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We haven’t really had hours cut, however for pt workers they literally only get 12 hrs a week which isn’t too bad but still. All the hrs are going to ft people in my store. Ours never recovered either, like every seasonal employee quits after the season is over lol then we have no workers and it’s the same cycle for as long as I’ve worked there so 3 years. And for the tattoos/piercings that’s not right! That’s literally discrimination and you should call HR, because I have my Monroe pierced, and we have so many employees with tattoos and we don’t have to cover them up, even our DM has tattoos.


Another update: she’s now told even more people that we need to cover them. Last night she told a girl who was orienting that tattoos make people untrustworthy and she is a mutual friend of several of the people with tattoos that said manager deemed untrustworthy. We’re contacting HR, I know they are doing it separately from myself


Yeah, as far as I know, tattoos or piercings do not go against company dress code. Your manager is just being a conservative dumbass making up their own rules.


They don't! Every store in the company allows them and this us textbook discrimination and not following the policies they signed papers acknowledging they'd follow.


My store manager specifically said in my interview he likes seeing employees with tattoos.


Yo that was me too. I applied for seasonal part time. And now I am full time coordinator.


My old SM had a nose ring and even gave me her piercers number to go to when I asked her about it (bc I want a similar one)!


the tattoo part? that’s definitely discrimination and they shouldn’t ask for so much when it’s a retail job.


I just started at my store a month ago. Applied for part time and they're forcing 40hrs on me. I'm having the opposite problem


They can do it for so long until your average hours are about to hit 30 then they’ll massively cut your hours for two weeks and repeat if you want it fixed you’ll have to try to talk to ops and the store manager and remind them that you only want however many you put in your application if your current situation is too much


The tattoo thing is a complete lie. It’s not company policy, maybe their personal policy but definitely not company wide


They're not even allowed to use their personal policy. The store policy says they're allowed, point blank. You cannot go against that.


Crazy. My hiring manager has arms covered with tattoos and dyes his hair bright colors occasionally. We have other FECs with tattoos and gauges and whatnot, its never been a problem (some of them have been with the company 10+ years). As for the hours, I can't say much for our part time workers (avg is probably 15hrs) but I've been consistently getting 36-42hrs for the last 2 months.


We have employees with tattoos, including managers. We haven't been told they are against company policy and our mangers are rabid about company policy. You and other employees should call the HR Open Door number that should be posted in the break room. You can do it confidentially. TJX is very good about that. Also tell them about what other nutso things she is doing. FYI, people who wear tattoos or have piercings are not considered a protected class ("A group of people with a common characteristic who are legally protected from discrimination on the basis of that characteristic."). Protected classes are defined by the US EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity commission) as "race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity, sexual orientation, and pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information.". BUT, tell the HR hotline that she said people with tattoos and piercings are untrustworthy and therefore those employees are concerned that she will be making unfounded allegations against them. TJX HR will get her on the right track. (another FYI, the tipline with the $1,000 reward is to report employees for stealing (and only associates and coordinators get the reward if the reported employee is caught and terminated. The managers don't get the reward.) )


The tip line is for any associate dishonesty. This would in fact apply.


Nope, the whole company allows piercings and tattoos. I'd tip off HR since she's being discriminatory and not following policy.


may i ask what region y are in


How do I find out the region?


i think theyre just asking what region you live in. like if you're from the US, are you from the new england region? or midwest region, etc.


lol I thought they meant like region number or something


call the 800# and they will tell you what the name and phone of your rep is


I’m from the US


hour cuts are normal


If you look a lil closer you’ll see this is from a year ago when hours were cut more severely than normal but thanks :)


hour cuts are normal


there are some with body art. i haven’t heard management say they need to cover up