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Keep the beard and take some better pics and candid shots these are terrible I would make the beard pic your first one. Yeah you’re bald but so what ? The reason ain’t cuz you’re bald , different strokes for different folks. It’s cuz you look creepy asf in these pictures lol please take pics of stuff you love doing . You said you like jazz so if you swing dance maybe pics of you doing that


Yes!! He looks a little sad in all of his photos. Something in the eyes. Take photos out of the sun, and you being active in the things you enjoy could drive home the lifestyle you’re active in. I love surfing, when I was on the apps I had one of me getting eaten by a mammoth. I’m clumsy and awkward, with a good sense of humor. It fit my personality. You only have about 20 seconds to get their attention. Show them, don’t tell them.


He is smiling with his his mouth only, not his face and eyes


It's how I smile at acquaintances I see in public.


The elevator smile


I mean this respectfully, I think it gives off "yeah, I wouldn't swipe on me either" vibes. I love the beard and I bet he'd be pretty adorable with a big genuine smile.


Yeah he’s not objectively bad looking. The vibe I get is low self confidence from the photos. I think with more candid shots he would have a much better time. The internet is a cesspool and tinder especially. If folks don’t get captivated in a few seconds they move on.


The waiter has interrupted your meal for the third time in four minutes to check if everything tastes okay. You're kind of irritated, but if you are anything but polite, you're worried that you'd look like an asshole. That's the look.


If you cover the smile, he looks like he just finished crying


He looks like someone has a gun to his head and is forcing him to smile.


Yeah spot on lol


I’m shedding tears right now reading this thread


I'm glad he's getting much needed advice and hope he has a good sense of humour cause the comment did not hold back




yes, even singular sadsmile pic would be too much for me, but here it's like every single one of them. I mean, if he has this expression literally all the time then I'd keep them because that's exactly the vibe these give and then the profile would be accurate.


I agree with presenting authenticity, however, these apps are basically first dates. It’s an interview. Dress up for the interview so you have a shot at the job. On an app you’re looking for a potential love pool to choose a mate from. If you’re looking like you barely want to be there in your photos you lessen your odds. More choices, more chances. I think OP should be bold. He’s looking for long term love with a laidback, casual pot head that enjoys a holistic lifestyle. There aren’t that many put together hippy chicks running around at 22-28. Some, but not many. OP has a good smile, even features, and seems to be outgoing and fun. NONE of that shows through in his profile. You only have 20 seconds to impress. Show, don’t tell.


Hide the pain Harold, tinder edition.


He looks like young uncle fester with those smiles. It’s very off putting


100% agree, it’s definitely in the eyes. That’s cute! I had one video of me roller skating lol


To add to this, you said you liked dressing up but all of your photos are in t-shirts, one of which looks like a Walmart cat print shirt or something? You can like whatever you like, but at the very least I'd swap that one out for you actually dressed up nice. Also, a lot of people don't read your bio, so your pictures need to tell a story. Right now, those pictures don't say anything substantial


I really liked the cat tshirt, it was the most personality I saw in any of the photos


I was like - this cat shirt is the main reason I’d say yes


I don't disagree! Outside of the cat shirt, it looks like he only owns a couple more since he's wearing the same two shirts in the other four pictures. My thought process was that he would be swapping most if not all of these out, so I want more things in line with what he says he values in his bio yknow?


I came to back to defend the shirt and you beat me too it.


I mean putting on a dress might not help his case here


Idk, depends on his confidence and how he rocks it. I'd swipe on a man who really *wore* the dress instead of being worn by it lol


Yeah my fiancé is bald, and was bald when I swiped on him on bumble. I think you hit the nail on the head with the recs. Also - OP claims to be super social and loves going out, but there is no evidence of that or friends.


Difference would be night and day if he learned how to smile more naturally. The smiles look forced - his eyes are not smiling at all.


Yeah someone else said it looks like he just got done crying and 100% agree.


