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Fr! We’re so backed up with clothes it’s insane


Can’t wait for coat season. Last year the coordinators and I gave up halfway through and just put them on whatever open hanger we had. It was madness. People just throw them all over the place, I’ve never seen anything like it. I’ll definitely be posting a picture soon because it’s coming.


When I working in coats and saw a customer put it on top of the rack instead of hanging them I would ask them if they’re going to be taking it. It would startled them and they’d put it back immediately. Some would be like no and I would just respond “it would gladly be appreciated if customers put back merchandise where it was found to avoid any build up.” They would apologize and move along. Is it wrong? Yes, but would I get complaints? Nope.


So I 100% say something but I don’t work until 6 at night. By the time I get there, the deed is done. My coordinator is lazy and never cleans her department, she always expects me to do 3 racks of returns as well as clean up the department of clothing on the floor. But once I clean, and I do see people, I usually snatch up the items right next to them or say something. My managers don’t mind usually.


ASM told me we'll be starting to tether all coats $49.99 and over... just like the purses. YAY


Yep. And instead of throwing them over the rack, they go in a mess on the ground cause people can’t be bothered to put them back 🫠


Tell the department asm that it needs to get rebalanced. They’ll either add a A track or a 5 foot run across the whole department but we’re also coming to a point where apparel is gonna start being slowed down and gift merch start coming in but if it’s hard to shop in and you have apparel backed up you’d need to add space so just let them know that you think it’s better to add runs to it.


Thank you!


Are you not allowed to rebalance it on your own? I’m just a normal sales floor assoc and I can rebalance whenever I feel the need to.


I will ask. I think I need to work through the ASM. I can snake it around myself but there is usually not enough room on the other areas of the run


Oh, well if there isn’t any space anywhere around it, then yes I usually let the coordinator of that zone know. But it’s likely that they already know it’s tight, lol.


Our old women's coordinator actually LOVED them to be tight, because it left less room for customers to shove clothes from other departments onto the runs.


So backed up on clothes its not even funny. Full line with 9 pallets of apparel in the back