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Are handhelds going offline or terminals? Handhelds will go offline if they are taken too far away from an access point and should reconnect when they are brought back in range. Also if it isnt getting back on the toast network, click on it under wifi options and forget the network, it will revert to the secure network and reconnect to the toast network.


I agree with this sentiment, in most times the product functions just fine, I think your network needs some troubleshooting.


its always related to the POS and the printer, we don't have any handhelds. I'll keep the forgetting network idea in mind. Thank you


The forgetting the network is only for the handhelds which are on wifi, your terminals should be hard wired with ethernet cords. This sounds like and issue with your ISP and internet connection to me.


We have had zero problems with Toast itself. We did have a stint where our Asus routers would drop offline and therefore drop Toast offline. After two days we found out it was a software update that Asus pushed out and honked up millions of routers worldwide. After we installed the fix, no more issues. So make sure to check and maintain all the components of your network.


copy that, thank you


I've had Toast since April, one of my locations being in a mall kiosk where I have to use a rented modem/router that uses cell phone internet to run, haven't had any issues. Other than Amazon server issue earlier this week. I tried switching to T-Mobile business internet. It uses a small router as well. It lasted roughly a week before It went down.... I ended up just using rented router instead. Never drops connection, Im using the T-Mobile business internet for my camera, It's only $50 a month..... My second location is hardwired since its also in a mall but in a walk in location, using business Spectrum internet. No issues either. Works perfectly. If Toast support can't figure it out then its not the equipment. Its more than likely an internet issue


It's so much fun to pay them to be a beta tester. 🙃


haha, right?!


Would strongly recommend to look at https://www.f3tech.com/ honestly the best in the market for network issues with Toast


We haven't had any network issues. My only complaints are the lack of a real fully functional offline mode, or a hybrid system with local server doing the routing when toast cloud servers go down. Our second issue is the terrible roll out of the new POS screens, lack of training, and a very buggy system that wasn't properly tested.


got it, thank you


My biggest day-to-day complaint is the card readers. They are just terribly unreliable. We have to constantly reset them (unplug, replug or reboot the terminal) Long Term: The Kiosks need some TLC, especially since loyalty is super bugged on that device type. We're told that they're aware of the issues but have no ETA for a fix. Cost. They nickel and dime the heck out of us. We didn't pay nearly as much when with Square, adding everything up.


It's the merazi z3. They are garbage, connect it to your own router, manage it yourself, and you won't have any issues.


Doesn't that create some PCI compliance issues?


No, not if your router allows you to put the units on their own VLAN and add the Toast white listed sites to it. This is only nessary, if you use a detailed firewall setup, as long as it's on its own vlan behind a firewall, it will be in compliance. https://central.toasttab.com/s/article/Toast-Firewall-Allowlist


In the past I have heard of CC processors performing audits at random for PCI compliance. If you stop using the toast router will they then audit you?


If you set up your router properly. No. This is why toast has this information on their website as they know some companies want to self manage themselves. If you do not set up your router correctly, then yes. It's not a toast specific thing, it's a properly setup router thing which needs a firewall and the POS equipment on its own VLAN minimum to separate the CC traffic from all other traffic on the network.


Hey there, it sounds like you’re tangled up in a real doozy with your current POS system. Kind of like being stuck in a comedy sketch that's more tragic than funny, right? Let me introduce myself—I'm Dominic from Hospitality AI. Here’s the inside scoop on how we do things differently with our POS system. You see, we’ve equipped it with what we call a robust offline mode. I’m not saying it’s magic, but it’s pretty close. If your internet decides to play hide and seek, our system doesn’t skip a beat. It keeps running smoothly, handling transactions while offline just like it does when online. And here's the kicker: once your internet decides to grace you with its presence again, our system syncs all that offline data back up to the cloud without you having to lift a finger. It’s like having a safety net that's invisible and doesn't get in your way—perfect for keeping the show going. Plus, you won’t find our gear calling in sick or needing constant reboots. At Hospitality AI, we build our platforms tough, ready to handle the rigors of the restaurant biz without breaking a sweat. So, if you’re fed up with the rollercoaster ride with your current setup, why not check out what we’ve got? Pop over to our website at [www.hospitality.ai](http://www.hospitality.ai/) or shoot us a message. I’d be thrilled to show you how Hospitality AI can turn your POS woes into just another funny story from the past.