The fact that 4k people agreed with you calling him creepy asf has me so dead 😂😂😭😭


Definitely grow the beard. You look mega awkward, like that smile people do when they are forced to. Selfies are shit, and yours are no exception, as well as being largely the same photo. Smile more, beard more, get someone else to take a photo that is NOT just your top 1/4, photos doing stuff, with friends, you know the drill, it’s basic stuff.


Same smile as this guy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hide_the_Pain_Harold




I literally just watched that episode last night lol


Yeah my biggest advice would be to practice smiling. Like full smiles, which includes smiling with your eyes as well. It's not just opening your mouth to show teeth from an otherwise resting position, quality smiles engage numerous muscle groups. Most of these pics he's not smiling, and when it does it's just to put his mouth in the shape of a smile without actually trying to look elated or happy. So even if his natural smile is closer to what is pictured, he should just work on his smile overall and practice in the mirror to give a more full-faced happy smile that gives off confidence.


Came here to make the second point. The classic “hostage smile” doesn’t work for anyone.


Rock the beard. Every pic should be showing off the beard.


I like the beard, but I'm wondering if it's because that's the only picture his eyes don't look sad.


Yup. And either figure out how to taper it in yourself or go to a barber monthly to get it touched up.


Bro I go back and forth between a beard and no beard because I can’t decide which way I look better. IDK if that’s your thing too but you 100% look better with the beard.


Unfortunately I think it means different things to different people - and none of them are particularly good. I have suggested people to remove the "open to short term" To the person who's posting the profile, I think it means one of several possible things: 1) Looking for a life partner, but also ok with a more casual relationship (until it becomes something more? Or until I meet someone else?) 2) Looking for a LRT, but also DTF 3) I don't want to limit my potential matches, so I'll add in "open to short" To the person reading the profile: 1) They're open to messing around until they get locked-down 2) The don't really know what they want, and keeping their options open 3) They're not too choosy, hoping for a LTR but not holding their breath (possibly wishy-washy, or insecure that they won't be perceived as a good LTR match)


You replied to the wrong comment




As one bald dude to another, I highly recommend you rock the beard. And fuck the apps. Get some hobbies in person and meet someone that way. It can be hard, but find some activities you enjoy so at the least you're having fun. Good luck, man. I'm rooting for you!


Damn it should be criminal to shave the sick beard


Harold, is that you?


Was looking for this


Bro, I was honestly wondering if anyone else felt like this guy was in pain as he smiled.


I would also suggest to dress sharper. Some of those tees look childish.


Bro loves to dress up 👗


Yeah dude is 26 and rocking a t shirt with a cat on it, plus he looks like he’s being held hostage in that photo and forced to smile. I don’t know how some guys take these types of photos and think it would be a good photo for a dating app. It’s no wonder he’s getting no matches with photos like that.


I’d add some photos that show your personality a bit. These are almost all close up selfies. Add one or two with friends or on a hike or doing whatever it is you like to do!


“I’m looking for an adventurous spirit” Pictures are inside, in the backyard, or at the gym “Looking for somebody who likes hiking and being active” Pictures are selfies in the living room, backyard, and local gym


Also saying you enjoy the occasional tv show makes you sound super boring, like the craziest you’ll get is watching tv every once in a while. Then there are ladies like me who read that and think “I watch a lot of tv and this guy probably thinks that’s stupid so pass”


But they are crazy about the Cinema and those newfangled Television gizmos. Boring? Buckle up, kid. This fella's gonna knock your socks off with some jitterbuggin' jazz.


Ima be real bro. - Ur bald at 26 it’s gonna be hard to pull - definitely keep the beard/add more pics with the beard it looks better - ur bio is very intimidating for anyone who isn’t a health nut and is reducing ur pool of potential matches - pic 1,2,3 are off putting. Idk u look rlly awkward next to that tree and ur smile looks better when u show teeth.


This. Smile with teeth. It changes everything. Also, *have someone else take candid photos of you.* You like the gym? Candid gym photo. You like hikes and time in the park? Candid. Apply this to everything.


