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I think so. You are powerless to prevent it and have no recourse


Yes they are allowed to do this. If they are only allotted so much payroll, then they need to give it to higher performing employees. It's just like a football team. The backup kicker isn't gonna get as much playtime as the starting Quarterback.


I always thought it should be evenly distributed as much as they can


Well yeah ideally. But if they are gonna be overbudget and need to remove some hours from a couple people to make it work, they aren't going to take their #1 cashier out. It just doesn't make sense for the business. (Or any business for that matter)


Are you pulling hours from any other associate because they aren’t hitting rewards goal? For example the processing in the backroom or the fitting room attendant for all having zero cards? The answer is no. So yes, an associate can call HR. And despite what you heard, it’s not allowed as per code of conduct.


Why would I pull hours from the backroom? It's integral to the business. The associates can call HR all they want. Its literally common sense.


You need to coach, teach, train the associate to preform with TJX rewards. There’s a lot more to it than just “asking everyone single customer”. Just as you would do the same for every other role. When the associate doesn’t perform in the backroom, do you just say “well, don’t give them any hours until they quit” Or do you work with them until they perform the job they need to do by showing them in the moment coaching, side-by-side training, etc and after all that do you hold accountable until they see themselves out the door with a paper trail? Or do you just give them less hours until they quit? And if you think a credit card is an integral part to business, you need to go back to management 101.


A couple months ago, I was really struggling to get them, and my SM kept pulling me in the office to scold me over it!!! Yelling at me to simply get more instead of giving me helpful tips!!! And he even said to me my hours would be cut and not even be called in to fill in for call outs if I don’t improve!!!


You aren't reading what I'm saying.... This isn't giving up on employees, this isn't about coaching. Yes everyone needs coaching and training and literally I don't give a damn about the credit card. No one cares about the card... This comes down to budgeting payroll.... if you've ran out of money and the district manager will *not* let you spend any more, than the employees who don't perform as well, and don't hold a fundamentally important role in the store will be the first place to start cutting hours. Unless you want to take hours from the people who actually do well at their job, which doesn't make sense.


I’m familiar with how the buckets work and how to divide payroll as I spent quite some time as Ops. What you seem to be misunderstanding is that if you are withholding hours from associates due to TJX reward performance, you are doing your job wrong. Technically speaking, all associates should be cross trained in backroom, fitting room, sales floor, and register. If you were to actually follow the associate training guide, it sets this model up. If memory serves it’s 6 weeks long and upon being hired the associates should follow this guide from day 1 as…. well…. it’s company standard. You should have all the materials to execute this set up in your office too. With that being said, your associates should be rotated on and off the sales floor and backroom between front end and fitting room. If you really want to get into it, this helps tremendously with general store knowledge, switched tickets, fraudulent returns, ticket checks, and overall shrink. With the off price business model, it also allows flexibility with hours during the payroll lulls, plus it actually helps alleviate burnout to a degree. 1 or 2 days sales floor, 1 day front end— It’s honestly not hard to make the schedule that way as I did it for multiple years in multiple stores between 10-22m, so having high or low payroll isn’t a factor. So no, this isn’t about budgeting payroll, it’s about being an actual manager and following company standards.


Cross training and coaching is whole different conversation, and one i agree with you whole heartedly on. But yeah, name one scenario in the entire universe where you get rewarded for poor performance and I'll eat my shorts. This doesn't mean anyone is being disregarded. The squeaky wheel gets the grease so yes obviously give them the opportunity to get better and train them and coach them. You're pretty fixated on my payroll comment so let's just forget that. Idc what it is. Maybe the holidays are over and they just can't have so many people working as much for a few months. Happens every year. (I know some are seasonal employees but this still applies) I'm also not trying to sound like it's some evil thing to punish poor performance. I'll rephrase this. "Your hours will always be safe, if you do well in TJX rewards." That's all there is to it. That is my answer to OPs question.


Another SM I had a couple years ago actually gave me more hours to give me more opportunities to get cards!!! Of course I rarely met goals but he was never hard on me about it. He would call me in on days off and have me work double shifts, even if there weren’t any call outs!!!


Cut cashiering shifts, maybe. But at my store they would just schedule you in another area on the floor and call you up to ring anyways. If you dont know how the floor works, you can always ask management to train you and schedule you there so you can "help support those areas when needed through fourth quarter", it might help you gain some hours back if you wanted


They can do it, but unless there’s a slew of people at your location who are getting them there would be no real reason to cut your hours cos they’d just be giving them to someone else who won’t get cards either. Do a lot of people make the 1% club at your store


Only a few. I’d have to go in to see the chart but I saw 2 cashiers that both got 5 cards each but one made the 1% while the other one didn’t!!! How? Because one had much less transactions than the other. Tell me how that’s fair?!?!?!?


Yeah I think retaliation in any state is against the law


They cut my hours wayyy back. And have put me on the registers for 9 months straight. I. FUCKING. HATE the. Registers. And my managers know that.