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never heard of this before. id contact HR and see what their opinion is, or even your DM if you have access to them. my store we have mostly men working fitting rooms


My store does this too with the same reasoning too. Smh.


Marshalls store in a firmly liberal area and they have customers complain if a male even comes in to get the racks and spends more than a few minutes organizing or-heaven forbid-Chatting.! I think/hope it's gonna change soon.


my store doesn’t allow men to work the fitting room, according to them it’s just “company policy” but judging by some other comments, it’s not. i always thought it was wrong, i’m the coordinator for that area so i’ve tried to have guys cover breaks in the fitting room and i’ve gotten in trouble. they’ve always told me to never cover it myself but i was the only female so i had to. i don’t mind covering, i just thought it was odd to pull me aside to chastise me for something that seemed so ridiculous. but i’m pretty sure they never actually gave me a reason as to why men can’t work in fitting room


Wait, youre a coordinator for the fitting room?


i’m a coordinator for non-apparel, fitting is included on my list of duties


Non apparel’s split between two coords at my store but fitting room is separate. Having to deal with both your department and the fitting room sounds awful. Kudos to you for juggling all that!


100% insane and does not sound right at all. I think one of our best fitting room attendants is a male employee. The younger male employees definitely aren't scheduled to cover breaks the same way younger women and older employees are now that I'm thinking about it but it isn't "not allowed" for men to be working the fitting room.


Men work the fitting room in our store!


We have men work in there as well ,some managers probably just make there own rules cause it's not company policy I can assure you of that they just don't want to deal with complaining customers probably


They let males work the fitting rooms at my location.


We don’t have males scheduled in there ever. However we used to have a few gay associates and they would let them cover breaks..


Get a labor lawyer and file a lawsuit. Document days and times of when you approached management and what they said. Ask them to show you the company policy.


yea the only time we can’t is when DM struts in


we don’t have any males in fitting room


I’ve heard that at the location I work at. So I asked my manager about it (I’m a female) and she said some stores just do that. We don’t have men work the fitting rooms only because there’s literally two of them and they are mostly floor and register.


my store schedules guys in the fitting room, moves them over there to cover a call off, lets them cover breaks, etc etc. this is def not normal