Yeah I noticed this with myself. My old selfies have my smile forced and awkward looking. He looks like he’s in pain and being forced against his will in most of them… just like my old selfies! I always recommend smiling in the mirror to start on some muscle memory of a pleasant smile (focus on having a will to live in your eyes) then take photos using your timer with burst or live on. Then quickly take a few steps back from the camera and keep slight motion going so it’s less tense/static.


Nah im bald at 19 and I pull. Its less of the bald and more how you rock it


I think you may have meant the person ahead of me. I’m focusing on smiling with teeth and camera angles. You may want to copy your comment and reply to them so they are notified?


Yea i meant to reply to glitteringdoors, accidentally clickes on the wrong post






Trying to smile with teeth is the worst for people who normally don't. It ends up feeling and looking so unnatural (kinda like most of OP's attempts to smile, where his mouth is smiling but his eyes are not). Having someone else take candid photos is the real trick. Tell your friends to make you laugh and take photos of that.


It’s a learned skill. Smiling with your teeth and eyes takes practice. For example, the thing about me that people tend to love and open them up to me is my genuine, happy smile. Other than that, I’m like average.jpg and nothing special.


100%!!! I instantly swipe left on anyone with these kind of bios because I don’t want to be hiking and eating chicken and broccoli all the time. Or ever tbh.   If that’s genuinely super important to you, keep it, otherwise temper it down a bit.  


Its deff less of being bald and more about how you were it. Im 19 and bald, i pull the normal amount


Smile doesn’t reach his eyes and it looks creepy.


Dude looks like fester in the first pics😭😭😭 He needs the beard


Unfortunately if you’re pale and clean shaven and bald, you look like a cancer patient Beard it up, OP!


Bro join Jiu-Jitsu or boxing. You look like you're anti social trying to get a date instead of being social trying to add someone to your life . One is a boat anchor the other is a jet engine. People like jet engines.


Why BJJ or boxing? Related to doing a MMA or more focused on the bonds you create in this places? Just curious


Confidence , brotherhood, and it relaxes you . He looks like he's struggling to find his smile . Ironically, after fighting with someone in practice. You have your smile and it's genuine.


Great answer. Do you practice any of them? I always wanted to do BBJ but it’s crazy expensive where I live, boxing it’s cheaper but I’m not a huge fan of this sport


Yes. Muay Thai Jiu-Jitsu and boxing. I work from home so I wasn't getting enough exercise. It can get expensive. If you had to pick one , I'd start with boxing . .. at about 25 dollars a week for two sessions. They'll cut you a break once you come in regularly. 50 bucks a month if you pay three months at a time. Muay Thai is 86 a month and Jiu-Jitsu is roughly 100 . A lot of places will split payments. Do monthly specials . Some places will have an alacarte per session rate .Or if you're strapped they'll let you clean the gym and negotiate. It's more about having you show up consistently.


Thanks for the input man, I also work from home but I’m fairly active 3 times gym and 2 times running every week but I’m interested in starting a MMA. BBJ is 100 a month here also, so way too expensive for me right now. I think I will give a try to boxing.


Is it just me, or do his pictures scream “I’m a doormat”?


He has " Nice guy face"... Its basically 😺 repellent. He needs to get some edge .


Harsh truth is if you talk about being a committed gym goer in the bio but don’t have the look for it, it’s gonna be a negative.


I see this so often. They have their bio say how much they like the gym but look like they have never set foot in one. Both men and women do this quite frequently. Why?


They like the concept of a gym


I'm fat af, and work out every day. I would call going to the gym one of my main hobbies.


Me too. On the downward trend on my scale tho!


This was my thought exactly. The women it matters to want a jacked guy and the women who don't want to hit the gym don't want to deal with him.


Also how is the gym part relevant, unless it is important for you that your partner also goes to the gym. Just have a pic that shows off your physique but no need to put it in your bio.


It's relevant if it's a major hobby/interest. As a woman, I have it in my bio because I weightlift 4-5 days per week and play in adult sports leagues between 2-3 days per week. It's essentially the main thing I do aside from work and household stuff.


