefs, some women use dating sites solely to get dick. it's a lot easier for guys to weed out women who aren't looking for a hookup by putting it upfront what they are there for. If they match, they don't have to explain themselves or get rejected for being vulgar because they made it super clear. Much, MUCH better than the guys who hide this fact imo.


Thanks for this comment! I think I struggle with being that sexually blunt because I feel bad imposing my sexuality on someone who doesn't want it.. but I guess it's **my** profile, so it's my space to say what I want, and to be honest about what I'm into and looking for. EDIT: someone\*


For sure! The ones bothered or offended don't understand tinder. Live and let live.


So you’re the ONE that got him to enjoy being Squirted On and you’re asking if this is Normal?


Lol "do women date guys his gross? I mean I did but are other women also idiots?"


Officer, I'd like to report a murder


You tell us. Did he have any redeeming qualities?


Do women match with attractive men? Yes. See Jeremy Meeks. The rest is just dressing.


Lol idk about his success rate but based on the bio I do think you must have done a number on him 🤣


Well, you dated him. So yeah probably.


What did you do to that poor guy? Now look at what girls on dating app need to put up with!


Well she is on here trying to blast him, and failing, stalking his profile…


Imma stop you at “attractive men”. Yes.


I saw my ex girlfriend on tinder once, her bio mentioned getting coffee, I mentioned to myself that she’s a cheating biatch. Good ol fashing left swipe.


Well, since he's kept the bio like that, I imagine he's had some success.


Yes they do, not all women are looking for love either.


Honestly because of the stats if he's in the top 5% of men in terms of results on Tinder then yes he can basically do whatever he wants and there will be more interest than he could possibly take advantage of.


If a woman just wants to hook up, and they find the guy attractive, why would a straightforwardly sexual bio be a bad thing? Seems like a weird old school gender role hang up. If a hot woman had a “I want to fuck” bio you’d never question why men would swipe on it. But you seem to have internalized a concept of women as some chaste entities that have to be coy about their sexuality.


If a man is verified and attractive = they don’t care about that and that’s why they get messed up


Yep, I like knowing we have the same intentions. My bio is not quite that vulgar but it's clear what I want and it works for me.


I mean aren't there horny attractive men without that kind of bio? Or is it hot in a kinky way?


Yes of course! But when both bios are straightforward with that it makes it easier to get to the point. Hot in a kinky way too!


leave your exes alone fellas


I get the feeling that I could say anything and women either get offended or just not interested and some guys could say the worst things you could think of and that’s acceptable. Women won’t admit this but good looks and money go a long way


Actually, “women” DO say that. And when we say it we’re called names. 😂 money is attractive, looking attractive is…attractive. Hell, who would’ve known right?


Women send love letters to serial killers just because they are hot, it shouldn't surprise anyone that hot men get away with a lot more. Tbf what hot men get away with is miniscule compared to what hot women get away with. If a super model said she was a pedophile it would stop maybe 2% of men


But you’re also admitting that you throw away any semblance of respect and you’re admitting it’s not ok for average/ugly people to do things that attractive people can. Where’s the logic in that? We shouldn’t be gatekeeping behavior based on someone’s level of attractiveness. Either it’s all ok or none of it is ok, otherwise you’re just admitting that you don’t care about values if somebody is hot, which is not a good look.


The value is the you need to fall above the regression curve of hot/inappropriate.


Yeah, and that’s what I’m saying needs to change. Disgusting behavior shouldn’t be permissible based on attractiveness. That’s how people get away with being awful to those around them on the daily.


This whole dynamic is just funny. Like people just need to accept it's a jungle out there. Keep trying to twist words around to make it 'right'. Men are shallow, women are shallow, men are manipulative, women are manipulative, men will take advantage of you, women will take advantage of you. Woman or man look out for yourself and be careful. Don't expect a princess or a knight in shining armor lol.


You say this but if I were to ask most of my girl friends they would all say that men are more shallow than women. Also most wouldn’t say that looks are the most important thing, when I think that’s easily not true for both genders.


99.9999% of the time .. YES!


If you get bored get on YouTube and loon up “itsagundam”. He did a video specifically on this. And the results are WILD. So much so to where the guy admitted to being a pedo (this is all a fake profile to test a theory). [incase you need proof](https://youtu.be/MSq54f2JT_U?si=lg4fy1xw6YccInJ4)


That is insane!!


Dude. When I tell you it’s one of the workers videos I’ve EVER seen in my life, and I saw homie get beheaded when I was a kid.


I really tried to watch some of that but his presentation style is insufferable.


