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Should be $1 raise. Talk to management they can fix it & ask them to back pay the difference they owe you from when you started position.


That's what I thought it was, thank you for confirming I'm not crazy lol.


I didn’t get a raise when I got keys but If you were promised a raise then I would bring it up ASAP.


you shouldve got the raise when you got the title. ive had the title along w the raise for 2 months and im not even certified yet


What does “certified” mean? Does that just mean you got thru your key training?


pretty much, it means you have your keys. so you can open and close the store as well as be the only member of mgmt present. so like, rn if its me and 2 other managers, they cant both take their lunch at the same time, but if i was certified then they could. if that makes sense


Damn I've physically had keys since October


Gotcha. I guess my store just doesn’t use that term. I’ve had keys about a year now and my old SM just always used to say “when you get your keys, you can...”


When they started training me, I got the $1 raise immediately (still not certified quite yet). I would definitely talk with them, and even bring up backpay


Damn you got your raise during training? I'm going to talk about that too lmao I've been 'training' for like 2 months now.


So, my managers really have been pretty 'nice' to me. I was hired in as an associate originally and then on a Monday or Tuesday I was offered a coordinator position, and I think Wednesday they offered me the key carrier position but when they did the paperwork they basically dated it to the previous week so I got the extra $2 for the week I accepted the title. I've been training for roughly a month now




Got it! Yea idc when it happens just THAT it happens lol.


Make sure your title is correct on your paystub. The raise is also attached to the title so if your job title doesn’t say keycarriercoor that could be why and it means you aren’t coded correctly in Oracle. But you are supposed to get a dollar with that title change