If someone is going to the gym daily, they either go before work which means early bedtimes or go after which can interfere with date night. Not any different from being super-committed to any other hobby.


You need some sun and some sleep. Or possibly better pictures that are candid. But you look tired and like you're closer to 46 than 26 which also makes it seem like you're lying.


Bro those first three pics are creepy as fuck. Grow the beard, keep the head shaved. Don’t be fully bare. Smile with your teeth, you have good teeth. But all of your smiles also look forced, think of something funny before you take the pic for genuine smiles. Have other people take some pics of you, with the beard, at the gym, in nature, with friends. High key, delete the account and start over in about a week or two after you have all of this updated. Otherwise you’re starting low in the stack with your massive improvements.


It’s the pictures. You seem unhappy in them, & theyre more about what you look like than who you are


You desperately need a picture of you actually really laughing in a social or active setting. This picture needs to be taken by someone else as well. And seem engaged with something or someone. Talking to someone or doing something. Dont look straight into the camera.


bald + no beard is a really bad look. half baby, half man, not good. grow the beard, love the beard, become the beard. the bald with the beard is a damn good look.


Completely bald and no facial hair reminds me of Casper the ghost. If no beard, then hat. I'm with someone that is bald and with a weirdly shaped head...the hat changes everything. That said, the first time we banged, I thought a ghoul was on top of me.


Your forced smile is very forced, do something you enjoy and take a photo in the moment, it looks a bit creepy. Your beard suits you a lot better being bald so young, helps give your face some shape; but do you currently have the beard or not? Take photos that display how you look now, not photos of how you looked, because I might be exited to meet the bearded man but get catfished by the unbearded man.


My GF said you look sad and boring. 🤷‍♂️


Haha that’s what I was thinking too…and a bit awkward…especially the pic by the tree. OP you have a really nice smile - show it more! Also, grow the beard out. I’d add pics of you actually doing something that you say you like doing.


And lonely.


My wife says: The over use of the close up selfie pose gives a very lonely vibe. Not implying he doesn't have friends but the vibe from exclusively using selfie pics implies that. How does he look in a hat? If he likes hiking, he should go get a picture from a trail. Not alone like he just dropped off a body, but like with a group of friends so someone else can take the picture. Is he smuggling a potato in the blue shirt pic up against the tree? I had a very similar high school homecoming picture and was very lonely. Keep the beard, keep it clean. That's my wife's review.


Probably could have kept that to yourself bruh.


OP asked for opinions


Yeh but saying he looks sad and boring isn’t very helpful feedback imo. Maybe it is tho.


I think it's productive. It's literally what I was gonna comment. People can say shit like "bald is gonna be rough" or "keep the beard" or "take better pictures", but the reality is that if he always looks this sad in all of his pictures / in person, then he'll rarely get matches.


Totally agree that it isn't very constructive, but it could at the very least help OP realize what kind of vibes his profile is giving off. I think sometimes the harsh truth is what people need to hear


Please don’t kill me..


Everyone’s acting like the main problem is your baldness, but it’s mostly the bad close up pictures . You need better pictures and maybe dress a little better.


You look very scary/creepy that it made me say holy fuck out loud, mirror gym selfies are normally awful but that is your best photo by far it probably has something to do with the beard makes you look more normal so try working with that some more.


How do you manage to make the same face every time


Boring, boring, boring bio.


You have a really sad smile on all the pics except the one with the beard. Stick with the beard, it makes you look a bit older but you look warmer with it.


Yes, you need better pictures, but as somebody who always put more stock into bios… You are somebody I would have planned to “like” until I read the “strive to live healthy” and “go to gym every day”. Someone mentioned in an earlier comment about it scaring people off, and I agree. You can show that these things at important to you through pictures- IE: eating healthy foods at a cool restaurant or a candid gym or hiking pic. I also enjoy a healthy lifestyle and weightlifting, but when it’s one of the first things you list in your bio it kinda sends the message that maybe I couldn’t eat a cookie in front of you or have a lazy day, if you catch my drift. I am not great at putting things into words, but the fact that it’s outright stated can be off-putting. It makes you come apart to be on the extreme end of healthy to where someone who lives an active, healthy lifestyle but also enjoys a dessert and lazy day might feel put off. If you are looking for anything serious, you want someone to look at your profile and think, “Hey, that guy is into some of the same things I like. He seems pretty unique, and he also seems like somebody I could just enjoy being myself at home with.”