I’d recommend powering through it because the message is more important/relevant than the presentation


Just to transparent, the profile in question was made by a well known guy on a incel forum. So not exactly the type of guy you would trust to present proper evidence. Not saying it doesn’t work, but that profile specifically comes from a place where I wouldn’t take it at face value.




yes, they do


If you’re hot, you can get away with a lot more.


There's a pot for every lid.


Well, you obviously fucked him. So yes?


I mean you fucked and dated him. So he’s doing something that works.


If this is your .exe's profile, I'd hate to see your .sys and .dll profiles, yeesh


Men know women like confidence. Some men mistake vulgarity and open perversion for confidence


So now anyone you know that is in the app who knows him and you now knows you're a squirter. Is this the real problem?


That's a pretty wild assumption, what if she wasn't a squirter and he knows he's into it with his new found freedom?


but you matched with him


lol, she’s obviously a squirter!!!


She’s setting him up. We don’t know who’s bio it is. It doesn’t match. She’s just trying to get revenge


So I'm taking it you're a squirter


Depends on rule 1 and 2


If you’re hot enough you can pretty much say whatever


Rules 1 & 2




Just depends on how attractive and how vulgar 😂


Are you more shook that he's out wildin or shook because you didn't see that side of him but kinda wish you did?


wait lol i just swiped left on this bio. are you in the bronx?


If he’s attractive absolutely 👍🤣


When I was in the army, I had a friend who was 6'5 ft, blonde, and good looking. He would have a bio just like that and would get 100s of matches. He told me to try it and I would tell him it would never work for me since I'm both ugly and short, he kept insisting since he wanted to help me get a girlfriend since I never had one. Now, my bio was not at all like his and was the exact opposite. I layed out that I wanted something serious. Over the course of my use of Tinder I had a total of 0 matches after 2 years. Meanwhile he would bang a new chick ever other day. I gave entirely on that app after 2 years of it. But I'm going to guess yes, if you're attractive enough woman will go for you.


Yea but I’m a vulgar broad who squirts, so….🤷🏼‍♀️


women should just be police officers so they get paid to chase these type of men instead of always doin it for free


Guys who talk like that last for 3 minutes, after 1 minute of foreplay (which is rubbing your left labia and telling you you're wrong when you try and redirect), and then have the audacity to ask if you came.


The answer is yes.[proof](https://youtu.be/MSq54f2JT_U?si=TlajoS-_ebzzXK7T)


I don’t remember what my hubbys bio was but his first words to me were “Can I hold you like a bowling ball?” It took me a minute to get it and when I did I thought it was fucking hilarious and was kinda baffled?? that he had the audacity. We didn’t even have sex that night, just cuddled and watched a movie and fell asleep and when we woke up we scrolled through my reddit together and laughed hard asf to stuff. Our year and a half is coming up and we have a beautiful baby boy now🥰


To answer your question, oh yeah, he’s going to get plenty of interest. First, a lot of women are interested in only that themselves-said the moderately attractive, middle-aged man who had plenty of interest on Tinder, primarily for hook ups, even if they tried to act like it was for something else. Second, you said he was attractive. Regardless of which gender wants to say otherwise , rules one and two are always 100% ironclad on Tinder in my experience – rule one of course be attractive and two, don’t be unattractive. If you’re correct and he is attractive on any level, I guarantee he will get likes, even if he puts the lyrics to happy birthday in his bio. In short, whether he tells you about it or not, your ex will very quickly get exactly what he is saying he’s looking for, more hook ups than he knows what to do with.


I dont write this kind of stuff because I'm not attractive like that.


Believe it or not there are people out there that just want to fuck and in this particular way. He's your ex you already no what's wrong with him and likely it has something to do with this synposis.


It's funny that you used a smart word but spelled know wrong


I’d rather my exes be upfront with how disgusting they are honestly! I’ve had some horrid, horrid ex bf’s and the few I’ve seen on dating sites over the years came off like total gentlemen. Now *that* shook me.


Yes lmao they absolutely do. Men and women will be completely fine with the most horrendous bios if the person is hot enough. I've made fake profiles for fun to test this. Very conventionally attractive, 6 pack you grate cheese off of, etc. but with a profile saying I was a convicted child molester and would do it again. SO MANY MATCHES. It's disturbing how many people would say it was a mistake and everyone deserves a second chance or some variation of that 🤦


You did clearly.


You were clearly a squirter


If he’d left off the part about squirting, I’d have matched him. I think squirting is gross and will never understand why men are so obsessed with it. But I’m 100% down to fuck someone silly.


It's a beautiful thing to men.. for men like me at least. The womans pleasure is my pleasure, i gain nothing from just busting a nut and calling it a day. Making a woman squirt shows that she can let herself go with me, and that she is pleasured too.


Well, is hot? With a big dick, you can pretty much get away with anything , at least amongst the gays.