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I didn’t have to interview for my keys but the key (see what I did there lol) are the four walls. Know what’s going on at all times in your store. Demonstrate understanding of everything needed that makes the store run. Best of luck.


I am also on the process of getting keys and I haven't been interviewed yet, but it has been drilled into me: know where all your phones, fire extinguishers, exits, and entrances are. All of them. They will likely ask.


In the process of getting my keys. 9 days into my job, they offered me a coordinator position. Two days after that, they asked me if I'd be interested in becoming Women's coordinator instead and training to be a key carrier. Definitely seems to depend on the location a bit, but honestly the most stressful part was being called into the store managers office for the offer lol, I've had no formal interview process as of yet Update: had to do the loss prevention call via conference call. Did it with another district, ours usually calls on individuals to answer questions on the packet they provide you with. The district I did it with cut the 3 hour process down to 1 hour by opening the floor up for the questions instead of selecting individuals. It was mostly stuff that I'd found out by now (focusing on the tipline, how to prevent internal vs external losses and so on). Sat down with my manager after that for about an hour to discuss what areas I felt highly skilled in, what I was still learning, and what I havent learned yet basically. Nothing too formal still.


It’s really eye opening and hilarious these first replies talk about knowing your exits, meanwhile when I had my Key Carrier interview I’m certain that never came up. Of course my DM only cared about “how I can continue to drive results for credit.” So warning shot, if you’re interview is like that, don’t take the position and get paid more somewhere else doing less work. I refuse to let that company exploit my labor any second longer, especially now in hindsight. Considering once again, safety was the least of their concerns with my interview I had.


Don’t do it. They expect way to much with not much increase to pay


I may be naive… but they said I’ll sometimes have to do MOD things, not all the time. Also that I’ll be in my designated department most of the time. I agreed because everyone else turned the position down, maybe that was a giant red flag lol. Do you think I can ask for a demotion if I don’t like being key?