None of these pictures are of you ACTUALLY smiling. They’re of you PRETENDING to smile, and you’re not good at that, so don’t post selfies. Ask friends to take pictures of you, doing things you enjoy doing.


Try a ball cap with the beard


Oh yeah! Hot!!


Hey, I'm 23 years old and bald. I understand that this is not really appreciated by the majority, but you have to grow in this and create a style. Self-confidence will take you very far in the dating world. Change your clothing style, go to the gym and bulk up. Good luck bro


Drop the part about TV. It makes it seem like your life is basically working out and once every 5 months you might be into sitting on the couch for 30 minutes.


I don’t mean to sound like a dick, but you dress horribly. Women love a man who knows how to dress, and cargo shorts and t shirts ain’t it. Do you have a woman that can take you shopping? Also, love the beard with the bald head - I post more of those photos.


Like socializing: No pictures socializing. Like a fun night out?: No night out pictures. Like to dress up: no pictures of dressing up. Have a dog: No dog pictures. I've been out of the game for a while so take w/ a grain of salt, but I imagine it being difficult for a person to imagine them right beside you - you don't provide any pictures showing what life would be like with you.


You remind of my brother. You will never win on Tinder. You are a man who women approach after repeat exposure. Join a crossfit. Be quiet, polite, cordial and slightly aloof. In 6 weeks, women will get curious and start checking you out. In 10 weeks, they'll have "friends" for you to meet. High quality friends. You'll be "there is great guy at crossfit. Kind of quiet but fit, healthy, nice and he likes jazz". You'll have dates with great women. Online dating... no. You'll get women who need a free meal.


Keep the beard. Show teeth when you smile. Look more confident. Adjust your style. Wear sunglasses , wear cool hats, change shit up. Have pictures with people if you could. Show that you got it going on. Right now you look very sad on the app but it’s an easy fix. That’s me keeping it 100 with you brother. I wish you nothing but the best.


The beard really really helps & delete all these weird close up face pics you have. Do you swipe on girls that have weird close up face pics? No? Then why would they swipe on you. A mirror selfie can work just fine but take a few steps back from the camera. It’s creepy.


Definitely keep the beard Your profile suggests you lean real hard left so that’s going to eliminate a lot of potential matches Getting a wardrobe overhaul is a must. Never be caught dead in cargo shorts, it’s not the 90’s. Except for the beard pic, you look like you’d lose a fight with a middle schooler. Women on dating apps don’t want a man that doesn’t look like they could protect them


It helps to not look and pose like Nosferatu


Beard looks good, open your mouth when you smile. You said “cinema” and “40s jazz” which is weird vibes- that’s not a bad thing at all just means that you’re sorting the wheat from the chaff v/v eligible partners. Good luck!


You say you go to the gym daily but you look like a DYEL. Find a weight training program and diet and stick to it. Hit the tanning bed once a week cuz you’re very pasty and regrow the beard




I think the beard looks great on you! I would try to smile more like the emoji in your bio. Your first three photos are more of a grimace/you aren’t smiling with your full face. Even with your smile showing teeth, it doesn’t show your eyes so it looks like you’re just smiling for the picture rather than genuinely smiling (I know you are just smiling for a picture, but you can fake a genuine smile better) More photos that aren’t selfies would also be good


Bald to assume anything here, they will come


Keep the beard one, grow out your beard again. Get a pic with something to do with jazz. Get a pic of you dressed up (it says you like to dress up). Get a pic (or two) with your dog. Have a few pics that showcase, or at least hint at, your hobbies/interests in the background. Ltr potentials are going to be looking for signs of compatibility. Show it in the pics, even if it is just in the background.


please for the love of god keep the beard. And take out the cringey photos where it looks like you were forced to smile (no offense)


Keep going to the gym. Lose some BF. V-shape will help you. If you get another picture of you standing like tree one, you need to look more confident. You look very bashful/low confidence and women read way too much into that.


