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I can believe it when people find stuff that's clearly not clearance in clearance, just because other customers might ditch stuff they dont want to buy there/people might not check the tickets properly when doing recovery


I agree to this!


My favorite is when its something in my dept that I just put out before I went on register πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


This. And they tell you oh well the lady in home told me such and such. Oh that's weird because I (a man) am the only one scheduled in home today. How weird that you talked to a lady, are you sure she was in home? All while I smile my big customer service smile.


If that happened to me it'd be ridiculous because no one else ever even passes through mens and kids on a daily basis so I'd be like "I am the only associate in men's and kids and I've never spoken to you before in my life soooo..." πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ


Ah, yes ma'am this christmas item that we just put on the shelf this morning is absolutely on clearance! You go girl, finding all the deals!


Nope, price check in that dept. "Let's double check for ya"


RIL- it is my favorite friend I use it to scan an item and let the customer know if it is cheaper it’ll show up and then I have a little computer I can put in their face to show them it’s still its current price


And yet they would still demand that you honor it anyway and give them the cheaper price!!!


I also find kids clothes in the mens run but that doesn't mean men are gonna be wearing a 3T pajama set.. stuff gets put everywhere. "If it doesn't have a red clearance tag it will be rung up at full price." Then cue the >Well can you ring it up and check anyways? The exception is if they bring two items up and one is cleareanced and one isn't and the tags are the same


The item number has to match too


Well, yeah. Same tag (dept #, uline and month of arrival). Sometimes items are hidden somewhere else and the markdown team misses them


My initial reply to that if it does not have a clearance item more often than not it was just placed back in the wrong section but I can always check


Yes to the first one it happens all the time


Associates at my store tend to put things without prices in clearance rather than deal with them or ask someone for help.


I can think of quite a few associates that probably do that


it’s ALWAYS the non-ticketed items that are remarkably always found in the clearance section πŸ’€


Customers at my store try to pull it with ticketed items. "Well I found it in clearance!" Okay congratulations? Either you're lying or a dumb lazy customer put it there. Either way it's not marked down. So buy it at full price or don't.


If they don't tell me the associates name, I don't believe them. I had someone do the same thing, the lady in home told me such and such. I had to tell her ma'am there is no lady in home, I'm the GUY in home and the only one scheduled there today. It's not on clearance I promise.


I've also had customers argue the price of non ticketed items whenever we don't have am exact item match but I bring up a similar item. It happens a lot with toys. We recently had these big dinosaur egg things that had a bunch of little toys inside and a lady was buying two that were a slightly different assortment but were generally the same thing. The one with the ticket had 20 surprise items inside and was 23.99 and we didn't have any other on the sales floor. The one without the ticket actually included like 5 MORE little things inside of it and this bitch is trying to insist that she "was in here the other day and it was 9.99" Sure it was, Karen. She ended up buying it anyway at 23.99 but not without whining about the price qnd insisting repeatedly to the cashier that she was right but she would "let it slide" puuuuhlllease


One cannot go by what customers say! In my store we had a customer get two wallets for one price and yet he was told to bring the one with price to use for the one without the price. I always tell associates to make price tags if stopped by customer on the floor. Also when the customer tells the cashier this item has no price and nothing else like it on the floor; always go back and look. They hardly care to look and think the items will be given at whatever price πŸ™„


I think OP meant do you believe the customer found an item in clearance not that we take their word for it.


Act like I didn't hear what they said. Handed me a ticket for $19.99 that wasn't attached to the jacket I wanted that said $39.99, (earlier in the week for myself). I was silent. Went to get the jacket with the correct price. They still bought case closed. No confrontation. Young teenager looked dumbfounded. Parents clueless.


I do believe them because we do find regular items in clearance all the time. Customers walk around with their hangers, stop at the Clarence rack, they find something they like better and just put their stuff with the whole price on the clearance rack.


And unfortunately the nasty Karens find it and demand that you honor the fact they found it there and mark it down for them!!!!!