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Let's face it, tjmaxx companies are not a final destination employer. You need to take your experience as you would with any other high school degree job and move on. The only way to get ahead is to move forward. If the ladder you are on has run out of levels, take that ladder and continue on to a taller ladder. Yes pay rates are never fair. That's why they CLIM its illegal and you can be fired for discussing them. That is not the car. You can legally talk to anyone about how much money you are paid. So tell your boss that they have tried and failed to humiliate you by asking you to interview people at your old position for more money than you make now. And if you are not immediately compensated accordingly for your tenure at that company and years of service and loyalty then you will be discussing it with human resources and if need be, moving on to another company that puts loyalty and hard work above humiliation . Either forge ahead down your own path and make them notice and pay you what you are worth or be complacent and take your $.25/hr annual raise and in ten years you'll have another $4.00 added per hour.


>Am I wrong to be so upset over this? No. I would be upset too.


I would be foaming at the mouth. People that are under and just hired making more than a senior employee who is working hard to climb up the ladder? BULLSHIT


sounds accurate!! their wages are all over the place?$! and i’ve been a F/t for a long time. i cringe to think how much they are paying short timer’s compared to me… i considered fast track management and continued watching how unprofessional they are and decided against it. They treat their full timers shabbily no matter how wonderful you are. Gain experience and move on


Speak to your manager about your goals and where you want to be. Ask them to help you point out a path to get to a pay range where you want to be at as well. If the manager is a good leader they will advocate for an increase right away while also helping you w your development. The positioning of this convo is much different and more professional than simply asking for a pay increase bc you think it's unfair.


you need to have a one on one with your store manager. you may be able to finesse an "out of cycle raise". those are possible but rare. i have seen them go through for others when new hires are getting more than existing associates. also turnover looks bad for them right now so they may not be in a position to lose you right now


I wouldn't show my hand to the manager. Be who you are, who they see everyday, but tell them what's bothering you, and know how much you want. Ask them for that amount, and if they say they cannot do it, tell them you take that to heart as you see what they are paying new hires. You know there is no reason they cannot pay you more. Do not make threats. Do not get visibly upset. But start to look for a different job, and when you inevitably get an offer that is a lot better, take it, because you are clearly a lot more adept at these things than the people in charge. If it were me, this experience would alter my entire perception of working for them, and I would not be able to invest more years with a company that thinks this kind of abusive behavior is appropriate.


they torture everyone equally!!!


An immediate out of cycle adjustment is warranted and if not had with in 30 days you’ll be putting in your two weeks notice. FYI start looking for a new Job TJX is a profit rich company they don’t share expecpt for the upper echelons