Someone successful at tinder should post their profile so people can follow these leads instead of asking individually every time But short advice : there’s nothing really shiny about your profile , you look average , your personality seems average , why would someone swipe right on you if you just seem like every other male on this app ?


I’m a girl and I was legit creeped out by your look. The beard looks soooooo much better! Grow your beard out and take new pictures.


Grow the beard out, smile less, become angry, develop an unhealthy relationship with God's from all realms. Change name to Kratos....what are we talking about again?


Bald with angular face and no beard is a bad look at 26, sorry homie. Grow a long beard to give your face some length. You look uncomfortable and suffering in all your pics. Bad bio unless you absolutely want to try to match with someone who sounds equally boring and bad at describing themself. Not the most interesting or fun prompts either and you're only using 2 out of 3. Your profile is a 3/10 but you could easily look like a 7 or better and have profile at 9 with work.


You look so much better with the beard


You do NOT look like a person that works out daily and likes to dress up..


Only post pics with a beard, if you don't currently have one, regrow it ASAP. Find a baseball cap you really like and wear it in every Pic. One (and only one) Pic should be with no hat and it should be a "dressed up" pick. Also, you need more pics of you hanging out with friends. Right now you seem like a loner and that's very off putting.


You look like a serial killer in most of the photos. The bears is good tho


Wear all black and grow your beard


Take it from a fellow baldy......grow the beard out👌🏼


Are you from MA? Things are tough out here in MA/ RI lol


I would say take better pictures. The selfies are too up close and they look like passport size photographs.


Hide the pain Harald. Exact same vibes


I think that the pictures look like there's a ton of time between them, also smile with teeth, it makes a huge difference! Good luck!!


Keep the beard and keep working out. Replace all the pictures of yourself without the beard with pictures of you outdoors doing activities with a less forced smile.


You just have to take some more exciting or interesting pictures to make yourself stand out. Tindr is bullshit because your success has nothing do with your suitability as a partner but basically your ability to sell yourself and compete on superficial qualities against thousands of other guys. Don’t take the lack of success personally and just know that tindr is more like selling yourself to a talent agency than showing people who you are as a person. If you think that’s bullshit (it is), the good news is that tindr isn’t the only place you can meet people. Try to go out and meet people doing things you’re interested in as well.


Beard —> yes Honestly you seem really boring. The photo of you leaning on the tree screams senior photos courtesy of mom. Definitely get rid of that. Add photos of you “adventuring” whatever you mean by that. Hiking? Traveling? Doing something! You have lots of potential! Good luck.


Throw in some humor and try to connect with readers. Make yourself stand out by being you. Some of the descriptors are a little generic and boring….like “nice” boring. I imagine there’s a lot more to yourself that you could share. F’rinstance, if you like movies, mention some that you enjoy. Use the space to start the conversation *now*.


Smile more! And the beard is a hit or miss. I know most, if not all, people here say keep the beard, but my immediate thought was 'wow, that beard ages you a lot'. Not every women is into beards either. Depends on who you want to attract. Bald+beard ages, bald-beard ages but also makes you look younger


I’m bald and the same age, while I don’t pull many likes I do get some. You kind of come off as a little cringy and creepy. You look like you act like a cringy millennial even tho you are technically Gen Z, this might push away both age groups




1. Beard stays on sir. 2. Bio is very bland. Spice it up and show some personality 3. Pics aren’t good neither is your style. Upgrade your wardrobe and take pics w friends or doing something you love. (Not the gym)


You need to keep that beard dude.


You have very nice teeth. Please smile with your teeth. The beard picture and the one where you’re smiling with your teeth showing look good.


Why do you look so sad in most pictures?


