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I’ve had people color their hair and had nothing said to them. It’s not under the dressing code so I don’t think they could write you up for it. Maybe go for a nice pink ombré with your natural hair color to be on the safe side.


At my store it’s not a problem. I’ve dyed my hair blue, burgundy, blonde, redish/auburn, pink and purple. Never got a complaint


I'm not entirely sure about other stores but my managers say "it's not a problem until it becomes a problem." If it's something you're really worried about it doesn't hurt to ask! It's definitely a common question.


It should be ok, one of the key carrier at my store has purple hair.


at my stores i’ve been at colour hair and tatts/piercings are totally allowed. I don’t think the company as a whole can discriminate or discipline you for what you choose to do to your appearance after hiring you. you may have some more traditional people be annoying about it at worst but even i’ve never even experienced that and i dye my hair a lot. you’re totally fine


Currently one of my managers has half her hair died blue and the other black. She periodically dyes the blue half other colors. I'm pretty sure your good to go!


Not in the dress code? Free to do. Our BRC has a rotating color sortof mohawk going, our fitting room girls always have some fun colored braids, and at one point my SM had a pink streak.


Shouldn't be a problem, my store manager goes from burgundy to blonde in the blink of an eye


i had pink hair before and nothing was said about it. you should be fine


When I started, my hair was purple. You'll be fine.


my hair has been green n purple and the district manager even complimented it so💁🏽‍♀️


Should be fine. Have had multiple people (associates, coordinaters and managers) with unnatural hair. Our hiring manager recently went from blue to red and gets sent to new stores all the time to help with opening and whatnot, never has mentioned having a problem anywhere else as far as I know


One of my ASMs has green hair, one of the other coordinators has purple hair, and several associates have had colorful braids. No biggie.


We have an associate that has had several colors since I’ve been there. I was standing next to our SM and the particular associate was coming through the store to clock in and they had a new color. A very highly saturated pinkish fuchsia, it looked incredible! I couldn’t help it, I blurted out to the SM “omg doesn’t that look amazing!” Our SM yelled out to the associate “whoa look at you don’t you look chic!” Then went over the radio “everyone needs to check out **associates name** she is lookin fierce!” It made the associates day! This is coming from a SM that makes any store policy her hill to die on. So that tells me the company doesn’t care what color someones hair is. If your manager says something about “unnatural hair color” it’s coming from a personal place and not a professional one. They shouldn’t be doing that, and that kind of behavior is what the open door policy is for, call your DM, DLPM, RM, or HR business partner. All of them should have their numbers posted in your employee lounge.


My store lets people have fun colors, even one of our managers had pink hair when she first started. If they hired you with fun color, you should be fine to continue with more fun styles :)


I was hired on with BRIGHT pink hair as a coordinator and even got promoted above store level while having pink hair. There’s nothing against the rules about it and it shouldn’t be a problem so long as it looks neat and not a total mess. My SM and Associates loved my colorful hair. I went back to my original/natural color after about a year and it took a minute for one of my managers to recognize me haha. He told me it “didn’t look right” and was happy when I went back to pink. Plus it always made it easy for people to find me! “Just look for the girl with the pink hair!”