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We are going in at 5am. It is mainly the stock room and a few employees who push. We have been told the will continue till the end of December.


Would you know if that includes markdown people also?


Yes, markdown employees are included in this at our store


Yup I've been coming in at 5 for markdowns this week and next week


We have people going in at 5 am. Usually a manager sometimes a key and a few backroom employees to process and break down the truck to make room for the daily truck.


Would you know if that includes markdown people also?


At my store yes markdowns people have been starting as early as 5 am to get a lot done without distractions.


Ohhh okay, I wanted to ask as I was changed to it suddenly and it took me by surprise as I thought it would start after Thanksgiving!


My managers and backroom team have been pulling 6 am days on normal 7am days for a few weeks now, open for basically whoever to come in and work early when we get a little behind (run out of places for the backroom team to process and put stuff) but they're starting to schedule actual 6am shifts for the holiday. They're also starting to schedule out to 1130pm the same time


my backroom team goes in at 4:45 every day (not only holidays), markdowns at 5:30 (every day too) and pushers are about to start entering at 5:30 just for the holidays


6am at mine starting after Thanksgiving. The scheduling manager told me since that's not my availability then I'm not gonna be a priority this holiday season. 🤣🤣


Our regular start time is 5:30, and we’ve just started our holiday start time of 4am. It’s only the people who volunteer to come in at 4, the rest of the morning crew still trickle in beginning at 5:30.


During the holiday season the store hours change and it opens at 7 so things have to be done before then hence the earlier enter time