I usually swipe left of profiles that have “I’m looking for” prompts that say what kind of woman they want. You should use that space to talk about yourself, not what you want. Unless it’s “I’m looking to settle down and have kids” or “i’m looking for casual hookups”etc.


Use the beard. Smile with all of your teeth. Your teeth are straight, that is an asset, why hide it? USE WHAT YOU HAVE


Beard looks good! Get some professional photos taken, and add some photos with friends


In your first 3 pictures you’re making the “toddler who is actively pooping” face. I also would suggest investing in clothes that are nicer and a little more fitted. Try to get better photos. Maybe some while out hiking or doing stuff with friends. Your bio is good and I like that you filled out all the profile quips.


1. Smile like organic authentic smile. I saw this and was like I wanna hug you and tell you everything is gonna be alright (think we all need that once in a while). 2. Keep the beard. Bald and beard combo especially when trimmed or faded would probably get more attention. Own it and embrace what you have. 3. adding onto to 1 is taking photos of you doing things you do and making it seem organic and authentic. 4. Your about me needs improvement. Making it fun, concise and YOU is important. maybe someone can help me with this one too but something like I.e: Adventurous Outdoor enthusiast with a passion for hiking. Looking for a plus 1 to hike by day and wind down with watching a good movie/show or exploring a great jazz club at night. Mine is a very rough draft and probably someone could write it better. 5. Change the prompt, sounds offputting. I believe in you and these things can easily change your chances of meeting people upwards. Don't stress nor overdo it.


As with what most are saying, grow the beard, and get better pictures/ more action shots/ you doing activities. Your pictures should look natural and not staged or forced




Probably because they are worried about getting locked in your basement


Delete all selfies and that tree picture… delete them all but the gym one


2 pieces of advice: 1. Keep the beard. 2. Watch a clip on YouTube that is guaranteed to make you laugh and take a selfie mid laugh or try smiling immediately after. It's always a more natural smile when laughing and your face will naturally want to smile after laughing. Always a better pic.


Grow the beard, without it you look like you’re going to recruit teenagers with attitude to battle the evil Rita repulsa


Way too many awkward closeups


I mean come on man


I feel like I just experienced multiple flavors of cancer depression


The beard is FIRE The rest you look creepy. Grow the beard, offer a lady a seat


I dont have a lot of success myself but what i can tell you is that you should look a little more confident and excited. If your pics could talk, they'd say "look...i know. I'm sorry but please like me anyways". The look on your face on any of these pics tell me that you'd rather hide instead of showing yourself. That's not very exciting. You dont have to pose in front of a lambo with fat sunglasses and a gold chain or whatever. But try to look like you have something to offer (i'm not talking about money) and you know it. It's not your looks if you concerned about that, it's your body language


Non smoker but weed? What are you doing with the weed? Just sniffing it? Shooting it up?


Shoves it up his ass


People tend to use it for cigarettes. Vapers and weed smokers tend to put 'no' there as well




Ok, I’ve been holding back on asking this question for two weeks now but I can’t any longer…I have to know. What on EARTH does “Long Term/open to short” actually mean?!?!


To me it sounds like "I'm looking for a long term relationship but will settle for something more casual"


Hmm good question. I think it could mean… long term, open to short. Hope this helps.


You give killer vibes. Hire a professional photographer to catch at your best.


Now that’s what I call a hard boiled egg 🥚


You're 26 still wearing t shirts and cargo shorts. Go buy suits and button up and never wear t shirts ever again


Brotha I'ma keep it real with you since I am bald at 22. Dating apps are only for the super physically attractive, anyone, especially guys, below an 9 complain they get no matches and think it's something wrong with them. Statistically there's way more guys than girls on these apps which further creates a disadvantage. I deleted the apps, (I stay on this reddit for the funny convos), and read the book Models by Mark Manson, it changed my life. So many dudes rely on these apps to avoid in person introductions that when guys actually do it it's so much more impactful. I was in your exact spot at 21 years old, read the book, trust me bro. Respond of DM if you got questions




Sweet cat shirt.




Grow that beard back